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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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⚜️(Billionaire Romance)⚜️
☘️ (CHAPTER 33)?
(Theme: Love, Action, Revenge)
Setting: Los Angeles, California (21st century)
✍️Written by Richie ayomide ✍️

.read ?

(Andrew’s resident)
Rose walked into the living room back on her crutches with Andrew supporting her a little.
“If you listen to your therapist, she said you should try and walk all the time and sometimes without the crutches”
Andrew said and help her sat down.

“I don’t think I can do that…
Doesn’t she knows how it feels to be stabbed in the leg with a knife”
Rose asked.

“Just listen to her if you want to get back on your feet faster”
Andrew replied.

“Fine… I will give it a try…
She finally agrees and stood up again.

“Where are you going? “

“To the bedroom, I need to have a shower”
Rose replied.

Alright, I will be in the kitchen preparing something for dinner”

“Preparing dinner for you and me??
That’s unusual”

Andrew sighs.
“And would I allow you to cook in this condition? “

Rose smile.
“Am so scared of your change of heart this days.. the way you’ve been acting nice and friendly to me is alarming”.
Hope nothing is wrong? This is not the rude Andrew I once know”

“Please can you kindly go in there and have your bath while I prepare something in the kitchen”
He said and chuckles.

Rose smile.
I will be back in like thirty minutes”
Rose replied and walk away.

“Wait a minute..
Rose stopped. ” Can you prepare a meal? I thought you do ordered your meals most of the time”

“Well, I want to give it a try”
Andrew shrugged and rose nodded.

Let’s see”
She said and walk away.

John came in suddenly. He walked to Andrew.
“Boss, Mr mark wants to see you urgently”

“Mr mark?”
Oh gosh, is he pressing charges now? “

“Am not sure about that…
He only requested to see you”

“I can’t…
Am busy with rose tonight, he can wait till tomorrow”
Andrew replied and walk to have a seat.
John was surprised.

“You mean Rose Walter?

“Which other rose do I have in my house? “
Please Mr Mark can wait”
Andrew replied…
John nodded and he walked away.

Andrew called him back.

“Yes boss”

Andrew face him.
“Do you know how to make fish tacos and sandwiches?”

John was wondering why he asked.
I don’t…
Why do you ask boss?”

“I want to make dinner”

“You can order them, Boss”
Like we always do”

I want to make an home made one”
I thought you said you were once a chef”
Andrew asked.

John rubbed his mind for a while.
“I don’t remember saying that”

“It’s okay..
I will prepare them myself”
Andrew replied.

“Maybe you can start with an easy one boss..
Noddles and fried egg”
Or maybe ? pancakes and sauce”
Scrambled egg will be easy, just go for pancakes and scrambled eggs”

“You think that’s a simple meal to cook? “
Andrew asked.

“Yes boss…
And I think rose will like it”

“How did you know I wanted to cook dinner because of Rose?

“It’s obvious”

“Hmmm… Okay?
Thanks for the tip”
He replied and walk towards the kitchen.

John watched him walk away.
“I think I will stay hungry tonight than eat boss’s poison”
He said sadly and walked out.

Andrew came back into the kitchen with a small knife.
He stares at all the ingredients and groceries on the tile stand.
He brought out his phone and played a cooking tutorial video.

For the pancakes”
He said and watched the video.

“One cup of flour”
Checked” He said and put it aside.

“Two tablespoons sugar

Two teaspoons baking powder

½ teaspoon salt
“But why do we need salt for pancakes?
Ain’t we suppose to use sugar?”
He just shrugged later on and continuing watching the video.

One cup of milk

Two tablespoons of butter, and vegetable oil

One egg

One tablespoon vegetable oil

“Maple syrup, confectioners’ sugar, honey and chocolate syrup”

“But all these to make a simple pancake?”
He asked himself.

?Now, after all ingredients has been gotten, we find a medium size bowl to mix our ingredient…
First, we fill the bowl with a small quantity of water”?
Andrew watched and followed the chef’s instructions.
He quickly washed a bowl.

~Forty minutes later ~
Rose came into the living room looking refreshed and clean. She wore her white pyjamas.

She smell an aroma of something nice and smile.
“I guess he is good at cooking after all”
She muttered and sat down with John on the couch.

“Are my nostrils deceiving me?
Rose asked John.

“Am surprised as you are…
Boss can actually make a meal”
I can’t wait to have some pancakes”

He is making pancakes?”

Pancakes and scrambled eggs”

It’s been long I ate that”
I need to see how he is coping in the kitchen”
Rose said and stood up.

