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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Chapter Forty Five

“Start talking Isme…now” Matteo thundered making Isme to go down on her knee and burst into tears.

“Wait babe, Pierce ain’t Matteo’s father? So that’s what you have been hiding?” Will shuttered disappointedly.

“Hey you….” Matteo pointed.

“Get out” He barked

“Wait man, I’m supporting you…I’m on your side” Will said with frown lines plastered on his forehead.

“Out….” Matteo yammered making to pull out his gun.

“It hasn’t gotten to that, I’ll leave” Will said quickly taking to his heels.

“You made me believe he was my father for twenty eight good years Isme, twenty eight” Matteo shuttered in anger

“You knew all along that he ain’t my father, no wonder he murdered Zane, for years, I’ve been blaming him but the person who deserves the blame is you….” Matteo screamed at her with gritted teeth and nothing but hatred depicting from his voice.

“It ain’t my fault that Zane died” Isme said sobbing.

“It is” Matteo countered not minding if he was hurting her feelings how not…the feeling of telling a mum that she was the reason behind the death of his child…the pain, he knows it too well but he doesn’t care at the moment.

“My brother wanted to save you from Pierce’s molestation and he flinged him…if only Zane knew that you deserved to be beaten because you’re nothing but a betrayal to Pierce and that’s why he did what he did” Matteo sprouted out.

“Matteo….” Isme called with trembling lips shedding more tears then she’s already doing.

“You got it all wrong” She added.

“Then made me understand” He barked.

“Yes, you aren’t Pierce’s son but Zane is, Zane is Pierce’s flesh and blood and you….”

“Zane is my half brother? Isme, how secretful can you be?” Matteo groaned in disappointment.

“Before you judge me listen….” She pleaded and began narrating everything to him.

One second passed

And then two…..

Then three….

Matteo couldn’t bear what he’s hearing so he jumped to his feet.

“Wait…wait…wait, this worser than i expect, how on earth will i be able to process all this?” Matteo mumbled almost breaking down for the uncountable time today…if he cries anymore than he have already done then he’ll end up losing his voice.

“You were pregnant with Jerome’s child which happened to be Pierce’s brother and you nailed the pregnancy on him? Unbelievable…..” Matteo purred saying some unapprehensible/ inaudible words under his voice.

“Don’t judge and just listen, i had no choice, my family was at stake, if my dad finds out that I’m pregnant for Jerome, he’ll me marry Jerome which is something he’ll never forgive me for, they want their daughter to marry the heir of their rival clan…they all thought that the clan will be passed on to Pierce…..” Isme explained.

“Unbelievable, your parents are animals, if not that i want nothing to do with them, I’ll travel to country R and have your mother’s head, she’s the mastermind behind all these…but i still blame you Isme, you had a choice, you always do, you should have refused and rebuked your mother’s idea……you should have approached Pierce and make him realize why you can’t marry him, you should have told him that you were in love with his brother and that you are pregnant for him” Matteo said this time more slowly.

“That’s why i told you to listen…..Pierce and Jerome initially have a bad relationship, Pierce sees Jerome as a thr_@t to his inheritance and to top it all, their parents happened to be more fond of Jerome and that, Pierce found offensive….their reasons being that Jerome had a fragile heart and hence, he was pampered….the day i met Jerome at the club, i made mention of him saying he wanted to build a bond with Pierce right?” Isme questioned.

“Yes….” Matteo grumbled rolling his eyes.

“Despite Jerome’s trying, Pierce never gave him a chance, the hatred, envy and competitiveness was this there….now listen to the part i want you to hear badly….” Isme ordered and everywhere went silent.


A teenager was on the floor crying out her lungs, her hair which had just been styled were scattered across her face making her to look dishelved, her makeup which enhanced her beauty a while ago were a shadow of it’s former self as the mascara has melted on her flawless face making her to look like a ghost in horror movies, her lips which were painted pepper red were all over her face adding to her ghost like appearance….today is the worst day of her life, the day she’s to get engaged to one of the young masters of one of the dreaded mafia clans in country R, the brother to the man she loves, the brother to the man of whom she’s carrying his child.

“It hurts, it really hurts…..” Isme continued wailing now losing her voice since these has been what she has been doing since morning and throughout last night.

