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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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✨The mafia’s possession.

Subtitle; You became mine the moment you stole from me.

Episode Forty-One.

Flynn sat on the chair that was beside Melanie’s bed, he took her warm hand in his and sighed gently as he stared at his wife that looked vulnerable, and her hair that sprawled helplessly on the pillow. He cursed inwardly as he glanced at his mother in law that glared hard at him.

Well, he understood that look, he had just hurt her daughter. Her daughter was hurt because of his own mistake. He turned to look at Elle whose head was on Tyler’s chest then at Kyle whose head was buried in his palm. Everything was his fault. Everything.

He felt Melanie’s hand move in his, he stroked her hair gently and waited patiently for her to open her eyes. After a few seconds had passed, Melanie groaned and opened her eyes.

“Babe, you’re awake,” Flynn smiled at her and Melanie closed her eyes back.

“What are you doing here?” she asked in a whisper, her eyes still closed.

“Mel, look, I’m so sorry,” Flynn whispered and kissed her hand.

Melanie opened her eyes, ‘’you are sorry? As if. Leave here, I don’t want to see your face,” she looked away.

“I am sorry for lying to you. I’m so sorry, I… “

“I said you should leave. Your ex-wife and your beautiful daughter are waiting for you,” Melanie interrupted.

“I don’t care about them. It is you…”

“Do not think I will believe anything you say. Leave here, I don’t want to see your face.”

Flynn swallowed hard and tried to control the tears that were thr_@tening to fall. He had f-__-ked up big time. He shook his head and looked at his wife who had faced the other side.

“Babe, I…”

“I said you should get out! Leave!” Melanie snatched her hand from Flynn and cried out which made Flynn flinch.


“If you say another word, I will do to myself something you will never imagine, I swear,” she glared at him and Flynn shook his head.

“Brother…” Kyle walked towards them and whispered to Flynn.

Flynn nodded his head and stood up quietly, he bent over her and kissed her forehead hurriedly before she flared up again.

“I’ll be outside, babe. I’m sorry and I love you very much,” he looked at her but Melanie didn’t even make a sound. She did not even take a look at him. Flynn nodded his head and turned to leave. He bowed in shame when he saw Melinda’s eyes pierced on him, if look could ki||, he would have been on his way to the afterlife.

He turned the knob of the door and walked out of the ward after taking a glance at his wife. He inhaled deeply and massaged his temple, “I knew you were going to hurt her one day,” he heard the unmistakable voice of Melinda.


“Melanie, we are so sorry. We are sorry for not telling…”

“I don’t want to see any of you here. Please, leave,” she glared at Elle then turned to face the other side.

Elle turned to look at Kyle who scratched his head nervously then at Tyler who folded his arm tightly across his chest and shook her head.

“Bestie, you…” Tyler started.

“I think I just said I don’t want any of you here. All of you should leave me alone, I want to be alone!” Melanie cried out again.

“Alright. Sister-in-law, let…”

“Sister-in-law?’’ Melanie interrupted Kyle and sat up, facing them.


“Get out.”


“I said you should all get out!” she screamed and laid back on the bed, her back facing them.

”My daughter was doing okay before you came into her life!”

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Tatum. I swear I’ll make everything right,” Flynn bowed his head.

“You better do!” Melinda snapped and walked towards the door.

She was about to turn the knob when the door opened and Tyler came out of the ward with the twins.

“She does not want to see anybody,” Elle shook her head, with her mouth twitched.

“She said that to you guys too?” Flynn asked.

“Yeah. I guess she is hurt,” Kyle nodded his head.

“I would have been if I were in her shoe. To finish it all, she is pregnant,” Elle said and Tyler shook his head.

“I’ll go to her,” Melinda stared at Flynn.

“I think we should leave her be for now, or what do you think? She’s very angry,” Kyle suggested.

“She is my daughter, I am her mother. I will go to her,” Melinda said then turned the knob of the door and walked inside.


“My child,” Melinda sat on the chair beside the bed and began to stroke her hair gently.

“Everything happens for a reason, Lanie. You know more than anybody that Flynn loves you so much, what happened was in the past and…”

“Mum, are you supporting him?” Melanie sat up with the help of her mother and rested her head on the pillow.

“Even if it was in the past, he should have told me everything about that woman. He lied to me. All of them did. Mum, that woman even has a child with my husband. Where do I belong to now that his ex-wife is back?” Melanie cried out.

