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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{She’s on a mission}


?Don’t copy or repost?

Chapter Fifty One

Matteo stopped at the street of Bezek like he was ordered to, he made sure not to come with any of his men.

“He said someone will be here to pick me up” He frowned.

Suddenly, he felt a metallic pipe struck him from behind.

He passed out instantly and was dragged all the way to the abandoned building.





Matteo groaned painfully and his eyes peeled open, at first he couldn’t see clearly since his sight appeared blurry, he dimmed his eyes until he regained his full sight.

He tried to move his hands, only then did he realize that he was tied to something.

“Bastard….” He gritted his teeth struggling for freedom.

“You’re awake” Pierce chuckled evily walking to him a metallic pipe in his hands.

“I’ve been waiting for you to wake up” He added with a smirk.

“Matteo….” Nicky called as two men dragged her in.

“Let her go, I’m here already” Matteo said inbetween gritted teeth.

“No” Pierce yammered.

“You’re a fool to think I’ll let go, she’ll witness everything that’ll transpire here” He added.

“Pierce…” Matteo brawled struggling again for freedom.

Pierce struck him that instant with the pipe making him to growl loudly.

“Matteo…” Nicky screamed crying loudly.

“Let me go” She fought harder struggling with the men but all to no avail.

“What exactly do you want, ki||ing my father wasn’t enough huh!!!” Matteo screamed and received another hit.

“Ouch” He winced loudly in pain.

“Don’t speak of matters you don’t fully understand” Pierce yelled stricking him again.

“Today, I’m gonna do what i didn’t do for too long, I’m gonna ki|| you” He screamed, with each words he struck him making Nicky to cry the more because she knows she’s the reason he’s here.

“I h@ťě you Pierce” Matteo spat.

“It’s f-__-king mutual” Pierce smirked pulling out a knife.

“Untie him and hold him” He ordered the man who went to bring Matteo.

“Yes boss” He bowed and did as instructed holding Matteo.

Pierce pulled out a knife making Nicky to wail the more.

“What are you planning to do?” Matteo screamed struggling with the man that held in.

“Do you notice that we’re on a rooftop?” Pierce smirked

“I’m gonna torture you, ki|| you and throw you down from here, you’ll try a painful death” Pierce smirked walking more closer to him.

“No…!!!” Matteo tried to move back but the man holding him kept pushing him forward.

Pierce smirked and pulled the knife closer to his face, he gave him a deep cut making Matteo to scream painfully.

“Jerome had it all, the love, our family’s favor, he left me with nothing, in addition, he fathered you, you were supposed to be mine, now I’m left with nothing, because of you, Zane died” Pierce yelled and continued inflicting pain on him with the knife in his hands.

“No..” Matteo winced in pain.

“Zane didn’t die because of me, you ki||ed him before you were too consumed with anger” Matteo spat on his face receiving a resounding sound from him.

“f-__-k you” Matteo raged.

“Jacob…” Pierce called one of the men holding Nicky.

“Give me the petrol” he ordered and Jacob went to get him.

Jacob returned with a gallon of petrol and handed it to Pierce.


“Empty it on him” Pierce ordered.

Jacob poured half of the petrol on Matteo and handed Pierce a matches.

“Today, the name Matteo Pierce will forever be forgotten, like his father he’ll die a coward” Pierce sprouted.

“No…” Nicky screamed still struggling for release.

Then she knew she had to do something or Matteo will die.

Her eyes caught the gun hanging on the waist of the man that held her, she was lucky he was the only one holding her now, she gathered all the strength in her reaching for the gun, she pulled it out and screamed.

“Pierce” She called pointing a gun at him, knowing fully well that she was just a distance away from her.

Pierce turned to her and his face went sore.

Matteo cracked up in laughter on seeing the way things twisted.

“You’ll be the one dying instead” Matteo smirked.

“Ion think so” Pierce smirked

“Move…” Nicky thr_@tened the guy who held her awhile ago and he went to hide behind Pierce.

“Today, you meet your….”

Nicky’s words were cut short when Pierce drove a knife through her chest.

“Pi-erce” She called holding the knife with one hand as blood gushed out of her mouth, the gun she held fell off her hand making her to fall to the floor.

“No….” Matteo’s loud screams could be heard the moment Nicky fell.

With all his might, he pushed off the man holding him charging at Pierce who was about to grab the gun from the floor…

Matteo attacked him by twisting his hands, collecting the gun from him, pinning him down and pointing the gun to his head.

“Wtf!” Pierce gasped and cold beads of sweats began running down his head.

“P-please don’t ki|| me” He pleaded for his life.

“I’ve always wanted to give you a gruelsome death but lucky for you, we ain’t in my clan” Matteo purred.

“Bend down and pull out the knife from her chest” He ordered Jacob and Jacob did so fearfully placing the knife in Matteo’s second hand.

