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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE MAFIA LORD – Episode 25

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The Mafia Lord
Written by Princess Juliet
Episode 39
He is crazy
June Daniels
I sat quietly at the back seat lost in my own
thoughts .
“ why will yakusa turn two friends against each
other? Why is he still trying hard to ki|| Troy?
Will he ever stop?
I was scared of everything
I turned to look at Troy and smiled when I saw
his eyes closed
“He must be really weak”
I had lot of questions I needed to ask him but I
guess I will have to wait till he fully recovers
We soon got to the hospital and Andy parked in
“Troy. I called tapping him gently and he
groaned weakly without opening his eyes
“What is wrong with him?”. I wondered
“Troy. I called again and he opened his eyes
slowly .
“Are you alright?”. I asked
he nodded weakly
I tried to help him up but he was too weak to
“What is wrong?”. Andy asked opening the
back door staring curiously at Troy , go get the
“Is anything wrong with him?”. I asked
“he is bleeding?”. Andy replied pointing at a
little blood stain on his shirt, I guess his wounds
got opened
“What will I do?”. I screamed in fear
“Go get the doctor”. he instructed
I rushed into the hospital and sighed in relief
when I saw the doctor talking to a nurse
“What is wrong Miss?”. he asked in alarm
seeing the way I was fidgeting
“Troy”. I called
“What is wrong with him?”. he asked
“he is bleeding outside “.I replied
“Get the stretc….. he stopped when he Saw
Andy walked in piggybacking Troy
“Come this way”. The doctor said leading the
I stood staring at then till they entered a private
I paced up and down the reception waiting for
the doctor’s report
“Why can’t yakusa leave Troy alone?
I saw Andy Come out of the room and ran
towards him
“What is wrong with him? , is he alright?”. I
asked in a rush
“Yes, he replied, he just need some rest
“What exactly is wrong with him?”. I asked
“his wounds got opened”.he replied, he
overstressed himself and that made him very
“Can I go and see him now?”. I asked
“No. he replied
“You need to go home”.he replied, you need to
“But he…..”
“I will come back to the hospital once I drop you
safely at the mansion”.he assured me….
It was already late when we got to the mansion
.Andy parked in front of the huge gate and
waited patiently for me to get down before he
drove off to the hospital…
I knocked at the huge gate and walked in
immediately the guards opened up for me
“Congratulation madam”. he greeted and I
nodded absentmindedly
I walked into the sitting room and sighed in
relief when I saw no one
I just wanted to be alone
I climbed up the stairs and decided to check on
Tricia before sleeping
I went over to her room and smiled weakly when
I saw her sleeping peacefully with her hands
wrapped around Trent
I closed the door gently and walked towards
Troy’s room
I pushed the door opened and walked into the
I was already missing Troy.
I pulled off the wedding gown and my
underpants and walked into the bathroom to
freshen up.
I returned to the room when I was done and put
on one of Troy pyjamas ….
I collapsed on the bed thinking about only one
person, My Troy and soon drifted off to sleep

