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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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⚜️(Billionaire Romance)⚜️
☘️ (CHAPTER 8)?
(Theme: Love, Action, Revenge)
Setting: Los Angeles, California (21st century)
✍️Written by Richie ayomide ✍️

? California police department (CPD)?
~Detaining room ~
Andrew with his hands handcuffed sat down opposite one of the cops.
“Why the f-__-k will I be arrested for any atrocities in the City?”
Am I the only criminal in the city you could suspect?
Andrew busted out to the cops angrily.

“You are always the sole suspect.. Andrew William,
You hands are not clean and we all know what you are capable of”
The cop who sat down opposite him replied.
The others sigh and walked out.

Andrew smile.
What’s your name again?”

“Am detective RedĎïčk stones”
The cop replied confidently.

” Alright, detective stones, considered your job gone, once I get out of here”
Andrew thr_@tened.

Det. Stones scoffs.
“Do you think your dad employed me in here?
You are funny, Andrew William ”

Andrew William look at him.
He scan his face, he saw he could a be tough guy.
” Lemme guess, you want to bring me to book by all means ”

“Yeah, the City have have enough of you and Robert suntherland…
Am going to make you go to jail, you can’t have your way this time around..
All those cops and captains you do bribe won’t save you ”
Det. Stones said with all seriousness.

“Robert suntherland is dead”

“Yeah, and you ki||ed him but as usual, you were released and set free, Robert suntherland’s murder case was closed”
Now you ki||ed Maddie maybe because she finds out about your secret”

“Alright, am saying this to your face now, I know nothing about this”
Who the f-__-k is Maddie? I don’t even know her”
Come and get this cuffs off me”
He shouted angrily.

“No, we cant”
Det stones replied and folded her arms.

“Do you know I can sue you guys for assault, arresting a suspect without a warrant?
Let my dad get to hear this ”
He replied.

” Well, your dad confirmed your arrest, he knows what your games are…
The det. said.

” Alright, I guess I have to do this the hard way”
Andrew thought and stood up.

” What are you doing?
Det. Stones asked placing his hands on his gun just in case he try to make a move.

“Am getting out of here”
He said and walk towards the door.

The cop brought out his gun and pointed it at him.
“Do try not to move, just put your hands in the air and face me”

” Alright,
Andrew put his handcuffed hands in the air as he move closer.
In a twinkle of an eye, Andrew hit him with the jaw of his elbow.
The gun flipped away from det. Stone’s hands to the ground.
A second later, Andrew gave him a punch in the face.

He quickly took the keys from the det. Stone’s side pocket and unlocked his handcuffs.
“f-__-k you all”
He said and took his gun before walking out.

A range Rover vehicle stopped in front of the CPD..
Andrew came out of the building after beating up all the cops.
He wore back his suit jacket as two men came out of the vehicle and gesture him inside.
“Welcome back, Boss”
John Said.

“Call rose and tell her to get prepared, we are going to see my dad soon”
He replied and stepped into the vehicle. John quickly entered and the car drove off.

“Boss, am sorry to say but we have a bigger appointment…

” And what’s that? ”
He asked.

“The buyers from Morocco are on their way now to California,, and they want to meet at the hotel, Miami precisely”
John replied.

“Alright, we can do that before we go over to see my dad”
Andrew said as the driver took a u turn.
~Miami hotel, Conference meeting room ~
Everyone from Morocco was already seated waiting patiently for Andrew William.
Soon later, he walked in with John behind him carrying a briefcase.
He smile on seeing everyone.
“We have been waiting for more than 30 minutes, Mr Andrew,, we won’t tolerate lateness like this ”

” Sorry for the delays, I just got your information about you all coming to California, and besides, I had to settle some unnecessary charges against me”
Andrew replied facing one of them.
” Is my money ready? ”

They all look at each other. One of them brought out a briefcase and opened it.
Money in dollars was arranged neatly in it.
John walk over to confirm it.. he looked at Andrew and nodded.
” How much is this? ”
He asked.

” That’s 45 million dollars,,
We can’t afford a 90 million”
Mark replied.

” So you decide to give me half of my profit?
He scoffs.
“I was busy with something when you called my P.A, but I didn’t know you all came here to waste my time,
The deal is off”.
Andrew said and stood up.

“Wait, don’t be too Ç0çƙy..
We just have to negotiate here, that’s all”
One of them replied.
“Alright, 70 million dollars”

Andrew looked back…
A hundred million dollars, or we walk out of here”
He said increasing the money.

They all looked at each other again.
“Okay, we have a deal then ”
Mark replied.

Andrew walk back to his seat.
” You should have agreed on a 90 million deal when you have the chance”
He said and winked at John.

John place the briefcase gently on the wide table.
Andrew put his thumb in a small enclosed hole on top of the briefcase and it make a clicking sound.
Soon later, the briefcase opened gently and slowly.
Everyone was eager to see.
Andrew smile and brought out a small test tube containing a blue liquid and covered very tightly.

