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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE MAFIA LORD – Episode 8

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The Mafia Lord
Written by Princess Juliet
Episode 13&14

Feelings 2
June PoV continues
“Russia?”, I muttered
“Will you go with me?”. he asked
“How can you ki|| a man because he made
you angry?”.i asked
He looked at me and scoffed
“Go upstair June”. he commanded ignoring
my question
“Troy”.I called
“Just go please”.he pleaded and turned to
“Why are you so heartless?”. I asked
he smiled and walked away ignoring my
“ what have I gotten myself into?”. I asked
myself, what exactly is Troy into?
I gasp in shock when I heard a gunshot
“he ki||ed him, Troy ki||ed him”.i fell to the floor
Troy PoV
I drove over to the club with Andy after
$h00ting the guy dead. He betrayed me so he
deserved to die
“ what are you thinking about?”.Andy asked
“Nothing”. I replied
“Troy”. he called
“I said Nothing”. I yelled
“Fine”. he sighed
We walked into the club and went over to the
“ Sir. what should I get you”. The Barman
asked immediately I sat down
“Vodka”.i replied
“Troy are you trying to get drunk?”. Andy
“ yes”. I replied
“ what is wrong with you?”. he asked, getting
drunk Is against our code
“I am the boss, I make the rule”
“Sir, here is the vodka”. The barman said
holding a bottle of vodka and a glass
I dragged the bottle from him and started
gulping it down
“Why exactly are you angry?”.Andy asked
holding my hands to prevent me from taking
More of fr vodka
“Just let me be Andy “.i replied
“Troy I am your best friend and you can tell me
anything”. he assured me
“ fine”.i replied calmly
“Talk to me”. he urged me
“I feel bad”. I started
“ why?”. he asked
“She sees me as a beast”. I replied
“ you don’t seem to care about what people
see you as ,so why care about that now?”. he
“ she is different”. I replied
“Do you like her?”.he asked
“ I think I do”.i replied and I plan on taking her
along with me to Russia
“ what!!. he exclaimed, you can’t do that
“ why can’t I ?”. I asked
“It will be dangerous”. He replied , it is a Mafia
I looked at him and laughed
“ it is a peace party Andy, no one dares use a
gun”. I said
“Why can’t you just go alone like you always
do?”. he asked
“I want her to understand me”. I replied
“ but……….”
“ I have made up my mind and that is final”…..

We got home late and I was surprised to see
June sleeping on the bare floor
“ where is she here?”. I asked one of my
underlings who was smoking in the sitting room

“ She cried till she fell asleep”. he replied
“ why didn’t you wake her?”. I asked him
“ she belongs to you Boss and I was scared of
touching her”. he replied
“ really?”. I asked scoffing
I went over to June and bent down staring at
her face, there were traces of tears on her face
“ why are you doing this to yourself?”. I said
I carried her up in a bridal style and climbed up
the stairs
I kicked the door opened and walked into the
room placing her on the bed gently
She steered in her sleep and muttered my
“ she must be hurting”.i thought
I walked out of the room and went over to
Tricia room and I was surprised to see her still
“Baby”. I called walking over to her bed
“Dad what happened to June?”. She asked
worriedly, she promised to come back to me but
she didn’t
“She fell asleep”. I replied
She looked at me squeezing her face
“What is wrong?”. I asked her
“ nothing”. She replied with her tiny voice
“Tricia talk to me”. I said softly
“Did you make June cry?”. She asked
“ I guess I did”. I replied
“ why?”. She asked and started crying
I looked at her in surprise
“Why are you crying?”.i asked her
“You made June cried”.she replied
“ I am sorry”. I apologised, I won’t make her
cry again
“ is that a promise?”. She asked
“ yes”. I replied wiping her tears
“ can you sing me a song daddy?” She asked
“ I can’t sing”. I replied
“ please stay with me till I fall asleep”.she
“ I will”. I promised
I played with hair and she soon drifted off to
I went over to to my room and laid beside
June on the bed
I stared at her smiling
“ she is so innocent and pure, do I really
deserve her?
I watched her sleep till I fell asleep…..

