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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Subtitle: (ki|| me or love me!) 🌹

“A devil guy sent to me like a New year gift…”










My eyes moved to the wall clock and I blink my eyes trying so hard not to fall asleep. I can’t fall asleep not until Fred come back home. I can’t be at ease, I’m worried about my father. What if he…he ki|| him?

No, I sprang up on my feet shaking off the negativity, I might h@ťě him but I don’t want him dead. I still have alot to talk to him about.

I jolted instantly the door opened but my face dropped in disappointment that it is not Fred.

“Raylan, where is Fred?” I rushed to him and he shrugged.
“He is out there punishing those people that destroy his underground store” I’m not dumb, that is my father.

“Wait, what… what is he going to do with them?” I asked and he smirked “what do you think?” No, no way….Fred will not do that to me after capturing me here, he won’t f-__-king ki|| my Dad,

“No, no” I shook my head in dismay,
“He will not do that?” My leg become weak at the thought of him ki||ing my father or even Clark.

“Fred” then talk of the devil, the door to the room opened, I caught the glimpse of something in his eyes but it got replaced with his cold look, my gaze fell on his hand and my heart skipped at the sight of blood.

No, this is not happening, Dad!

“I will just leave” Raylan said and walked out, I wasn’t even moved by that as my gaze still glued on Fred’s hands, my mouth keeps wavering as I’m looking for the right words or questions to ask.

He dropped off his black jacket and dropped it on the couch about walking pass me but I held him back.
My heart raising up and down.

“What…what did you do to my father?” It came out more like a whispers but he moved his cold gaze to me not saying anything.

He looked away and snapped my hand away but I didn’t let him go.

“f-__-king bastard! What did you do to my father?” I found myself yelling at me, I can’t seems to calm myself again, tears is already rolling down my eyes, it is so obvious, d@mn obvious that he did it.

“I h@ťě you! I freaking h@ťě you! You motherf-__-ker! What more did you want from me?” In more tears, My punch landed on his chest but that doesn’t move him as he only kept quiet.

“You ki||ed my father! You ki||ed him! You are a devil!” Another punch landed in him but he wasn’t moved at all as he pushed me away slightly and made his way to the bathroom but I stopped him.

I rushed to his table and pick up his f-__-king gun. Yes, I will ki|| him and probably ki|| myself also.

He turned around and his gaze fell on the gun, “what are you doing?” He asked and I scoffed still in tears.

“What does it look like? I’m going to ki|| you!” I breathed up and down but he chuckled.

f-__-king bastard, he even had the gut to smirk?

“That is not how to hold a gun” he said and I blink look at the way I’m holding the gun but was confused.

How else am I supposed to hold the gun?

“Like this” he yanked the gun away from me and hold it the right way painting it at me and that made my breath to stopped.

His eyes held no compassion at all.

“Go ahead! ki|| me too! Like you ki||ed my father, go ahead and f-__-king ki|| me” I snapped but he throw the gun away.

“You have no right to die” He said turning around “You @$$h0le, You don’t decide my life, you ki||ed my father, why so wicked” my voice breaks down lowly that I could barely hear my own voice.

He walked into the bathroom and locked the door while I fell to the ground.
“Dad, Clark” I sobbed, my heart so heavy that I feel like I’m dying.


Resting my hand on the wall trying so hard not to let my mind wavers at what happened but I couldn’t help it.

I shouldn’t be troubled by his death, he f-__-king deserved it but seeing her tears up made my heart somekinda heavy and I f-__-king h@ťě it.

Louisa deserved to die,I almost had a second thought of nit ki||ing him but he did it himself.I palmed my face with the water and cussed punching the wall.


Walking back into the room, I look around but couldn’t see her. She ran away? No, that is impossible, my guys won’t let that happen.

Changing into something light, I walked out of the room looking for her but I stopped on my track and watch her battle with a two bottles of whiskey in my Alcohols bar.

She is really hurting, but why is it getting to me? Seeing people get hurt is my joy, but now.

I almost walked up to her but stopped, she really h@ťě me more now, she might have pull the gun and $h00t me earlier but she can’t even hold a gun. She is just acting stubborn.

That is why I want to train her to be Strong.



I felt a tap on my shoulder which made a groan to escape my mouth.
“Isabel” I raised my head to see Raylan in beside and that made me look around to realized I slept at the his bar.

I stood on my feet and rubbed my face,
“You need to get ready for the training” my head snapped to him immediately he said that.

“Training?” I asked and he nodded.
“Yeah, training” …….

*. *. *. *. *. *

I look around the silent building and scoffed at the different dangerous equipment hang in the room.

Guns, knife, what the hell am I doing here?

“Come on” I followed himself and I saw the gun target, “Here, have this” Raylan hand over a small gun to me but I look at him for awhile before taking the gun.

“I don’t get all this, What am I doing here?” I asked and he smirked “Fred want me to train you” he said and at the mentioned of that @$$h0le’s name, I fumed.

“That @$$h0le” I gritted and tightened my hand on the gun,

“You really think he ki||ed him?”

“Of course, he did! He didn’t deny it! He freaking ki||ed my father despite me pleading him!” I snapped in anger but he looked away gripping to the gun in his hand pointing to the the Target board.

“Face the target board and watch how I held the gun” He said and I looked at how he hold the gun, I’m so determined now.

I need to be strong and stop being helpless.

“Good, imagine the target board to be your biggest enemy, the one you wish to shot on the head, who will that be?” He asked and my gripped tightened more on the gun, fixing my gaze keenly on the target board.

Of course, it is no other than “Fred”……

TBC😀 Isabella and Fred🔥🔥🔥

Okay seems Fred seems to have soft heart towards Isabella but ISABEL NOW

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