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Friday, October 18, 2024
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Subtitle: (ki|| me or love me!) 🌹

“A devil guy sent to me like a New year gift…”






THEME :. 🔥(It’s coming to an end )🔥



I shook my head and zipped up her gown, what is she saying? Burn the tattoo? Does she know the pain she will feel?

“Fred,this is the way to stop them coming after me. Do you think it will stop here, We both know that more Mafiaso will still want me because of this Irezumi” she said but I turned back facing the trail.

God damnit! I’m much aware! Not only the Japanese want the tattoo, almost the Mafiaso over the world want the power and her being the key, they will keep coming after her.

“Fred” she wrapped her arms around my waist again resting her head on my back. “Fred” she called but I keep muted, I don’t want her In pain, burning it might cause scars in her body and I don’t want that, beside the pain too.

“Please, let’s just do it. Let’s end everything this way, there won’t be power tussle as long as we destroy the key to the power treasure. Burning it won’t ki||” she said and at that moment I turned to her.

“Isabella, it’s going to hurt….the pain” I told her not sure if I can bare to watch her In pain.

“I don’t care, I just want my life back, I want to be with you without any worries of anyone taking me away or you getting hurt because of me” she is really determined to do this but then I have think all thoroughly, yet no solution to ending everything but this…


I could feel his men’s eyes on us as we walked to his basement, Malcolm even followed us “Boss, any problem?” He asked and Fred shook his head.

“Set up the fire, I need it” he told him still holding my hand close to him and Malcolm gave him a question look “what is this about?” But who is he to question Fred’s commands.

“You can go” he said and he look in between us still not understanding a thing.
After he left, Fred turned and faced me “are you sure about this?” He asked and I nodded with a faint smile “I will try to be careful” he said and asked me to sit on the chair and I did.

He slowly zipped down my gown and exposed just my back. He picked up the candle and make fire from the fire Malcolm set ablaze earlier. Unconsciously, my teeth bite on my lips as I expected the pain to came in.

“If you can’t hold on to it, tell me to stop” I heard him say and I nodded, I’m in already, no turning back. I have to sacrifice this to have my life back.

The heat of the fire is something already against my skin and the fire finally came in contact with my skin, I held on tightly to my gown, gritting my teeth and biting my teeth in order not to scream out.

The sweat from my head rolled down to my hand as the pain become more unbearable, I groaned and he stopped instantly. I breathe out heavily, not minding the tears that rolled down my eyes. I need to be strong and get it done at once.

“Isabella” I heard his faint voice but I shook my head “Go on Fred, Burn it” I said determined and he did. I did all I could to push back the scream that is trying to escape my throat. I feel like passing out because of the he pain.

Why did Mom had to did this to me? Why did she choose to make my life so miserable? Even my dad, they twisted my life as they wants, now this. They should have told me my life is evolves with guns, mafia so I could prepare for what is coming but no, they didn’t.

I had to suffer because of their shitty life. All I planned for is a happy life being a Journalist but now what, I’m here fighting for my life.

“Isabella” I heard his voice and that’s when I opened my eyes and the next thing is tears rolling down together with my sweat. He is bending in front of me now as he look at me with so much pity.

“Are you okay?” He asked and I smile faintly. In every bad luck that befell me, he is best thing that ever happened.

“Fred” I mumbled but the next thing is that everything becomes blurry, I almost fall off the Chair but he grabbed me.


“Isabella” I tapped her as she passed out in my arms. Oh $h|t! This is what I’ve been scared of, I never want to do this! Picking her up from the chair, I made my way to the room but bumped into Sarah.

“Boss” she stopped kinda surprised at the way I am, “get me doctor instantly! Do it right away!” It followed by my snap and she scurried away.

I dropped her on the bed, packing her hair one side,
“Isabella” I called but no response, what have I done? I stood up not knowing what to do or pick up.

I can remember, then I rushed to the bathroom, soaked the towel in the water to relieve her fever.

Sooner the Doctor came and attended to her and I also showed her the tattoo spot which already swollen because of the burnt.

“This needs to be treated immediately before she get infected” she rasped and quickly treated the spot and shortly, she is done but my girl is yet to wake up.

“Excuse me, why is she not awake?” I asked and she sighed “she is stressed out than she can hold in and she really need strength, I noticed her pulse is low too but very soon she will be back to normal” she said and I nodded keeping my eyes on Isabella.

It’s been two hours now since the doctor left and she is still not awake. I h@ťě to admit that I’m scared, nothing never scares me even bullet but everything about her do, I’m scared of losing her.

“Fred” The door opened and Raylan entered. His eyes moved to Isabella who is lying on the bed then back to me.
“What happened? What happened to her?” He asked and I sighed palming my face, I should have stop her in the first place.

“She suggested we burn down the Irezumi, like d@mn! I shouldn’t have agreed in the first place” I cussed and I heard him scoffed.

“Burn the Irezumi? The tattoo! Omg!” He suddenly exclaimed “what?”
I sighed again and nod “it’s gone” I mumbled and he sat down beside me immediately.

“Now what, no one will come after her any longer” he said but I groaned “she is still lying unconsciously for the past three hours now” I groaned and he kept quiet for a while.

“She will be fine, she is a strong lady” he Said, I know! She is just so strong!

It’s been five hours now, I couldn’t even sleep. Just held her hand waiting for her to wake up. Suddenly, she make a move and that is when my eyebrows raised up.
“Isabella, can you hear me?” I asked immediately and she opened her eyes which met mine.

Fred” she called and sat up while I assist her.

“I’m back to normal” she suddenly beamed into smile but I huffed.
“Normal? I almost thought I lost you!” I palmed my head when I realized I just yelled at her.

She kept muted not saying anything after my yelling and I sighed “I’m sorry… I ..I yelled” I mumbled, she hold my hand and pulled me closer “I’m sorry for scaring you” she said and I beheld the beauty in her eyes.

“You shouldn’t scare me, never again” I said draw him closer to me and I take up her lips into mine. I thought she will not come back to me.

Pulling away, she rested her head on my chest “so what do we do next? Since the Irezumi is gone” she asked and I sighed.

This is the part here Dad will have to intervened, he need to call a meeting.


I picked up the phone when I saw Sinclair Don as caller ID.

“if they possibly step out tomorrow, we are getting them. So you should prepared yourself. You will get the girl and get it done” before I could talk he hang up.

Bloody fool! Did he think I’m dumb?
I’m not handling any treasure to him after we succeed in this. I’m going to have the power to myself.

TBC🔥🔥🔥 It’s going to end soon
Hmm Haru and Sinclair Don 👀👀

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