June PoV
I woke up feeling weak and smiled when I saw
Troy sleeping beside me
I could not bring myself to h@ťě him even when
I found out he ki||s without feelings
“I love you Troy”.i said kissing him on his lips
“What is wrong with you June? behave
yourself!!!. I cautioned myself
I went over to the bathroom to wash my face, I
was feeling sore from crying.I returned to the
room and was surprised to see Troy already
“Hey”.he greeted, how are you?
“ fine”. I replied
“Alright . he said standing up
“ when did you wake?”, I asked him
“ not quite long”. he replied , why did you ask?
“ nothing”. I replied, I just did
he nodded as he went into the bathroom
“Did he hear me say i love him”.I wondered
He soon returned to the room shirtless and I
stared at his chest, it was full of tattoos
“ what are you looking at?”. he asked
“ nothing”.I replied swallowing hard
“Have you thought about it?”. he suddenly
“About What?”. I asked
“The party at Russia?”. he asked
“ what kind of party is that?”. I asked
“ you will know when you get there”. he replied

I stared at the pretty boy in front of me, I just
wanted to be close to him and I was scared of
loosing him because I love him
“ yes I will go with you”. I replied
He looked at me and smiled
“How are we going to get there?”. I asked
“ private jet”. he replied
“Oh”. I replied and when is the party?”. I asked

“Tuesday”. he replied………..
June is in love ?
Episode 14
June POV continues
I walked into my room and scoffed when I
saw Steph seated on Sara’s bed
“ what is she doing here?”. I wondered
I went over to my bed completely ignoring her
“ I can see you are finally Troy Ɓîtçh”.she
I sat down on my bed and brought out my
phone not minding her
“Are you deaf?”. She asked standing up
“ please I don’t want any problem Steph”.i
“Where are you coming from?”. She asked, I
guess Troy had a nice time damaging your
Çüñť”. She mocked
“Not everyone is a Ɓîtçh like you”, I replied
“ what?”. She asked moving closer to me
“Just Let me be”. I pleaded
“ I Warned you not to get close to my Troy but
you refused”.she said dragging me up by my
“ please leave me alone”.I pleaded
“Steph please leave her alone”. Sara yelled
coming out from the bathroom with foam all
over her body but before she could reach us
Steph gave me two thunderous slap and I
winced in pain
“ leave her alone”. Sara yelled pulling her
away from me
I fell on the bed crying…..
“Are you siding her?”. Steph asked Sara
“ why did you hurt her?”. Sara asked
“ she stole Troy away from me”. She replied
“ she didn’t steal Troy from you but Troy
chose her over you”. Sara defended me
“ what!!”. Steph exclaimed
“ yes, he chose her because he loves her “.
Sara replied
“ Are you…….”
“Get out”. Sara yelled cutting her short
“ really?”. She asked in surprise
“Get out”. Sara repeated pushing her out, and
don’t ever come here again “. She shouted
closing the door behind her .
“June I am sorry”. She apologised walking
towards me
“ it is not your fault”. I replied in between
“Steph is a Ɓîtçh”. She cursed ,she need to be
taught a lesson
My phone suddenly rang . I checked the caller,
it was Troy and I banged the call
“ why did you do that?”. Sara asked
“ I don’t want him to know I am crying”. I
“ why?”. She asked
“ nothing”. I replied
The phone rang again and Sara quickly
received it and placed it on my ear
“Are you trying to avoid me?”, He asked
“No”. I replied
“ what is wrong with you?”. he asked
“ nothing”.I replied sniffing
“June”. he called, are you crying?”.he asked
“No”. I lied
“Don’t try and lie to me , what happened ?”.he
“ it is Steph”.i replied bursting into tears
“ what did she do to you?”.he asked
“ she dragged my hair and slapped me”. I
“Alright”.he said
“Troy please don’t…:…”. I stopped when I
noticed the call was no longer connected
“ what did he say?”. Sara asked
“ he just banged the call”. I replied
“Cheer up June, i am sure Troy will warn her”.
She assured me
I looked at her and smiled .
“She really doesn’t know who Troy is”
She went over to the bathroom to continue
with her bath and soon returned to the room
with a towel wrapped around her
“Why didn’t you come home last night?”. She
asked walking to her bed
“ Troy asked me not to”. I lied
“ really?”. She asked in excitement, did you
finally do it?”. She asked
“Do what?”, I asked confused
“ have segz dummy”. She replied
“hell no”. I replied, I will do that on my wedding
“Let see about that”. She smirked
“ what do you mean?”. I asked her
“Nothing”. She replied. Are you going out
“ I don’t think so”. I replied, but I will be
travelling with Troy tomorrow
“Travel?Where?”. she asked
“Russia”. I replied grinning
“June”. She called with a funny face
“What is that look on your face?”. I asked
“ you are so lucky”. She remarked …..
Troy PoV
I sat down in the sitting room helping Tricia
with her hair
“I am done”. I said to her
She picked up the mirror beside her and stared
at herself
“Thanks Dad”. She muttered
“ it is nothing baby”.i replied
My phone suddenly rang and I received it
“How did it go?”. I asked Andy who was on the
other end
“Done boss”. he replied, we are on our way”
“Don’t bring her to the mansion,take her over
to my penthouse at Ontario”. I instructed and
ended the call
“ is it June?”. Tricia asked innocently
“Baby you need to go upstairs”. I said ignoring
her question
“I don’t want to”. She replied, I will be very
“Don’t worry I will let you spend few days with
your mother?”.I promised
“ I don’t want to go there Dad”. She pleaded, I
want to stay with you
“ why?”. I asked her
“ Mother is mean”. She replied looking scared
“Does she beat you?”. I asked her
“Yes”. She replied , and she also pull my hair
“What!!”. I exclaimed,don’t worry you won’t go
back there “. I promised her
“ really Dad?”. She asked jumping in
excitement ,
“ Daddy need to go somewhere“.i told her
“d@mn”.she cursed
I looked at her in surprise
“Tricia promise me you won’t use that word
again”.I said holding her hands
“What is wrong with it?”. She asked
innocently, you use it all the time
“ it is bad to curse so please promise me you
won’t use it again”.I pleaded
“ I promise dad”. She replied
I pulled her to me and hugged her…..
“ don’t be long Dad”. She whispered into my
“ I won’t baby”. I promised
I drove over to the penthouse and parked
inside the compound
I stepped out of the car and walked into the
house. I met five of my boys seated on the sofa
“Boss”. they hailed
“ where is she?”.i asked
“ The first room upstair”. One of them replied
I climbed up the stairs and they all followed
behind me . I pushed the door to the first room
opened and walked in
I met Andy tying the Ɓîtçh up
“ Troy please don’t ki|| me”. She pleaded
immediately she saw me
“ untie her”.i instructed Andy ,
He nodded and started loosening the ropes
“Thanks so much Troy”.she appreciated
“ why did you hurt June?”. I asked her
“She stole you from me”. She replied
“Pathetic”. I scoffed ,
“Do you know how much she cried”. I yelled
“Troy”. She called
“Guys”. I called , she is all yours
“Really Boss”. they chorused jumping in
“Troy please don’t do this to me”. She pleaded

