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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{She’s on a mission}


?Don’t copy or repost?

Chapter Thirty Three

Rebel left Matteo’s ward and headed out….she walked past the hallway and luckily, she founded Pierce sitting in the living room and with his left leg on the right (I.e crossed).

She walked to him and he smiled on spotting her but his smiley face was suddenly replaced with a frown….

“Here to quarel me on Zola’s behalf?” He huffed as he suddenly recalled what he did to the little girl.

“Zola?” Rebel’s brow knitted

“Is something wrong with her?” She added frigtfully eliciting a loud laughter from Pierce.

“I flinged her” He said boastfully.

“You did what?” Rebel frowned

“How dare you?

“I knew that was your reason for coming, you haven’t considered my offer have you?” He said the last statement with a pout.

Rebel suddenly remembered her reason for coming, she composed herself instantly, I’ll throw a tantrum for what he did later…

“I…I…need a favor” She drawled scratching her hair shyly.

“Go on…” He nudged her to continue, he suddenly reach for his pocket and brought out a pack of cigarette, he lighted one up and began smoking, he then pass on the pack to her.

“Mind for a stick?” He smiled revealing his clean and perfect set of dentition.

“Ion smoke Pierce…” Rebel rejected calmly.

“I insist” He pouted.

“Any other thing but not smoking, i despise it” She stood her ground.

“Your loss anyway” He said with an eyeroll and withdrew back his hands.

“About the favor i was pleading for, can you be of help?” She asked curiously.

“Pleading? I didn’t hear your plea young lady, all i heard was a statement and nothing more” He chuckled.

“Seriously?” Rebel glared at him.

“You don’t glare at people you’re asking favor from?” Pierce muttered.

“You caught me” She chuckled.

“Sorry for the glare”.

“Take a seat and let’s talk” He tapped an empty spot beside him and she sat down reluctantly.

“What do you want honey? Money? Hot s*x?, name it…daddy gat you covered” He said flirtingly and reached for her hair to caress it but she saw through him and slapped his hands away.

“My mum is stranded in country R, can you be of Help?” She pleaded with a pout.

“Country R? That’s where i operate girl, i have mansions, penthouses and many business channels there, you have the right man” He smiled.

“Wow!!!!” Rebel beamed

“Yea” He winked.

“But i have a question though, why didn’t you ask for help from Matteo, have you suddenly realized that he’s useless?” He added with a smirk as a way of taunting her.

“Matteo hasn’t regain consciousness and therefore is of no use in terms of such matter” She excused.

“I liked the word he’s of no use, you finally realized” Pierce beamed.

“That wasn’t what i said” she frowned.

“Don’t twist my word Pierce” She warned.

“If not because i need help from this bastard, he think I’ll be here and playing nice, how dare him call my Matteo useless” She cussed possessively…..

“Stop throwing me daggers with your eyes” He said warningly.

“Wh@ťěver” She rolled her eyes

“Your mum, where exactly is she in country R?” He inquired while lighting up another stick since he was already done with the first.

“About that, ion know but ion mind giving you her number so that your men will keep in touch with her” She mumbled.

“Ohhh okay!!!!” he smiled.

“Thank you so much, I’m in your debt” She appreciated and made to walk away.

“Where do you think you’re going?” He frowned and she turned back with a frown.

“Heading to my quarters” She muttered.

“You didn’t ask me what i want, you just asked for a favor young lady, I’m not some goddamn charity organization b!tch, this world is purely give and take, what will you offer in return bell?” He yammered.

“Ohh that!!!!” Rebel chuckled.

“I’ll forever be in your debt father-in-law” She added with a smile.

“Best joke of the century, you must be out of your mind, gratitude?, i need something worth my men’s effort, what can you offer? Screw that d@mn $h|t called gratitude” He said with gritted teeth.

“What exactly do you want Pierce?” She sighed

“My mum is f-__-king in need of help, it’s coldest in Country R this season, imagine how cold she must be…just help me this once Pierce” She said pleadingly.

“I’ll help you Rebel but in return, you’ll do my biddings, your mum will be given the best accomodation in Country R, maids will be placed in wh@ťěver quarters she’ll be placed, she’ll lack nothing, that i assure, all these will be possible if and only if you accept my request” he said.

