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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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⚜️(Billionaire Romance)⚜️
☘️ (CHAPTER 73)πŸ€
(Theme: Love, Action, Revenge)
Setting: Los Angeles, California (21st century)
✍️Written by Richie ayomide ✍️

Dylan came in and was surprised how everything has turned out. Maddie looked at him.
“Is the coast clear?
She asked.

But what just happened?”

“He reached for the gun he kept and tried to $h00t me”
Maddie replied. Dylan looked at the dead one on the floor.

“Dylan nice to see you again”
Liam managed to say.

Dylan folds his hands.
“Nice to see you, Liam Payne…
Am sorry to say this but you might die tonight”

Liam bursted into laughter.
“You gat to be kidding me…
I, Liam Payne, is am going to die?

Maddie said and raise her gun at him with tears in her eyes.

Liam just smile looking up to the gun at his face.
Dylan lowers Maddie’s gun to the ground.
“Wait a minute, he needs to know why he has to die before we $h00t him”
Dylan said.

“Yeah… I need to know why
Why are you doing all this? I once asked this question”

Maddie scoffs.
“It seems you ain’t scared to die”

“Do you think guns scare me?”
Liam asked.

“Gun might not scare you but they inflict pain on their victim”
She replied and shot him in the other leg.

Liam screamed in pain.
“Why do you keep $h00ting me at my leg?”

Maddie stoop to the ground and look at Liam’s face very closer. She held his face.
“Do you recognize me?”
She asked and removed her mask.

Liam muttered a little bit surprised.
“It was you afterall”

Maddie smile.

“Why do you want me dead?? We literally are best of friends”
Liam said..

“Oh wow… You seems to forget something so fast
Didn’t you and Olivia ki|| me to cover up your secret?”
Olivia stabbed me remember?”

“How do you survive?”
Anyone who was stabbed like that would have died on the spot…
And I thought you had die right beside the road that day”?

“That’s the question I keep answering myself… Maybe I was destined to stay alive and take my revenge.
The same way Robert was ki||ed but still survived”

“Olivia stabbed you herself and now you took your revenge, you shot her at Santa Rosa”
So What else do you want?”

“Yeah, I know… That’s why I have her ki||ed but you also have your share of the punishment
Remember Amanda?

Who the f_ck is Amanda?”

“Oh that hurts?
Maddie said and brought out her phone. She slide through some pictures and show Liam a picture of her.

Liam take a look..
He gasped and look at Maddie.
“Amanda was your sister?”

“Yeah… That’s right
You ki||ed her coldblooded on the street that night. Gosh, that night was the night I would never forget”

“Oh f_ck..
Am so sorry Maddie”
Liam drop his pride and apologized.
Now he realized why the masked assassin was after Robert, Olivia and himself.

“So now you have the gut to apologize?

“Am sorry…
It’s been two years now, Forgive me and pretend it never happens”

Pretend it never happens?
Maddie said. “Am gonna ki|| you right here and also pretend it never happens ”
“What has Amanda done to have deserve that brutal murder?”
Maddie asked.

“It’s not my fault… It was Robert suntherland. He ordered us to ki|| the whole five girls at the club who found out about the drugs, cocaine and tobacco business we kept secret”

“You all were involved and you will pay and suffer for it just like how Olivia did”
Maddie said.

Dylan and her men just watched.
Maddie pull out her gun and $h00t Liam at the chest. Liam held his chest opening his mouth wide open.

“Am sorry, Maddie…
Liam managed to say his last words as he gulped out blood before he give up the ghost.

Maddie reloaded her gun. Her men moved back a little.
“Let’s get out of here, quick”
Dylan said.

“Yeah ..

They all moved out of the bedroom. Some of Maddie’s men who were securing outside of the building rushed to Maddie.
“Boss, the cops are on their way”
One of them said.

Maddie and Dylan listen to the sirens.
“They are going to get here soon”
Let’s move now”
Dylan said and held Maddie’s hands.

You all should go, am going to let them take me”
Maddie said.

Maddie.. is something wrong? We have to go now or else we will be caught”
We can’t risk for the cops to find out who you truly are”

“No Dylan…
You all can leave without me, I need to speak with detective stones”

Her men was also surprised.
“Go now please…
Maddie said
“You can all come back for me later”

Dylan wanted to cry but hold his tears. He walked to Maddie and held her at the shoulder.
“I am coming back for you, Maddie… I don’t know what you are up to but I know it’s a good thing,
Just make sure you are safe, okay?”

Maddie nodded.
Dylan kissed her for a minute till Maddie pushed him away.
“Go now..
She said and Dylan rushed out with other guys out of the building.

Maddie breathe out in relief and put on her mask back, took out her gun and walk back to the bedroom where Liam dead body lie on the ground.

Maddie gave him another shot in the forehead.
“Sorry about that ..
I just want to make sure you are completely dead”
I don’t want any more of the resurrection bullshits Robert and Olivia did”
She muttered to herself and walk out of the room again.

Detective stones and his men drives into Liam’s compound. The cops quickly surrounded the building. Det stones stepped down and lead with two other cops inside the building.
Maddie was already sitting down in the living room waiting for detective stones.

She placed her hands in the air and dropped her the gun on the table.
“Detective stones”
Maddie called. Everyone was surprised when they heard the distorted voice.

