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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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⚜️(Billionaire Romance)⚜️
☘️ (CHAPTER 69)🍀
(Theme: Love, Action, Revenge)
Setting: Los Angeles, California (21st century)
✍️Written by Richie ayomide ✍️

(Maddie’s home)

*Omg, Rose..
“What are you doing here?
Maddie asked as rose walked in… Two men held Rose from the shoulder.

“I came over to see you, Maddie”
Rose replied. She gave a signal to her men to release her.

Maddie looked at her baby bump.

“You’re pregnant??
Maddie was shocked.

“Yes, I am..
Rose smile and sat down opposite her.

“Oh gosh, Andrew did this to you, Did you accept his contract Marriage?”

Rose smile.
“Andrew did nothing… We are now officially together”
She replied.

“How did this happened?

“Well, you’ve not been here all this month, so I guess you missed alot”
Rose said.

“Yeah… And you also missed cos am now in a relationship”
Maddie chuckles.

“Yeah, I heard…
You are in a relationship with Dylan” I definitely don’t see that coming”
“And why didn’t you tell me you were alive?”

Maddie kept quiet, lost of words.

“Maddie?? I cried for you, thinking maybe Andrew was behind your death then…
I was depressed that I lost a friend”
Rose said. She was about to shed tears.

Maddie walk to her and sit beside her. She pat her back.
“Am sorry, rose..
I can’t reveal myself at that time, I need to stay hidden to be safe”
Maddie clean her little drop of tears for her.

She sighs and decided to change the topic.
How did you find this place?”
She asked.

“Remember you told me about a new house we are going to move in together, and that was right before you left me”
Rose replied.

“Oh, now I remembered”
Maddie smile.” It’s cool you still remember this address”

Rose look around.
” So this is the house we are suppose to live in?”

A smile was still on Maddie’s face.” Yeah, just you and me,
Maddie also look around the house.
” going to night clubs, parties and getting invited to private orgy’s parties.
She breathe out.
“Living the single ladies lives,the both of us and also getting club admirers”
I had imagined that life and I just have everything planned,
Also, staying away from our parents and have the freedom to do things we like while I take on my revenge in secret.
But all that vanished when Andrew took you away cos of your parent’s debt and I almost died from Liam and Olivia trying to cover up their secret.

Rose sighs and put on a confused look
“You had a revenge plan before all this happens?

I do
Robert suntherland had offended me so greatly and it has hurt me so much that I needed to punish them.
Robert and his men, Liam and Olivia.
Maddie said and a drop a tear flow down her cheek.

“What have Robert done to be accused by you, Robert has been a good man, he is the man I once had something for, I love his personality”

“Yeah, I knew you fell for him then”
But he is not what you think he is,, he is a bad man”

“Maddie, what’s the reason behind all this?
What’s really going on?
Rose asked.

Dylan walked into the living room. He saw rose and pull out his gun.
“Is Andrew here?
He asked like he is scared.

“Relax, it’s just me…
Rose replied.

Dylan look around the room.
“It’s just Rose”
She came alone”
Maddie said.

Dylan looked around one last time before putting his gun back in his pocket.
“So good to see you again, dylan…
Rose said and stood up.

“Yeah, am sorry about everything that have happened.. but it had to, I have no choice”
Dylan apologized.

You betraying Robert?? I can’t still find a reason why you did that”
Rose replied.
“You two should tell me, I need to know what’s going on…. What offence did Robert committed?”

Dylan and Maddie both sighs at the same time.
“Am not in the right position to tell you that…
Dylan said.
“Maddie can explain better.. am off to the bar now, what can I get you to drink?”

“Don’t worry, dylan…
Am not staying for long”
Rose said.

“Am talking about now..
If Maddie didn’t ask, I am going to, what will you like for a drink?”

“Oh … Don’t worry about that also, I have to watch my diet now that am carrying little Williams”
Rose replied.

I must say being pregnant restrict you in doing many things”
Dylan said before walking out.

“How is the baby doing?
Maddie asked.

“She is doing okay”

“She?? Wow..
Maddie smile. “I think I came at the right time cos I can’t wait to become a god mother”
“Am just so jealous of you right now, having the support of Andrew and also the baby is a thing every lady wants,
Carrying the baby of the one of the wealthiest man in the world”

Rose couldn’t just stop smiling.
“Don’t flatter me please”

“I am not…
You made the right decision in accepting Andrew’s proposal back then”

“I would haven’t…
Robert’s death pushed me to do so, Liam also convinced me”

“Well, thank goodness you did…
Gosh, have missed those times, how I wish all this won’t have happened”

Don’t try to run away from my question.
Why are you doing all this?”
Rose asked again.

“Arrrgh… You are still bent on knowing that,
You still never change, you just want to know everything”
Maddie replied.

“Yeah, that’s why am your best friend…
So hit me”

Maddie sighs and adjust her sitting position.
“It started when ….

