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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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⚜️(Billionaire Romance)⚜️
☘️ (CHAPTER 25)?
(Theme: Love, Action, Revenge)
Setting: Los Angeles, California (21st century)
✍️Written by Richie ayomide ✍️

.read ?

~Liam’s resident ~
“Why can’t we have her ki||ed?”
Olivia shouted angrily at Liam.
They have been arguing for some minutes now.

“Relax, Olivia…
She can’t spill not even a drop of our secrets”
Andrew already promise me and if she does, she is going to die by my hands, I promise”

Olivia calmed down after hearing Liam’s words.
“It better stays that way…
I don’t want rose to ruin our plan”

“It’s okay…
Come here”
He gesture Olivia to give him a hug.

Olivia hugged him as one of his men came inside.
“Boss, we have a problem”
He said with a worried look.

“What’s that?”
Liam asked as Olivia stares at him also
He handed over a phone to Andrew.
Liam collected it and read through.

“Oh f-__-k”
Liam said.

“What’s wrong honey?”
Olivia asked.

“Robert’s body can’t be found”
He said.

“Boss, it’s already on the news”
Liam and Olivia quickly looked at the TV.

????….. now, a breaking news just came into our station, the California police department has drawn the attention of Los Angeles’s citizen to the death of Robert suntherland.
The CPD announced that his body has been missing from the City’s morgue.
Investigations have started immediately and all…. ???

Liam put off the TV.

“What are we going to do?”
Olivia asked with fear in her eyes.

Liam sighs and sat down.

(Rose’s resident)
Rose got home thinking of all what Jerry said.
She sighs repeatedly as she drops her bag on the sofa. Her mom walked to her.
“It seems you had a long day”

“Yeah, am just tired…

Take a rest, we have something to discuss after you take a rest”

“What’s that, mom? ”

“Just take a rest, first…
We have all the time to discuss it”

Rose sighs and hold her hand. They both sat down…
“Just tell me, mom.. am always here”

“Alright, your dad and I are just curious when are you going to get engaged…
You are almost 30 now and you still haven’t had not even a common boyfriend”

So is it about me getting a man? ”

“Yeah rose…
Ladies younger than you already have a man”

“Mom, just be patient with me and give me time,
When the time is right, the right man will sought for me”

“Please don’t tell me you are waiting for that man of your dreams to walk straight to you while you sit down and wait without making an effort?
Her mom asked.
“It doesn’t work that way”
“Do you even have a man you like or have something for? ”

“Oh gosh, mom…
Of course, I do”

“Then what’s stopping you…
If you like Andrew William, I won’t mind.. he has been a good man afterall”

“So after what he did to you and dad. you are still going to let him have your precious daughter”

“Well, I believe he is changed man now.. maybe you changed him afterall”
Her mom replied.

“Mom, do you know he stole the money he loaned dad? Don’t you think he has something else he is after? ”

“There is a good reason he did that, who knows..
Maybe he did that to have you and it seems you really like Andrew”
Rose’s mom suspected.

“No, I don’t…
Rose quickly objected.
We only had a couple of segz but we didn’t really have anything for each other”

“And do you just have segz with random people you don’t like? ”

“O gosh, mom…
It’s so weird talking about segz with you”
Am going to stop talking now”

Her mom chuckles…
“Ain’t we both adult?”
Isn’t that how I made you?
C’mon, tell me more about this “segz stuff”you had with him”

“Okay, am gonna take a rest now…
Goodnight mom”
She replied and stood up before walking to the bedroom.

Her mom sighs and smile.
Rose breathe out as she collapse on the bed. She face and stares at the ceiling.
Her mind went to Robert.

“I can’t believe Robert still has some loyal men who can fight for him even after his death”
She thought.
Something cross her mind again.
“Why am I feeling like something is wrong here?
I haven’t seen Jerry among Robert’s men… Where was he when I had known Robert ”

Her phone rang beside her.
She jolt out of her thought and pick up her phone.
“ĎïčkHEAD” with an angry face emoji was seen on her phone’s screen.

“What does he want this time around?
She hissed and toss her phone away a little bit.

Her phone rang again disturbing her peace. She picked it and place it in her ear.
“What do you want, Andrew?”

“Rose?? Are you ignoring my calls?
Andrew asked.

“Obviously, I am…
Why did you call?”
This is unusual since I left your home”

Andrew chuckles over the phone.
“I called to ask how you’ve been doing…
Are you okay now? Where are you?”

“And since when did you start being so caring wanting to know about my whereabout?
Rose asked.

Andrew sighs over the phone.
“And now you’ve started again… I just asked a simple question and all your head could think of is if am pretending to care”
Really? Rose…
You were almost ki||ed by Liam’s men and I simply asked how you are doing and where are you right now just to be sure you are safe, and this is what I get?”
Being questioned”

Rose realized she was at fault.
“Am sorry…
I didn’t even realized that, but maybe I was right, you still care about me”

“Maybe…or let’s just say am taking pity on you”
Where are you right now?”

