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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{She’s on a mission}

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Chapter Twenty Three


Monarch left the pool and ran towards Sammie’s direction….

“Hi” She flashed him one of her sweetest smile on blocking his path…she took a picture, one of her perfectly shaped leg crossing the other.

“What is it?” Sammie threw her a glare

“Did you see the food i kept in your room last night? Do you like it?” She asked curiously.

“I knew you were the one that brought it, if it isn’t you then who would it be?” He huffed

“How did it taste?” She questioned further

“I don’t know, who told you that i ate it, i actually gave it to Zola’s new pet munchy” He muttered, he was supposed to thank her for it but he don’t know how to go about it, he didn’t send her anyway….

“We both know that you’re lying” She chuckled

“I’m not” He snapped…his mind suddenly traveled to the sauce she prepared again….the urge to eat it suddenly came again.

“f-__-k” He cussed

#Last Night

Sammie returned back from his duty looking as tired as ever, he yawned tiredly and headed for the refrigerator on taking off his shirt, he opened it and found nothing eatable in it…

“Just milk and salad” He pouted

“I have to go for grocery shopping tomorrow, I’m short of food supply” He sighed and brought out a bottle of milk, he gulped it down and turned to leave when his eyes suddenly caught a white nylon on his dining table….

“What?” He frowned

“Who brought this?” He wondered and walked towards the dining area, he pulled out a seat for himself before opening the nylon and bringing out a flask from it, a paper fell off from the nylon the moment he opened it….

“Eat up my love and call me if you need a massage” He read out loud.

“Who could it be?” He mumbled and his mind traveled to Monarch that moment.

“She’s the only one crushing on me in this clan” he mumbled.

“If it’s on a normal day, i would have just disposed it but today I’m as hungry as hell” He added before standing to his feet and heading to the kitchen where he got a spoon and a bottle of water….he returned back to the dining and took a seat.

“I’ll just eat a spoon” He said and opened the flask, from taking a spoon, it turned to emptying the entire content in the flask.

“Who would have known that she’s such a great cook” He said baffled at how yummy the food tasted.

“I think i now have a favorite” He smiled and brought out a small take out from thesame nylon, he opened it and began eating up.

“She’s a God sent” He smiled

#Back To Present

“I know you’re lying” Monarch insisted, your face gives you away.

“Fine, i give up” He rolled his eyes

“You’re a good cook, happy now” He huffed

“I actually learned it from my mum yunno! Those delicacies were her favorite” Monarch smiled

Sammie simply rolled his eyes

“She owns a small eatery in vaginia crescent, she sells small chops, some sorts of delicacies, sodas and many more but the eatery is no longer standing, she ran bankrupt” Monarch completed her statement with a sigh.

“I didn’t ask you” Sammie huffed

“Sorry, i guess i love talking without being asked” Monarch chuckled.

“Sorry for boring you” She added

Sammie suddenly felt bad for what he said.

“I didn’t mean it that way, you know what?” Sammie mumbled.

“What?” Monarch beamed thinking he was gonna ask her out for a date.

“I want you to make me thesame delicacy as last night, it’s just a meal and nothing more, don’t build up some naughty thoughts in your head”.

“Wh@ťěver” She rolled her eyes

“When do you want the meal?” She inquired

“When i return” he said and glanced at his wristwatch.

“Let’s just say tonight” He mumbled

“Great” She squealed as he turned his back and began leaving.

“What exactly are they talking about? Is he finally giving in?” Celia wasn’t herself, she kept questioning Wren.

“Ion know, it’s not like i have spiritual ears or something” Wren huffed and that moment Monarch returned back to them putting on a smiley face.

“What did he say?” Celia questioned Monarch immediately.

“He loves the meal i made, isn’t that great” Monarch squealed dramatically.

“Is that just it?” Celia furrowed her brow.

“Your blood is hot” Monarch chuckled

“He also want me to make thesame meal for him, isn’t that awesome, I’m supposed to take it to him tonight, who knows, he might take me for his second meal” She winked at her friends.

“And?” Celia inquired again

“That’s all” Monarch smiled

“I know that you’re as happy as i am” She added

“I’m not, this wasn’t the plan, turning you into his cook?” Celia shuttered

“He isn’t turning me into his cook, he asked politely” Monarch countered with an eyeroll.

“Sammie politely?” Wren on seeing that Celia was getting jealous added because she knows the volcano that was gonna errupt if she doesn’t say anything to support Celia.

“Surprised huh! Yes he asked politely, i shouldn’t waste more time yunno! I should get to work, I’ll appreciate your help girls, you guys can help with chopping of onions, chilly pepper and other items” She smiled.

“I’m not one’s cook, do it yourself” Celia snapped

“Are you jealous?” Monarch frowned

Celia’s heart skipped a beat on thinking that she might have figured it out.

“Jealous about what?” She coughed at the unexpected question.

“At the fact i’m gonna get a boyfriend before you” Monarch hundred

Celia and Wren both released a sigh of relief.