The idea didn’t go well with Jerome, he detest it to the core, his brother fathering his child? His first seed as a matter of fact…..She broke up with him that night like her mum has instructed but still, it hurts….she feels like she’s doing the right thing since every mafia’s daughter owe them an obligation which this happens to be hers, but when do the right thing begins to feel this wrong?

Only the thought made poor Isme to cry…

The door to her room was pushed open and her mother alongside a young and elegant woman who with no doubt happens to be Pierce and Jerome’s mother, they were chatting happily but screamed when they spotted the elegant Isme they saw awhile ago looking like a ghostie.

“Ahh!!!!” Loud screams found their way out of Lady Maverick’s lips….she jumped on the bed which was standing near fearfully.

“Isme?” Her mother recognized her instantly.

“What is this madness?” She said with gritted teeth and clenched fist.

“Wait….Isme?” Mrs Maverick uncovered herself since she was already hiding under the quilt….she composed herself jumping down the bed instantly.

“This isn’t the Isme we saw awhile ago, you look a mess” Mrs Maverick made a disgusted look which happened to hurt Isme mother’s ego.

“Does your daughter have mental issues?” She added.

“Corian Maverick….” Isme’s mum called her full name thunderously clenching her fist behind her.

“My daughter is perfectly fine….please, kindly give us some privacy, I’ll like to talk some sense into my daughter’s skull” She added inbetween gritted teeth.

“Fine…” Corian rolled her eyes and began walking out swaying her hips in a slow motion and her highly penciled heels making clicking sounds as she left the room.

“That b!tch” Mirabelle (isme’s mum) cussed.

“What is this madness Isme?” Mirabelle turned to her the moment Corian was out of sight.

“We already talked about this Isme, we had an agreement” She added in displeasure.

“Mum, i just can’t, it feels wrong…..” Isme said with pouty lips and just then, her mom did something that surprised her to the core; a slap which sent her crashing on the floor was sent across her face.

“Never, i repeat never repeat that statement you hear me? Everything we do, we do for you to have a better life and you’re here telling me it feels wrong?” Mrs Mirabelle purred bending to her level and pointing a finger at her.

“You aren’t doing it for me, you’re doing it to strengthen your clan, i know I’m obligated but this, it’s too much, the guilt will ki|| me, even Mrs Corian will be disappointed when she finds out” Isme yelled making Mrs Mirabelle to burst into a fit of laughter like she has said something funny.

“Corian won’t be disappointed, she knows you guys were dating, it seems your darling Jerome, that weakling told them about your relationship last night, they were hurt that they were doing this to him but the date of the engagement was already fixed, calling it off would mean hurting Pierce the more, they had no choice since Pierce is happy about it, he knows it will strengthen his inheritance if he establishes union with our family” Mrs Mirabelle explained to Isme making her to jump up from the floor.

“Corian told you? You didn’t tell her that it’s more complicated than that? You didn’t tell her that I’m carrying Jerome’s child did you?” Isme shuttered with flaring nostril.

Another slap was inflicted on her by her mum…she didn’t fall to the floor this time, she just held her cheek staring at her mum with nothing but pure hatred.

“That stays between us, i never want to hear about it ever again, understand?” Mrs Mirabelle warned.

“Now, change your dress, I’ll send in the makeup artist to redo your makeup and most importantly, i want you to walk out with a smiley face…understood?” She yelled.

“Wh@ťěver” Isme huffed and walked to the direction of the mirror, she pulled out a seat and sat down folding her hands furiously.

“I’ll take that as a yes” Mrs Mirabelle said walking out.

Few minutes later, the makeup artist stepped in and started afresh…..

One minute passed.

And then two…..

Then finally three….

“All done…..” the makeup artist smiled

“Thank you” Isme forced a smile.

“Isme you look ravishing” Her brother walked into the room complimenting.

“Brother should i say dad’s puppet?” Isme chuckled on seeing him….no matter what he does to her, she just can’t get mad at him for long.

“Ouch…that name again” Her brother pouted walking up to her, on reaching her, he placed a peck on the two sides of her cheek.

“Can you excuse us?” Isme ordered the artists.

“Fine….” The head of the artist smiled and signalled her girls to follow her.

“Brother, i have something to tell you, I’m…..”

“Pregnant? I know” her brother completed it for her.