“The SRS9 (Strychnine-Ricin-Sarin 9)”
Andrew said and the liquid in the test tube glows lightly.
“The SRS9 is a sensitive compound that stimulates and increase one’s pleasure and feeling, if well handles by a scientist, he can mass produce it and mix with the other substances. This compound is the only one left and thereby making it expensive and can fetch one a lot of money”

” And I will advise you…
You can split it into half and auction the first half while you mass produce the other half”
Andrew added and smile.

Mark’s men quickly wore gloves and took the test tube from Andrew.
They placed it gently in a small safe box.

Mark stood up and walk to Andrew.
“It’s nice doing business with you”
Mark said and stretched his hands for an handshake.
Andrew’s phone beeped, he brought out his phone and check his new message.
He smiles and shake mark’s hands gladly.

~Outside the hotel compound ~
The range Rover drove out speedily out of the hotel. One of his men sitting at the front seat handed him another briefcase that looks just like the other one.

Andrew smile and opened it.
“And there it is, the real SRS9″
He said staring at the test tube.
John and Andrew burst into laughter.

Why do they think I will hand over something that can make me more Richer than Robert suntherland ”
Andrew smiles

“Where should we head now? Boss?
The driver asked.

“Let’s head home to pick up Rose before seeing my dad”
He replied.

(Andrew’s resident)
Andrew and John walked into the living room. Rose was already dressed up and watching the TV.
“So now you watch my TV? ”
Andrew asked.

” What else do you want me to do? When am under an house arrest”
She replied coldly.
John walked back outside excusing them.

” You are not on any house arrest, I was just bluffing and scaring you”
Andrew said.

“Well, it was written on the contract I signed”

“Just included it to scare you and mind you, if you dare run away, just know I will always find you and hunt you down”
Andrew replied and smile.

Rose noticed that…
“Wondered whats making him happy today again”
She thought.

” I knew you must be thinking why am this happy?
Rose fake a smile.
But we late, so we are going to talk about it later ”
So now, dress up and let’s go”

“I already did”
Rose replied. Andrew stares at the dress she wore.

“You mean this old dress you wore?
“I don’t like them”
C’mon, let’s go”
Andrew said and walked out.
Rose sighs and followed him.

The two vehicles stopped in front of a clothes store. Andrew William and rose came out in one while his men came out in the other.
Andrew stretched his hands to her.
“Take my hands”
He said.

Rose looked at him.
“Why should I do that?
It’s not like we are really together”

“Shouldn’t we at least practice this?
“We are going to see my father and you must show the acts and impression that you can do this, especially your dressing”
Andrew replied.

“Why are we at the clothes store?”

“Why is it that nowadays, you ask dumb questions?
Why else are we at a clothe store?
“To get you some new clothes”
Andrew replied and rose hold his hand.

“I was just checking”
Rose said and roll at her eyes.
They walked into the store with two men following behind him.

“Welcome, Mr Andrew..
The female manager bowed a little and smile at him.

Rose looked at the woman.
” It’s seem Andrew do visit here regularly”

” Is this your next…
The manager asked and suddenly stopped when rose stares at her.

“My fiancee”
Andrew replied.

“Wow, I see someone is finally able to settle down”
She said.
“Please, can you dress her up, we are kinda having an important event to attend”

“Sure, Mr Andrew.. our services are top notch”
She replied and gesture rose to follow her.

“Go on, I will be with you shortly”
Andrew said facing Rose.
Rose sighs and followed her.
John came and whispered something into his ear.
He nodded and John walk away.

******”Minutes later******
Andrew looked around and stood up, he walk into the dressing room and sat down on the couch.
Seconds later, rose came out in a white little transparent dress sowned with flowers showing her curves and hips. She wore a white necklace embedded with diamond.

Andrew licked up his upper lip.
“How is it?
Rose asked happily.

“All I could say is it’s beautiful”
Andrew replied.

“Alright, I will be at my office”
The manager walked out of the dressing room.

” Now you can see this is much more better than the one you wore before”

Rose checked herself out in the large mirror.

“That’s all you could say??, I don’t blame you… Your parents can’t provide that for you”
He said.
Rose became pissed.
” Just because my parents are paupers or they aren’t as rich like you doesn’t mean you should insult me or them that way”
We are also humans”

“Just go to the car when you are done”
He said ignoring her words and walked out of the dressing room.

“Where are you going?
She shouted at him.

” I will be back”
He replied.

“Maybe the Manager was right ”
Rose thought of the discussion she had with her while she dress up.

?You are the fifteenth lady Mr Andrew brought here for clothes shopping and am surprised he called you his fiancee?
? Just be careful around him, Also, Andrew William might be proud, arrogant, frustrating and cruel to people but sometimes he does nice things. There is still a good part in his heart ?
Rose sighs and took her bag before walking out of dressing room.
Andrew don scam those Morocco guys ??
Fifteen lady Kee..
Likes up? guys
Comment wh@ťěver you feel,

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