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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE MAFIA LORD – Episode 27

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The Mafia Lord
Written by Princess Juliet
Episode 41
End of Yakuza
June Daniels ?

I felt tired after dancing around with Tricia , I
really needed to rest
I headed up the stairs to the room .
I was about pushing the door opened when I
heard voices from inside the room…
“Is Troy inside with someone?
I put my ear on the door to eavesdrop what the
voices was all about but could only make a
word out of it, Yakuza….
I pushed the door opened and was surprised
to see Miguel and a much older man in the
The stopped talking immediately they saw me
“Is the party boring?”. Troy asked me
“Of course not”. I replied, I just feel tired
“Alright”. he said nodding at the men and they
both flashed me a smile before leaving
“Am I disturbing something?”. I asked
“Then why did they leave immediately I came
in? I asked walking to the bed
“Because we were done talking ?”. he replied
“What were you talking about?” I asked
“You really need to rest”. he said walking to
the bathroom
“What is he hiding from me?”, “ is Yakuza
trying to hurt him again? I can’t allow that to
he soon returned to the room wearing only his
“What are you thinking about?”. he asked
laying beside me
“I am just worried about you”. I replied
“You don’t need to”. he assured pulling me
closer to him , everything will be alright……
Troy Daniels ?

The sound of my phone ringing woke me up
from sleep
I looked beside me and smiled when I saw
June sleeping peacefully beside me
I must have slept off while cuddling her to bed.
I glanced at the wall clock, it was 10:00
“d@mn”. I cursed
I stood up quietly from the bed to prevent June
from waking and went over to the wardrobe for
a change of clothing….
I picked my gun from the stool beside the bed
and kept it a holster I wore around my waist ..
My phone rang again and I received it
“hello Troy. Where are you?”. Miguel asked
“I am on my way”. I replied and ended the call.

I dialled Andy number and he picked it on the
second ring
“Troy. he called
“Get ready”. I instructed, we are going over to
“But the…..
“Just do as I say”. I barked and ended the call
I walked out of the room and closed the door
quietly before heading downstairs
I met my mom , Tricia and Trent seated in the
“Where have you been?”. My mum asked
frowning, you stayed up in your room ignoring
the guest who were here because of you..
“I needed to rest”. I replied
“Are you going somewhere?”. She asked
“Yes”. I grunted, don’t wait for me I will be
back late ….
I met all of my boys waiting for me outside
“Boss”. the boys hailed when they saw me
“Are we really going to do this?”. Andy asked
“Yes”. I replied, it is the only way we can
finally be at peace
“Fine. he sighed, how many of the boys do you
“Ten will be enough”. I replied and he nodded
I watched him select the best boys and smiled
I can’t wait to put a hole through the bastard
head …..
We drove to Yakuza’s mansion making use of
two cars
I sat beside Andy who was behind the wheel
“Do you really trust Miguel?”. he asked
“There is nothing not to trust about him”. I
replied smiling, he has not changed one bit. he
is still the same Miguel I know …..
I laid on my bed thinking about only one
person, Troy
Why is Miguel taking so long to ki|| him?
Speaking of Miguel, I haven’t heard from him
for days
“Is he avoiding me? he dares not else I won’t
hesitate to ki|| him and his cowardice uncle….
I stood up from the bed and was about
walking into the bathroom when I heard
“What is happening?”. I wondered
“Carl”. I screamed but there was no response
“What the hell Is happening?
Troy Daniels

We soon got to Yakuza mansion and I
instructed Andy to park
We alighted from the car and we saw Carl and
Miguel waiting quietly in front of the gate…
“What is the plan?”. I asked walking towards
“We all go inside and attack”. Miguel replied
“We?”. I asked, I am not interested in
attacking, I came here to ki|| that bastard
“So What is your plan?”. he asked
“You go in to attack with my boys while I go in
to ki|| yakuza”. I replied…
I leaned on the car watching them
Miguel knocked on the huge gate and they all
waited patiently
“Who is that?”a hoarse voice asked and they
all kept quiet
“Who is that?”. he repeated opening the gates
and was immediately gun down by Andy
“Let go in”. Carl instructed and they all rushed
in opening fire on the enemies and the whole air
was soon filled with gunshots..
I walked in staring at the lifeless bodies on the
floor and climbed up the stairs to Yakuza room
I pulled out my gun from the holster before
pushing the door to his room opened
I walked in and scoffed when I saw yakuza
aiming his gun directly at me
“Look who we have here”. he drawled
“Yakuza . I called pointing my gun to him
“Put down your gun or I will $h00t”. he warned

