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Friday, October 18, 2024
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⚜️(Billionaire Romance)⚜️
☘️ (CHAPTER 58 &59)πŸ€
(Theme: Love, Action, Revenge)
Setting: Los Angeles, California (21st century)
✍️Written by Richie ayomide ✍️


(Maryland’s hospital)
“How are you feeling now?
Doctor naresh asked Liam. Liam gunshot wound on his leg has been treated and the injury cut on his hand was also covered.
Some crutches were beside him.

“Am good doctor… At least am feeling better
Liam replied.

“The masked assassin really visited you?

“Yeah… We had a little fight
Why do I feel the assassin is someone close to me? ”
I feel he is someone I know really well but just want to torment me and ruin my life”

Doctor naresh smile..
“How I wish all the secrets and confusion could unravel itself
He sighs.
“I have a patient to attend to”
He said and walk away.

(Andrew’s resident)
Andrew came in tired and hungry. John also walked in and threw the car keys at the table.
Jean and Rose walk to them. They both hugged Andrew.
“You guys seems tired”
Jean said.

“Yeah ..
We had a long day at the office”
John replied.

“Robert identity was almost spilled today also”
Andrew added and sighs.

“What do you mean? What happened?”
Rose asked.

Andrew walked to the couch and collapse on it.
“Olivia was out of coma today”

“Omg, that’s great news…
But how does that have to do with Robert?”

“Wait a minute..
Are you happy Olivia came back alive?”
Andrew asked surprised.

” Yeah…
I dislike her doesn’t mean I want her dead.. I only want her to get punished for what she did”
Rose replied.

Jean sat down and watched them.
“Hmm… Seems that what’s you want”

John walked inside.
“Well, Olivia woke up to see Robert’s tattoos”
She ran out of the hospital immediately to inform Liam Payne but passed out before she can”

“Oh gosh… That’s bad
Jean said.

“Yeah, Olivia is now back at the hospital again receiving medical attention
And once she wakes up, she is going to tell everyone what she saw, that’s the problem we are in”

“Don’t worry…
You guys are going to figure something out”
But now, take a bath and have dinner”
Rose replied.

John came back into the living room.
“Jean, can we have our dinner?
Boss and I are farmished”

Jean and everyone looked back at tired John.
“It’s seems you both had a long day at work
Jean said and stood up before walking towards the kitchen.

Rose hugged Andrew’s arm.
“Have missed you alot”
She said in her baby voice.

“But you do see me everyday?”

But work has make you to stop spending time with me like before…
Especially now that you and Robert are clinging along”

“Well, that’s what you wanted”
Andrew replied.

“Yeah I wnated this…
And not because I once liked him just as you think but I just want justice for him”

“Do you still like him now?
“I won’t be offended if you do”

Rose said and looked at his face.
“Why would you say that?” She is already getting upset.

“Am sorry…
I just asked an harmless question”

“It glaring I like you now”
Rose said and stood up angrily.

Andrew pull her back to the couch.
“Am sorry, rose..
I didn’t mean to”
Andrew said and hugged her from behind.
“I was only getting jealous and that took over my emotions”
He kissed her on the neck.

“I love you and you alone”
Robert is past now”
Rose replied.

“Yeah, I know you do…
I also love you and our baby”
Andrew smile and Rose chuckles.

Rose face him and hold his face.
“Don’t ask that anymore…

Andrew shut him up with a kiss..
“I will not..
I promise”

“Please, Boss…
Can we start eating? I want to have my dinner and go to bed early”
John shouted at them from the diner table.

Let’s eat”
Rose drag Andrew from the couch.

“Can you lift me up?
Am really tired”
Andrew said and groans tiredly.

“You are way too stronger than me.. there is no way I can lift you up”

Andrew managed to stand up and rest on rose.
“But no’t worry you have me as support”
Rose smile.
They both walk to the diner table and sat down.

(Maryland’s hospital)
Olivia woke up and look around. She removed the blood drip from her hand and stood up gently from the bed.

A strong sharp headache hit her head really hard.
She hold her head in pain and managed to walk to the restroom.

A nurse walked in. She saw Olivia walking to the restroom and quickly rushed to her.

“Hey, are you okay?
The nurse asked.

Am fine
Where am I? ”
Olivia asked her.

“You are at the hospital…
Is everything alright?”

“Why am I in the hospital?
What’s going on?”

“Oh gosh…
The nurse gasped after realizing Olivia might have lost her memory.
Please get back on the bed now, the doctor is going to check up on you”

Olivia Payne is awake”
A nurse came into his office and announced.

Doctor naresh was shocked.
“How is that possible?
I gave her a sedative dose some hours ago”

“I don’t know, doctor…
I think you should check on her”
The nurse replied.