Rebel considered what he said….if she says no, her mum and Jolie will continue moving around the street of Country R homeless and if she agrees they’ll be provided with accommodation.

“It’s not like he’ll place a knife on my throat when the time comes to play my part and i refuses” She huffed.

“Fine” She smiled evily.

“We have a deal?” Pierce eyed her suspiciously.

“A deal it is” She replied with a smirk and a smile of achievement plastered on Pierce’s face.

“Meet me tonight by ten, don’t be late” He ordered.

“Your phone” She ordered and he passed it to her.

She dialed a number on it and handed it to him.

“The first number is for my mum, the second, Jolie” She said.

“Wait….you didn’t tell me they were two” he frowned.

“What happens if they’re two?” She smirked.

“You tricky bastard” He cussed under his breathe.

“Save it” She smiled and began walking away.

“Remember Rebel, meet me by ten at room 14 in your division” He screamed after her.

“I’ve heard you” She hissed while walking away.


Akantha walked into Sammie’s ward with a basket in her hand, she actually went to the supermarket to get him some stuffs and in addition, she bought something that’ll help his current condition.

“Hi….” she waved with a smile on entering inside.

“Hi….” Sammie waved back.

“I heard what happened, I’m really sorry” She apologized.

“It’s not like you knew it’ll result to this so it’s fine” he shrugged.

“Here, i brought this…” she extended the basket to him.

“Thanks” He smiled.

“Don’t mention” She replied.

Silence suddenly broke out in the room after the exchange of those few words…

“Alright, i think it’s time to leave, make sure you take them Sammie, bye….” She said quickly and hurried out….

Sammie stared at the basket and a smile curled on his lips.

“She’s Nellie’s girl, maybe Nellie sent her” his innermind suggested and that added to his excitement.

“She’s beginning to care, first she gave me the shakes, although it landed me in the hospital but still, secondly, she has been in the hospital with me in the hospital and now, she got me these, she couldn’t come by herself since she left here some minutes ago so she sent Akantha on her behalf, I’m so happy, she’s beginning to fall for me” he celebrated feeling giddy and all.

His stomach something churned, he threw the basket and ran heading for the restroom.

While Akantha on the otherhand was overjoyed, she was grinning from ear to ear that he accepted her present, if only she knew that someone else was been appreciated instead of her.


Rebel walked into her division and met Monarch and Wren but Celia was still nowhere in sight.

“She isn’t back yet?” Rebel said while walking in.

“Maybe she wanna spend the night with him, who knows?” Wren shrugged.

That moment Celia walked into the room looking happy and all…she greeted everyone and jumped on the bed before placing a call across to Will.

“I’m in now, love you babe” She said over the phone.

“Bye munchkin” She smiled and hanged up.

“Like seriously? You spent the whole day with him and that wasn’t enough? Love….” Wren shook her head.

“He’s so lively, he’s a complete vibe like then, do you know who he looks like?” Celia mumbled.

“How am i supposed to?” Wren huffed.

“He looks like his mum and he…..”

“Enough…..” Monarch thundered cutting her off and making everyone in the room to turn to her.

“The room was peaceful but the moment you came, everything changed, Will this, Will that…” Monarch yelled.

“You know what, I’m out of here” She shuttered and headed out.

“What exactly is your problem?” Celia jumped from the bed and ran after her.

Rebel and Wren eyed eachother and ran after them.

“When i told you that i feel something for you, you began giving me attitude, now that i found someone that i love and it happens that the feeling is mutual, you’re beginning to get jealous” Celia barked blocking Monarch’s path.

“Jealous? Me? In your dreams Celia, why will I feel jealous of that thing? What does he have? I don’t feel a hint of jealousy, i know all these are fake, you’re trying to get me jealous but news flash, your plan is failing cause i ain’t giving a f-__-k” Monarch yelled.

“Calm down girls, breathe in and out, it hasn’t gotten to this” Bell stepped into their middle.

“Tell that $h|t to Monarch Bell, she’s always the one that has something to say, do i look like I’m still interested in you? I’m f-__-king in love with Will and it’s mutual b!tch, get that into your empty skull” Celia yelled.

“Mutual? What a joke? I doubt that, prove it to me Celia, prove that you have gotten over me” Monarch smirked with folded hands.