Matteo placed the knife of Pierce’s neck as well.

He turned his back watching the men to ensure that they won’t attack from behind as he pulled Pierce to the brink.

“Please don’t ki||…”

Pierce’s words were cut short when Matteo drove the knife into his stomach.

“I’ll see you in hell” Matteo smirked pushing him off the rooftop.

“No…” Pierce screamed loudly as he fell off.

Matteo turned to the three men who were about to attack.

He smirked before facing them and pulling the trigger bringing them down.

He flung the gun rushing to Nicky.

He placed her on his lap holding unto her.

“Look at me Nicky, nothing will happen to you” He muttered sobbing slowly.

“Ma-tteo” She called weakling coughing out more blood.

“Save your strength, I’ll rush you to the clan” He mumbled trying to stand to his feet but she held him down.

“I-i’m s-sorry for all the pains i caused you” she said weakly.

“Stop saying that, you caused me no pain, I’ve already forgiven you, don’t worry, you’ll get treated, we’ll all return to Morio and have an happy ending” Matteo screamed now crying loudly.

“I w-won’t m-make it to Morio…i’m dying” She mumbled coughing loudly now.

“Nicky…Nicky” Matteo screamed loudly wailing.

“T-Tell Z-Zola i love her and Nicky, t-tell her we’ll meet at the other side” Nicky said her last words before shutting her eyes permanently, her hands slumped beside her.

“Nicky? Nicky?…Nicky!!!” Matteo screamed with hot tears streaming down his eyes.

“D-don’t d-do this to Zola, don’t do this to my baby” he wailed.

“She said she has forgiven you Nicky, she forgave you!!!” Matteo continued crying.

He lifted her holding her in his hands as he exited the building in tears, he reminsced on the memories they shared together and his crying intensified.

Not only did Zola lose a mother, he also losed his first love.

The thought alone made him to wail more than he was already doing.

He abandoned his car walking to the clan on foot with her in his hands….

The journey to the clan took forty five minutes, the moment he arrived, the gate was pushed open for him and he stepped in.

His me ran to him on seeing how broken he looked.

Nellie who was outside rushed to him, she threw herself on the floor on realizing what has happened.

“Nicky….” she weeped.

Doctor Zack rushed to Matteo and collected Nicky from his hands, he placed her on the floor checking her pulse.

“She’s gone” He announced making Matteo to break down once again.

The entire clan went into mourning.





Rebel and her friends exited the agency.

“Everything went as planned” Sammie said making her to smile.

“You’re a genius Bell” Monarch praised as they headed for the car.

They suddenly stopped talking when Watson and his nanny joined them.

“How did the interrogation go?” Watson questioned Bell as he joined them.

“They provided informations that will be useful” she smiled.

“I’ll like to see you when we go home” Matteo whispered to Wren who blushed heavily.

“He wants to see me” She giggled childishly before they entered the car.


“Excuse me” Wren mumbled before entering Watson’s room.

“You said you’ll love to see me” She smiled shyly.

“Yea” Watson raised his head returning back the smile making her stomach to flutter.

“Take a sit” he patted the empty space beside her.

“I should sit?” Wren blushed and sat beside him.

“You’re a very pretty lady Wren” He said sweetly.

“You’re the first person saying this to me” Wren said shyly.

“I mean it” He mumbled shifting more closely.

“I like you Wren” He mumbled making Wren’s eyes to widened.

Before she knew, she teared up.

“Watson?” She called shedding more tears.

He reached for her tears and wiped them.

“Don’t cry” he cooed

“Why the tears?”

“I’m just emotional” She smiled lovingly.

“What i feel for you Watson is love at first sight, when everyone thought you were a monster, i saw a different side of you, the side of you that needed help, the side that needed to be loved and I’m happy that you decided to give me a chance to love you” She stated with emotions overwhelming her.

Watson shot her lips with a passionate kiss.

“Thanks for seeing the good side in me” he whispered before attacking her lips again.

Wren reciprocated with thesame intensity, she was ready to give him her all.

“I want you” She whispered disengaging from the kiss.

“You’ll have me all to yourself but first, tell you all i want to know” He muttered showering her necks with kisses overwhelming her with pleasures.

“I’ll tell you all you want to know but promise me that you’ll come with me” She responded looking into his eyes.

“Coming with you to where?” He frowned.

“River Mylon, we leave Denim tonight” She smiled ruffling his hair as he continued showering her with kisses.

“I promise” He replied

“Now answer my question” He ordered.




“Where’s Wren?” Rebel frowned.

“She should be here, we have to be on guard until everyone falls asleep” She added.

“Maybe she’s with that Watson of a guy” Sammie hissed.

“Ion know what is wrong with her i swear” Monarch hissed.

“I’m sorry guys” Wren smiled running into the room.

“Let’s go” She mumbled.