Doctor naresh walked into Olivia’s ward. He walk to her.
How are you feeling?”
Doctor naresh asked.

“Am fine.. doctor.
Please can you explain why am I here? The last time I remembered, I was with Liam having breakfast”
Olivia replied.

“So are you saying you don’t remember coming in here?
How you had an accident?”

“What accident are you talking about? I have never have an accident”

“Oh now… I understand
Doctor naresh said and face two nurses who were with her.
“I think we need to run some test,
Inform the lab technician to run a overall uniform test and the radiographers to run some CT and brain scans

“Yes, doctor…
One of the nurses said. Doctor naresh walked out.

“Why would they run a test on me?
What’s going on… I need answers”

“Relax Miss payne”

(Back at Andrew’s resident)
Everyone had finished eating. John and jean had gone to bed to have a nice sleep.
The rain has started and had began to pour down heavily.
Andrew and rose were still hanging in the living room, having a discussion.
Rose and Andrew eyes were sticked to Andrew’s phone. They both checked out some dresses and fashion clothes on his phone.

I love this
Rose said.
“It going to look good on you”

“An hoodie?
Am hoodie looks good on everybody”

“Really? Andrew…
Rose smile.

Andrew shrugged.
“And how about we go for a little cloth shopping tomorrow?
For little Andrew”
He asked.

I will love to, it’s been long I had an outing”
And also, it’s little beauty, cos it’s a girl”

“What? Beauty?
You are going to name her beauty?”
Andrew was kind of surprised.

Nothing’s wrong with the name”
Rose scoffs.

“Why did you chose the name?”

Rose smile and think for a while.
“Our daughter is going to take an handsome look from you and also a beautiful face from me”

Andrew nodded for a while.
“I don’t still accept that name
“Are you feeling cold?”


“Come here…
My arms are warm.
Andrew said and rose squeeze herself into his arms, cuddling her.
Andrew kiss her hair. They both sighs.
The rain was still pouring heavily.

(That same night)
Robert was on his bed having a conversation with doctor naresh over the phone.
“And what problem is that? Doctor naresh”
Robert asked.

“I think our problem has been solved but still worsen things”
Doctor naresh replied.

Can you stop making me curious? What do you have to tell me?”

Olivia is awake”

“What? Doc…
What did we agreed on? To keep her asleep till we find a solution”

“Yeah.. We did
And am surprised she is awake, her body system is already getting adaptive to the drug we placed her on…
She is going to be given a higher dose but that won’t be necessary”

“And why?”

“She already lost her memory… She can’t remember what has happened from two months ago”
Doctor naresh replied. Robert couldn’t keep in his smile.

“That’s good for us,, isn’t it?”

“Yeah .. but still
That shouldn’t have happened to her”
Doctor naresh said.

“I don’t care…

“She lost a partial memory when she passed out at Liam’s place. I guess her head hit the ground really hard”

The rain was still pouring and a thunder light flashes in the sky giving a dull light rays into the room. Robert noticed someone’s presence.
“Can I call you back? Doc
He said and ended the call.

He stood up from the bed. The lightening flashes again and provide a fast dull light. He saw someone all in black.
“Who are you?”
Robert asked feeling scared.


☘️ (CHAPTER 59)πŸ€


The rain was still pouring and a thunder light flashes in the sky giving a dull light rays into the room. Robert noticed someone’s presence.
“Can I call you back? Doc
He said and ended the call.

He stood up from the bed. The lighting flashes again and provide a fast dull light. He saw someone all in black.
“Who are you?”
Robert asked feeling scared. He walk closer to the dark shadow.

Kate popped out from the darkness and suddenly grip Robert in the shoulder.
Robert screamed out loudly like a baby throwing away Kate’s hand.
He quickly ran out of the bedroom without looking who was it.

Kate bursted into laughterπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ She couldn’t stop laughing.
Robert replayed the scene in his head and stop walking.
“Is everything okay?
Ben asked and walked to Robert.

Robert’s face turn into an angry one.
He screamed angrily and walk back inside the room.

Kate was still laughing when she saw angry Robert in front of her.
“Why are you dressed like the blacked masked assassin?”
Ben asked after he followed Robert inside.

“I did that to scare you guys”

“Why will you want to scare us?”

Today is Halloween”.
Kate replied.

“Really?? Because of Halloween?
f-__-k Halloween”
Robert said.
“My heart almost popped out”

“Am sorry…
Kate apologized.
“I thought it will be fun”

“This is not fun…
Who dressed like the assassin on Halloween? ”
Robert said.

“Anything scary is allowed”
Kate replied and laughed again.
“Ben, you need to see his face, he was really d@mn scared”

“And you think this is funny?
Robert replied and walked out.

