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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Monarch’s heart was palpitating nonstop, if he gets her, she’s dead.

“Monarch? She isn’t in, went to screw one @$$h0le in the first division perhaps” Celia excused

“Reduce your height” Zola said to Rebel with a pouted lips

Rebel smiled and squatted to her level

“Monarch is the girl in the wardrobe right?” Zola whispered to her ear and she nodded

“Do you know something Zola?” Sammie gave her a suspicious look

“Yes i know something” Zola winked

“Busted…” Monarch mused

“She went out few minutes before you came, if you’re fast, you’ll be able to catch up with her” Zola said sincerely

“Hmm, hope you ain’t lying?”

“Have i ever lied to you before Sammie?” Zola rolled her eyes

“You always do” Sammie rolled his eyes

“Are you trying to say that my father bloodline is a liar?” Zola frowned

“I didn’t say that Zola, that’s not what I meant” Sammie replied quickly…..d@mn! This kid is really her father’s daughter, how did she turn his own words to her favor? He wondered

“I’ll be on my way then” Sammie said and began walking out.

He suddenly stopped….

“If she returns, tell her that the moment i set my eyes on her, I’ll send a bullet through her skull” he thr_@tened before exiting the room.

“That was close” Celia heaved a sigh of relief

“He’s gone right?” Monarch jumped out of the wardrobe

“He is” Monarch replied

“Sammie barely gets angry, tell me what you did to him?” Zola glared at her

“It’s not a child stuff” Monarch pouted

” child? ” Zola huffed

“Hope you know the service wasn’t free huh!”

“It wasn’t free?” They all turned to her

“Yes it wasn’t” Zola folded her hands

“$1000 is the fee for the service rendered….the money!” She stretched her hands

“Is it negotiable?” Monarch pouted

“No negotiation needed, the more the time ticks, the more it increases” Zola muttered

“Wtf!” Rebel’s jaw dropped

“Fine” Monarch rolled her eyes

She reached for the purse lying on her bed and passed Zola a thousand dollar bills from it….

“Good” Zola smiled

“I’m off my angel, gotta give this to Anna” Zola winked and hurried off

“That sly dog” Monarch cussed

“What exactly did you do to that dude?” Rebel asked the moment Zola was out of sight…..

“I tempered with his shot” Monarch replied

“You did what?” Rebel frowned

“He might harm you when he sees you, that dude wasn’t joking at all” She added

“I know” Monarch rolled her eyes

The door busted open and Wren walked in swaying her plastic hips rhymatically….

“What did you girls do to Sammie?” She went straight to the point

“We’re sorry, we know it’s wrong to get on the nerve of someone from that division” Celia said apologetically

“For every misbehavior there’s a punishment” Wren said flicking her hair

“Scrub every toilets in this division before four” She ordered

“Wtf!” Monarch gasped

“Did you mean that the person who offended him should scrub the toilets of everything unit in the fourth division or the other way round?” Celia frowned

“The punishment isn’t directed to a specific person, you all” she pointed at them

“Will scrub those toilets” she said and glared at Monarch before walking off

“I’ve never scrubbed toilets before, my mum doesn’t allow it” Rebel pouted

“Mine made me scrub those d@mn toilets every saturday, you’re d@mn lucky” Celia said

“The funniest part is that she isn’t actually the one who gave birth to me yet she treats me so cool” Rebel smiled

“You were adopted?” Monarch frowned

“No….she’s my stepmum, marrying her was the best decision my father made before passing away” she smiled

“Wow! Then not all stepmum’s are like that of cinderella” Monarch smiled

“You’re right, let’s get to work ladies, we have scrubbing to do” Celia winked at them.


Nellie was on her way to her quarters when she met Akantha

“Good and bad news boss” Akantha said

“Spill” she ordered

” the boys already brought some news about her” Akantha said happily

“About Rebel?” Nellie beamed

“What did they find?”

“Her mum lives in fifth avenue, she graduated from Central high” Akantha replied

“And?” Nellie downed

“That’s the bad part of the news boss, her information is private, that’s all they managed to find” Akantha sighed

“Those boys are the best in all of Denim, it only mean one thing, she isn’t to be underestimated” Nellie shuttered

“You said her mum stays in fifth avenue right?” She turned to face Akantha.


“Get my car ready, let’s pay bell’s mum a visit” she smirked


“What do you want Rollo?” Matteo said glaring at Rollo who walked into his room.

“About the incident of yesterday, it shouldn’t be an issue, i forgive you for ki||ing fifteen of my men so it’s cool” Rollo said nervous

“Cool he says” Matteo chuckled

“We don’t share women Rollo, you see that girl Bell, your f-__-king Ďïčk should stay far away from her A$$ or else, you’ll feel my wrath…’ll know the reason why my clan remain the most dreadful of all” Matteo shuttered

“Is that suppose to be a thr_@t?” Rollo snarled…..”do you wanna start a war with my clan because of her?” He shuttered

“Who said a thing about starting a war” Matte chuckled

“Just know your place and stay far away from her” he ordered

“You don’t tell me what to do Matteo, you want her and i also do, it’s either we both have her or none of us do” Rollo snarled picking offence at Matteo’s thr_@t…..

“You didn’t say that did you?” Matteo stood to his feet

“I did man, you see this face, register it cause it’s gonna visit your clan regularly from now because it found it’s prey right here” Rollo poked his chest and walked out.

“Rollo….don’t bite more than you can chew man, wanting her is digging your own grave, i don’t share my meal so get ready to face the consequences of your decision” Matteo screamed after him.


Monarch has landed herself in trouble??

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