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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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⚜️(Billionaire Romance)⚜️
☘️ (CHAPTER 4)?
(Theme: Love, Action, Revenge)
Setting: Los Angeles, California (21st century)

~Andrew’s mansion ~
(Dark room)
Rose breathe slowly in the dark. She was tied to a chair and the whole room was dark.
Rose was sweating and starving at the same time.

“What have I gotten myself into??”
Did I make a mistake in accepting his proposal?
She said as tears rolled down her eyes.
“I can’t believe a man could be this wicked and cruel to maltreat a woman like this”

Her stomach make a sounds.
“And am starving”
She muttered and look around,, she couldn’t see anything,, every where was dark.

Suddenly, she heard footsteps inside the room.
“Is someone there?”
She asked.
No one answered.

” Who just walked in?
She shouted again.
No one replied,, the footsteps keep coming closer and closer.
Suddenly, she felt a hand on her Břě@šť.
She make a scream and shouted.

“No one is going to hear you,,
Andrew William is not here to save you”
A voice said.

“I don’t expect the man who punishs me this way would be the one to save me ..
“And I recognize your voice,, you are one of Andrew’s men
Rose replied.

” Yeah,, that’s smart of you,,
Am here to have a taste of you ”
He said with some much confidence.

” Are you crazy?
” You want to have segz with me?? In here??
Do you know am your boss’s wife? ”
Rose replied trying to change his mind.

” Not only my boss have to enjoy endowed ladies like you,,
We also have the right to enjoy good things”
And besides, my boss only need you to satisfy his segzual desires,, nothing else”

“What’s your name?
Rose asked.

” You don’t need to know ”
Just let me have a taste of you”
He replied and caresses her shoulder..

“Well, I don’t need to know your name before I report you to Andrew, your voice is enough for me too…
Rose still couldn’t see anything in the dark.
” How is this rapist seeing me in the dark?? Did he wear some kind of special glasses or something?
She thought.

” You know you can lose your life if Andrew finds out about this?

He scoffs and hold her cheeks.
” Don’t deceive yourself Rose, “how will you report me when you don’t know my name.. or recognize my face”

” Well, I can recognize your voice and also with this”
Rose said and bit his finger really hard that blood began to rush out.

The man screamed out in pain and gave rose a slap.
“Why did you do that??
He asked angrily.

” Just know you are dead when my husband comes back or you run now”
Rose said with confidence.

Suddenly, someone puts on the light that almost blinded rose.
“Boss is back”
Let’s go”
The man quickly turn before rose could see his face.

(Still inside Andrew’s Willam compound)
Andrew stepped down from the car as two cops walked in through the compound gate.

They both look scared like they walked into the lion’s den.
One of Andrew’s men walk to them.
“How can we help you?”
He asked the cops.

“We are sent here to see Mr Andrews”
One of the cops managed to say in a scary voice.
They both show him their police badge.

Andrew walked to them with his two hands in his pocket.
He looked at them.
“You two are cops right??
He asked and they nodded..
He stare at the gun and baton they are armed with.

“Did you guys came to arrest me or you are here for something else?”
Andrew asked.

“No, no…
We are not here to arrest you,, we came over to inform you we need your attention at CPD(California police department). We need some answers to our question about Robert suntherland’s death”

Andrew scoffs..
” You can just ask me right here,, let’s go inside and some talks ”
Andrew gesture them in.

“We are good right here but we just need your presence at CPD…
That’s all”

” Still thesame as an arrest”
I can’t believe people are taking this joke too far”
He smile.
The cops looked at each other wondering what he meant by that.

“Alright,, I will see your captain soon”
“Their is no need for an arrest”
He said and walk inside…
He got to the living room and saw one of his men..
” Release her ”
He said those two words and sat down on the couch.
His guard nodded and walk away.

His phone rang.
“Oh gosh,, Dad..
He muttered and hang up the phone..
“Am not in the mood to talk right now”

His men came back with Rose.. she was looking pale.
“How have you been hanging in there?”
He asked staring at rose.

You dare ask me how I was doing?
You wicked soul”
Rose cursed at him.

“You still haven’t learn a lesson…
Will you like to spend more days in the dark room”

“Am quitting..
Am no more interested in this stupid marriage contract we had”
She said and wanted to walk away.

” Remember you already signed the contract,,, staying here forever with me was our deal ”
And I am the one who is going to quit if I want to”
Andrew replied.
” You have no way out of this, rose ”

” Then why are you treating me like a slave…
I don’t act and you don’t treat me like a wife, what do you want from me please ”
Rose pleaded.

Andrew looked at her and stood up..
He walk slowly to her.
“Do you really want to know why I need you? Why I want you so bad?”

Rose nodded.
“Yes, I want to”
“Am tired of all this”

” Alright, all I need you for is to save my asset and properties,,
If I don’t get married and or get a wife to present to my dad,,, my assets will be seized and I will be a wretched and poor man and then Robert win,, ”

Rose smile.
” So is that why you ki||ed your rival??
So he will not take over your spot as the richest billionaire in the city?

“I already answered your question”
He replied and walk back to his seat.

“He is trying to avoid questions about Robert’s death”
Rose thought and scoffs.

“One of your men segzually assaulted me in the dark room some minutes ago..
It’s like you are not giving your men good lectures of manners ”

Andrew quickly faced her…
” What did you just say?

(Outside Andrew’s compound)
The cops refused to leave as they were instructed to come back with Andrew William in handcuffs.

“You can take your leave now..
My boss will see your captain”
Andrew’s closest bodyguard said.

” We are sorry but we can’t leave without him..
One of the cops said.
Suddenly, Andrew William came out looking angry and furious..
All his men rushed to him bowing down before him.

The cops jerk back in fear,, attempting to remove their gun in case anything happened.
Andrew scanned the finger of every of his men..
He saw the culprit and kept quiet.

He walked up to one of the cops,, grab his gun and walk back to his men..
Andrew pointed it to one of them… The victim began to shake and his heart beat increased.

“Am sorry Mr Carter,,, I didn’t meant to” he said as he sobs and cries in fear
I was just…
Andrew pull the trigger and shot him in the forehead interrupting his words.

He drop dead to the ground immediately.
“That’s for lusting over my wife”
He replied coldly.

The cops were surprised of what just happened.
Andrew put on a fake smile and walk to the policemen, gave the gun back to one of them.
He then stretched his hands waiting to be handcuffed.

The two cops looked at each other, thinking they were daydreaming.
What did Andrew William just did? did he just $h00t one of his men because of rose?
Will rose stay with him and continue her mission?
Who is the real murderer ??
Andrew? Or liam? ?

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