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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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⚜️(Billionaire Romance)⚜️
☘️ (CHAPTER 60)πŸ€
(Theme: Love, Action, Revenge)
Setting: Los Angeles, California (21st century)
✍️Written by Richie ayomide ✍️


(Andrew’s resident)
Andrew and Rose came in with a lot of shopping bags. Smiles was on their faces.
Jean folded her arms as she watched them giggling and giving each other pecks and kisses on the cheek.
She sighs.
She waved.
We have some visitors here”

Andrew and rose both look at Jean.
“What visitors?”
Andrew asked.

Kate and Ben both stood up from the couch for Andrew to see them.
“Kate? Ben?
Rose was surprised.

“Hi, Rose…
Kate said and smile.

“It’s been a long time…
Ben also said.

“Who let you guys in?”
Andrew asked.

“John did…
Jean replied.
Robert and John both walked in.

“Afternoon, Andrew…
Robert said and Andrew looked back.

“Alright, what’s going on here?
Why are you all here? Or did something happened?
Andrew asked.

John looked at Robert giving him a signal to go on.
Robert breathe out calming down his nerve and face Andrew and rose.
“I have decided to back down from my revenge plan”
Robert said leaving Andrew shocked.

“What did you just say?”
Rose asked.

“I want all this to end and stop, and also am going to reveal my identity to the world, to let them know am alive and well”
Robert added.

John sighs.
Kate, Ben and jean just watched.
“Why the change of mind?”

“I just felt all this should stop… And also Liam and Olivia has been punished severely.
Olivia also almost lost its life during the accident caused by the assassin,
So I guess all this can end and so no one else would have to die, just because I wanted revenge”

“You didn’t caused those accidents, the assassin was behind it”
Andrew said.

“Yeah, I know… But still, all of this still must end.
Robert replied.

John walked to Andrew.
“Robert is doing the right thing and we should support his decision.
He whispered to him.
Also, for the safety of the baby”

“Alright, as you wish, Robert suntherland”
Andrew said his full name.

“It so good seeing Andrew and Robert being friends,
They have been rivals for years now”
Kate said to Ben.

“Well, it a twist of fate…
Who will believe Robert and Andrew are now cool?”
Ben replied.

“So what are we going to do now?
How are we going to let everyone know?”
John asked.

Robert and Ben smile.
“Leave that to us”
Ben said.

“Finally, everything is back to normal
Rose sighs happily.
“What more could I ask for? Robert was alive all along,
And in the process of fighting for Robert, I found love and am going to have a baby girl”

Kate smile and hugged rose.
“You deserved all…
We both deserve all the happy ending”

(Liam’s resident)
Liam stare at Olivia as he watched her eat.
Olivia finished up her meal and drank in some water.

“How are you feeling now?
Liam asked.

“Am okay… My stomach is d@mn full”
Olivia smile and belched.
Liam was still staring at him. Olivia noticed it.

“What’s with the stare?
Oliva asked.

Am just surprised you really don’t remember anything”
“Do you remember you wanted to tell me something?”

What did I wanted to tell you? ”

“I don’t know yet unless you tell me”
Liam replied and sighs.

“Where is Jerry? I haven’t seen him ever since I came back from the hospital”

“I don’t think he is working for me anymore… We suspected Jerry could be the blacked masked assassin
We are not sure yet”

Olivia sighs.
“I have always don’t like that guy… He looks like someone seeking for revenge”

Remember he once saved you from Andrew’s claws”

“He might do that to earn your trust… Well, he solely earn it”
And now you are supporting him
What if he is truly the blacked masked assassin?”

“He wants revenge on us… Why will he wants that? He is not Robert suntherland, then who is he?”
Liam wondered.

“Then we need to find out who is he”
Olivia said.

“Yeah, am working on that already
Det stones also is going to help”
Liam sighs.
“I think am going to leak out the evidence
He suddenly said.

“What evidence?
Olivia asked.

“While you are in Coma, I got some information that can prove Andrew was involved in Robert’s murder clearing us off the book”

“What? How?

“Mr mark, he sold the information to me”

“Then what are we waiting for…? We have to leak it out now”
Olivia said and stood up.

“Relax, Olivia…
I was planning to, am just trying to settle out the blacked masked assassin first, finding out who he was”
Liam smile and look at Olivia again.
“It seems you are back like the Olivia I used to know, I might have get soft overtime”

Olivia smile.

~The next morning ~
Jean and rose were discussing and having a conversation.
John walked in looking sad with a worried look.
Andrew came out with his briefcase prepared for work.

“Hey, John…
Good morning”
Jean greeted on seeing him.
“Is everything okay?”
Jean noticed the look on his face.

“We have a very big problem”
He said.
Rose looked at him. Andrew drop his briefcase on the table.

“What’s wrong?”
Andrew asked.

Liam has dropped the evidence to the police and the press has taken up the news”
John replied sadly.

“What evidence?
What’s going on?” Rose asked.

Andrew’s face changed. He looked at rose confused face.
There is something you need to know”
Andrew said… He sat down beside her on the couch.
Jean watched his brother wondering what he is going to say.

“I kind of have an involvement in Robert’s death”
Andrew confessed to her.

Liam was behind his death all along”
Rose said still finding his words untrue.

But John and I also sent someone to assassinate Robert that same day he was ki||ed”

Rose scoffs…
“Are you saying? You also had wanted to ki|| Robert then?”

Andrew replied holding her shoulders.
“Am sorry, Rose..
Now, someone had took a video and some pictures of us while we are planning the assassination
And somehow, it got to Liam’s hand. Liam has released it to the Police, the police might come and arrest me any minutes from now”

no… No
No.. no… No
I refused to believe this,
Rose said repeatedly.
Why didn’t you tell me before?”

