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Friday, October 18, 2024
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THE MASKED MAFIA – Episode 100

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(His Shy Spy…)

By; Sommy Pearl F.



★ ★ ★ ★

Ariana’s eyes opened immediately and she gasped, impusively.

“Malcolm!” She suddenly shouted and raised her head.

She looked around and saw she had been on the hospital bed. She jumped down rapidly and snapped the drip off from her hand. It has been 2 hours already.

“You need to rest, Miss” A nurse uttered when she came in.

“Can I borrow your phone please?” Ariana quivered.

The nurse sighed and gave it to her. Ariana searched online to see that about 5 people had died in a school where a bomb exploded.

“Malcolm…” She muttered, and tears fell down her eyes.

She quickly dialed Cindy’s number.

“I heard…Come to the mafia’s hideout” Cindy voice was trembling.

“Thank you” Ariana told the nurse and gave her, her phone.

“Wait- The nurse said but Ariana was gone.


“What’s is gonna happen now?? Malcolm really died! My cousin left!” Cindy cried out, holding her chest, almost soiling herself on the floor.

Ariana sighed deeply with tears running down her cheeks.
“Its my fault.. If only I didn’t leave him If only- Loud walls soon filled the whole place.

Ken was also crying. Even Oliver as well. The atmosphere was extremely moody.

“By the way, Where’s Kev?” Cindy looked around.

“Lemme give him a call” Ken said, and called him.

“He’s not picking. Does he not know the matter at hand?” Ken frowned.

“Wait…Lemme track his phone” Oliver cooed and checked his phone.

“Huh…He’s at Malcolm’s place” He said, and Ariana looked at him.

“My place? Doing… what?” Ariana asked, worriedly.

“Let’s go check on him” Ken walked out and the others followed.


Cindy opened the secret room and they entered it to see…Malcolm!!

“What! Malcolm?! How…How is this possible!” Ariana shrieked and ran to where he was laying down.

She laid him on her body while she sat down. Malcolm slowly opened his weak eyes.

“Was that a dream?” She muttered.
“Malcolm? Are you alright??” She asked.

“Thank goodness!! Malcolm!” Cindy sobbed and Oliver pulled her close.

Ken looked around and saw his twin’s phone. He took it and stared at it, then. looked at Malcolm.

“What of Kev? Where’s he?” He asked.

Malcolm pulled out a small tranquilizer dart from his leg and groaned, lowly.

“Who did that to you?” Ariana asked.

Malcolm’s voice vibrated as tears slipped down hia eyes.
“How’s Kev? He’s okay, right??”

“What…do you mean?” Cindy muttered and walked closer.


“Here! A revolver for you” Malcolm threw a gun to Kev who caught it, quickly.

Kev looked at Malcolm who was setting his bullets into the AK-47 he had.

“What do you plan to do now?” Kev asked.

“I might not ki|| Gilberto but I’ll make him pay if he hurts anyone” Malcolm replied.

“Let’s go. I’m done” Malcolm said.

“Did you see it?” Kev suddenly asked.

“What’s that?” Malcolm turned to him.

“Gilberto sent a picture to Ariana. Its the pulley bomb,,, Tommy was holding onto the chain. You know how dangerous it could be. If the bombs lands, everybody could die. And someone has to hold the chain if he wants the reverse case”

“Let’s go. I’ll nake sure all of us are safe no matter what”

“We all know…someone has to die!! Someone has to bear the cross. You know the f_cking bomb too well!”

“Ariana is there right now! And…I don’t wanna lose her. Talking only wastes time. I don’t care…if I die for all of them. It’s the end of me anyways”

“I can’t…let you die. Chosen ones don’t die like this. Its better for a lonely one to bear it all”

“What do you mean? Anyways,,, You can’t stop me” Malcolm said and walked to the door.

“I just did” Kev muttered.

Malcolm widened his eyes and turned around to see another Malcolm facing him.

“Who..are….Wait,, Kev?? What did you do??” Malcolm asked, frowning.

“I’m stopping you. Dont worry, I’ll bring Ariana safe and sound. Please,,, take care of Cindy and ask Oliver to love and take care of her the more and cherish her. I still love Cindy but…I’ve no place at all in her heart. It hurts so…much. What’s the need of suffering like this?” He paused and sniffed, holding his chest tight.

“Tell Ken,,, that I’m sorry. I couldn’t be a proper twin” Kev said, crying already.

“Wait…I don’t understa-

“Tell Oliver,,, I’m sorry for stealing his invention” Kev showed him his wrist and Malcolm saw a wrist watch.

“Is that a face shifter invention?” Malcolm asked.

“Yes. Oliver finished it after sleepless night. He showed it to me first and I couldn’t help but lust after it”

“What do you think you are up to! Don’t try any nonsense, you scoundrel!” Malcolm warned, red eyed while pointing at Kev.

“I’m sorry boss…Please,,, live for Cindy. I guess I can’t be the perfect man. Knowing the fact that I would be…lonely forever hurts me badiy” Kev sniffed.

Malcolm swallowed and shook his head.
“Don’t. You dare not”

“I just did” Kev muttered, brought out a tranquilizer gun and shot Malcolm on the leg.

Malcolm winced and dropped down.

“Arrivederci(Goodbye in Italian)” Kev muttered sadly, as tears rolled down his eyes.

He wiped it off and ran out.


“No…No!! What to do! Kevvvv. Why!!!” Cindy cried hard and knelt on the floor.

“No…No…No” Ken kept muttering, while shaking his head.

“No!!!” Ken screamed in anger and bitterness. Tears ran down his eyes as he reminisced about his twin.

Tears helplessly fell down from Oliver’s eyes. He kept his head low and held his face

“I’m sorry. I’m…really sorry, Kev. I should be the one saying sorry. Not you” Oliver whispered and tears kept pouring.

Ariana cried calmly, and held Malcolm close to her body. He was bawling his eyes out on her chest.

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