“Drop her off where everyone can see her when
you are done with her”. I instructed
“Yes sir”. The replied moving closer to her
“Troy I was once your personal Ɓîtçh”. She
pleaded crying
“ that is the reason I am letting you live”. I told
her , if you dare hurt June again I will burn you
alive”. I warned her
“Troy”. She screamed
I watched the boys pin her down getting ready
to devour her and I left the room with Andy
following behind me
“Are you doing all this because she hurt
June?”. he asked
“Yes”.i replied, no one dares hurt her
“ why?”. he asked
“ because she belongs to me”. I replied…..
I drove over to Tania’s house and met an old
man screwing the Ɓîtçh right in the sitting room
“I can see you don’t have an iota of shame”. I
said and they immediately froze in shock
“ when did you get here Troy?”. She asked
“ you could have least lock your doors”. I
replied ignoring her questions
I stared at the man and laughed
“ do you screw old men now?”. I asked her
“ I em no em”. She stammered
“ is that why you hurt your own daughter?”. I
asked her
“Is that what she told you?”.she asked, you
never cared about her so why do you care now..
“Because She is my daughter”.I replied
“She has always been a burden to you”. She
“That was then but now I know better”. I
replied, I plan to take full custody of our child
“ really?”. She asked
“ My lawyer will contact you Tania , so
continue with your fun…..
“ I nodded at the old man who was watching
us quietly and took my leave
June PoV
“ can we go now?”.i asked Sara who was still
applying her make up
“ almost done”. She replied
“ you don’t need all this , it is already evening”.
I drawled
“I am done”. She said with an eye roll,can we
go now?”.
We headed to the gardens to get something to
eat when we saw a lot of students gathered in
front of a boys hostel
“ what is going on there?”. I asked
“ I don’t know “. Sara replied, Let us go take a
We moved closer and i gasps at what I saw
“Steph”.Sara called in shock
“ how did she get here?”. Sara asked a lady
beside us
“She was dropped off by some guys in red
car”. She replied
“What exactly happened?”. Sara asked me
I just stared on at Steph who sat down at a
corner recoiled in shame.her clothes were torn
as she had bruises all over her body.She
appeared to have been R@P£D
“ Troy what did you do?”. I muttered………

Poor Steph
Troy hmmmmmmh

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