“No Yakuza.“. I growled , put down your gun or
I will $h00t……
June Daniels
I stood up from the bed immediately Troy left
the room
“ Did he just say he is going over to Yakuza’s?.
I tiptoed out of the room and heard him talking
to his Mother downstairs.
I waited patiently for him to walk outside
before heading downstairs to the sitting room
“hi ma”. I greeted his mother
“June “. She called smiling, how are you?
“I am fine ma”. I replied , how was the party?
“It was great darling”. She replied smiling, Are
you hungry?
“No ma”. I replied, I just want to take a stroll
around the house
“Guess it must be one of pregnancy
challenges “
“Yes. I lied “
“Can I join you mummy?”. Tricia asked
“No baby it I already late”. I replied and she
I walked out of the house just in time to see
two cars drive out of the compound
“d@mn”. I cursed
“How will I get out?
I walked over to the huge gate and the guard
stopped me
“Where are going madam?”. he asked
“It is none of your business”. I barked
“Of course it is”. he said grinning, you are the
boss wife
“Fine. I muttered, my friend called that she
needs my assistance I lied, I won’t take long
he looked studying me for a while before
opening the gate
“Don’t be long”. he warned , it is late already.
I nodded and Walked out of the gate
“How will I get to yakusa home?”. I wondered, I
have never been there before.
I got to the taxi junction and flagged down a
“Do you by chance know where a popular man
called Yakuza lives?”.I asked
He looked at me and laughed
“Who wouldn’t know where Yakuza lives? he is
one of the wealthiest men in the country
“Oh I see. I exclaimed, can you take me there
?”. I asked foolishly
“Of course”. he replied grinning, if you have
enough money
“Sure”. I replied getting into the taxi
“You must be one of his Ɓîtçh”. he said staring
at me through his rear mirror
I glared at him without replying, I was in no
mood to trade insults
The driver soon stopped in front of a huge
“We are here”. he said eyeing me
I alighted from the car and paid him off
“Thank you miss”. he said winking at me
before driving off…
I walked towards the huge gate and pushed it
open .
I walked in and gasped in shock when I saw
lifeless body on the ground.
I stood there fidgeting as I heard gunshots
“What will I do?”. I mumbled. I saw a gun
beside a dead body and picked it up
I tiptoed into the house and gasp in shock
when I met Miguel gaze
“ what are you doing here?”. he asked in
“I am am”
“Get down”. he screamed pulling me to the
ground as a bullet pierced his shoulders
“Aarrrgh”. he grunted $h00ting at the man who
shot at him
“What are you doing here?”. he asked staring
at the gun I was holding, do you know how to
“Where is Troy?”. I asked ignoring his
“Upstairs”. he replied dragging me along with
“Let me go”. I screamed trying to break free
from his grip
“Are you trying to get yourself ki||ed?”. he
asked panting
“No”. I replied biting him hard
“Arrrgh”. he screamed , are you crazy?
I mumbled an apology and ran up the stairs
“June”. I heard him called but I guess he could
not run after me because of his bullet wound
I saw a door ajar and tiptoed towards it. I heard
my Troy exchange words with another man
“Is that Yakuza?”.I wondered
“I will ki|| you just like your father”. I heard the
man say and rushed blindly into the room
“Put down your gun”. I screamed pointing the
gun at the grey haired man
“June”. Troy called in surprise, what are you
doing here?
“I can see your wife is not only beautiful but
also fierce”. The man said grinning
“Shut up “. I barked
“June get out from here please”. Troy pleaded,
I will take care of him
“I will ki|| your husband and make you my….. I
pulled the trigger of the gun before he could
complete his words and he fell to the floor
“June. Troy called in surprise
“Die”. I screamed and kept on $h00ting till his
blood spattered on the floor
I dropped the gun on the floor shaking in fright
while Troy stood watching me In awe
“Is he dead?”. I asked staring at the lifeless
“Yes”. he replied softly
“What just happen?”. I asked shaking
“You saved me”. he replied pulling me into a
hug .
I stared at the lifeless body shaking and soon
black out in Troy arms ……..::::
Wow wow wow

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