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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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★ ★ ★ ★

Oliver was playing a fighting game on his phone when someone suddenly covered his eyes from behind.

“Guess who?” There was a childish chuckle.

Oliver sighed deeply. He was quite angry that he had lost the game to his opponent cause of…GINA!!

“Can you let go of me now?” He muttered, under his breathe.

“Uhmmm…” Gina took her hand off, and sat opposite him.

“Oliver, It seems you’re now been ignoring me. Did I do anything wrong?” She muttered, sadly.

Oliver wasn’t even listening. His mind was elsewhere. His eyes were completely somewhere else.

He was staring at her neck.

On her neck laid, a necklace, and on the center of it, stood a small stony diamond. It glittered peacefully.

“d@mn…Its a f_cking real mined diamond” He muttered, softly.

“Oliver?? Oliver! Oliver, you there?!” Gina asked, aloud, which almost made him flinch. written by sommy pearl f. on fb

Oliver bulged his eyes wide and cleared his throat loudly.

“Pardon me. You were saying?” He asked.

“I’m talking about your recent behavior towards me. Do you even love me? You never call. You never text. And when I do, you hardly reply”

Oliver laughed lowly. He just wanted to end things with her, but the stuff on her neck. That iced mined diamond. f_ck!

“That…” He muttered, looking at it.

Gina blinked and traced his eyes. She touched her necklace gently.

“What’s with it? Isn’t it pretty? I actually wore it for you” She whispered.

Oliver sighed.
“Where did you get the diamond? Its looks very expensive and…it seems very rare too”

“Well, Its so rare and costly, that, only a few of the rich could get it” Gina smiled.

Oliver nodded.
“I can see that”

“Actually, my Dad gave me a piece of it. He has a lot but he’s so greedy. Aiish. He’s so selfish that he gave me this,,,only…Humph!” She grumbled.

“Well, that because he doesn’t have much of it, as you think. You should understand. From my view, He must have just 1” Oliver slowly drank his coffee.

“No…He has 50 of this-

Oliver spat out some droplets of his coffee on his palm, and choked.

He was coughing now.

“Oh no. What to do” Gina ran to him, and tapped his back, gently.

He finally got himself, and Gina heaved in relief. written by sommy pearl f. on fb

“Thank goodness” She said, sitting down.

“Wait…What…What did you say? Fif…Fif…Fifty!?”

“Sshhh…Yes, Its 50. Actually, This is a secret. I shouldn’t even be telling you, but I’m telling you cause I love and trust you”

Oliver smiled and held her palm which was on the table. Gina looked at this, and beamed.

“You know I do,,, really, really love you, right?” Oliver whispered, s*xily.

Gina nodded, vibrantly.

“Then,,, tell me more….baby” He continued, whispering.


Rhoda stared worriedly as Ariana took a big black bag into Malcolm’s place.

Malcolm requested Rhoda to take Ariana shopping, so as to get some clothes, and other necessities just for her.

“Do you actually think, this is safe and wise?” Rhoda asked Malcolm.

“Trust me. Staying with me will make her memories come back quicker. When she does recover her memories, She will be gone like she never existed” Malcolm smiled.

Rhoda sighed deeply. She wished Malcolm could apprehend her thoughts.

She wished Malcolm understood her true feelings. She didn’t like the fact Malcolm was inviting Ariana to stay.

“But,,, I don’t like it” She muttered.

“Why not?” He asked.

“He’s such a foól” She thought and looked away.

“Never mind…” She muttered, and left.

Malcolm watched her leave. A bit his cold expression appeared on his face.

“You just need to trust me, Rhoda. When things gets settled, I’ll come back into your life so don’t think negatively” He muttered.

“Rhoda? Wait…” He called, and moved near her.

Rhoda looked at him, and bit her lip.

“C’mon. Say it. Say you don’t wanna hurt me. Say you want her to leave…” She thought.

“Uh…Rhoda?” He called, again.

“Huh?” She answered.

“Can you keep this a secret, till I have the nerves to tell the others?” He asked.

Rhoda sighed lowly and disappointedly.

Forcing a smile, she nodded.

“Thanks” He smiled, and she left.

“Mister!!” Ariana giggled and ran to him.

“Is that really my room?? Its very huge and so pretty” She gushed.

Malcolm forced a chuckle.
“Yeah. Do you like it?”

“Like it?? I love it!” Ariana laughed.

“Ah,,, By the way…Just call me Malcolm”


“Its better than calling me, mister…don’t you think?”

Ariana folded her lips.
“Ya right”

Ariana turned to leave when Malcolm suddenly got a call. He took it and turned the other way round.

“Yea, Bob?” Malcolm asked. written by sommy pearl f. on fb

“Big news, Boss…” Oliver said, with excitement in his voice.

“Great…” Malcolm smiled.

“Call the others and tell them to meet at my place by 8pm, tonight” He added.

“Aye…Aye Boss!”

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