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THE MAFIA LORD – Episode 5

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The Mafia Lord
Written by Princess Juliet
Episode 7&8
Feeling among
June PoV continues
We got back to the hostel really late
“The party was so much fun”.Sara screamed
in delight. She was a little bit tipsy
I watched her as she pulled off her shoes and
decided to tell her about Troy
“Sara”. I called
“Yes”. She replied without looking at me
“ I saw Troy with with another girl”
She immediately turned to look at me
“ so?” . She asked
“ what do you mean by that?” I asked, he is
Steph boyfriend and Steph is your friend
“ really?”. She asked laughing, I bet Steph
knows about it
“ what!!”. I exclaimed, how is that possible?
“ You don’t really know Troy”.she replied and
continued with what she was doing
“ who is he?”. I mumbled……
Troy POV
“It was my day Troy, you could have at least
respected me”.Steph queried
I laid on my bed watching her rant
“ you made me look like a fool “. She
continued, I saw you when you signalled the
Ɓîtçh to join you in the toilet
“ so?”. I asked, I was attracted to her
“ why are you doing this to me?” She asked
“ what am I doing to you?”, I asked her
“ you are hurting me”. She replied
I looked at her and smiled
“ I think it is time to get someone else”. I
“ what do you mean ?”. She asked
“ I am done with you Steph”.i declared
“ you can do this to me Troy”. She pleaded
moving towards me
“Really”. I asked as I stood up from the bed
“ where are you going?”. She asked
“To the next room”. I replied
“ what about me?”. She asked
“ you can sleep here for the night but make
sure you are out of here tomorrow morning “. I
“Troy please”. She pleaded
“ Good night Steph”. I said as I left the room
I headed downstairs to the sitting room and
met Andy at the bar drinking
“Troy”. he called immediately he saw me
“hey”, I replied
“I thought you were asleep”. he said as he
offered me a glass of wine
“Thanks”. I muttered
“ is anything wrong?”. he asked, I heard you
and Steph arguing when I passed through your
“I was not arguing”. I corrected, she was the
one ranting
“ what happened?”. he asked
“ I am done with her”. I replied with a smirk
“Boss”. he called laughing,you could have
dump her a day after her birthday
“ I was already tired of the Ɓîtçh”, I drawled,
“What really happened at the party?”.he asked
“I was told I was not pure”. I replied with a
He looked at me with a raised eyebrow
“ what do you mean?”. he asked
“Nevermind “, I replied sipping my drink. I
thought about the lady and laughed , she was
so funny . I met Andy curious gaze…….

Steph POV
I headed downstairs the next morning hoping
Troy would forgive me
I met him talking with his friend
“Did he stay awake all night”. I thought
“Troy”. I called
He turned to look at me
“ I am sorry”. I pleaded
“ you didn’t do anything Steph”. he replied, I
just got tired of you. It was all a game from the
beginning and you knew about it
“ I still want to be your personal Ɓîtçh”. I
He smirked.” I sent some money to your
accounts, it should be enough to get you
wh@ťěver you need”. he replied
“Please Troy don’t………”
“ Get out”. He barked
“ Troy”….
“I said Get out”. he yelled and I immediately
Jolted out his mansion…
“ what will happen to me now?”. I thought, I
will become the clown of the school….

