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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{She’s on a mission}


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Chapter Twenty


“Good morning roomie” Celia jumped on Rebel’s bed.

“Good morning” Rebel yawned and stood up from the bed

“I kept some Cola marinated flank steak with frito chilaquilies for you” Celia added

“Wow! Thanks” Rebel beamed….”you’re the best….

“I’m so tired” she stretched her body

“Good morning bell, I’ve already mixed your bathe, go and shower” Monarch said walking out of the restroom….

“Wait….” Rebel’s brows furrowed

“Why are you girls treating me like some queen, is there something ion know…

“Did anything happen between the boss and you yesterday?” Monarch pried

Rebel’s cheeks suddenly grew red as she remembered yesterday night, it was one of the best night she has ever had….

“Something really happened, your cheeks give you away” Celia chuckled

“Can you share please?” Monarch squealed and also jumped on her bed….

“Well, nothing much happened, he just asked me to date him and i said yes” Rebel said and smiled at the last statement….

“What? You guys are now dating?” Celia gasped

“Yes we are” Rebel smiled

“No wonder he made you the head of this division” Monarch explained

“What?” Rebel frowned…..”head me what?”

“He made you the head of this division” Celia answered

“He announced it during this morning training and also instructed everyone to treat you nicely as from now on” Celia added

“Wtf!” Rebel gasped….”what about Wren, why did he take the position from her?” Rebel pouted

“Wren can roth in hell for all i care” Monarch huffed

“You didn’t hear the news did you, the day she assigned you with a duty was thesame day the boss seized her position” Celia said

“I’m really happy, my roomie is now the head of this division” Monarch squealed

“Do you know what that mean?” She added

“What?” Rebel huffed

“It means that we now make the rules not that goddamn b!tch called Wren” Monarch Squealed

“But i know nothing about being the head of the division?” Rebel complained

“Don’t worry, you have Celia and i, with us, everything is gonna go just fine” Monarch assured…..

A knock landed on the door

“The door is open” Celia screamed

Wren walked into the room shuddering like a drenched chicken….

” C-Congratulations R-rebel” she stuttered…..”heard you’re now the head of the division”….

“Yes she is” Monarch attacked her

“I’m really happy for you” Wren faked a smile

“Thanks” Rebel muttered

“If you need help with anything, I’ll like to be of assistance”….

“We won’t be needing any help Wren and it’s not Rebel, it’s lady Rebel, as for me, from now on you’re gonna be addressing me as Lady Monarch and that also applies to Celia, am i clear?” Celia shuttered

“Celia….” Rebel chuckled…”what’s that for, wasn’t she flying her wings around and acting all bossy when she was the head of the division? Now tables have turned, we’re now the leaders” Monarch muttered

” I d-didn’t mean to treat you girls that way, i was just following instructions” Wren said sadly

“Since you’re so good with following instructions, now listen to this, i want you and your roommates to scrub every goddamn restroom in the entire division” Monarch ordered

“Y-yes” Wren stuttered

“It’s not y-yes, it’s yes my ladyship, am i clear?” Monarch snapped…..

“Yes my ladyship” Wren said with a bow

” you may leave” Monarch ordered

“Yes my ladyship” Wren bowed

“I’ll be taking my leave lady Rebel” She added

“Rebel is fine by me, i see no reason to add lady to it” Rebel hushed her

“What do you mean by that?” Monarch frowned….adding lady to your name is compulsory…..

“Didn’t you hear her saying that you should leave” Celia snapped

“Sorry my lady, I’ll be on my way to clean the restrooms as instructed” Wren bowed and began walking away.

“Don’t make use of a mop, a toothbrush should be used, I’ll check up on you girls when I’m done” Monarch screamed after her….

“That was….”

“Awesome” Monarch cut Rebel off

Another knock landed on the door

“Who is it this time, hope Wren didn’t come back?” Monarch hissed

“Come in” Rebel ordered

The gorgeous looking lady walked into the room with a bouquet of flowers….