“Lanie, you know that Flynn won’t choose that woman over you. You are very lucky. You have a husband that loves you so much. My daughter, your husband is sorry. Look, he even cried, he is regretting everything he did. Just hear him out, he will only tell you everything if you give him your listening ears,” Melinda wiped the tears from her daughter’s face with her hand.

“Mum, my heart aches. It aches so much,” Melanie cried, Melinda stood from the chair, sat at the edge of the bed, and pulled her gently into a hug.

“I’m sorry you have to face all of this. Lanie, you should not cry too much. Please, if not for anything else, think about your baby,” Melinda caressed her hair.

“Mum, you don’t understand how much it hurt. You have no idea. My husband has a child that I didn’t birth. Mum.”

“Melanie… what will be, will be. To God be the glory, you are carrying your husband’s baby,” Melinda raised her chin.

“Mum, stop trying to make me feel good. So what if I am carrying Flynn’s child? Does it change the fact that he has a child with another woman?”

“No, but trust me when I say your husband will never choose that woman over you. Flynn loves you so much.”

“I don’t care,” Melanie looked away and Melinda smiled.

“Should I call him in? He’s so miserable right now,” Melinda asked.

“I don’t want to see him.’’

“He wants to see you. You can just have him sit beside you and say nothing. Please, Lanie,” Melinda forced a sad face.

“I’m doing this because of you. Tell him not to say a word to me unless I ask him to,” Melanie laid back on the bed and Melinda shook her head.

“Don’t be too hard on him, please,” Melinda said and Melanie closed her eyes.

Even though she loved her husband very much, she was not ready to forgive him for what he did to her at all.


Flynn sat on the chair beside Melanie’s bed silently and stared at her back that was facing him. He bit his lower lips gently and stretched his hand slowly and placed it gently on her hand that was on her stomach. He held his breath and wished silently that she won’t push his hand off her and he was glad when he got no reaction from her.
Even if he wasn’t allowed to say anything to her, he was glad his wife made it fair by not reacting to his touch.
He was going to wait till she wanted him to say anything. He deserves that much.

The doctor had told him that Melanie could go home since she only passed out due to shock, but he didn’t know how to tell his wife that.
He bet Melanie wasn’t ready to go to the house especially when Hazel was still there.

Oh, $h|t.

After full twenty minutes had passed and they were still not saying anything to each other, Melanie turned her head to look at her husband who was staring at him. He looked guilty, pained, and miserable.
”Water,” she whispered.

Flynn stood up immediately and rushed to the other side of the ward where Mineral water was stored. He poured it inside a glass cup and hurried towards her. He helped her sit up and fed her with the water and he was quite glad that his wife didn’t refuse his help.

”Are you not hungry?” He asked her as he dropped the glass cup on the rack.


Flynn twitched his mouth and took her hand in his again and maintained the silence in the room.

”Why did you not tell me everything that I needed to know about your ex-wife?” Melanie asked almost in a whisper.

”Sweetheart, I’m sorry. I swear, I thought it wasn’t necessary,” Flynn fondled her hand gently.

”You thought it wasn’t necessary?” Melanie creased her brow.

”I’m sorry,” he bowed his head.

”The tattoo you had on your chest, that H… It signifies her name, right?”

”Babe, I…”

”Don’t lie to me, Flynn,” Melanie glared at him.

”Yes,” he whispered and licked his lower lip.

”Okay,” Melanie inhaled deeply.

”Babe, I’m sorry. I have wronged you deeply. I lied to you. I just didn’t want you to get hurt about my past,” he coughed.

”Seriously? Flynn, who am I to you?”

”Babe, you are my wife. You are the light that brightens my dark life,” he answered.

”And you dare hid something that huge from me. I asked you about that woman, you said you only dated! You lied to me!” Melanie yelled then began to cry.

”I’m sorry…” Flynn leaned forward to stroke her hair.
It broke his heart to see her that way.

”Tell me everything about her,” Melanie wiped her tears off.

”But babe…”

”Tell me or you leave me alone,” she glared at him.

”No, babe. I’ll tell you everything.”