“In your dreams” Celia huffed

“I don’t have time for this now, gotta go, bye” She said quickly and ran off.

“Can you believe this, he wants her to make him another meal, does she look like a cook to him, I’m beginning to h@ťě that Sammie, he shouldn’t make me to add him to my blacklist or else it’ll be hell on earth” Celia boiled

“No thr_@ts Celia, he’s your superior, we’re talking about someone from the first division here” Wren scolded her.

“Wh@ťěver” Celia huffed folding her hands.

“Don’t you think it’s high time you give up on that cheeky feeling of yours, if you’re gay, find yourself another shawty, they’re plethora of them in this division” Wren advised.

“No, i don’t want someone else, it’s her i want” Celia said with determination.

“Your choice” Wren rolled her eyes

“I think I’ve swim enough for a day, wanna go to the hall, i might get laid there” Wren winked.

“Suit yourself” Celia screamed after Wren as she jumped out of the pool.


Zola ran towards the direction of the car as it was about to take off, she was holding munchy(her new pet) in her arms…

“Daddy, my angel” She screamed and Matteo signalled Sammie to stop the car.

“Zola…..” Rebel called with a sweet smile.

“Are you guys going on a date?” Zola squealed.

“No, we are dropping by at the modeling company” Rebel replied.

“Can i come, can i come please” Zola pleaded making puppy face.

“You can’t” Matteo replied her

“You have never taken me with you to that modeling company yunno!” Zola pouted.

“You can’t come and that’s final” he cut her off, his yes suddenly caught the puppy in her arms.

“Heard from Sammie that a car came into your quarters and after then, he saw you with this pet” Matteo said eyeing her suspiciously.

“Sammie…..” Zola childishly scolded making Rebel to stiffle a laughter.

“Who came to your quarters Zola?” Matteo asked coldly.

“My friend” Zola said wrapping her tiny hands around munchy as a shield from her dad before he would snatch it from her.

“A he or a she?” Matteo asked further

“A he” Zola pouted

“Name” Matteo ordered thunderously

“Matteo…..” Rebel called on seeing where the whole thing was heading.

“Don’t” Matteo raised a finger cutting her off.

“Boss please….” Sammie spoke up for the first time.

“Wait for me in your quarters, we’ll continue when i get back” Matteo said icily.

“Wh@ťěver” Zola rolled her eyes.

“See you later mum” she waved at bell and glared at her dad before retreating….

“Let’s go” Matteo ordered Sammie and he(Sammie) started the car engine.


Sammie entered into the parking lot and the car came to an halt.

He jumped down from the car and opened the back door for his boss to alight, Rebel alighted as well, with intertwined hands, they walked into the company…..

Matteo was expecting a surprised expression on Rebel’s face but he saw none….unknowing to him that this wasn’t her first time coming here, he isn’t aware of this because he rarely drops by, he only comes when a new shipment of hard drugs and weapons arrives, he inspects the containers and the weapons and then leave.

“Anyone that comes here always has a surprised expression on but you my sunshine has none” he pouted.

“I must say that it’s indeed a nice place” Rebel faked a smile, she was familiar with the company as she normally comes with Watson whenever he’s issued with a search warrant but Matteo is oblivious of that.

The models on seeing Matteo suddenly went silent, they formed a straightline as he suddenly began walking towards them, they all bowed their heads as a sign of respect…..

Rebel saw nothing different from the usual, she continued looking around.

“Where exactly are the evidence?” She wondered

“Has the shipment arrive?” Matteo asked one of his men who was in charge of that aspect.

“Yes boss”

“Good” Matteo smiled

“How many containers of tobacco, cocaine and tramadol were sent and as for the weapons, how many boxes are they?” He inquired.

“15,000 containers of tobacco, 10,000 containers of tramadol and 50,000 containers of cocaine and as for the arms, they’re 115,000 boxes” The guy replied.

“That’s half the order” Matteo frowned

“Yes boss, the rest will arrive tomorrow noon, Sanchez men made some mistake” The guy replied.

“That explains it” Matteo snorted

“Let me take a look” he added

“Will you wait outside bell?” He turned to her

“No, wanna come along” She pouted.

“As you wish” He smiled sweetly.

They began walking towards the direction of a statue, Rebel’s brow twitched because there was no entrance of any sort there.

“Are you sure we are going towards the right direction?” She tapped Matteo.

“Of course” Matteo smiled.

The guy in the front suddenly stopped as they were just a distance away from the statue.

“Can we trust her boss?” The guy asked hesitantly.

“What do you mean by that?” Matteo glared at him.

“S-sorry b-boss but N-nellie said……”

“forget what Nellie said” He snapped

The guy swallowed his next word….he simply reached for the neck of the statue and snapped it….. A passage way suddenly opened.

“Wtf!” Rebel’s jaw dropped.

They all worked in and the door shut beside them.

“No wonder Watson and i got no evidence, there’s a secret way in and i just found out about it” She smirked.


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