They all moved back when they saw it’s the blacked masked assassin except Det stones.

“Here you are”
Det stones said.

Liam Payne’s dead body is in his bedroom”

Two cops quickly rushed to the bedroom.
*So you ki||ed Olivia and now Liam?” Why are you doing all this?”
Det stones asked.

“Are you going to arrest me or not? ”

The cops looked at each other, scared of taking a step forward to her.
“Arrest her now”
Det stones commanded.

Maddie said to the scared cops. She stretched out her hands. One of them brought out an handcuffs.
He walked to Maddie slowly and cuff her both hands.

“Wait a minute…
Det stones said looking at Maddie with a suspecting look. He walk close to her.

“Why do you wait for us when you knew we are coming?
And can you remove your mask?”
Det stones said.

Maddie smile as she has realized she as bought enough time for Dylan and the other men to escape.
She began to walk away knowing fully well they are definitely not going to let her go.

Det stones quickly brought out his gun.
“Stop right there.. where do you think you are going?”
He asked.

“Have been arrested right? Then let’s go”
Maddie replied and walk away.

The other cops were surprised someone who be so happy to get arrested as they quickly followed her.

“That’s surprising?
Det stones wondered for a while before joining the two other cops in the bedroom.

He walked in and saw Liam dead body on the floor. He noticed the bullet wound on his both legs, forehead and his chest.

“The masked assassin gave him four bullet to make sure he is really dead”
One of the cops said.

I can see that”
Det stones replied.

“The masked assassin ki||ed Olivia and then Liam… She is definitely going to spend a lot of time in jail”
The other cop added.

Det stones looked at both of them.
“Have you called the ambulance?”

They are on their way”

Make sure they pack the body to the morgue
Det stones said sadly.
“I can’t still believe they are both gone…
Liam Payne is really dead”
We still had a conversation an hour ago”

“Am so sorry about this, detective stones”

But am going to make sure the masked assassin rot in jail. She must also reveal who she is, I definitely want to know”
Det stones said and rushed outside.

“Boss is really angry”
The tall one said.

He must be really pained Liam Payne died, I think they’re best of friends”
The other replied.

“Yeah.. they are
Only Andrew Williams can benefit from all this incident”

“Andrew Williams?

“He is going to move above the top rank of the wealthiest now that Liam is dead… He has no strong competitor at the moment”

“Yeah that’s right but remember Robert suntherland is now alive
Maybe he could get back on his feet again and join Andrew Williams on the top rank”

“I really love the competition then, I guess Robert’s rumor of death made him fell off”

(Andrew’s resident)
~The next morning ~
….. Masked assassin has been caught yesterday night after the demise of Liam Payne. It was recently reported that Liam Payne’s girlfriend, Olivia was murdered some days ago by the same blacked masked assassin who ki||ed Liam Payne yesterday night.
The people of California wants to know…

John was shocked as he watches the news.
“Maddie eventually ki||ed Liam”
John muttered and looked at Jean beside him on the couch.

Jean shrugged.
“Ain’t we suppose to be happy that Liam Payne is gone?

But also Yes…
John breathe out.
Jean, it’s still a bad thing, Maddie has been arrested”

Andrew and rose walked into the living room. Rose was looking sad.
“I guess you all have heard the news”
Andrew said.

“Yes boss…
It’s so sad Maddie has been arrested”
John replied.

“Is there any way we can offer Maddie help? Have her released from prison?
Jean asked.

Andrew sighs.
“It will be hard….
She ki||ed Liam Payne, but am going to try my best anyway”

“Please do,
Rose hugged Andrew.

“Yeah sure…
Will branch to CPD today after work, alright?
Andrew said and John carried his briefcase.

Have a nice day at work”
Rose kissed him on the cheek before he walks out with John.

Jean smile at Rose.
“You’re really pushing me to the edge of having a boyfriend”
Jean said.

Rose chuckles…
“Please do, you need a male friend in your life”

“I have a male friend…
Jean said.

“No, I mean a real one
Your best friend”
Rose replied.

“I will…
Jean said and look at her baby bump.
“But do you know what am more excited about? ”

Rose wondered.

“Am going to meet my nephew in seven weeks”
Jean replied.
Rose bursted into laughter.
“Are you counting my pregnancy weeks?


Rose threw a couch pillow at her.
(California police department)
Maddie was placed in a dark room with only one ray of light in the room showing a small table and two opposite chairs next to the table.

Maddie had refused to remove her mask after every friutless effort to do so.
She knew they can’t force her to do so unless they use physical means. She sat down and face down while Det stones stare at her.

The loud protests and noises from outside CPD can cause an headache. The people of California wants to know who is really behind the mask.

“So now tell me, Who are you and why are you doing all of this?”
Detective stones asked.

“I could have tell you everything you need to know but I don’t trust you”
Maddie replied.

Det stones scoffs.
“And why is that?”

“Cos I don’t see you as a good officer, you are a corrupt cop”
I know about everything between you and Liam Payne,
You work for him right”.
Maddie move closer to him as she folds her two hands on the table.

Do you know I have some secrets between you two that must not leak out?”
She added.

Det stones looked shocked. He was trembling on his seat feeling uncomfortable.

TBC ….


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