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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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⚜️(Billionaire Romance)⚜️
☘️ (CHAPTER 35 &36)?
(Theme: Love, Action, Revenge)
Setting: Los Angeles, California (21st century)
✍️Written by Richie ayomide ✍️

.read ?

(Robert’s apartment)
“Who attacked Olivia Payne?”
Robert asked facing Kate, Ben and Dylan.

“No one, Boss..
We cant do anything behind your back”
Dylan replied.

“Are you guys aware of what happened?

“Yess boss…
We watched the news”
And we are surprised as you are”
Kate also said.

“We are planning to start with Olivia and someone else is already doing that for us”
Ben added.

Robert stare at the three of them.
“I guess that person save us the stress,
I think it’s high time we give Liam a warning too, he won’t see it coming”

Ben and Kate smile…
Have been waiting for this”

(Andrew’s resident)
Jean sat down in the living room watching TV. Rose walked in on her crutches as usual.
You’ve been on the TV all day
Won’t you get up and take a stroll? Breathe in some fresh air”
Rose said.

“Thanks for caring, ma’am
I think am okay like this”
Jean replied sarcastically.

“Look, I know we h@ťě each others gut and we don’t like each other a lot”
But can we just pretend to be friends just to die down this unfriendly feelings between us?”

“So you want us to pretend as friends?
Why is that?”

“I just want us to…
Infact, maybe real friends cos am as friendly as everyone that get close to me”
Rose said.

“Well, am sorry…
I can’t be friends to someone that is way older than me”
Jean replied.

Rose smile.
“So now, you agreed you are 21?”

Jean chuckles but she hide it.
Rose walked to her and sat down with her.
“Am cool with being friends with someone am way older than …
I just need someone to hang out with,
Andrew and John will be off to work and I will be bored here alone at home”

“Hmm, so that’s the reason you want to be friends with me?
To use me to ki|| your boredom?”
Jean asked.

“Yeah, I guess so
But still, we are both going to derived a mutual benefit”
Ain’t you also bored?”

“Yes,. Am tired of the TV anyway”
Jean replied and stare at Rose’s injured leg.
“How did this happen?

” Oh this?
I had a minor accident”
Rose replied.

“Am sorry…
The injury doesn’t look like a minor one, a minor accident can’t get you on crutches”

Rose smile.
I was stabbed in the leg”

Jean gasped.

Well, I survived it…
Am going to get back on my feet pretty soon”

“Am sorry…
But how did you get stab in the leg? Were you involved in a fight or..?
Am sorry I asked too much questions”

“No, it’s alright
Rose replied.

~(Maryland hospital Los Angeles)~
Olivia lies on the hospital bed with her attention on her phone.
Liam and Robert walked into her ward with a nurse.
The nurse walked to her and removed the drip strip connected to her blood system.
“You are being discharge now, Mrs Olivia”
The nurse said.

Olivia sighs and stood up from her bed.
“Are you feeling better now?”
Liam asked.

“Don’t worry about me…
Just find who is behind the accident”
Olivia replied and walked out.
Liam followed behind her.

Robert thought of something for a while.
“Is Liam being controlled by Olivia?”

Doctor naresh walked in.
“When will you teach this guys their lesson?
They are enjoying the moment too much”
He said as he walks to Robert.

“Soon doctor Naresh…
It’s just a matter of time”
He replied.

“I trust you..
Doctor naresh smile.
“Andrew Willams might be able to help also”

“I don’t need his help…
He is not in my plan and besides, he is my rival”

“Andrew William is with rose now… And I think he will be able to help”

“Drop it, doctor Naresh…
Am fine on my own”
Robert replied stubbornly and walk away.
Doctor naresh sighs.

Robert walked into the vehicle as the driver drove off.
Olivia and Liam already started an argument.
Olivia… Why are you taking this thing too personal?”
I already told you, am going to find who did it…
How is that hard to understand? “
Liam shouted at her.

Robert just put on an earbud and listen to his playlist.
“We are not safe…
That person came for revenge”

“Am going to find him or her, Olivia
Just relax”
Liam tried to calm her down.

Suddenly, the car hit a bump and everyone calm down to see what has happened.
Robert removed his earbud when he felt the force.
“What’s going on?
Olivia asked.

“Am sorry… I think our car hit something”
The driver replied and stopped the car.

“Robert, check what’s going on? “
Liam said.

“Yes, boss…
Robert stepped down from the vehicle. The driver also did..

They check around the car and find bomb denator under the vehicle beeping a red light.
“Omg, boss…
There is a bomb under the vehicle”
The driver said.

