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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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⚜️(Billionaire Romance)⚜️
☘️ (CHAPTER 65)πŸ€
(Theme: Love, Action, Revenge)
Setting: Los Angeles, California (21st century)
✍️Written by Richie ayomide ✍️

John sat down on the couch and opened the briefcase he was holding.
The briefcase was filled with money in US dollars arranged neatly inside.

Jean take a look and gasped.
This is a lot of money”

John smile… Just a paper note from this briefcase can make a poor man rich overnight once he get hold of it”
John boasted.

“Just a paper note?
Jean asked.


*What are all this money for? I don’t know my brother has this huge amount of money”

“Are you underestimating your brother… Remember, he is the wealthiest man in California now”
John said.

“I’m don’t see him that way.. he doesn’t look like he spend money at all ”
Jean replied.

“He must not hear you say that..
“Also, boss doesn’t spend money on useless things and he has to invest to keep staying at the top rank of the richest”

“So all this money is for a business deal?”

“Yeah, that’s right…”
John smile.

“What type of deal is that?
Jean asked.

“That’s none of your business, Jean
Andrew said as he came into the living room with Rose.

“Good morning, Boss
John close back the briefcase..
“We are late for the…

“Yeah, I know
Andrew interrupted him.
“I think you will head to the office now, I need to go with rose to the hospital”

Is Rose okay?
Jean asked and looked at Rose.

“Yeah.. am fine
Rose replied and face Andrew.
“I think you should go with John instead, I will be fine on my own,
It’s just prenatal sessions”

Jean breathe a sigh of relief.

“Are you sure,Rose…
The meeting I have can wait”
Andrew asked.

We can ki|| two bird with one stone”
“Or jean can come with me if you are worried” Jean smile

Andrew sighs and looked at Jean.
“Trust me, brother.. am going to take care of her”
Jean said assuring him

“Alright, be safe you two..
He face John.
“John? Let’s go”

*Yes boss”
John carried the briefcase and walked out. Five of Andrew’s men who were with them in the living room also followed him.

Andrew gave jean a hug and gave Rose a hug and a kiss before leaving.

Jean smile at Rose. She cleared her throat.
“Is there anything bothering you, Jean?
Rose asked when she noticed jean weird smile on her face.

Am just surprised the love between you guys have grown beyond how I once imagined.
And this started eversince you were pregnant”
Jean said.

“Well, that was the time we confess our feelings to each other..
Rose replied.

“I guess he really loves you… He hasn’t been this happy before and I haven’t seen him so happy since our mom died.
He hasn’t been himself after she died. He was the closest to our mom tho.
Jean said with a sad face. Rose sat down beside her and comfort her.
…Most of the time, he womanize alot trying to get things clear away from his head, bringing home different ladied.
My dad was so worried about him one day and he has to force him to find a woman to settle down with.
But Andrew continued anyway creating the bad fame and the stigma on himself. My dad decided to seize all his asset, including Wells Fargo and left just this house and a car for him to teach him a lesson.

“So that’s what brought him down the rank of the wealthiest”?
And the reason he needed me for a marriage contract to get those asset back”
Rose asked.

The first time I saw you, I had thought you wanted what my brother has,his wealth.. I knew my brother can’t be loved by any lady because of how he treated them.
No lady will want to be with an arrogant, proud and rude man like my brother”

“Your brother isn’t all that anymore..

“Yeah, he is a changed man, you changed him,Rose”
I was surprised when I noticed how changed he was and the love feelings between you guys”
Thank you so much, Rose”
Jean said sincerely holding rose’s hand.

“Come here…
Rose hugged her.

“Am sorry about your mom”…
Rose said and looked at teary eyes of Jean.

Jean cleaned her little tears.
“Our mom died of cancer eleven years ago,but now, we’ve all gotten over it and moved on.
“Promise me you won’t leave my brother… Our mom left us and he hasn’t been happy and now that I see him living happily gives me joy.
And you are the source of his joy.

“I am never going to leave him, have grown fond of him now and it will be hard to leave..
I really love your brother so much also, Jean”
Rose replied leaving jean in an emotional state.

“And have grown fond of you too ..
Jean smile.
Rose felt a kick in her stomach.

“Oh my gosh, little beauty just kicked”
Rose said.

“The baby kicked?

I felt it”

Jean stood up.
“C’mon… Let’s get you ready for the hospital”

~Wells Fargo~
Everyone clapped as Andrew and John walked into the building.
A billboard in front of Wells Fargo has a “WELCOME BACK” bodly written on it and picture of Andrew was placed beside it.

The claps and whistles was thunderous.
“Welcome back to Wells Fargo, boss…
His secretary smile at him.

“Thank you so much everyone”
Andrew thanked and waved at them.
He whispered to John.. “Do you planned this behind my back?”

I don’t know anything about this,
Apparently, your secretary planned it”
John replied.
Everyone stopped clapping and went back to their respective duties.
Andrew sighs and walk across the lobby with John and his secretary behind him.

“When is the meeting?”
He asked his secretary.

“10am sir…
Two hours from now”
His secretary replied.
And they are expecting an initial deposit of $850million”

Andrew looked at John.
“It’s all in here, boss”
John said holding the briefcase.