“I’ll prove it b!tch, I will” Celia screamed.

“Till then” Monarch mocked and walked out.

“f-__-k her bell, f-__-k her” Celia cussed.

“Don’t blame her Celia, you’re making her feel oppressed” Rebel mumbled.

“Seriously?” Celia scoffed.

“Coming from someone who couldn’t keep her hands off the boss when he was on his feet, isn’t that oppressive enough?” Celia huffed and walked out as well.

“I shouldn’t have said anything” Rebel sighed.

“Lol” Wren chuckled.

“Who exactly is this guy Wren, can you describe him a bit, i feel like i know him” Rebel mumbled.

“He’s tall, handsome no doubt, walks with pride and huh!!!…” Wren clicked her tongue.

“He has a lip tattooed on his arm” She concluded.

“Wait….wait, wait…..lip tattoo?” Rebel frowned.

“Will, Isme’s lover?” She gasped…that was actually the first thing that captured her attention when she saw him with Isme the day she came.

“Wait who’s Isme?” Wren furrowed her brow.

“f-__-k, this isn’t good” She said alarmingly.

“I don’t understand what you’re talking about” Wren pouted.

“That dude is dating Matteo’s mother” Rebel dropped the bombshell.

“What?” Wren gasped.

“Should i tell her?” She added quickly.

“No….” Rebel threw her a glare.

“I’ll confront him and interrogate him, he must tell me the plans he has for her, he can’t go about deceiving two ladies”Rebel shuttered.

“f-__-k….” She cussed as her eyes suddenly caught the wall clock.

“Past ten? Just now? f-__-k that old man, gotta shower, sorry for the disappointment Pierce” She concluded the statement with a smirk.

“Please find Celia, tell her i didn’t mean what i said, find Monarch as well, once I’m done showering, we’ll go to bed, tomorrow is a big day” Rebel smiled.

“Is something happening tomorrow?” Wren frowned.

“How can you forget something of such importance, the transplant is taking place tomorrow” Rebel replied.

“Oh, it’s true, it’s true…..” Wren said and rushed out.

“Where were we?” Rebel mumbled.

“Shower huh!!” She smiled and took off her clothes and headed towards the direction of the restroom.


“That @$$h0le f-__-king wasted my precious time” Pierce shuttered glancing at his wristwatch.

“Ten minutes past ten” he said with gritted teeth.

“I won’t let you off fool” he cussed and headed towards the direction of her quarters.

He arrived at her doorstep and some Ɓîtçhes who were guarding lady Bell’s quarter ran off on seeing him, almost everyone are scared of him….the Ɓîtçhes who ran went to call members of the first division for help…..

Pierce used his leg and kicked the door open.

He walked in and frowned on seeing the room empty.

“She knew I’ll come for her” He snarled and turned to leave but stopped when he heard the sound of running water.

“There’s someone in the restroom” he smirked and began tracing the direction the sound was coming from….he smirked on seeing the outfit she wore some minutes ago on the floor.

“There’s no escaping” He smirked and kicked the door open on arrival.

“Wtf!” Rebel gasped at the sudden intrusion….

“Wren?” She called and began washing her face quickly since it was soapy.

“You kept me waiting b!tch” The voice she heard made her lips to tremble.

“Pierce?” She gasped.

“f-__-k” she cussed and covered her chest with one of her hands.

“So this is what that bastard is enjoying alone?” He smiled.

“Get the f-__-k out of here Pierce, i h@ťě this joke, you’re overstepping your boundary” She shuttered as she finally succeeded in washing her face..

“No….” he smirked evily and jumped on her.

“Help…..” Rebel screamed.


In a dark room with only a dim light in it, Watson was pacing restlessly, he still hasn’t heard from the men he sent….his phone suddenly rang and he heaved a sigh of relief on seeing the caller.

“Do you have them?” He muttered on picking up the call.

“What? You lost them?” He shuttered.

“f-__-k” he cussed and raked his fingers through his hair frustratedly.

“I f-__-king told you to track Jolie’s d@mn phone, f-__-k you” he purred.

“Check every hooks and crannies of country R, find her mother” He yelled and smashed his phone on the wall.

“I’m not letting you slip my fingers Bell, you must finish what you started” He yammered.


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