June PoV
I scattered my box looking for a better cloth,
“ what are you still doing here?”. Sara asked
walking out of the bathroom
“Searching for something nice”. I replied
“ really?”. She asked laughing, are you tired of
your sac clothes
“ I just don’t like the way people stare at me”. I
replied, when I get home I will ask my mom to
buy something better
“ do your mom still buy clothes for you?”. She
asked in surprise
“ yes”. I replied
“ what will you do if she buys you clothes you
don’t like?”. She asked
“I wear what she wants me to”. I replied
“Oh June! She exclaimed, you let you parent
control you and that is not right.What they just
need to do is to advice you and not to impose
stuffs on you
“ I have no choice”. I sighed
“ you really need to do something about it”.
She advised.
“ I will think about it”. I replied
“ Let me help you”. She said as she bend
down searching through my box
“Wow, this is nice”. She said pulling out a
short blue gown ,
“ it was a gift from a friend, I secretly wore it to
prom and My Dad made me dip my legs into hot
water when he found out”. I explained
“That must have hurt”. She replied patting me,
I looked at her and smiled
I headed to class with Sara and I felt different, i
notice some guys staring at me and I blushed
“ is this how it feels to wear beautiful clothes”.
I thought
“ June”. Mary called running towards me
“See you later”. Sara waved as she walked
June”. Mary called again when she got closer
“hi”. I greeted, how are you?
“ wow!. She exclaimed staring at my gown,
you are really beautiful
“Thanks”, I muttered
“ where did you get the gown from?”. She
“ it is mine ,I wore it to the prom. Remember?”.
I asked her
“ oh!”. She replied nodding, I can see you are
getting used to college
“ sure. I nodded
“ where were you last night?”. She asked , I
came over to you room but it was locked
“ I went to a birthday party”. I replied
“ whose birthday party?”. She asked
“ Steph”. I replied
“Really?”. She asked in surprise, I really
wanted to be there but no one invited me
“ Sara invited me”. I told her
“ I know”. She replied, they are friends
“Did you see Troy?”. She asked in whispers
I nodded
“Don’t get in his way”. She advised
“ why?”. I asked
“ I heard he is ruthless”. She replied
“ why do everyone fear him?”. I wondered as I
headed to the class. I thought about him, he has
the coldest gaze i have ever seen


I walked into the room feeling tired. I met Sara
searching through her bags
“ how was lectures?”. She asked me
“ stressful”. I replied
“ sorry dear”. She said chuckling
I watched her as she select some clothes
dropping it on the bed
“ are you going somewhere?”. I asked her
She nodded
“ where?”. I asked
“ The club”. She replied
“ what!!”. I exclaimed, I don’t want to sleep
“ you can go with me if you want”. She replied,
will you?”. She asked
I looked at her and sighed
“ fine, I will “… I replied
June June
Episode 8

June POV
“Do you like the vibes?”. Sara asked shouting
as we walked in to the club
“ it is so noisy”. I replied shouting
We went over to the bar section and sat down
“how are you?”. The bar man asked flashing
Sara a smile
“I am fine Walter “. She replied, do you have
“ sure”. the bar man replied.”What should I get
you miss?”. he asked looking at me
“Juice “. I replied and they both laughed
“ why are you laughing?”. I asked them
“ This is an adult club, we don’t sell juice here
“.The bar man replied
“ is there any non- alcoholic drink I can take?”.
I asked
“ how old are you?”. The barman asked
“ 18 going on 19”. I replied
“Then you can take a little shot of tequila”.he
said winking at me
“Won’t I get drunk?”. I asked
“ a little shot won’t get you drunk”. he replied
“ fine “. I replied
“ Good girl”. Sara said patting my shoulder
“ Here”.The bar man said as he handed us a
glass of tequila each
I sipped little from it and immediately loved the
“This is so good”. I remarked as I gulped it
“Don’t drink more than a cup”. Sara advised
“ why?”. I asked
“ you will get……………….”
She stopped when the red haired guy walked
up to her
“ care for a dance?”. The red haired guy asked
“ sure”. She replied standing up
“ Be careful June”. She advised walking over
to dance with red hair
“now I am all alone”. I muttered
“More tequila”. I shouted and the bar man
immediately filled my cup
I gulped it down at once
“ More”. I shouted again and the Barman
came over to fill the cup again
I was about gulping it down when Sara walked
towards me
“ What are you doing June?”.she asked
looking at the drink
“ drinking tequila”. I replied grinning
“ You are already tipsy June, don’t drink
anymore again”. She advised
“Fine”. I replied, can we go now?”. I asked
“June you will have to go home alone”. She
“ why?”. I asked in surprise
“I need to sleep over at Peter house”. She
“ who is peter ?”. I asked
“ The guy with red hair”. She replied
“oh great, you can go”. I said with an eye roll
“Will you be alright June?”. She asked
“ Sure I will, I am not a kid”. I replied
“ fine”. She said and gave me a side hug and
she ran off to meet her peter ….
“ what will do now?”. I asked myself
I looked at the tequila I was holding and
gulped it down .
“hey miss Purity”.a voice called from behind
me, what are you doing in a club?
I turned to look and met the gaze of Troy
“Troy”. I called boldly
He smiled as he sat down beside me
“ I can see you are drunk”.he observed
“ I am not drunk”. I defended, More tequila
please”. I shouted
“ really?”. he asked
I nodded
“ Walter”. he called, Get her More tequila
“ Thanks”. I replied grinning
The Barman immediately filled my glass
“ My Tequila”. I called grinning and gulped it
My vision became a little bit blurry and I was
feeling over excited
“ Troy”, I called , why will you cheat on your
girlfriend on her birthday?”. I asked, you are
mean, you have a cold look
I kept on ranting ………:
Troy PoV
I stared at the funny girl in front of me and
“ how can a girl be this carefree”. I thought
“Miss purity”. I called, who did you come
with?”. I asked ,her head was bent downward.
It was already late and I wanted to be on my
way home
There was not response from her
“Did you come here alone?”. I asked
She mumbled some words
“ what the hell is she saying?”
“Walter. I called , do you know where she
stays?”. I asked
“No sir “. he replied
“ it is none of my business”. I muttered
standing up. I took a few step and stopped , I
can’t leave her alone here,what if she gets
I walked over to her and carried her in a bridal
style ignoring the stares and murmuring of
everyone in the club.
I placed her gently in the passenger seat ,got
into the car and drove off heading to my

