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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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⚜️(Billionaire Romance)⚜️
☘️ (CHAPTER 52)πŸ€
(Theme: Love, Action, Revenge)
Setting: Los Angeles, California (21st century)
✍️Written by Richie ayomide ✍️

(Still at the hospital)
“Why do you want to help me? Why do you offer help in my revenge plan?”

“Cos you asked for help…
Andrew shrugged.

“I know that’s not the main reason,you needed something from me”
We both know each other very well, Andrew”
Robert looked serious.

“Is there any other reason than you asked for my help.. And I decided to help you”?

“And why did you decide to help me?”
Robert said and managed to stand up from his bed. He walk slowly to him.
Andrew stare at him. They both stare at each other eyeballs dangerously.
“Are you suspecting me of something?”
Andrew asked.

“Who knows… You might have some other motive”
Robert replied.
“I might have been calm and gentle over the month but still, am still the dangerous Robert suntherland you know”
And if you cross the line, you are going down”

“Am surprised by your courage, Robert…
But do you really want me to help? I can gladly back out now”

“Am just making sure we are both on the same side..
I know what you are capable of doing”
Robert folded his arms.

“I only decided to help you to clear my name off the book, everyone still think I ki||ed you”
Are you okay now?”
Andrew said and walk away, Robert just watched it.

Andrew opened the room door and saw Kate and Ben outside pretending to be adjusting their hair and dresses.
Andrew looked at them.
“Talk some words into him since you overheard our conversation”
He said before walking away.

Andrew walked into Rose’s ward. Doctor naresh was already with them.
“Morning, Andrew…
Doctor naresh smile.

Andrew just nodded. He waved at rose and Jean behind him.
“Is everything okay now?”
He asked.

She is discharged now” she can go home”
Doctor naresh replied. Andrew walked to them.
“Are you okay?
He asked facing Rose.

“Yeah, we are…
Have missed home, haven’t been home for days now”
Rose replied.

“Well, home is waiting for you”
Andrew said smiling.
“Am surprised I was not even noticed”
Jean said and roll her eyes.

“Am sorry about that…
Andrew smile.
“You should have know that when you chose to hug rose instead of me”
Andrew replied.

“Are you still pained about what happened the other day?”
Jean asked.

“Yeah, I am…
I was pained my sister’s ignored me for my girlfriend”
Doctor naresh saw everything is going on well. He walked out smiling as John walked in and walk to Andrew.

“The car is ready, Boss”
He said facing Andrew and smile at Rose.
“Welcome back home, Rose”

“Thanks, John…

Take them to the vehicle”
I need to see doctor naresh”
Andrew said.

“Alright, boss..
He replied
Mrs Williams, you can follow me now”
John said and they all burst into laughter.
Jean carried rose’s medical bag and followed rose and John out of the room.

Andrew sighs and look around the room.

Andrew walked into Olivia’s ward. She was lying on the bed, still in coma.
Doctor naresh and a nurse were checking her oxygen levels and vitals.
Doctor naresh placed an injection on the tray. The nurse carried it and walk out. He removed his face mask and look at Andrew who was staring all along.

“How long have you been standing there?”
Doctor naresh asked.

“Not too long…
I just came to say thank you for nuturing rose back to health. I could have lost her and the baby”
Andrew appreciated.

Doctor naresh smile.
“That’s nice of you to appreciate..
I just can’t wait to have a godson”

Andrew chuckles.
“Will Olivia be okay?
She has spent weeks in coma on that bed”

“Am not sure about that, she is on a verge of death now
Only if she can fight it”
Doctor naresh replied pitifully.
“Liam who could have been checking on her has been arrested and he is detained in the police custody”

“He has been released now”
Andrew said.

“When was that? ”

“This morning…

“That’s bad news”
We lost our chances”

Andrew sighs. “I have to move now..
My family is waiting for me”

Doctor naresh smile.
“They are now your family?”

He smile and walked out.

Doctor naresh watched him walk out.
“Rose had made him forget about his mom”
He thought within himself.

Mr mark was seated. He looked left and right, it seems he is waiting for someone.

Jake walk to him.
“Morning, Mr mark
What brought you to boathouse today?”

“I have a date meeting with someone
He replied.
Jake nodded. “And also, I haven’t seen Jerry and Rose around
Are they no more working here?”

“Rose is on a short leave, she will be back but about Jerry, he has finally left”
“But not to worry, we have new employees now, they will attend to you in a bit”
Jake replied and smile.

“Alright, i will like a glass of vodka first before the person am waiting for arrives”

“Will be delivered to your table in some minutes”
Jake said and walk away.
A minute later, Liam walked in and look around the eatery. He saw mr mark waving his hands.
He smile and walked to him. Det stones also walked in and followed him.

Liam draw back a chair and sat down opposite him. Det stones also did thesame sitting in between them.
“I guess it’s a nice morning”
Det stones said.

Good to see you, Liam Payne”
Mr mark replied.
“Det stones, how has been CPD”

“CPD is great.
He said and sighs.