”I met Hazel in Italy thirteen years ago. We were just friends then but I had feelings for her. I couldn’t tell her how I felt because I didn’t want to ruin our friendship. Eleven years ago, I received a call from Los Angeles that my dad was shot and he wanted me to be with him in his last moment. I dropped a letter in front of Hazel’s house telling her how I felt and I rushed to the airport. A few minutes before I was supposed to board the plane, I saw Hazel amidst the crowd, she was looking for me. I rushed to her and she hugged me. She said she loved me too and wanted to be with me. Well, I told her I needed to leave Italy and she promised she was going to come to LA as soon as she finished her studies. I…”

”Very beautiful love story,” Melanie interrupted, chuckling darkly.

”Babe,” Flynn caressed her hand.

”Continue, I love what I am hearing,” she glared at Flynn.

Flynn swallowed hard, nodded his head, and continued.
”She came to LA after three years and we dated for two years before I decided we get married. She declined and insisted on going to a registry. I accepted, I loved her and I wanted to announce her as my wife as soon as I could. A week after we married at the registry in front of Elle, Kyle, and Devon, I took her on a boat cruise. While we were there, I received a call from Devon that a huge amount was withdrawn from my account and two of my buildings outside Los Angeles had been taken over. I was furious and I even told Hazel about it and the next second, she began to laugh then it dawned on me. Hazel was behind it, but how? She said the registry that we had gone to was where I had signed all of those to her. I didn’t understand, I remember signing our wedding certificate. She said I had signed a wedding certificate but she had her way in turning tables around. I called Devon and asked if it was possible and he confirmed it. Hazel threw our wedding ring in the sea and left. She said she only wanted my money. It was that night I met Camila,” Flynn explained.

Melanie raised her brow and shook her head. Her husband was quite dumb.
”How did you keep Camila by your side when you just lost your woman?”

”I drank myself to stupor after Hazel left, Camila saw me by the roadside and walked up to me. As soon as I saw her, I made myself believe it was Hazel. She took me to a nearby hotel and when she wanted to leave, I pulled her back… and forced my way with her. I took Camila’s innocence,” Flynn bit his lower lips as soon as he said that.

”What! Really?” Melanie creased her brow and Flynn nodded his head.

”No wonder she is very obsessed with you. Did you lose your sight when you drink? How could you think she was Hazel?”

”I know. It was very stupid of me. I’m sorry,” he whispered as tears fell from his eyes.

”What will become of me? I sense trouble, Flynn. That woman won’t leave easily,” Melanie shook her head.

”Babe, I’ll take care of everything, I promise,” Flynn fondled her hand.


”Babe, I promise. Please, just tell me you’ve forgiven me.”

”I’m not promising you anything. I’ll only forgive you once that woman leaves our life,” Melanie glared at him.

”I’m serious. So you better get rid of her as soon as you can. by the way, I’m hungry,” she looked away and Flynn smiled a little.

”Alright. anything is fine, right?”
”I want chicken soup,” she glanced at him.
”And porridge.”


”That’s what I want.”

”Okay,” Flynn smiled and stood up.

He walked towards the door and suddenly felt his leg stiffening.
He fell to the ground immediately and he cursed inwardly as he remembered that he was still in the room with Melanie.

”Flynn!” Melanie hurried out of the bed and knelt beside Flynn.

”What is wrong?”
He stared at his wife who had started to panic.


Camila hissed for the umpteenth time as the sound of the bell from the main gate filled the living room. Her security man had gone to his family for holiday and she had just fired all of her maids as soon as she arrived from Flynn’s house.
The scene that took place at Flynn’s house filled her head which wanted her to smash everything into pieces.
Heaven knew she had a soft spot in her because even with what was happening, she felt sorry for her unborn baby whom she might abort or face criticism for her stupidity.

She groaned and got out off the couch.
If the person that had been pressing the bell turned out to be someone irrelevant or that lousy delivery man, she was going to slap that person who found joy in disturbing her peace.

”Someone finally opened the gate,” a deep voice said as soon as she opened the gate.

”Hey, you were the one disturbing me? Who the hell are you!?” Camila half yelled as soon as she saw the man in a black hat, black sunshade, and black hoodie.

”I think I told you not to shout in the letters I sent?” The man groaned and removed the hat that covered his face and the sunshade.

”Reld?” Camila creased her brow.

”Wait… You!” She half yelled as soon as she remembered the man she had a nightstand with.

”Yes, me. How are you, beauty?” He smiled and removed his hand that was hidden behind him and pointed a bouquet at her.

Camila staggered and shook her head, why was this man back, and the hell did he know that she was pregnant?


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