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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE MAFIA LORD – Episode 7

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The Mafia Lord
Written by Princess Juliet
Episode 11&12
June PoV
“ what can I do to make you happy?”. Troy
asked hugging me
I disengaged from the hug and looked at him.

“ what can I do?”. he asked again wiping my
“ I just want to be happy”. I replied
“ do you want to come over to my place and
play with Tricia?”. he asked
“ really?”. I asked, can I really do that?
“ sure”. he replied, you made a promise to her

“That will cool”.i said
“ can we go now?”. He asked
“ sure”. I replied and nodded at Sara who was
watching us quietly with a surprised look before
leaving the room with Troy
He was silent throughout the drive , it was
obvious he was lost in thought
“ what are you thinking of?”. I asked
“ nothing”.he replied
“ are you sure”.he asked
Sure”.he nodded flashing me a smile
He parked in front of his mansion and we got
down from the car
We Walked Into the mansion and met a guy
injecting himself ,he was shirtless as has lot of
tattoos on his body
“What is he doing “. I thought
“Andy you can’t do that stuff here”. Troy
queried him
he mumbled an apology and glared at me
“ hi”. I greeted
“ hi”.he grunted
“ what is wrong with him?”. I wondered, it
was obvious he does not like him
“ you can go over to Tricia”.Troy instructed
“ can you take me to her room?”.I asked
“ sure”. he replied
He climbed up the stairs and I followed
behind him
He stopped in front of a room next to his and
pushed it opened
“Dad June”. Tricia called standing from the
bed. She hugged Troy before hugging me
“ how are you Tricia?”. I asked ruffling her hair
“ I am fine”. She replied. I thought you won’t
come, I was very lonely. Thanks for keeping to
your promise
“ I will leave you two to have fun”.Troy
grunted and turned to leave
“Dad”. Tricia called
He turned to look at her
“ can you take me to the fun park? She asked,
I want to ride on the rollar coaster
“ I can’t”. he replied , I don’t have the time
“June, help me plead with my dad”. She
pleaded looking at me
I looked at Troy and he scoffed
“Please Troy”.I pleaded, I also love the rollar
“I don’t ……..”
“ pleeeeaaaassse”. I pleaded cutting him short

“ fine”. he replied, meet me downstairs

Troy PoV
“ what are you saying Troy?”.Andy asked,
you are going to ride the rollar coaster with your
“ yes”. I replied
“ you know that is too dangerous”. He warned,
you have too much enemies and I am sure they
are watching your every move. What if they find
out you have a little daughter?what if they
thr_@ten her life?he asked
“ quit worrying Andy, it is just for today”. I
“But why? You have never done that
before?”. He asked
“ she asked for it?”. I replied shrugging
“ she always ask for it but you don’t listen to
her, is it because of June?”. he asked
“ what are you talking about?”. I asked
“ you doing it because you like her”. He
“ hell no, she is just a friend”. I defended
“ I know you well Troy………”
He stopped when he saw June and Tricia
heading down the stairs
“ Dad can we go now”.Tricia asked in
“ sure”. I replied
I drove over to the fun park and Tricia kept
screaming in excitement
I looked at her and smiled, I have never seen
her this happy
“Daddy”. I love you”. She said with her tiny
“ I love you too baby”. I replied, this was my
first time telling my daughter I loved her
I glanced at June and she was grinning

“Dad Let us go ride together”.Tricia said
urging me to join her
“No baby”. I will just watch and June from
here”. I replied
“ please June hold her tight”.i pleaded
I watched them as they went over to the
smaller roller coaster for a ride
“Troy”. a familiar voice called behind me
I turned and met the gaze of Steph
“Are you stalking me?”. I asked her
“No. She replied, I came over here to relax and
I saw you seated here”. She explained. You
came here because it them right?”. She asked
staring at Tricia and June
“ it is none of your business”. I replied her
“But Troy……,,”
“Just get lost”.i barked
“Daddy let me ride one more time”.Tricia
“ we have to go now baby”. I replied carrying
“ why?”. She asked squeezing her face
“It is getting late and i need to take June
home”. I explained
“ will you bring me here again?”. She asked
“ I will”. I promised
“ what is wrong?”. I asked June, she looked
“ nothing”. She replied , can you take me
home now?”. She asked
“ sure”. I replied as we all headed to the car …