I grunted in pain as I pulled out the bullet with a
metal coat hanger .
“d@mn. I cursed as blood gushed freely from
the wound . I cleaned it and wrapped it up with
a bandage…
“Did I just escape death? What a miracle !
I leaned my back on the sofa thinking about
Troy words
“Did yakusa really ki|| my father?, if yes why did
he do it? Why did he lie to me?
There is only one way to find out, I have to
confront yakusa
I limped outside the house and got into my car
driving off to Yakusa mansion
I got to the mansion very late and drove into the
big compound parking my car in the parking lot
The house was so quiet
I grunted in pain as I alighted from the car and
limped slowly into the sitting room
I was surprised to see only two boys smoking
and drinking
“Where are the others?
I greeted them and they both grunted in reply
“Strange”. I muttered
I heading up the stairs limping in pain and met
Carl standing in front of Yakusa room
“What happened to you?”. he asked staring at
my injured leg
“Nothing”. I lied, is yakusa around?
he nodded
I was about to walk inside when he caught my
“ what is wrong?”. I asked him
“Be careful Nephew”.he advised and walked
“What is wrong with him?”. I wondered
I walked into the room and saw yakusa seated
on his bed with his pet cobra dead on the floor
“Yakusa”. I greeted and he looked up meeting
my gaze
“Did you ki|| Troy?. he barked
“No. I replied
“Really?”. he asked pulling out his gun and
pointing it at me, I can see you are a failure Just
like them
“No”. I replied fidgeting, I have a plan
“What plan?”. he asked lowering his gun
“Trust me Yakusa”. I said hoping I sounded
convincing, I will bring Troy to you dead
“You are a true son to your father”. he said
laughing, never forget Troy ki||ed your father
“Alright Yakusa”. I said taking a bow before
walking out of the room ……
“What Just happened ?”. I wondered as I
limped down the stairs, that bastard almost
shot me dead
Yakusa is really crazy
I need to find out the truth of my father’s death
“Who can I ask? “ I wondered and smiled when
I saw Carl seated alone in the bar
“Uncle. I called limping towards him
“Really?”.he asked with a scoff
“Did I do something wrong?”. I asked him
“No. he replied, I am Just surprised you called
me uncle today
I gave him a small smile
“ what happened to you?”. he asked ,who shot
“Troy”. I replied and he gasped in surprise
“Why do you look surprise?”. I asked him
“because he didn’t ki|| you”. he replied and I
“he told me he never ki||ed father “. I started he
became uneasily quiet
“Do you know anything about it?”. I asked him
“Nooo iii dddoont”. he stammered
“Please don’t lie to me”. please tell the truth,
who ki||ed him?
he stared at me for a while and sighed
“Who ki||ed him?”. I repeated
“ yakusa”. he replied
“What!”. I exclaimed in shock, you mean you
knew the truth all this while and you didn’t tell
“I am sorry Nephew”. he apologised, it was
yakusa orders
“Why did he do it?”. I yelled
“Calm down”. he cautioned, someone might
hear you
“Fine, why did he do it?”. I repeated calmly
“he believed your father betrayed him”. he
“Betrayed? how ?”. I asked confusedly
“he gave your father orders to ki|| one of his
debtor but later found out your father helped the
man escape”. he explained as tears streak
down his face . I betrayed my brother. I watched
yakusa shot at him and didn’t do anything
“What?”. I asked in surprise
“Yes. he replied, yakusa shot him in front of me
his brother and Troy. he promised to make Troy
his right hand man if he took the blame. he
manipulated Troy who was just a kid , I never
knew he had other plans of causing separation
between both of you
“Uncle. I called in shock, how could you do this?
“I am sorry”. he apologised, I was scared of
Yakusa then but not anymore
“What do you mean?”. I asked curiously
“Yakusa is getting crazy”. he replied whispering
, he ki|| for the slightest reason . he has ki||ed
most of the boys and even shot his pet cobra
“Is that why the boys look gloomy?
he nodded
“What do you intend to do?”. I asked
“I need to take revenge for your father”. he
replied, I need to ki|| yakusa and all of his loyal
dogs but I need help
“How many loyal dogs does he have?”. I asked
“About 30”. He replied , we can’t take them
“I know someone who can help us”. I informed
“Who?”. he asked
“Troy”. I replied
“Troy?”. he asked laughing and why will Troy
help you? You almost ki||ed him
“Because he is my friend”. I replied
June Daniels
I woke up very early the next morning . I rushed
into the bathroom to bath and returned to the
room naked after I was done
I went over to the wardrobe and pulled out a
black long gown .
I put on the gown, plaited my hair into loosed
bun and headed downstairs
I saw Troy mom coming out of the kitchen .
“June. She called in surprise, when did you get
“Last night”. I replied
“How is Troy?”. She asked, is he getting better
“Yes”. I replied, I need to go now mother”. I
informed and hugged her before leaving..
I flagged down a taxi and got in
“Petra hospital”. I called and he nodded before
driving off
I looked up to heaven praying silently for Troy to
be alright
We soon got to the hospital and I paid him after
alighting from the car
I rushed into the hospital and a nurse smiled
welcoming in
“He is in VIP ward 4”. She said already knowing
who I came to see
I thanked her and walked quickly down the hall
way and pushed the door to the ward opened
I walked in and sighed in relief when I saw Troy
and Andy gisting and laughing
“Hubby”. I called moving closer to him
“how are you wifey?”.he asked smiling, you
look good
“I am fine baby”. I replied , You made me
scared yesterday”.
“I am sorry”. he apologised, hope you didn’t cry
“No. I lied and he smiled
“Have you eaten?”. I asked him
“Yes. he replied, what about you?
I shook my head negatively
“Why?”. he asked, are you trying to starve my
“I was just worried about you”
“If you are really worried you won’t try to starve
the tiny baby inside you”
“I am sorry”. I apologised, i had no appetite
“I think I should get going now “. Andy informed
standing up
“Alright bro”. Troy replied and he nodded before
“Hope you didn’t miss me much?”. Troy asked
“I miss you so much hubby”. I replied kissing
him gently, please don’t make me scared again
“I won’t”. he promised
“How is Tricia?”. he asked, did you see her?
“Yes. I replied. I checked on her before going to
bed , she was sleeping peacefully with Trent
beside her
“I miss her so much “
“I am sure she misses you too”
The door opened and I gasped in surprise when
Miguel walked in limping…
Troy Daniels
“ what are you doing here ?”. I asked as soon
as Miguel limped in
“Troy I need to talk to you”. he replied
“Talk to me? Why?”, I asked
“I am sorry for blaming you for my father’s
death”. he apologised, I never knew yakusa
manipulated you
“Really?”. I asked, did yakusa tell you himself
“No my Uncle did “. he replied
“And why will Carl tell you?”. I asked, he is
Yakusa most loyal dog
“he is tired of Yakusa”.he replied, yakusa is
getting crazy
I looked at him and laughed
“Yakusa was always crazy”
“We need your help Troy”. he pleaded , Yakusa
and his loyal dog has to die
“ what make you think I will help you?”. I asked
“Because we are friends”. he replied, and
friends do help each other …….

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