“He said no one should come in until he comes out”
Just let’s wait for him to be done”

Rose nodded and sat down back.
I guess he is making a lot of pancakes ? for him to spend much time in the kitchen”

Finally, Andrew came out from the kitchen with the trays of the meal in his both hands.
“Oh… He is out”
Rose said happily and walk to him.

“Dinner is ready”
Andrew force out a smile.
He placed the trays on the table.
“Everyone can have their seats now”

Rose and John quickly sat down without hesitating.
John rub his hands together.
“I really underestimate you boss..
Am sorry”

“Nah, it’s okay…
Let me get the wine”
Andrew replied and quickly walk away.

John wanted to take a look at the covered pancakes and scrambled eggs but rose quickly hit his hands away.

He is going to serve us this dinner himself”
Rose said.

John quickly backed off.
Andrew came back seconds later with a wine..
“Alright, can we eat now? “
John asked impatiently.

Andrew smile and opened the first tray. The first thing they saw was a round black burnt pancakes and the scrambled eggs were already brown and burnt.

Rose and John’s mouth was opened a little. They were shocked.
“Where are the pancakes, boss?”
John asked.

“Here they are…
Andrew replied pointing to the burnt pancakes.

“Andrew you could have called me to help”
Rose said sadly.

John drop his fork on his plate and stood up.
“Not so fast, John…
Sit down”

“Boss, I can’t eat this”
John replied.

“Me neither”
Rose also said.

“This burnt pancakes are my first trials but they got burnt, so I learn how pancakes works and made this fresh ones,
He said and opened the second tray.
And there it was, some fresh mouth watery creamy yellow pancakes ? with honey on its body and some scrabbled eggs on the other side.

Rose and John looked at each other.
“Omg, you made this?”
John asked.

“Yeah, you all can take a bite now”
Andrew replied.

Rose and John took one and had a taste.
A” Wow” look was on their faces.

“How is it?”

“This is really good, Boss…

“Enjoy it, there are more in the kitchen where it came from”.

~ Thirty minutes later ~(8:30pm)
John belched as a sign of full stomach.
He stood up and sip in a little wine before walking away.

Rose looked at Andrew.
“You really did cook…
She face him.
How do you learn to cook pancakes in just one day?

“I used the help of some cooking tutorials”

That explains it”
Rose nodded.
“Should we watch a movie?”

I like that…
Some movies before we go to bed”
Andrew smile.

A knock came on the door.
“I will be right back”
Andrew quickly stood up and walked to the door. He opened it. It was the delivery man

“Hey, I thought have paid you”
Andrew whispered to him.

“Yes sir both your signature is required to confirm you received the delivery”

“Oh gosh…
Alright, where can I place my signature? “

The delivery man brought out a book and pen. Andrew quickly collected it and signed in a space below it.

“Alright sir,…
Enjoy your pancakes”
He said and walk away.

Andrew quickly closed the door. Rose was already watching a movie.
He sighs and walk back to Rose on the couch.

“Who is that?”
Rose asked.

“It’s one of my men…
Don’t worry about it..
He replied and look at the TV.
“What movie are you watching?”

“A Romance movie”
Rose smile.

Andrew just nodded and pick up his phone from his pocket.
“Not interested”
He muttered.

You don’t like romance movies?”

“I don’t watch movies…

“Then you are watching it for the first time with me”
We are both watching this movie”

Rose stares at the TV as she throws some popcorn into her mouth.
A kissing scene played on in the movie.
Andrew looked at Rose. Rose also looked at him. The kiss sounds filled their ears.
They both looked at each other in the eyes.
In a blink of an eye, they found themselves soughting for each other, and kissing in the process.

Andrew reached for the remote and put off the TV. Andrew pull off his shirt and went on top of rose as they continue with the kiss.

A cop opened Det stone’s office and Jerry walked in.
“Morning, Det stones”
Robert smile and have a seat.

He called and sat on his office chair comfortably folding his arms.
“You know I don’t really trust you even though you are Liam Payne’s bodyguard”

Jerry chuckles…
“It’s hard to trust someone like me”
Many people have said that”
Anyways, boss sent me here”

I got an heads up
Det stones replied and took a brown envelope from his table before handling to him.
“Give that to him”

Jerry collected it and smile.
“So det stones?
Any findings yet?”

Not exactly, after we found out Robert suntherland has a lion drawn tattoo, nothing has been done yet”

Robert was shocked. Det stones noticed his reactions on his face.
“Is everything alright?”

“Yeah, yeah…
Everything is alright”
I have to get going now”
Jerry said and stood up.

They both exchanged an handshake before Jerry walked out.

Det stones sighs.
“I never trusted him…
He is hiding something”

Rose and Andrew ??
Robert got to find out they are after anyone with a lion’s tattoo

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