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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE MAFIA LORD – Episode 26

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The Mafia Lord
Written by Princess Juliet
Episode 40
Fully recovered
June Daniels
One month later
I scurried out of the class after lectures and
headed to the hostel gate
I flagged down a taxi and got in
“Petra hotel”. I called excitedly and the driver
nodded before driving off…
I kept on grinning throughout the drive , Troy
was going to be discharged today and I was so
much excited .
“Miss are you okay?”. the driver asked staring
at me through the rear mirror
“Do I look crazy?”. I retorted frowning at him
“No but…
“Then just shut up and drive”. I growled
he stopped in front of the hospital and I paid
him after alighting from the taxi
“Crazy”. he cursed
“You are the real crazy one”. I screamed as he
drove off……
I walked into the hospital greeting the nurses
with a smile as I walked past them to Troy’s
ward room
I pushed the door opened and walked in. I met
a nurse arranging his stuff inside a big bag.
“hey . I greeted smiling, where is my husband?
“he is at the doctor office”. She replied
“Alright”. I said and sat down on a chair
beside the bed .
She was soon done arranging and bowed
slightly before leaving…..
“Why is Troy taking long?
I brought out my phone from my bag and was
about to dial Troy number when I heard the door
open . I smiled when I saw Troy walk in with
“Troy. I called standing up to hug him
“When did you arrive?”. he asked disengaging
from the hug
“Not quite long”.i replied
“how are you? he asked staring at my gown. Is
this what you wore to class?”. he asked
“Yes”. I replied, is anything wrong with it?
“It is too revealing”. he retorted
I stared at the short red gown and smirked
“I don’t see anything wrong with the gown”
“oh!. he exclaimed , let us go”.he said to Andy
“Sure”. Andy replied carrying the bag from the
bed before walking out with Troy
“What is wrong with him?”. I wondered, he
didn’t even wait for me…….
The drive back home was a quiet one as Troy
ignored me all through
“What is wrong with him? Did I do anything
wrong?”. I wondered
We soon got to the mansion and Andy drove
into the compound parking inside the garage.
“Troy. I called as he was about to open the car
“What?”. he asked without looking at me
“What did I do wrong?”. I asked
“Nothing. he replied opening the car doors
“hubby”. I called holding him tightly, please
talk to me
he looked at me and sighed before he asked
“Are you ready to listen to me?
I nodded sheepishly
“I don’t like the clothes you are wearing”. he
replied, it is too revealing
“But you bought it for me”. I retorted
“Did I?. he asked with a shrug, I prefer you
wear something long
“Why?. I asked
“Because you are married”. he replied
“Fine”. I mumbled
he got down from the car and held the car door
opened for me to get down also….
he took my hands into his as we walked inside
We walked into the room and was surprised to
see a small gathering of families and friends
“Welcome home Troy. they all screamed in
“Daddy”. Tricia called running to hug Troy and
he carried her up rolling her around in
excitement …
I went over to my parents to greet them and
they smiled pulling me into a hug…
“June”.Mary called from behind me
I turned to look at her and smiled
“how are you sis?”. She asked grinning
“I am fine”. I replied, what of Miguel?
“he is over there”. She said pointing to Miguel
who was seated beside a much older man on
the sofa
“how are you enjoying your new home?”. She
asked in whispers
“better than I expected”. I replied grinning …..
“Have you seen Sara?”. She asked looking
“No. I replied, did she come wit…. I stopped
when I saw Sara coming out of the kitchen with
a tray
“When did they plan all this?”. I wondered
“Sara”. I called walking towards her, when did
you get here?
“You never told me you were this rich June”.
She said ignoring my questions
“how come you never told me about this party
in school today?
“It was meant to be a surprise dummy”. She
“But at least you could have let me know”. I
“So you can ruin the surprise”. She said
staring at Andy
“Stop staring at him”. I warned
“Why?”. She asked, he look really hot
“he is not someone you……..
“Save the sermon for a good girl”. She said as
she wiggled her waist walking towards Andy
“Crazy girl”.i mumbled
I looked around the sitting room for Troy but
did not see him
“he must have gone upstairs. I thought within
I was about climbing the stairs when I felt
someone tug at my cloth
I turned back and smiled when I saw Tricia
“Mummy. She called, can you dance with me?
“Mummy?”. I asked in surprise
“Yes. She replied, daddy mummy told me you
are now my mommy or are you not my
mommy?”. she asked innocently
“Of course I am”. I replied and she smiled
“Can you dance with me?”. She asked
“I can’t dance Tricia”
“Please mom”. She pleaded
“Ok fine”
Troy Daniels
I placed Tricia gently on the floor after rolling
her around
I really missed my little baby girl
I looked around and scoffed when I saw Miguel
seated beside his uncle
“What are they doing here?”. I wondered, I
thought i made it clear to Miguel I wasn’t
interested in aiding him and his uncle….
I headed up the stairs and pushed the door to
my room opened
I smirked when I saw June clothes scattered all
around .
“She is really impossible!
I sat on the bed pulling of my shoes when I
heard a knock
“Come in”. I drawled
The door opened and I scoffed when walk in
with his uncle
“Welcome home Troy”. Miguel said grinning
“Don’t act like we are friends ”, I warned , what
are you doing here?
“We are here to welcome you”. he replied
“Really?”, I asked scoffing, Just go straight to
the point
“Troy we really need your help”, Carl started
“I am not interested “. I growled
“Why are you acting all stubborn Troy?”. he
“Because I don’t trust you”. I replied
“You need to Troy”. he persuaded, yakusa is
obsessed about ki||ing you
“Why are you doing all this?”. I asked him, you
are yakusa closest ally
“Yakusa is getting more crazier day by dad, you
are also not safe”
“I can take care of myself”. I informed, so leave
my room
“What of your family?”. he asked, can they also
take care of themselves
I stared at him blankly without saying anything
“Your family is not safe also. he continued, your
wife , your little daughter, your brother and your
“I am in”. I said cutting him short
“What do you mean by in?”. he asked
“We will destroy Yakusa and I will personally ki||
him”.i informed and he smiled
“We will ki|| him tonight…….,
Thank God Troy is back on his feet
Can’t wait


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