“Boss asked me to bring this to you” She said with a bow

“Awn!” Rebel blushed

She rushed to the lady and collected the flower….she removed the card inside and smiled on reading it….

“Good morning my sunshine” the card reads

“Isn’t he romantic?” Monarch blushed

“I’m looking forward to the day Sammie will also give me a flower, I’m gonna faint that day i swear” Monarch added.

Celia’s expression changed totally as Monarch made that statement…..

“Is there something else?” Rebel asked as the lady was still standing

“Yes lady Rebel, we’re suppose to move you to your new quarter” The lady by name Ella said….

“Why did i forget that, it’s true, we’re supposed to be moved to the head’s quarter” Monarch exclaimed….

“It’s not we ma’am, it’s just her” Ella replied

“What do you mean by that?” Monarch frowned

“Let them come along” Rebel ordered

“Bring our bags” Monarch ordered

“You have no right to order me around Monarch, I’m from the first division, i demand respect from you, boss only instructed the entire clan to respect Rebel, your name wasn’t included” Ella snapped…..

“You’re from the first division?” Monarch gasped

“I’m really sorry, i didn’t see the division mark on your arm” Monarch pouted

Ella ignored her….

“Lady Rebel where’s your bag?” She asked

“It’s over there” Rebel pointed to a corner

“The rest of your get your bags yourself” Ella glared

“After you ma’am” she said

“Your mouth will put you in trouble, didn’t you know that that’s bossy Ella from the first division? You were just busy ordering her like you did to Wren, you’re lucky she didn’t take it to heart” Celia scolded Monarch…..

“I didn’t recall her face i swear” Monarch pouted…..they walked to their closet and began packing their stuffs…….

“Who would be moving into this unit now?” Rebel asked Ella as they were walking to her new room…..

“Wren and her roomies will be moving there” Ella replied

“I feel bad for Wren though, how will she cope in that small room?” Rebel sighed

Everyone they walked past in the division bowed their heads to Rebel as a sigh of respect…..

*Good morning my lady

*Morning lady Rebel

*Morning lady Rebel

Greetings were flowing in from every routes they walked past…..

We’re here” Ella smiled and pushed the door open…….

“Wow!” Rebel gasped….”the room was really spacious, it was ten times bigger than the room she was staying before……

Ladies were busy arranging the room…..some were dressing the bed, some were changing the curtains, some were fixing some flowers in a vase, others were occupied doing other things…..

“This room is awesome” Rebel smiled

“It is” Ella also smiled

Rebel turned to her right and spotted Wren, she was packing her things from the closet, her roommates were also arranging their stuff into their boxes…..Wren looked pitiful, Rebel spotted her wiping the tears that was thr_@tening to fall from her eyes…..

“How long has Wren being the head of the division?” Rebel asked Ella.

“Since the clan was established” Ella replied

“She’ll really be of help to me since i know nothing about what I’m supposed to do as the head, i know Monarch said she knows everything about it but still….I’ll be needing more helps” Rebel said at the back of her head…..

“Wren…..” Rebel called

Wren turned to the direction the voice came from….

“Lady Rebel…” Her sad face was replaced with a smile…..she began walking up to Rebel…..

“Please take my bag with you” she told one of her roommates…..

“Why should i Wren? You’re no longer the head of this division so why should i receive orders from you? Do it yourself” one her roommates snapped

“Don’t mind her” the other hissed

“Wren, from lady Wren to Wren?” She sighed

Her roommates changed totally since the announcement was made this morning….thesame roommates she took from a congested unit eight months ago when she was made the head of the division are also adding to her pain, they forgot everything she did for them….She sighed and began walking towards Rebel with tears streaming down from her eyes…..if anyone told her that this day would come, she wouldn’t have believed…the day when the position that mattered mostly to her was handed over to someone else.

The door was pushed open…..Monarch walked in with Celia, they were holding their bags…..