Yakusa pov

“ what do you mean we lost our top client to
Troy?”. I asked Carl
“I am sorry”. he apologised, what are we
going to do about him?”. he asked
“ nothing”, I replied
“ why can’t we just ki|| him?”. he asked
I looked at him and laughed
“ why Boss?”. he asked again
“ because I like him”. I replied
“ really?”. he asked, he betrayed you , he
betrayed the syndicate and now he is
competing with you
“ That is more reason why I like him”. I
replied ,
“Yakusa”. he called
“ I will give him one more chance, I will make
a deal with him”, I suggested
“ what deal?”. he asked
“he has to choose either to be my friend or
enemy”. I replied laughing
June PoV
June will you come over tomorrow?”. Tricia
asked on our way home
“ I will”. I replied and smiled when she
screamed in excitement
I looked at Troy and met his gaze
“ what?”. I asked him
“ what is wrong with you?”. He asked
“ nothing”. I replied
“Then why are you cold?”. he asked
“ I saw you talking to Steph”. I blurted,are you
still together?
He looked at me and laughed
“ how did you see that? I thought you were
having fun? Are you Jealous?”. he asked
“I am not just that my heart felt heavy when I
saw you with her”. I replied innocently
He looked at me and smiled
“ why are you smiling?”. I asked him
“ because you are so innocent”. he replied
“ how?”. I asked
“ you just confessed your feelings without
you knowing”. he replied
“ what feelings?”. I asked
“Never Mind “.he replied parking in front of
the hostel
“ I will come over tomorrow”. I said
“ you are always welcomed”. He replied
I got down from the car and waved him good
He nodded and drove off…..
I walked into my room smiling sheepishly and
was surprised to see My parent and Mary ………..
“Dad Mum”. I called in surprise,what are you
doing here?”. I asked
“ where are you coming from young lady?”.
My dad asked ignoring my question
“I went over to see a friend “.I replied boldly
“Which of your friend?”. he asked
“Troy”. I replied boldly and Mary gasped
“June what exactly are you doing to
yourself?”. My mom asked, why will you come
back from a guy room by this time
“ I am not doing anything bad”.i replied, why
do you guys see the worst in your kids?”, i
“ we just want the best for you”.My Dad
replied calmly
“ I know that and I love you both for that but
you should have to trust us please”. I pleaded
“Fine”.he replied, but can you really take care
of yourself?”.he asked
“ I can”. I replied, I am and adult
I glanced at Mary and she was smiling
“ fine”. he sighed , i will allow you make
your decision but remember you must stay pure
till marriage”. He warned
“Thanks Dad”. I replied hugging him
“Can we all stay here for the night?”. He asked