“Everyone, out of the vehicle now”
Robert shouted.

Olivia and Liam quickly stepped down from the vehicle and as soon they stepped out, the car blew up and exploded throwing them miles away from the car.
Liam and Olivia coughed out from the smoke air they breathe in.
“Are you guys okay?
Robert walked to them.

“Yeah, we are fine”
Liam replied standing up.

They all looked at their burning car and sighs.
Robert saw a paper with the same “REVENGE” word on it.

“Not again…
Liam and Olivia also came over.

“That same paper was found at the scene of the accident yesterday…
Who could do this? “
Olivia asked.

“Someone is after us”
Liam said already getting worried.

“Yeah, I think we in deep trouble”
Olivia also added.

Robert couldn’t hold his smile.
“So this is how it is for Liam and Olivia to fear for their life? “
The driver walk to them.

“Boss, I already called in a new vehicle,
It will be here in ten minutes”
The driver said.

(Andrew’s resident)
Andrew walked with John.
“Am home, ladies”
Andrew said with all smiles expecting anyone to come out from wherever they are.

“Boss, do you think they won’t have had a fight and had a hot argument when we are away”

“I don’t think so, they are going to get along”
Andrew replied.

“This explain otherwise…
John said and walk to the living room. He saw rose and Jean already asleep on the couch.

They fall asleep on the couch”
John said.

“The house must be really boring for them to sleep off on the couch”
Andrew muttered.
His phone rang. He brought out his phone.
“Why is Mr mark calling me?”
Andrew asked.

“I don’t know boss…
That man never learn his lesson”
John replied.

Andrew picked the call and place it on his ears.
“Long time, Andrew Williams”
Mr mark’s voice sounded from the background.

“What do you want again this time around Mr mark?”
Andrew asked.

Mr mark chuckles.
“The real SRS9”
He replied.

Andrew burst into laughter….
“You and I both know you can’t get that..
It’s impossible”

“Oh really…
Alright, Andrew William,
I would advise you to watch the latest news tomorrow morning and don’t be shocked when you see the headline “Andrew Williams involvement in Robert suntherland’s murder”

“What do you mean?”
Andrew asked.

“I know about what you did…
How you ki||ed Robert suntherland? Other people might think it was Liam Payne but I know everything”
Mr mark said.
“A proof that am right will be sent to you in few minutes”
He added.
Andrew’s heart skipped a beat.

“What do you want?”
Andrew forced himself to ask.

“Its glaring…
The SRS9″
Mr mark replied.

Andrew looked at John with a worried look.



(Andrew’s resident)
“I know about what you did…
How you ki||ed Robert suntherland? Other people might think it was Liam Payne but I know everything”
Mr mark said.
“A proof that am right will be sent to you in few minutes”
He added.
Andrew’s heart skipped a beat.

“What do you want?”
Andrew forced himself to ask.

“Its glaring…
The SRS9″
Mr mark replied.

Andrew looked at John with a worried look.
“We have a problem”

“What is it boss?
What does Mr mark says?”

“He found out about Robert’s death… Andrew replied and his phone dings a sound.
He checked through and saw some photos”
John grab the phone and also have a look. “Oh gosh, this is bad..
How did Mr mark finds out about this?”

“We don’t have to look into that… Just get me his blood before he make too much demands”

John replied.

Andrew sighs and look around…
Jean and rose have already woken up.
“Hey, you are both awake”

“Yeah, I think we slept off while watching TV…
Jean yawned.

“You too should just go to the bedroom and have a nap”
Andrew said and walked inside.

“What’s with him?
Rose asked.
Jean just shrugged.

Robert walked into Liam’s office. Liam sat down thinking about the accidents.
“Nemesis has catched up with you, Liam…
Just a matter of time”
Robert said as he walked in

He called.
Liam was already lost in thoughts.
His mind couldn’t fathom who could be behind the accident.

He called again tapping him a little.
Liam came back to reality and sighs.

“Oh gosh, Please don’t tell me have been thinking? “

“Yes boss…
Hope you are okay? “

Do you think Robert suntherland can be behind this?
The REVENGE papers we found at the accident”

“Am not sure boss…
But maybe cos he is the only suspect right now”
He is definitely coming back for revenge”
Robert said and smile within himself.

“No wonder his body isn’t found..
He is definitely alive and well”
“And he is back”
Liam replied and let out a sigh again.

Olivia also walked in and collapse on the couch.
“What a stressful day…
She said sighing heavily.

Liam stood up and walk to her.
“Any updates yet? “
He asked.

“No, detective stones and I found nothing

“I think Robert is back”
Liam suddenly said.