“Let’s wait some minutes for his nanny to doze off before leaving, Sammie drvgged her” Celia mumbled.

“Ohh!!” Wren’s eyes widened

“How did you do it?” She inquired.

“I volunteered to help her with the wine, you all know i planned to use it on Watson but i changed my mind and placed it in her glass instead” Sammie muttered.

“I see, if that’s the case then she should be asleep now” Wren smiled.

“What about Watson?” Rebel mumbled.

“He didn’t come down for dinner so i couldn’t do anything to him” Sammie sighed.

“He won’t be a problem” Wren smiled recalling the conversation they had after their hot make out.

“What do you mean?” Rebel arched a brow.

“I’ll tell you later but for now, let’s leave” Wren replied and they all stood up grabbing their bags.



“Can i sit?” Isme walked up to Will who was sitting outside and closer to the river.

“Yes” Will shrugged not sparing her a glance.

“How’s Zola’s body?, i heard she ain’t feeling good” He inquired finally turning to her.

“The fever started this evening, atleast she was kicking this afternoon but now, she’s burning, hopes she gets better” Isme sighed.

“She will” Will consoled.

“Back to the reason i came, we haven’t been on good term of lately Will, i came to settle things” Isme began.

“Back to that topic again” Will hissed with changed expression.

“There’s nothing to talk about” He added.

“That girl Celia, you still love her right?” She asked sadly.

“Alot, sorry for hurting your feelings” He responded.

“It’s fine” She forced a smile.

“It isn’t Isme, if you’re hurt, show the world that you are” he scolded and she sighed.

“I wasn’t brought up to show my weakness to the world Will” She smiled.

“I want your happiness” she mumbled reaching for his face maintaining eye contacts with him.

“So I’ve arrived at a decision, a good one though” She chuckled.

“I’m letting you go to be with the woman you love, someone made me realize something today, for the love i have for you, I’m setting you free” She added making Will’s eyes to widen.

“About everything i did for you, i don’t regret it, you deserve them for loving me despite our age difference” She smiled standing back to her feet and turning to leave.

“Isme” Will called and she turned.

“Thank you” he said and a tears slid down her eyes.

“No thank you instead” She mumbled walking off, the moment she turned her back, more tears slid down.

He was the man that loved her after Jerome, letting him go ain’t an easy decision.

She ran off crying more.

“I’ll never forgive you Pierce for murdering my Jerome, with him it would have been till infinity” she thought in tears.




Rebel and her friends walked into the clan noticing the cold air.

“Something must have gone wrong” Sammie frowned increasing his pace.

“What happened?” Sammie asked one of their men.

“Nicky is dead” he dropped the bombshell.

“What?” Rebel and the rest gasped.

“How did it happen?”

“Pierce ki||ed her” the man replied.

“That bastard” Rebel balled her fist.

“This must be heartbroken for Matteo, she’s the mother of his child” Rebel sighed walking in.

“Sammie…” Nellie ran to him the moment he stepped in alongside Bell.

“It must have been really hard for you, you guys used to be best of friends” Sammie consoled drawing her into his embrace as she sobbed.

He flashed Monarch a smile and she returned it, she understands the message he was trying to convey, that’s his own way of saying ‘understand me, it’s just consoling and nothing more’.




Rebel ran into Matteo’s room, the state she found him in broke her heart, he was dragging out some cartons, his eyes were bloodshot red.

“Rebel” He flashed her a smile but behind that smile, she could feel his sadness.

“Don’t try to hide it Matteo, you’re a human, express your sorrow like others ” she said sadly.

“I’ve cried Bell, I’ve screamed and I’ve wailed but i feel like it ain’t enough, she died because of me, she was desperate to save me” He explained with a pout.

“Not only did her death came as a shock to me, i feel that it won’t go well with Zola, the last time we spoke she told me she wanted to play hard to get a little longer before telling Nicky that she has forgiven her, where’s the Nicky now? She’s gone…who’s my baby gonna say those words to?” Matteo said sadly suppressing the urge to breakdown once more.

“What did you you do to her body, has she been buried?” Rebel inquired.

“No, she deserves to be laid to rest in a place where she can be remembered” Matteo sighed.

“Morio?” Rebel inquired.

“Yes Morio” Matteo replied weakly.

“What are these cartons?” She decided to change the topic.

“My life savings” he smiled weakly.

“Wow!!! They’re more than 100 cartons” she gasped.

“These aren’t all, Sammie knows where the rest can be found, we won’t be able to move everything at once, he’ll have to return back when we run short of money” he muttered.

“I doubt we’ll run short, we’re swimming in money baby” she winked making him to chuckle.

“How did the plan go? Do we still need to handle the cops?” Matteo inquired.

“The plan went fine, no need to handle the cops, i found the documents Watson gave the senior detective in Maverick’s office, i was able to destroy it, Wren formated the organization’s systems so we’re good to go” Rebel smiled.