I looked at him in surprise
“ is he really asking me?”. I wondered
“ Sure Dad”. I replied glancing at Sara who
was watching us quietly and she flashed me a
Episode 12
June POV continues
My Dad apologised to me the Next morning
before leaving with my mom, he also gave me
back my phone..
“I can’t really believe you said all that to dad”.
Mary started
“Did i say anything wrong?”, I asked her
“No”. She replied, you were so bold
I looked at her and smiled
“Are you really dating Troy?”. She asked
“I wish“, I replied
“ what do you mean?”. She asked , do you like
“Yes I do”, I replied, but I don’t think he can
date someone like me
“You have to ki|| those feelings”. She advised,
Troy doesn’t have the heart to love
“But what if I can change him?”, I asked her
“ you can’t June, he only know how to use
girls”. She replied , he will make you his
personal Ɓîtçh and dump you after sleeping
with you…
“But I……:.:”
“. No but dear”. She replied, just take my
“ fine”. I replied
“I will see you later”.she patted me and left the
“Are you going to a avoid him?”. Sara
suddenly asked
I looked at her in surprise.i thought she was
“ When did you wake?”, I asked her
“Are you going to avoid Troy?”, she asked
ignoring my question
“Never”.I replied ,
“Good”. She muttered
I went to the bathroom to freshen up , I
returned naked and went over to my bag to look
for something to wear
“Are you going out?”. Sara asked
“ yes”.i replied
“ where are you going?”. She asked me
“Troy home”,. I replied
“ really?. She asked, you are so lucky
“ I promised Tricia I will come over today”, I
“ who is Tricia?”, she asked
“Troy daughter”. I replied,
“ I never knew he had a daughter Steph never
told me.who Is her mother?”she asked
“I don’t know”. I replied with a shrug
I dialled Troy number , it was not going
“I will just have to go with informing him. I
muttered and waved at Sara before walking out
of the room…..
I met two scary guards outside when I got to
Troy mansion . One was tall while the second
was short
“Good af………..”
“Troy is not around”.The short one replied
“ I am here for Tricia”. I told him
“ Is he aware you are coming?”. he asked
“ yes”.i replied
“Let her in”. The tall one instructed him, she is
Boss Ɓîtçh
“What!!”. I exclaimed, I am his friend
“ wh@ťěver”.he replied opening the gate for
I walked into the sitting room and met no one
“Where did they all go to?”, I wondered
I climbed up the stairs and headed to Tricia
room. I pushed the door opened and smiled
when I saw her watching cartoon…
“June”. She called running to hug me
“How are you?”. I asked carrying her
“ fine”. She replied
I walked to her bed and placed her gently on it
“ I have been so bored”. She complained
“Where is your dad?”. I asked her
“ I don’t know”.she replied, he left this morning
after instructing me to stay in my room
“Alright”. I replied
I sat beside her on the bed stroking her hair as I
thought about Troy…….
Troy PoV
I smiled when I saw Andy arrive with the
“ what took you so long?”. I asked him
immediately he stepped out of the bus
“ I am sorry”.he apologised, I was delayed by
the cops
“ how many did you get rid off?” I asked him
“None”. he replied, I just settled them
“Good”.i muttered
I watched the boys arranged the box filled with
drugs inside the warehouse
“The peace treat is going to two days from
now”.Andy reminded me
“ really?”. I asked
“ yes”. he replied, will you be going?”. He
asked me
“ of course”. I replied, that Is the only way I get
to see my enemies ……
I drove home with Andy after I instructed the
boys on what to do..
I thought about June and pulled out my phone
from my pocket to call her
d@mn”. I cursed
“ what is wrong?”. Andy asked
“ my battery is flat “. I replied , I wanted to call
June, she must have been trying to reach me
“ you can call her when you get home “. Andy
“Yeah right”. I replied
I drove into the compound and was surprised
to see My guards beating up one of my
“ what is wrong?”. I asked stepping out of the
“he tried stealing from you Boss”. one of the
guards replied, we caught trying to run away
with this”. he explained pointing to a bag on the
“Open the bag”. I instructed Andy and when he
did, I scoffed
“ really?”. I asked glaring at him
“ I am sorry Boss”. he replied whimpering
“Bring him in”. I commanded and walked into
the house….
I walked into the sitting room and watched as
the man was being dragged in
“ Please Boss”.the man pleaded as he was
forced to his knees
“ why did you do it?”. I asked him
“ I am sorry Boss”. he pleaded, please don’t ki||
“ I don’t believe in forgiveness”. I replied
pulling my gun out from my back pocket
“Pleassssse”.he screamed
I scoffed and was about pulling the trigger
when I heard my name
I turned to look back and met the gaze of June.
June PoV

I sat down on the bed reading stories to Tricia
when I heard voices ..
“ where is that coming from?”, I asked Tricia
“Dad is back and he is angry”.She replied
I tried to stand up but Tricia held me tightly
“ what baby?”. I asked her
“ don’t go please”. She pleaded
“ why?”, I asked her
“ anytime Daddy is angry he is always mean”.
She replied, I am so scared
“ don’t worry baby I won’t be long”. I assured
“ promise”. She asked
“ promise”. I replied
I climbed down the stairs and gasped in shock
when I saw Troy pointing a gun at a man
covered in blood while the others watched
“ Troy”.i called in fear and he turned to look at
“ what are you doing?”, I asked in surprise
“Nothing”. he replied keeping the gun in his
back pocket
“Take him out of here”.he commanded the
men and they left dragging the injured man
“ when did you get here?”. he asked
“ what exactly were you doing?”. I asked
ignoring his questions
“What exactly do you want to know?”, He
“Did you plan on ki||ing him”. I asked
“ yes”.he replied
“ Why?”. I asked
“He made me angry”. he replied . I stared
directly into his eyes, it was deadly
“ who exactly are you Troy?”, I asked
“ do you really want to know”. he asked me
moving closer to me
“ yes”.i nodded
“Then attend a party with me”. he said
“ what kind of party?”, I asked
“A peace party”, I replied
“What is that?”. I asked in confusion
“ will you go?”. he asked ignoring my
“ To where exactly?”. I asked
“ Russia”. he replied
oh my gawd!

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