“Am sorry I couldn’t get you Andrew’s arrest… that Corny man is too smart,
It very hard to get to frame him”
Mr mark apologize.

“Yeah I understand…
For you not be able to have your SRS9, he really did scammed you”

“And talking about Andrew Williams…
What do you have for us?”
Liam asked.

It seems you really h@Ε₯Δ› him alot”.

“I do with all my life…
When Robert was still alive, he really wish he could end him also”

I have something you can use to bring him down and clear your name off the book”
Mr mark said and smile.

Liam look at Det stones.
“What do you mean?”
Det stones asked.

“I said… I have a strong evidence that can be used to bring him down,
It shows Andrew’s involvement in Robert’s murder”
He said again.

“Are you sure about this?Are you aware there is also an evidence that proves Liam also ki|| Robert”
Det stones asked.

“Yeah, but the evidence I have will render the evidence against Liam useless and all fingers will point to Andrew Willams”

“How did you have this so called information?”
Liam asked sitting upright.

“I always have my ways, Liam…”

Det stones and Liam looked at each other again.
“This is really a good day for me… If you truly possess that information, I am going to win this fight, am winning this battle
Andrew will be put behind bars and I will have it all, I can’t wait”
He imagined that future with smile on his face.

“Send us those evidence.
Det stones said.

“Hmm hmm, not so fast
You and I both know the drill”
Mr mark replied.

Liam slammed the table. “Look mark, am going to give you anything you wants as long as I get my hands on that evidence”

Mr mark shrugged.
“Am not asking for nothing much, just a part of your assets”
Mr mark said.

You want a share out of his properties?
Det stones asked.

Look, do you know what evidence I have will affect liam positively? The evidence can bring down all what Andrew Williams worked for, ruin his life and thereby making Liam Payne the saint.
Liam Payne is going to own California
Mr mark replied.

Liam just said.

“I can’t sell this information for just $450B… If I make use of this myself, am going to reap off a whooping sum of money closing in to trillions”

“And why don’t you use it for yourself? Why offering it to us?”
Liam asked.

“I already did, I thr_@tened him to get back my SRS9 but it didn’t work, I kidnapped his family and it also didn’t work”
So I decide it’s best you can make use of it instead”

“How much do you want? I can’t give out my properties”
Liam said.

“Am only asking for half of it… Is it hard to give?”

“I can only offer money”

“Alright fine, let’s do it this way
You give me 10% of your asset plus $700bilion ” Am fine with that”

Liam quickly negotiated.

“Alright, am no more interested, have tried all I could”
Mr mark said and stood up, ready to walk away.

Liam sighs sadly. He looked at Det stones.
“Let’s accept it”
Remember, it’s an evidence against Andrew”

Liam said to Mr mark who almost walked out of the restaurant.

Mr mark smile and looked back.
“You know when to find me when it’s ready”
He replied and walk outside.

Liam face Det stones.
“$700B is a lot of money, that’s more than half of my wealth”
Liam said.

“Do you wants more money or bring down Andrew Williams?
You gat to chose one”

~(Andrew’s resident)~
Andrew was busy with his phone as he sat on the couch. Rose watches the TV as she rest her head on Andrew’s shoulder.

She threw popcorns into her mouth as she watches the TV.
“Andrew? Are you watching this or not? ”
Rose asked.

“Am sorry but am busy with my clients right now”
He replied still focused on the phone.

Rose grab the phone away from his hand.
“I am more important here”

Andrew sighs and smile.
“Ofcourse you are…
He said and kiss her forehead.

“Why did you take too long to confess your feelings? Why is it now that am carrying your baby”
Rose suddenly asked smooching her face like a baby.

Why the sudden question?

“Am just surprised you harbor your feelings away from me”
She replied.

“And that’s because I was scared to tell you, I was feeling you might reject me when we promise each other we won’t have any bit or tiny feelings for each other”

“Well, to be honest…
I have also fallen for you when I had my first segz encounter with you, I just h@Ε₯Δ› myself while admitting it”

“It’s okay now..
And now it seems a burden have been lifted from my head
Am so happy I finally have you”
Andrew said and kissed her forehead again.

Rose smile and look up to his face.
“I love you Andrew Williams”

“I know that…
Andrew said and laughed.

“What? Ain’t you going to say it back”

“Isn’t it obvious? I love you also
And most importantly, our little baby”
Andrew replied and kiss her stomach.

“Just eight months to go”

So what are you going to tell your parents? ”

“They knew I am with you, so they will understand and they will be finally happy they are getting a granddaughter”
Rose replied.

“Well, my dad also will be happy. He has been waiting for this moment when I had the “fake Marriage” with you”
And wait a minute, did you just say a granddaughter?
We are having a male child”?

“It’s a female…
Rose chipped in.

“Alright, I would say we should run a pregnancy scan now”
Am going to give a call to doctor naresh”

Rose burst into laughter…
“Omg, am just three weeks pregnant…
A foetus hasn’t even formed yet”

TBC. . . .
🀭🀭Love in the atmosphere,
Mr mark has a strong evidence against Andrew… What evidence could that be?

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