Maddie hid from a close secret area watching Robert’s men beat her sister mercilessly. They continue to beat her making Maddie to cry on the spot where she hides.

She wanted to run to the scene and save her but was stopped by Dylan.
“Don’t go… It’s dangerous”

“I have to, I have to save her, she is going to die”
Maddie cried silently.

“Will you prefer to die also? Those are Robert suntherland men, they are very dangerous”
Dylan warned.
Maddie cried on his shoulder.
“But she is going to die”

Suddenly, a range rover vehicle drove to the scene. Olivia and Liam came out of the vehicle.
Olivia smile and walked to Maddie’s sister (Amanda).
“We meet again Amanda”
Olivia smile.

“You again…
Amanda said with courage and managed to stand up with blood in her mouth.
“Do you really h@ťě me that much?”

“Yeah, I disgust you so much that I want you out of this world”
Olivia said and gave her a resounding slap.
She fell to the ground immediately.

“I can finish her off for you”
Liam said and brought out his gun.

“Hey you both should get back into the vehicle”
Robert shouted at them from the car.

“We are coming boss… We have some those Ɓîtçhes to deal with”
Liam said.

“So, how will you like to die?
Olivia asked bending down to the ground and stare at her face.

Amanda could not cry.
“F*uck you, Olivia…
Amanda said soberly and Liam gave her a direct gunshot blowing off her head.
Olivia stood up and clean the little blood that splash on her face

“Next time, let me stand up before you $h00t”
Olivia said to Liam.

“Am sorry…
Liam shrugged. “I was just trying to look cool”

Maddie wanted to shout but Dylan quickly covered her mouth.
They made a noticeable sound.
Liam and Olivia looked at their direction.

“C’mon let’s go..
They already found us”
Dylan said and quickly stood her up. He held her hand and they ran out of sight together.

“Is someone there?
Olivia asked.

“Who cares…
Liam said and face Robert’s men.
“Pack her body off the road and dump it by the roadside… We should clear road for vehicles to pass through”

Olivia spat on her body.
“Next time, learn how to stay on your lane and out of people’s business…

Liam smile…
“It’s okay.. let’s go
There is no way she can tell the world our secret now”

Liam said and holding Olivia’s hands. They both walk and stepped into the vehicle.
“Is it done?
Robert asked lighting up a rolled weed tobacco.

Three more of them to go”
Liam said as the driver started the car.

“Next time, they won’t come to the basement and set their eyes on my drugs and cocaines”
Robert replied and puffed out some smokes.

“I have been meaning to ki|| Amanda before now.. so now I finally did”
Olivia smile.

~(Two weeks later)~
Dylan came home and collapse on the couch. He dropped the sandwiches he bought for dinner on the table.
Maddie came to the living room holding a pen and a paper.

“Dylan… Dylan
I found a way”
Maddie said happily.

Dylan groaned.
“Oh no, not again
He sighs and stood up.

“Am sorry for stressing you but you have to see this”
Maddie said and gave him a quick kiss.
“Please, please…
Maddie pleaded like a baby.

But can we eat dinner first? I bought sandwiches, am farmished”

“Sure ..
But not now, look I have a nice plan to get back at Robert suntherland”

“Are you still on this again?
We thought we have decided to let this go”

“Yeah I know but I still get bothered, seeing Robert, Liam and Olivia living their lives freely like nothing happened.
They are going to go scoff free without any punishment, not even the police decided to help”

“Yeah, they can’t help you… The cops can’t
Who would file a charge against the richest man in California?
Dylan asked.

“He is not the richest…
Andrew Williams by far is”
Maddie objected.

“So it’s is still a debate..??

“Yeah, my full support is on Andrew Williams.. he makes at least a billion dollar per day thrice that of Robert suntherland”
Maddie said and smile.

“Alright, I hear you..
No objections”
And that’s why no one dare charge a case against both of them”

“Yeah, I know… And since the police refused to help, I have a solution”

“And what’s the solution?

“We are going to handle it ourselves”

“What?? Ourselves? Taking the laws into our own hands?
Dylan was surprised she said that.

Who else have to make them pay?
Maddie asked.

Dylan sighs as Maddie gave him what she wrote down”
Dylan scanned through her plan.
Am going as undercover? Gosh you just keep surprising me”

You are going to become Robert’s loyal men. And you are going to make him trust you”
That’s the first thing to do on my plan process”
Maddie said.

“Gosh… I don’t just know why am helping you”
Dylan smile.

Maddie rub his shoulder and smile
“Cos you are in love with me, just do this for me please”
Become the undercover agent, get his trust”

But am farmished right now
I need to eat”
Dylan said and opened the sandwiches he bought.

“Thank you so much, Dylan…
Maddie hugged her and kissed him.

I love that, kiss me again”

Maddie chuckles and wrap her hands round his neck giving him a soft slow kiss.

Flashback continues….
This is why Maddie is hurting them all long.
They ki||ed her sister

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