“Am home… On my bed, about to take a rest and a good sleep”
She replied.

“That’s relieving…
I got Liam to stay off from your back.. he won’t dare touch you anymore”

What did you do? ”

“Don’t worry about it, just live without the fear of being kidnapped anymore”
And besides, what is the secrets between you two…
That secrets that makes Liam want to get rid of you”

“Am sorry, Andrew…
I don’t think you need to know now”

Really? It’s me, Andrew”

“Please, don’t complete those words, you are not my husband anymore..
She interrupted him.
They both burst into laughter.
We already ended the contract”
I need to live my life now”
She added.

“Okay? I heard you…
You can keep that from me but you are aware I can find out what secret you are keeping”

“For things to stay peaceful, Andrew… Please don’t..
It’s better it should stay this way”
Are you home?
She changed the topic.

“Yeah, where else will I be?”
To be honest, I miss you alot”
Andrew replied.. a curved smile appears on her face.

“You will get used to my absence, just a matter of time”

“Can I see you tomorrow?? After your shift?”

Rose replied immediately.

“Ouch, thats hurt…
Don’t you want to see me? ”

“Am busy, Andrew…
Will be busy at the restaurant all day and coming home tired will be the next thing, before I doze off on my bed.

“Do they stress you that much at boathouse? ”
Andrew asked.

“Oh… You won’t like to know, my boss Jake is a pain in the neck”
Rose replied.

“I will fix that,
Am seeing you at lunch, bye”
He ended the call immediately.

Rose said but he already ended the call. She sighs and drop her phone on the drawer.

She laid back on the bed and adjust her hairs behind her ears.
She smiles as she stares at the ceiling.

~Morning, 8am~
Robert came out from his bedroom ready for work and saw everyone seated in the living room looking sad and unhappy.

“What’s going on here?”
Robert asked.

“Kate stood up and walked to him. She gave him a hug.
Detective stones might still find out you are alive..”
They can’t find your dead body”

“I thought we already sorted that one out…
Robert faced Ben and Dylan.

“We are sorry, Boss…
We tried to but they still finds out”.

“Oh gosh, I knew you too can’t run an assignment so smoothly”
Robert said and walked out angrily.

Ben and Dylan heave a sigh of relief.
“I thought we used a fake body?”
Dylan asked Ben.

Ben just shrugged.
“Can boss still get his revenge if det stones knew he might be alive?”
Kate asked.

“We will find out”.
Ben replied.

“Isn’t that a good thing?”
I mean, if Liam and Olivia knew he is Alive, that will create fear in them scared of his return”
Dylan said.
Kate and Ben looked at him.

“Really?? Dylan”

~Boathouse eatery ~
Rose came out of her vehicle and saw some of Andrew’s car parked at the garage.
“Oh gosh, please don’t tell me he is here”
She thought and heard Jerry’s voice behind her.

“Hey, good morning
Jerry smile at her”

“Morning, Jerry
Rose replied.

“I see you are staring at those fancy cars.. do you like them? ‘

He asked as they walked into the restaurant’s building.
“Yeah, I do like them… But I don’t really know much about cars, I just like cars that has my favorite colour”
Rose replied.

“I can see that”
Jerry glance at the cars through the glass walls.

They both walked into the locker room quickly and drop their bags.
Jerry and rose came out of the locker room and sees Andrew with Jake, their boss.
They were both laughing and smiling at each other.
” What is Andrew Williams doing here?
Jerry asked as he carress his beards.

Rose looked at him.
“We were both surprised to see him, why would you ask me that?”

“You might get to know something”
He shrugged.
“He is your friend”

Andrew walked to them with smiles all over his face.
“Good morning rose, how are you doing?”
Andrew asked with his hands in his pocket.

“Am fine, what are you doing here?”
Rose asked back as Andrew stare at Jerry.

“Who is this?”

“Oh am sorry…
Am Jerry Robinson, Rose’s colleague.. nice to meet you”
Robert stretched his hands for an handshake.

Andrew’s hands remain in his pocket…
“Nah, I don’t receive handshake from middle class citizens”
He replied.

Robert withdraw his handshake..
“He is still arrogant like I used to know him”

He is your true fan and he admire you alot”
Rose said supporting Jerry.

“Oh really??”
I can’t believe someone admire me that much”
Can you excuse me? I need to talk to rose alone”
He changed the topic seeming like he doesn’t care if someone admire him or not

Jerry said and walks away.
He realized the tattoo on his left arm shows a little. He quickly draw his sleeves well to cover it up.

Andrew face rose….
“I need to talk to you about something”
He said with a worried look on his face.
“Let’s sit first”

“And what’s that?”
Rose asked as they both sat down on the chairs behind them.

Andrew hold rose’s hand and stare at her eyeballs.
“Can you come back to live with me?”
He popped out the question.

???Rose is coming back home
Am confused here ??, Did rose like Andrew or not?

Please hit the like ? button n comment even if it just a heart ?, I will kindly accept you are following

Will Rose accept to come back home?

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