(Maryland’s hospital)
Jean walked into the ward where Robert was admitted. Robert was awake and well. Kate and Ben were also with him.

“Hey, Jean…
Kate called as she saw her walked in.

Jean said and walk to them.
She face Robert on the hospital bed. His chest was covered neatly with a white bandage.
“How are you feeling?”

“Am fine now, Jean…
Robert replied and smile a little.

“This is the second time you were shot now, you must really be strong”
Ben said.

“Yeah, I guess…
Robert replied.

“Andrew couldn’t make it here, he has an important meeting to attend at Wells fargos”
Jean said.
“And the reasons am here is because of Rose… She is having her pre natal sessions today,
She is going to say hi when she is done”

“Alright, am fine now anyway”
Robert said.

“Boss, after we leave the hospital..
What next? Since everyone knows you now as Robert suntherland”
Ben asked.

“Ain’t we suppose to find who shot you? Or do you think the $h00ter won’t come back again once he or she finds out you survived”
Kate said.

“But the police can do that, detective stones will find who the culprit is”
Ben replied.

“Don’t trust the detective
Jean chipped in.
“I don’t think he is going to help”

“Kate is right…
We need to find the $h00ter and also Det stones can’t help”
Robert said.

“Sure boss, how about you? We need you to step up again”
Be the wealthiest man in California once again”
Ben replied.

“So we need to find who the $h00ter is and also retrieve the asset transfer file from the blacked masked assassin”
Robert said.
After we retrieve it, I can be Robert suntherland every one knows again”

“How are we going to do that?
Jean asked…
“No one knows who the blacked masked assassin is”

But Dylan knows”
Kate reminded them.

“Who is Dylan? Jean asked.

“Dylan was one of us, a friend and a brother to us before he betrayed us, selling us out to the masked assassin”
Kate replied.

“Oh… Am sorry about that”
“How can you get in contact with him?

“I have my ways…
We can set a trap for him, once he falls for it, we can torture him and tell us where the file is”
…Or maybe we can ask to meet somewhere and discuss how we can see the masked assassin.
Kate said.

“I don’t think it will work that way, Kate..
Robert said.
“But we can go for your second suggestion,..
“The blacked assassin possess the file, so we have to negotiate with him or her instead”
And how can we get to the assassin, we can follow Kate’s plan… Make Dylan to tells where he or she is”

“I love that…
Kate it’s up to you ”
Ben said and Kate nodded.

“I will make the call”

Olivia came out of the supermarket building holding a lot of shopping πŸ›οΈ bags. She managed to walk to her car and opened up the car booth.
She close up the car booth and look around the supermarket building. She noticed someone staring at her and looked away when she caught him. He adjust the cap on his head and walk away.

Olivia suspected something is wrong. She checked her four car tyres. They are not punctured.
She walked into her car with the side of her shoulder after she looked around. She sighs and felt someone at the backseat.
Someone else was seated at the backseat in black masked suit. She felt a gun on her neck. Olivia gasped and look back slowly.

“Ssshh, don’t try and scream”
The assassin warned in a female voice.

“What do you want again?”
Olivia boldly asked.

Olivia quickly started the car and drive out of the supermarket building.
She drives till they reach the main road. Someone came out to the road and stopped the car.
“Unlock the car”
She said again.

Olivia quickly do that, unlocking the car. The person stepped in, sitting at the front seat with Olivia. It was the same person she saw staring at her some minutes ago.

“Hi, Olivia…
Dylan said and remove his cap.

Olivia was surprised.

“Yeah it’s me..
Dylan smile.

“You work with the black masked assassin?
Olivia asked feeling scared.

“Yeah .. she is my girlfriend actually.

“Oh gosh, I can’t believe this… The assassin is your girlfriend? Olivia asked again.

“Will you keep that mouth shut?
The assassin shouted at Olivia. Olivia screamed a little as she drives.

Dylan’s phone rang..
He muttered.

“What does she want?
The assassin asked.

“I don’t know… We are about to find out”
Dylan said and accept the call.

He said.

Kate also said after hearing his voice.

“You must really have the gut to call me, what do you want?”
Dylan asked.

“Ben and I have something for you… Can you come over?
We need to talk”
Kate replied.

Dylan scoffs..
“I can’t… I have nothing to do with you all anymore”

“Please, Dylan.. for old time sake”
Kate pleaded. Dylan looked at his girlfriend. She nodded a yes at him.

And if you pull any funny strings or trying to set any trap, am getting you ki||ed myself”

“Am not…
Can we meet somewhere secret and safe?
Kate asked.

“Come to Danville at Santa Rosa”
Dylan replied and ended the call. He looked at his girlfriend.

“Yeah sure she can come over… ”
“We are ki||ing her with this b*stard”
The assassin said looking at Olivia who was still driving.
“They all once worked for Robert suntherland”

Dylan replied and face Olivia
Drive this car to Danville”

“Am sorry I have a question
Olivia asked sadly.
“Am I getting ki||ed also?”

The assassin got angry by that question. She wanted to hit Olivia but Dylan stopped her .
“You know you can’t do that…
She is driving”
Dylan said.

“Then she should watch her words
She replied.

Dylan sighs.

Olivia is being abducted πŸ˜₯
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