“You know? Guess mum told you, you have to help me to tell dad, i can’t do this, i know that he ain’t aware but he’s avoiding me, his men keeps telling me whenever i goes to see him that he ain’t around but I’m no child brother, i know what he’s doing” Isme pouted.

“Isme……” Her brother called in a voice show can’t apprehend.

“You know the problem i have with you? You are too greedy, you have never done anything for this family since we were born, the only person making sacrifices all the time is me, and you think it’s fair? That’s heartless of you, just this once that they’re in need of your help, you refuse to deliver, my answer to your request is no….I’m not telling dad anything, I’m with mum on this” He concluded.

“This is why i always call you a puppet, i f-__-king h@ťě you Marco” Isme yelled wanting to breakdown again.

“If you ruin the makeup this time, mum will not forgive you, i was sent here to walk you down and that’s what I’ll do….” Marco muttered and extended his hand….she accepted it with a sad face.

“Put on a smiley face” he ordered as they began working out.



“Pierce…..I’ll like to talk to you for a second” Isme walked up to Pierce after the engagement as she saw that her mum and everyone else were doing one thing or the other.

“Now….what do you wanna talk about hottie?” He asked flirtatiously and she rolled her eyes.

“Can we talk outside please?” She pleaded.

“You asked for a minute, I’ll give you a second, let’s go” He ordered walking out and she went after him.

“What is it you want to talk about, make it quick” He ordered glancing at his wristwatch.

“You don’t like the date set for the wedding? Or you don’t want the wedding to hold in country R? I personally picked the setting, time and everything to match my free time so there’s nothing that can be done about it, you better be free then” He ordered.

“So bossy” Isme cussed inwardly.

“Sorry but it’s not that….i want you to call off the engagement” She said with all the courage she could summon.

“Hahaha!!!!! What a joke” Pierce cracked up in laughter.

“Why will i do that?” He stopped laughing and arched a brow.

“Because I’m your brother’s fiance and because I’m preg…..”

“Stop…..” Pierce thundered cutting her off and making her to flinch.

“I know” he added.

“Jerome sent you to come beg me right? If i don’t listen to his plea, why do you think I’ll listen to yours? You think i fancy you? I’m f-__-king doing this to place a stronghold on my birthright and nothing more, your feelings for Jerome can rot in hell for all i care…..right from birth, he has always taken everything away from me, this time I’ll be the one doing him the honor, I’ll take you away from him and watch him die of heartbreak” He spat and turned to walk away when she screamed.

“But I’m preg….” Before she could complete her statement, strong hands were wrapped around her neck strangling her

“P-pierce” She swallowed struggling with him.

“You’re hurting me….” A lone tears escaped her eyes.

“I warned you, i said not another word” He shuttered releasing her.

“Your voice sickens me” He spat on her face and began walking away, he suddenly stopped and turned to her.

“This should be the last time you’ll talk to me about this, the next time i won’t be so kind, I’m not Jerome, the next time i won’t be this kind, thank your lucky stars that I’m in a good mood today” he shuttered before retreating.

Isme was left standing dumbstruck.

“You thought he’ll listen?” Her mum chuckled walking into the picture.

“Don’t talk to me” Isme hissed walking away.





“Mum I’m calm okay, it’s just that I’m scared, he loses alot of blood in the accident….what if the doctor asks Pierce and I to get tested and he discovers that Matteo ain’t his?” Isme said worriedly unknowing to her that Pierce has just returned from his clan and has overheard her conversation with her mum.

“Calm down Isme, you fear alot, it’s not bad if he finds out anyway, it’s not like old master Maverick passed on the clan to him or something, he passed it on to Jerome….you should be happy that your son is for Jerome and not him, if i had known, i would have listened to you many years back” Her mum muttered.

“I can’t believe you’re saying this? Jerome is f-__-king in the hospital and struggling for his own life, he’ll be of no use mum and Pierce, if he finds out that he ain’t his, I’m dead….” Isme panicked.

“Wait…..Matteo ain’t mine?” Pierce’s voice made the phone to fall off her hand.

“P-p-pierce…..” she trembled at his sight.

“I wanted to tell you on the day of our engagement but you grabbed my neck, you warned me never to say anything about Jerome ever again…..I’m sorry” Isme went on her knees.

Pierce flung the table separating them and yanked her hair pulling it…

“You lied to me, no, you deceived me” He said in nothing but hatred.