Ben looked at Kate.
“Just be careful, Kate… You are lucky Robert is no more sausy, wicked and cruel like before”

“Robert is still, to me”
Kate said.

“He is not.., he has changed drastically. He is now a gentleman”
Ben replied shrugging before walking out.

Kate sighs and look around the room.
“I was only trying to celebrate Halloween”

(Maryland’s hospital)
Liam hold Olivia’s hand.
“How are you feeling?
Liam asked caressing her hand.

“Am fine, liam…
Can we leave this hopsital now? And why are we here in the first place”

Doctor naresh walked in and walked to them.
“The test results are out”
He announced.

“Is it what we expect?
Did she really has a memory loss?”
Liam asked.

“Yes.. her brain scan show a slight injury in her head but she is going to recover.
She can’t remember anything from two month ago”

Why is all this happening?”

“Am sorry… Liam.
Take heart”
Doctor naresh said.

“What has happened during those two months?
Olivia asked.

“We are going to discuss them at home when you get discharged”
Liam replied.

“You are going to recover soon, Olivia.. you will definitely regain those memories,
Your condition is not really critical”
Doctor naresh also said.

Olivia nodded.
Doctor naresh walked out the same time Det stones walked into Olivia’s ward.
“Hey, doc..
Det stones greeted.

“Detective stones, it’s been a long time”
Doctor naresh said.

“Yeah, so nice to see you again”
He smile and walk to Liam and Olivia.

“Same, det stones
Doctor naresh walked out and looked back at Det stones with Liam and Olivia.
“Are they working together now?”
He thought.

Det stones make sure doctor naresh is out of scene and sight before he brought up their secret discussion.
“Did you find anything about the blacked masked assassin?”
Liam asked.

“Nothing yet…
The assassin is trying all he could to hide his identity and himself.
He only attack his target suddenly”

“We are going to find him…
I don’t fear him anymore”
Liam replied.

“Who is the blacked masked assassin?
Olivia asked.

(Jini mini boutique, California)
Andrew and rose came out of their Rolls Royce vehicle.
They both step down as soon as John and the driver opened the car door.
Rose smiles and look around. The fresh wind flaunts her hair widely. She wore a red hat and a thin flirty yellow dress showing her body curves and her small baby bump.

Andrew on the other hand just wore a short knicker and a white t shirt. The t shirt was unbuttoned showing a little side of his abs.

“We will be here, boss…
John said.

We will be back soon”
Andrew replied and face Rose. He stretched his hand and grab Rose’s hand.

They both walked into the large boutique.
“Why did you chose this boutique? We could have drive into a private one”
Andrew asked as he noticed people staring at them.

“I love outing like this… Not a private πŸ₯± and bored one”
Rose replied.

“Is that the only reason?
Cos it seems you brought us here so you could show me off”

“Yeah… Maybe
I want everyone to know you are taken”
She said.

Everyone eyes were on them.
πŸ”ΆOmg, they are both cute together πŸ€”
Some young high girls admire them.

πŸ”ΆShe is lucky to be with Andrew Williams, am so jealous
How I wish my husband could get time for this”
Some married white women said staring at them.

πŸ”Ά I wish I was Rose Walter,
Rumors said she lives with him now”

Am in, I want everyone to know Rose Walter owns me”
Andrew replied as they walk to the cashier.

“Good morning…
Andrew greeted the cashier. The cashier look up at them and begin to stare.
“Can we get directions to the baby clothes store?”

The cashier was still staring.
Are you still right here?
Andrew waved his hands across her face.

The cashier came back from her short dream
“Oh, am so sorry..
What are you saying?

“Can we get directions to the baby clothes store?
Andrew repeated himself.

“Oh yes..
Just take a straight walk and take the way to your left”
The cashier replied.

That’s sound easy”
Rose said The cashier just nodded.

Andrew thanked her before they both walk away to the direction she describe.

The cashier watched them till they are out of sight.
“Oh gosh…
I can’t believe I just had a conversation with Andrew Williams”
She touched her supposed blushing cheeks.

Andrew and rose began to select the baby wears. Rose picked up a little green female baby shirt.
“This is going to look good on her”
Rose imagined staring at the shirt.

It’s a boy, rose.. we are not buying any female clothes”
Andrew quickly chipped in.

“It’s a girl..
I already did a pregnancy scan”

Are you serious?
Behind my back?”

“I had wanted to surprise you”
Rose replied and a sorry look appeared on her face.
“Am sorry”
“The doctor report is at the car, I can show you”

Andrew sighs…
“We are having a baby girl?”

Rose shrugged and smile.

Can Kate be the black masked assassin?πŸ€”
Andrew and rose are expecting a baby girl.

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