“ Who is she ?”. Andy asked following me as I
carried her to my room
“No one important”. I replied
“ really?”. he asked
“ sure”. I replied
I placed her gently on my bed, pulled off her
shoes and covered her with a blanket
“Troy”. Andy called
I turned to look at him
“ you have never cared for any girl before so
why now?”. he asked
“ I don’t know what you are talking about”. I
“ you ……..”
“I need to sleep”. I said cutting him short , we
will talk tomorrow
“ fine”. he signed and walked out of the room
I went to the bathroom to freshen up and laid
on the bed immediately I returned to the room
“ what kind of girl gets drunk when she is all
alone “. I thought
I smiled as I watched her chew on her lips
“What a funny girl”. I muttered

June PoV
I woke up the next morning having severe
headache , I looked around
“ where am I”. I asked
I tried to remember what happened last night
and the image of me talking to Troy flashed on
“It must be a dream”. I remarked ,where
exactly am I?
I looked around the beautiful room and gasped
in shock when I saw Troy pictures
“ am I really In his room?”. I thought
The door suddenly flung opened and Troy
walked in holding a fancy bag
“Hey”. he greeted
“ Goooooddd mmmorrninhg Sir”. I stammered

“Really?”. he asked chuckling, you were free
with me yesterday so why being scared now
“ I am sorry”. I replied
“ it is alright”. he said , freshen up and come
down for breakfast
Alright”. I nodded
“ change into this”. he said throwing the fancy
bag on the bed
“ Thanks”.I muttered
“ Be Fast about it”. He said and walked out of
the room
I opened the bag and brought out the clothes
“ how will I wear this?”. I asked myself, it was
a jean bum shorts ,blue crop top , a pant, a bra
and a toothbrush
I went over to the bathroom to freshen up, I
returned to the room and put on bra and the
pant .
“ how does he know my perfect size”. I
I wore the top and shorts and headed
downstairs feeling shy
I saw four guys seated on the sofa when I got
downstairs and they were all smoking
“Good morning”. I greeted them
“ morning”. they nodded staring at me , they
looked scary
“ hey”. Troy called coming out of the kitchen
holding and placed it on the dinning table
I went over to the dinning to sit down
“ you can eat”.he said pushing the tray closer
to me,
I ate little and spat it out
“ what is wrong?”. he asked
“ it is salty”. I replied
“Oh my bad!. he exclaimed, the cook is on
leave and will be back tomorrow so i tried
preparing something for you”. he explained
“ it is okay”.I lied
He looked at me and scoffed, “ you are not a
good liar
I watched him walk over to the refrigerator to
get drink and cookies for me
“ you can eat this”.he said handing it to me
“Thanks”. I muttered and soon began
munching , I was really hungry
“ what is your name?”. he asked me as I ate
“ June”. I replied
“ Cool”. he said smiling, I will drop you over at
your home when you are done
“ I stay at the hostel”. I corrected
“ Alright”. he replied standing up walking over
to where those scary guys were seated
I turned to look at him and gasped in surprise
when I saw him smoking also………

Be careful June

. Aww Troy

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