“That’s great” Matteo beamed.

“Let’s leave then, the ships are ready, the one that transported my mum, Zola and the rest have returned”

“Your mum?”

“That’s the first time I’ll be hearing you calling her that” Rebel smiled.

“I forgave her” Matteo replied.

“That’s good” she responded.

“Let’s hurry up time ain’t on our side” Matteo mumbled.


The men loaded the last luggage in the ship, two ships has already taken off, making more are preparing to leave as well.

“Sammie we have to talk” Nellie tapped him.

“I’m listening” he replied while giving people a helping hand.

“I want to let you know that I’ll be giving us a chance, you deserve to be loved” she mumbled.

“Nellie…..” He smiled.

“A week back, i would have been happy to hear that but now, ion think it’s what i need, I’m good with us being just friends” he declined politely.

“What has changed?” She frowned.

“Alot, I’ve found love in someone else’s embrace” He replied.

“It’s fine…” She forced a smile but deep within her she was hurting.

Tears escaped her eyes.

“Sammie….” Akantha called from the crowd as her eyes suddenly caught him.

She made to hug him but he pushed her off with a smile.

“Just two days and you grew more cuter” he teased.

“I’m more cuter?” She gasped blushing heavily.

“Yes you are” he smiled.

“Hi…” Nellie waved at her.

“Hi…” She shrugged.

“I’ll see you when we get to our new destination” she screamed entering the ship that was about to take off.

“The cold air, you guys aren’t cool?” Sammie frowned the moment she left.

“She left for no reason, she stayed with me because you were there” Nellie responded sadly.




“Are you waiting for someone?” Monarch said startling Wren.

“We should have boarded the ship that just took off” She added.

“He’ll be here soon” she said expectantly.

“He?” Monarch frowned.

“You said you want to tell us something earlier, what is it?” Monarch pressed further.

“I-i invited…”

She stopped talking when her eyes caught him, a smile curled on her lips.

“He’s here” she screamed running off to him.

Monarch turned and her jaws dropped.

“Watson” she gasped running to alert Bell and the rest.

“Watson” Wren jumped on him but he had no smile on his face.

“Where’s your bag?” She asked staring at his empty hands.

“You were a fool to think I’ll come with you” he shuttered.

“What do you mean?” She frowned.

Her eyes widened when he suddenly grabbed her neck pointing a gun to her head.

“W-Watson” Wren’s lips trembled.

He shot into thin air drawing the attention of the rest.

“Where do you guys think you’re going?” He screamed.

“Watson?” Rebel gasped.

“What has Wren done?” Sammie balled his fist.

“Watson please drop the gun” Wren pleaded.

“Another word from you” he warned.

Matteo’s men who were still around pulled out their guns.

“Any rough move and she dies” he thr_@tened.

“We finally meet Matteo Pierce” he smirked.

“What do you want boy, let her go” Matteo ordered coldly.

“I want you behind bars” he spat.

“That won’t be happening, I’m clean”Matteo chuckled.

“Are you sure?”

His question made Matteo to frown.

“As I’m talking to you, the cops are at your clan, the drops you left behind were found and the house happens to be registered under you, so tell me, are you still clean?” He smirked.

“How did you….”

“I told him” Wren cut Matteo off in tears.

“I gave him the location, i thought he’ll join us” she pouted.

“Wren?” Rebel said in disappointment.

“You betrayed” Monarch spat.

“I’m sorry” Wren sobbed.

“The cops are on their way here, none of you are allowed to leave including you Bell, you think you’re the only one who can play the game?” He taunted.

“Watson let her go” she challenged.

The sirens blared loudly indicating that the cops were getting closer.

“Take them away” Matteo ordered Sammie.

“No..we leave together” Rebel objected.

“It’s me you want, take me and let her go” Matteo yelled.

“I think you’re right” Watson smirked pushing Wren off aiming the gun at Matteo.

“Being jailed won’t be enough, you deserve to die” Watson spat pulling the trigger.

That moment, another gunshot was heard.

“Nellie…” Sammie’s eyes widened as Nellie pushed Matteo off taking the bullet.

All eyes turned to bell who happened to be the one who pulled the second trigger bringing Watson down.

“What have you done?” Wren screamed.

“Watson….” She crawled to Watson who was lying in a pool of his own blood.

That instance, a cop vehicle arrived.

“Nellie…..” Matteo couldn’t believe his eyes.

“F-Forgive me M-Matteo” She shut her eyes, a lone tears escaped her eyes.

“Take them to safety” Matteo ordered Sammie who lifted Rebel off the floor.

“No…” She screamed as Sammie dropped her inside a ship.

“Matteo….” she screamed watching as he was being handcuffed by a cops.

The cops tried to go after the ship but it was already moving so they retorted to opening fires.


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