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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE MAFIA LORD – Episode 29

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The Mafia Lord
Written by Princess Juliet
Episode 43( Final)
Welcoming Travis
June Daniels
Months later

I woke up to find myself alone in the room.
I glanced at the clock, it was 8:00
“gosh! I woke up late “
I dragged myself from the bed holding my
waist as I headed down the stairs.
I met Troy in the dinning eating, he was
already dressed for work
“Good morning baby”. he greeted, how was
your night?
“It was fine”. I replied, what of Tricia?
“The driver took her to school not quite long”.
“I need to go over to the office”. he informed
standing up,
“Can’t you skip work today?”. I asked frowning
, I want you to stay home with me
“I really wish I could but I can’t “
“Why?”. I asked
“I have lot of works to do at the company”. he
“How I wish your mom and brother lives with
us then I won’t be so bored, I wonder why you
choose to buy them another house”
“Mum asked for it , she believed we needed
privacy”. he explained , you can call Sara to
come over
“Sure I will”
he bent to kiss my protruded belly before
walking out of the house ….
I headed up the stairs to the room . I pushed
the door opened and walked in….
I picked my phone from the table and dialled
Sara number and she picked it up immediately
“hello pregnant lady I am almost at your
home”. She informed and ended the call
“Crazy”. I muttered
I pulled off my clothes and was about going to
the bathroom when I felt a sudden pain at my
“Aargh”. I groaned holding my waist till the
pain stopped
“What is wrong?”. I wondered,Is it labour pain?
No,it can’t be, I still have two week to the due
I walked slowly into the bathroom to freshen
up and soon returned to the room naked
I walked to the wardrobe and pulled out a blue
long gown and wore it without undies, I was to
weak to wear one……
I sat down on a chair facing the mirror and
studied myself , I looked so fat. I can’t wait to
have my baby so I can go back to shape
The door suddenly opened and Sara walked in
“Guess what!”. she screamed
“What?”. I asked weakly
“What is wrong with you? Why is your face all
“I don’t know”. I replied, I just feel weak
“Sorry dear”.she said sitting on the bed
“So What is the gist?”. I asked changing the
“Andy asked me to be his girlfriend”. She
“Really?. I asked, I am so hap….. I stopped
when I felt the sharp pain again
“Aarrrrrgh”. I groaned
“What is wrong?. She asked in alarm,are you …
….. June”. She screamed
“What is wrong?” I asked
“Your water just broke”. She said pointing to
the floor
I looked down and noticed my clothes were
“What does it mean?”. I asked shaking
“You are about to have a baby dummy”. She
“Labour? But how?
“ I will go get help”. She informed running out
of the room
“What will I do?”. I wondered, I tried to reach
for my phone but the pain hit me again
“Troy”. I screamed crying….
Sara soon came running into the room with the
driver behind her
“Carry her”. Sara instructed
The driver carried me in his arms and rushed
out of the house , placed me gently inside the
car and drove off to the hospital
Troy Daniels
I sat behind the office desk trying to sort out
some files..
The door opened and my secretary walked in
“Sir Mr Lebanon placed a call asking to have
dinner with you”. She informed
“Where? When? Time?
“Tomorrow at Ontario hotel by 6pm”
“Noted”. I replied and she nodded before
My phone suddenly ran and I smiled when I
saw it was June
“She must be really bored”. I thought and
received the call
“Troy. a voice called , you need to come over
to the hospital”
“Who is this?”. I asked “
“This is Sara and June is right here in the
“June. What is wrong with her?”
“She is in labour”
“d@mn. Which hospital?”
“Petra”. She replied
“I will be on my way”. I informed and ended
the call
I turned off the laptop before rushing out of the
“Are you going somewhere?”. My secretary
“I need to take care of some things”. I replied,
please take care of the office…
I walked out The Daniels corporate, got into my
car and drove off heading to Petra hospital…..
I soon got to the hospital, alighted from the car
and rushed in
I met Sara pacing around the reception
“Sara. I called walking towards her, where is
“Over there”. She replied pointing to a room
down the hall, I think she is having a tough time
“Why did you say so?”. I asked
“She has been in there …. she stopped when a
doctor came out of the ward
“Doctor”. I called walking towards him, how is
my wife?
“Congratulations Mr Daniels”. he replied
grinning, your wife just gave birth to a baby boy
“Wow!”. I exclaimed in excitement, can I see
“Sure”. he replied
I walked over to the room and pushed the door
I smiled when I saw June holding the baby
still covered in blood peering into his face
“June. I called walking towards her
She looked at me and gave me a tired smile
“How are you?”. I asked sitting gently beside
“I am so happy”
I peered into the baby face and smiled, he
looked so cute with his eyes closed.
“Can I hold him?”. I asked and she smiled
before handing him to me
he was so tiny and red
I kept on looking at him as tears streaked
down my face
“Why are you crying?”. June asked
“I am just happy”. I replied, I have a family to
call my own. how i wish my dad was alive to
witness this
“It is alright baby”. She assured me, we can
name your son after him
“Will you be okay with that?”. I asked looking
at her
“Sure”. She replied, what is your father name?
“Travis”. I replied and she smiled
“We have got a little Travis”. She said grinning

I gave her a small smile
“For What?”. She asked looking at me
“For this wonderful gift”. I replied, I am glad I
met you……….

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