“I just thought it’s not necessary anymore since Robert is alive and well”
Andrew replied.
Rose remove his hands from her shoulder angrily and walks away.

Andrew called putting on a sorry look.

Rose stopped walking and face him.
“I don’t think you ki||ed him..
Liam’s men did, I overheard their discussion when they are celebrating Robert’s death”

Andrew paused for a while.
“That’s true…
Liam men can reach him before my own minion did”

“But still, you kept it from me”
Rose said and finally walks away.

Jean gave Andrew a sorry look.
Andrew stood up from the couch and took his briefcase from the table.
“Let’s go to the office”

“But boss, the cops will be coming to arrest us any minute from now”
John said.

“I don’t care…
He replied and walked out. John quickly followed him.

πŸ”Ά….. Everyone has been in a shocking moment eversince the news broke out. The first suspect of Robert’s death was actually the murderer.
Andrew Williams, the wealth of California has been charged for murder of Robert suntherland after all evidences has been reviewed, clearing off Liam Payne as earlier stated was the murderer.

Right now, the industrial Court has issued an arrest warrant of Andrew William and his accomplice, John Thompson…
…. More updates will be communicated soon… πŸ”ΆπŸ”Ά

Andrew moved out of his house. Citizens of California has crowded his compound gate, shouting and protesting.

Andrew men are all trying to keep them away from destroying things.
“Andrew Willams must be ki||ed
He must be ki||ed”
The crowded all shouted.

Andrew sadly stepped into the vehicle and they drove out of the compound guided by his men to prevent direct attack from the crowd.
“This is literally the first time the whole people of California had protested against you,
They really love Robert suntherland”
John said.

“Just keep mute if you can’t say any other thing that can encourage and comfort me”
Andrew replied.

“Am sorry boss”
The driver keep driving

(Robert’s resident)
Kate and Ben were not surprised but Robert was.
“He really did ki||ed me”
Robert said.

“Yeah, the world kind of suspected him and he was arrested twice but since there was no evidence against him.
He was released”
Kate replied.

*Liam was arrested and later released”
Ben added.

“Andrew must suffer for this..
I have no intention to reveal myself to the world anymore”
Robert said angrily.

Boss, you can’t do that, Andrew Williams has helped us through thick and thin.
Kate said.
You can’t just decide not to return the favor now? At least you are alive and well?”
Don’t turn your back on him?

“Yeah… And you promise you are going to back down from your revenge”
Ben also said.

“And now,I am not
Andrew Willams is going to pay for what he did.
Liam Payne was being suspected all along”
He replied sternly and stubbornly before walking inside.

Kate and Ben both sighs and look at each other.
“This is trouble”
Ben said.

(Unknown location)
“Andrew Williams has been arrested for Robert’s murder”
Dylan said after he rushed in breathing heavily.

“Were you running?
The blacked masked assassin asked.

I was in an hurry to share you the news.

“I already heard”

“Does it affect our plan?
Dylan asked.

All I need now is for Robert suntherland to reveal himself to the world before I attack again.
Am waiting for his revelation”

Dylan smile.

(Wells Fargos)
Another crowd already surrounded Wells Fargos. The security are also trying to pull them back.
As soon as they saw Andrew’s car. They rushed to it but were stopped by the combined forces of Andrew’s personal men and the securities.

Andrew sighs and stepped down from the car with John.
John walk in front of him protecting him from any physical attack till they reach the Wells Fargos building.

Andrew walked in and adjust his suit.
“Good morning Sir,
The female secretary greeted.

Are they around now? ”
Andrew asked.

“Yes, the finance directors?
They are at the lobby”

“Alright, call them into the meeting room”
Andrew replied. John was surprised.

“Sir, we won’t have time for that…
The police will definitely arrive while the meeting is going on”
John said.

“So should we go the police then and surrender ourselves?”
Andrew felt angry.
*Do you know what will cost me and what money am going to lose if this meeting didn’t hold, I have to seal the deal with those directors before I get arrested”

“Am sorry Boss”
Now I understand”
John apologized. Andrew face the secretary.

“Call them in and inform the securities to hold the cops down when they arrive.
We are not getting out of the meeting room till we are done with the meeting”

“Alright, boss
The secretary replied.

One hour later ~
Detective stones and five other cops walked into Wells Fargo.
Smiles was all over his face.
“The day I have been waiting for has finally arrived”
He said within himself.

Two securities blocked their way.
“We are sorry, but you can’t pass beyond this boundary”
They said.

“Are you two out of your mind? We are here to arrest a criminal”
A cop replied.

“You can wait at the lobby… He will be with you shortly
Andrew Williams has been waiting for you all”

Detective stones scoffs.
“Waiting for us”
Where is he? ”

“He is currently at a meeting and can’t be interrupted”
They replied.

“Is Andrew William delaying us? We are the cops”
The Court has ordered his arrest”
Det stones said and brought out a paper, an arrest warrant.

“That’s the power Andrew William possessed…
Do you think it will be easy arresting the richest man in California?
One of the security said.

“That give me more reason why I wanted to arrest him more badly.
He feels he is the only one in control, he can do wh@Ε₯Δ›ver he likes with the power he possess”
Det stones said feeling jealous.

“Am sorry detective…
All those stories has no business with us,
You are told to wait till he is done”

Detective stones licked up his lower lip.
“Alright, we are going to wait”
He said.

“You all can wait at the lobby”

Everyone who was watching burst into laughter.
Rose don’t vex oo

Andrew might end in court😒

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