“Holy molly!” She gasped

“The room is indeed as they said” she exclaimed throwing her bag to the floor….

“Hey you” she pointed to one of the girls cleaning the room

“Get this bag”…..

“Rebel, i still can’t believe we’ll be staying here” she squealed running to Rebel….

“I’m here” Wren bowed her head

“Who called for you?” Monarch hissed

“By the way, why are you still here, shouldn’t you be cleaning the restrooms by now?” Monarch shuttered

“I called her Monarch” Rebel mumbled

“Wren, this room is really spacious and….”

“It’s not the only room here lady Rebel, you see that door” Wren pointed to a door

“It leads into another room” She said

“Really?” Monarch beamed

“Hmm, that’s good then” Rebel smiled

“The room can contain more than three people then” Rebel smiled

“What do you mean?” Monarch frowned

“You can stay with us if you like Wren, I’m new to this position and will be needing all the help i can get, heard from Ella that you have being the head since the division was established so you must know everything about it” Rebel said what she had in mind…..

“What?” Monarch frowned….” Wtf are you doing bell?”….

“You mean that i can stay? Thank you so much Lady bell” Wren jumped on her

“It’s fine” Rebel smiled….on seeing the life thr_@tening glares she was receiving from Monarch she chuckled….

” I know Wren mistreated you when she was the head but ion blame her, power tends to change people and I’m sure that’s what it did to her, it changed her from who she was” Rebel said

“Don’t allow the hatred in your heart to change you to someone you won’t be able to recognize” She added….

“Nicely said” Ella smiled

“It’s fine, you can stay by know that i haven’t forgiven you” Monarch said with an eyeroll.

“So petty” Rebel chuckled


Rebel went straight to the first division once she was done fitting into her new room……

“Please can you take me to Zola’s room, i heard she didn’t leave for school today” Rebel begged one of the men she came across.

“Yea” the man replied and began taking her to the quarter……

“This is her quarter” he pointed to a gate….the gate was heavily guarded…..

“Hi, I’m….”

“We know who you are, come in” one of the guard cut her off

“It seems everyone now knows me” Rebel smiled and walked in….she headed for the door and knocked on it…..A maid opened the door for her…..

“Is Zola in?” She asked politely

“Yes ma’am, come in please” The maid who happened to be Zuzu replied with a smile…….

“Climb the stairs, you’ll find her by the third room to your right” She said

“Alright” Rebel replied and began climbing the stairs….she arrived at the doorstep to the described room…..

“Rebel” Sammie smiled

“Hi Sammie, wait what are doing here?” She smiled

“Boss came to visit Zola” Sammie replied

“Oh! He must be scolding her right now for missing school” Rebel chuckled

“He won’t, she didn’t do it on purpose, Zola is sick” Sammie mumbled

“Oh no!” Rebel gasped and rushed in…..

“Zola…..” Rebel screamed on running in…..

“I can’t breathe daddy” Zola continue panting for air

“But doc, you said she’ll be fine right?” Matteo asked the doctor worriedly

“Yes she will, i just gave her personal maid some drugs, if she takes it as administered, she’ll recover speedily” the doctor replied.

“M-my a-angel” Zola said slowly

Matteo turned quickly to the door….

“Bell” he smiled…..”haven’t seen you since morning, did Ella give you the flower?”

“Yea, thanks Matteo” Rebel blushed

“Hmm” Zola cleared her throat drawing their attention back to her….

“Mummy I’m sick” Zola pouted

“The doctor said she has an high fever” Matteo sighed

“I’m so sorry Zola, get well soon okay?” Rebel pouted

“Atleast eat something Zola, you’re making me worried” Zuzu walked into the room with trail…..

“What did you bring?” Matteo asked Zuzu

“It’s Fried N-nutella banana hand pie” Zuzu stuttered

“Thanks Zuzu, you’ve really been helpful” Matteo said

“It’s my work boss, i have no complain” Zuzu replied feeling happy….this is actually the first time the boss was appreciating her effort….