“The kids aren’t mine Isme, at the end, Jerome still won over me, he f-__-king fathered my children” Pierce yammered.

“…no, you’re getting it all wrong, Zane is your child, i didn’t have an affair with Jerome while we are married Pierce…..I wanted to tell you about Matteo but…..”

Before she could complete her statement, he began pulling her out of the room with her hair…..

“No…no…no” Isme screamed as he dragged her out from the room heading down the stairs.

That day, everything changed, his indifference towards Matteo began, never for once did he visit Matteo when he had an accident…..the molestation, brutality and everything begun.



Matteo just sat in confusion when his mother was done with the narration….he didn’t know who to blame, what to say and how to feel.

“I belong to uncle Jerome? No wonder he was fond of me, no wonder i felt attracted to him….it’s the father to son bond…..” Were the words that left Matteo’s lips.

“You should have told me earlier Isme” Pierce screamed breaking down……he only visited Jerome once and that was when Pierce was out of the city, he never knew the relationship between Pierce and Jerome, anyone barely talked about it…..the only thing he knew back then was that he visited a friend of his mom and they bonded like glue…..what happened to that uncle who happened to be his father is what he don’t know.

“What kind of a man was my father?, no wonder Matteo calls me a weakling, he allowed another man wed the woman he claims to love” Matteo raged.

“I was mad at him at first, the day i entered into my engagement party with Pierce and couldn’t find him, i thought he would be there to object” Isme chuckled sadly.

“I later found out that he couldn’t make it there because he had an heart attack….he was flied out of the country before the engagement and final wedding…..when he returned, the deal was done…..since then, for Jerome it has been from one heart attack to another, when the damage done to his heart were beyond repair and he began dying slowly….when his family found out, he was taken back to an hospital in country R this time……the doctor finally found a heart, a day to the transplant…..” She swallowed.

” he died”

Her words made Matteo’s hope to seeing how father died now…..his heart shattered into hundred pieces.

“I h@ťě your family, i h@ťě you for hiding my father to me till he died……I saw him once, just once….you, your mum and your brother deprived me of fatherly love…..Pierce ruined my relationship with my father because of his bitterness….I h@ťě him…..” Matteo screamed.

“You Isme….” He pointed after screaming to his heart content.

“Why did you leave me with Pierce and why wasn’t i told the truth?” He yelled.

“I want saving you Matteo….if i had left with you, Pierce would have come for us, if i had told you the truth, he would have had me ki||ed…….i did what i did to keep you alive, leaving you with him was a hard decision but that was the only choice i had, I’m sorry…..” She pleaded

“Sorry mum, i need time to process this, i need time to heal” Matteo said walking out in tears…..

“Matteo…..” Isme screamed in agony…..

“Will he ever forgive me?” She cried….this is what she has been avoiding.


The car came to a stop a good distance away from the mansion they were headed.

“You can leave, we’ll walk on foot now” Rebel ordered the driver.

They all stepped down and began trekking.

“What kind of plan is this?” Monarch pouted.

“You’ve been complaining throughout the ride, just trust Rebel on this” Sammie advised.

“Thanks Sammie…..” Rebel smiled.

“My legs hurt” Celia pouted.

“Me too” Wren added.

“This is necessary, He’s hard to deceive” Rebel said to them.

“We’re here” she smiled and placed a knock on the gate.

“The house looks big” Wren gasped.

“Wait until you get inside….it’s fascinating…no doubt” Bell smiled.

She made to place another knock when the security officer opened the gate.

“Rebel?” He gasped.

“It’s been long” He smiled happily
“Yes it has Adams” Rebel returned the smile and they stepped in.

“Is he in or he has gone to work?” She inquired.

“He’s getting ready” Adams replied.

Rebel and her companions headed for the door with Celia and Wren gushing about the building nonstop.

“This is awesome” Celia screamed in excitement.

“We aren’t here to sight see” Monarch scoffed.

Rebel made to place a knock on the door when it suddenly went open with him walking out.

“Rebel?” A frown landed on his head on seeing her with some people and carrying their bags.

“Can we come in Watson?” Rebel faked a smile.

“We’re tired…” Monarch said pleadingly

“And hungry” Celia added.

“O.M.G!! He’s hot” Wren’s lips flew open on seeing him.


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