“Wait, are you saying he is behind this?”
There is no way Robert can be alive, he was shot in the forehead, remember? He can’t survive that death
Olivia asked.
And I don’t think it’s someone like Robert will be behind those black mask.
“Am sure it’s someone else
She added.

“Maybe we should wait for the next attack…
We can find something or a clue”
Robert said.

“Are you saying the person behind all this is going to attack again? “
Olivia asked.

“Yeah,he is coming for a revenge so its obvious he or she might attack again”

“So, we wait then…
Liam replied and walked out.

Olivia looked at Robert.
“Can you do something for me?”
Olivia asked.

“Yes boss, anything”

Olivia said and folded her arms.
“Can you get me Rose Walter?”

“Oh $h|t… Not again
Robert said within himself.
“Miss Olivia, am sorry to say but can’t you just learn your lesson for once?
We just got you out from Andrew’s hands and now all you could think of is getting rose again”

“Why do you sound like you are supporting rose Walter? “

Really? Miss Olivia…
What do you think Liam Payne is going to say if he hears you are after rose again during this current situation? “

Olivia saw he is right from his words and realized she shouldn’t have said that.
“You are right… you all should focus on who is behind those accidents while I go after Rose”
I don’t need any of your help”
Olivia said stubbornly and walk away.

Robert scoffs.
“She never learn her lesson”
He said and rushed to sat down, took out his phone and dial Ben.

“Get everyone together, it’s time we teach Olivia a lesson”
She is getting out of hand”
He replied over the phone.

(Andrew’s resident)
~Andrew’s bedroom ~
Andrew was still in a worried mood. The photos Mr mark sent to him was shocking.
He couldn’t believe anyone could find out.
He stares at the photos of evidence Mr mark sent and a recorded video showing how he planned the assassination with john.

“Who recorded this video?
How did he or she got this?”
He wondered and decided to phone mark.

?”Hey, can we meet?
We need to talk”

“Hmm, you finally called…
I had thought you will hold your pride to yourself and take actions instead of talking and ironing things out”

“Enough of those crap!
Where should we meet? “

“Alright, Andrew William
Wh@ťěver you say… Let’s meet at the boathouse”

“See you in thirty minutes”
Andrew said and ended the call.

Andrew came alone, wearing a hoodie and cap to hide his identity.
And for the first time, he was scared and worried. He parked in vehicle in the compound garage and stepped down.

Jake came out of the restaurant with his other staffs. Andrew quickly cover his face well with the cap as he walk into boathouse trying to get unnoticed.

He walked into the restaurant and found a chair to sit.
Seconds later, someone came and sat with him.
“Since when did you start to hide, Andrew William?”
Mr mark voice sounded in his ear.

Andrew looked at him.
“Where did you get that video and those photos?”

“Are you scared Andrew William? “

“Just answer my questions”

“I can’t divulge that, it anonymous but you are definitely going to find out later, anyway”
Mr mark replied.
“I finally get to see you”
” So where is what I asked for? “
Mr mark asked.

Andrew scoffs and looked at glass transparent walls beside them.
“How I wish I could throw you against this glass walls? “

Mr mark chuckles.
“If am not back to my men in an hour, they will assume am dead and will release those evidence to detective stones.
He would really be happy to see you get arrested”

“Alright, fine…
I can’t offer you the SRS9, I have plans for it
But I can offer you money, any amount”

Mr mark burst into laughter.
“Do you think am a fool?
That SRS9 can make me richer than you, make me the richest in the whole California… do you know what that substances worth?

“Look, Mr mark
I just want…..
Andrew couldn’t finish his statement,
Suddenly, there are screams on the road. People began to run away from the scene.
A range Rover vehicle had had a hit and was turning over by its side along the road.

Andrew and Mr mark looked through the glass walls.
Other customers in the eatery couldn’t believe what they are seeing.
A woman quickly covered her little son’s face to avoid seeing the drastic accident.
“Oh f-__-k, …
An accident”
Mr mark muttered.

The car finally stopped. The glasses were broken and every parts of the car has been destroyed.
Everyone rushed out to see and capture the whole scene including Andrew and Mr mark.
They walked out of boathouse and Andrew was surprised it’s Liam’s vehicle.

“Isn’t that Liam’s vehicle?”
He asked and walk closer to the scene.
Blood was already on the ground floor of the road.

“Liam Payne??
Not again .. this is the third accident being recorded”
Mr mark said.

Some men walked into the vehicle and brought out someone.
It was Olivia.
She has already passed out and blood were all over her face.

???Liam and Olivia don dey fear
Is Andrew really involved in Robert’s murder? ?

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