“Should i feed you?” Matteo mumbled

“No d-daddy” Zola said shivering

“I’m cold”

“Do something about it doctor” Matteo ordered

“Daddy, can you give me some lone time with my angel, don’t worry, I’ll try and eat something.

“Okay, just say you’re tired of having me here” Matteo chuckled

“See me when you’re done Bell” he said before walking out…..

Zola signalled Zuzu to go lock the door……

She jumped out of the bed quickly and grabbed the hand pie Zuzu bought…..

“Thanks for your help doctor Max, you may leave” she ordered

“This is the last time I’ll do something so risky Zola, stop making your daddy worried, it ain’t good for his health” doctor Max scolded……

“Preach doctor, preach” Zola rolled her eyes

“What’s going on Zola, thought you were sick?” Rebel frowned

“She was just acting ma’am, the kid is fine” the doctor replied…..

“What? Zola…..” Rebel couldn’t believe her ears…..

“On a scale of one-ten, rate my acting ski||” Zola smiled

“Acting ski||? You made everyone d@mn worry” Rebel scolded her

“Everyone except me” Zuzu raised up her hand…..” I know she was acting, that’s how she acts whenever she wanna skip school”.

“Look at you running your mouth like a parrot, if it’s Nellie, you’ll be shuddering like a drenched chicken” Zola cussed

“Zola, what you did wasn’t fair, i was worried over nothing” Rebel pouted

“Sorry for making you worried” Zola mumbled

“Why did you miss school if i may ask?” Rebel questioned her

“I told you about the kids didn’t I?” She pouted

“So what do you intend doing with your day today?” Rebel asked

“Don’t worry, i have it covered” Zola winked

“Tell me about it” Rebel ordered


Rebel went straight to Matteo’s quarter once she was done with Zola…..

“Thought you wouldn’t come, you kept me waiting yunno!” Matteo pouted as she came in…..

“Sorry” She pouted

“Have you been moved to your new quarter?” He asked

“I had no option since someone made me the head of my division without my consent” She mumbled

“You’re hard to impress bell” Matteo complained

“Hahaha!” Rebel laughed

“Thanks anyway….”

“That’s what i was expecting” he smiled

“Come here” he pointed to the empty space next to him…..she walked closer and took a seat……

“Wanna spend my day with you bell, i already made a list of the things we’ll do together” he winked.

Rebel’s face turned crimson red….

“Why are you blushing, it’s not what you are thinking” Matteo chuckled

Rebel smacked her head…..her face turned red due to embarrasment….why did she allow her thoughts to go wild?”

Matteo on seeing her embarrased expression stopped teasing her……

“We’ll go gaming, horse riding, go sightseeing and round it all up by visiting the park, doesn’t that sound fun?” He said excitedly

“It sound fun but i won’t be able to come with you” She pouted

“Why?” Matteo’s excited face fell

“Zola….I already promised to go out with her, she talked first” Rebel explained

“But she’s sick, shouldn’t she be resting?” He frowned

“She don’t wanna rest, she wanna catch some fun” Rebel chuckled

“Do as you wish” he huffed

“I feel like we’re now competing for your attention”.

“You should be happy that I’ll be spending the day with your daughter, what if i decide to spend it with Rollo?” She smirked.

“Rollo? Don’t even dare” he glared at her

“Look at him been all jealous” Rebel teased

“Who said I’m jealous?” He huffed

“You’re Mr Mafia, you’re a jealous little lad” She teased

“Me little?” He chuckled

“A little lad that was able to woo you right? Should i remind you of how you were demanding for more s*x last night, can a little lad pleasure you that much” he said shamelessly…..

“Don’t corrupt me please” Rebel screamed and ran out of the room.

“This lady” he chuckled.


“What do you mean by that?” Isme frowned as her lover told her about the incident of last night.

“You heard me right love, i saw your son with a lady at Marco’s opening party last night, you know Marco is my hommie, he sent me an invite so i left country X to Denim last night, i spotted him with a shawty, that girl was d@mn hot i swear, your boy was being so possessive, heard him warning Rollo to stay away from her” He explained….

“What happened next?” Isme asked impatiently

“They later exited the club, i followed them and was watching from a distance, you won’t believe those two made out in the open will you?” He said chuckling

“This isn’t good” Isme jumped from bed

“Why do you look so worked up baby, your son is all grown, he can take care of himself” Will said

“You won’t understand Will, Pierce will come for her once my son grows so attached to her, he’s hellbent on destroying my son’s happiness” Isme sighed

“Why?” Will inquired

“It’s all my fault, my son is suffering for my sins” she mumbled

“It’s high time i return back to Denim and cast that b!tch far away from him” she said inwardly…….


Rebel and Zola went to a supermarket to get the stuff they’ll be needing for the picnic.

“Can’t believe daddy allowed us to go alone” Zola said happily.

“Why won’t he, we begged and begged” Rebel chuckled

“We also need some grapes” Zola said going through the list she made.

“Look who we have here…..” A kid chuckled behind Zola, she also came with her mum.

Zola on recognizing the voice ran to hide behind Rebel.

“Yoi didn’t go to school today because you thought i would be around to bully you right?” The little kid chuckled revealing her rotten frontal teeth.

“Isn’t this the kid that bring different people to represent her parent during PTA’s?” The girl’s mother inquired

“Yes mum, she’s the one” the kid replied

“Wow, I wonder why some parents behave that way though? What will it take to attend your child’s PTA?” The woman huffed

Rebel was done keeping silent, she turned on seeing that their words were hurting her, she became infuriated……

“I don’t know why some parents will encourage their children to bully instead of doing something useful with their lives…….what’s your business ma’am if her dad attends her school PTA? Mind you Mrs, the school didn’t put you incharge of record keeping so you need to learn how to mind your d@mn business” Rebel yelled

“Wtf!” The woman gasped

Zola’s sad expression changed to an happy one on seeing how her angel stood up for her.

“And you……” Rebel pointed to the little kid

“I know why you’re fond of picking on my baby, it’s because you know you feel intimidated by her presence, because you know that my Zola don’t roll with Pů$$¥$ like you” Rebel mocked

“You didn’t just say that to my child did you?” The girl’s mother frowned as her daughter broke down in tears….

“I did and I’ll say more if she doesn’t stop bullying my Zola….”

“Get an handkerchief and wipe your running nose kid, it’s making you look more ugly than you already do” she winked….

“Mummy….” The kid sobbed

“Let’s go Zola” Rebel grabbed Zola by the hand.

They were already moving away when the girl’s mother charged at Rebel…..

She jumped on her behind and began punching her.

Rebel rolled her over and mounted on her, she returned back the favor…..

The salesperson and other people who were present in the supermarket went to separate them…..

“Dial 911 Zendaya” The woman screamed to her child….

“Someone just escaped from the psychiatric ward”…..

“You’re the real psychiatric patient here” Rebel cussed and headed out with Zola…….



Zola and Rebel returned back to the clan……they had a fun filled day…..

“Daddy….” Rebel screamed and rushed to hug Matteo happily.

Rebel was also with her….

“Evening bell” Matteo smiled but his smiles suddenly faded when he spotted her bruised lips….

“What happened to your lips?” He frowned

“Some stray dog attacked me” she mumbled

“A stray dog in Denim? What are the cops doing about it?” He shuttered

“This stray dog happens to be my classmate’s mum yunno!” Zola said

“Tell me every details of what happened”

Rebel explained everything that happened to Matteo……

“Wait…..Zola wasn’t actually sick, she skipped school because she was afraid of getting bullied…..f-__-k! I should have known”….

“Sammie…..” He screamed

“Go to that d@mn supermarket and collect the footage of the incident, that woman, her kid and the whole students of Zola’s school that dare bully her will hear from me….the school’s principal should also get ready for me” he thundered.


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