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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE MAFIA LORD – Episode 23

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The Mafia Lord
Written by Princess Juliet
Episode 37
He is mine
June Kansas
I glanced at the time, it was already 11:25
and Troy was yet to arrive
Every one including the priest was already
getting worried.
I dialled his number for the umpteenth time
but it was still not going through
“What could be wrong? Is Troy trying to play
a prank on me?
I stood up and pace up and down the
“June”. I heard my mother called but I
ignored her as I kept on dialling Troy number
“What is wrong with his phone?”.I yelled
throwing my phone to the wall.
“June”. I heard my mum called , he will soon
be here”. She assured coming close to me and
led me to a seat
“Troy. I called crying , why is my Troy not
here? Did he choose not to come?
“Stop saying that”. his mom cautioned, you
know he loves you so much.
“Then why isn’t he coming?”. I screamed
“You have to calm down June”. I heard my
dad said , something might have delayed him
“Something”. I muttered, What could that be
? What co…..?
“What!!!.Mary exclaimed loudly distracting
me from my thoughts
“What is wrong?”. My mother asked
“Troy got invooolvved in an accidentttt and
has bbeen taken to an hospitalll”. She
stammered looking into her phone .
“My son”. I heard his mom gasp in shock
“Troy”. I called screaming in fright,he can’t
be the one ,it is not my Troy
I tried to stand up but my father held me
“June you need to calm down because of
your condition “
“Which hospital did they rush my son to?”.
his mother asked panicking
“Petra hospital”. I heard Mary say .
“Petra hospital”. I mumbled breaking out of
my father’s grip and ran out of the church..
“Troy please don’t leave me”. I mumbled as
hot tears streak down my cheek .
I ignored the murmuring and stares of
people and kept on running
I guessed I looked like a crazy woman in a
wedding dress
I stopped when a car pulled in front of me
and my dad stepped out
“Dad”. I called, Troy Is dying
“he will be fine”. he assured pulling me into
a hug ignoring the stares ……
he opened the car door and instructed me to
get inside ..
I got into the car and sat down beside Troy
mother who had a gloomy look
“ he will be fine”. She assured pulling me
into a hug
“ where is Tricia?” . I asked sniffing
“She is in the church with Trent and Mary “.
She replied
“What did you just say? You mean you
never confirmed if he was dead or not”.I yelled
at the two boys I sent to ki|| Troy…..
“His car rolled off the bridge”. one of them
“So?”. I asked, Does that answer my
“We heard a siren and we had to leave the
scene”. he explained
I stared at them and puff out smoked
If you…….,
I stopped when Carl came running into the
“ what happened?”. I asked him
“Read this”. he said handing me his phone
and I boiled in rage as I read it aloud..
“most successful youngest Business man ,
Troy Adams got involved in a terrible accident.
he was found inside his vehicle struggling to get
out and was immediately rushed to the hospital
in an ambulance……..
“Impossible!”. I exclaimed in anger as I
threw the phone on the wall, he is not dead”. I
yelled facing the two men
“We are sorry sir”. They apologised
“Sorry?”. I asked scoffing, will sorry make
him stop breathing?.I yelled in anger
“We are very sure he won’t survive it “, the
second one replied
“ you really do not know who Troy is “. I said
with a scoff. he is a fighter
“but …..
“Shut up”. I barked pulling out my guns and
pointed it at the first one and then the second
“You can’t Yaku…………Carl tried to say but I
yelled at him to keep quiet
“Please don’t ki|| me”. They pleaded going
on their knees
“I don’t believe in forgiveness “. he said as I
shot twice ki||ing both of them
“Yakusa”. Carl called in surprise, they were
one of your best boys
“I don’t care “. I barked, i will ki|| any one who
fails me
“you have ki||ed more than twenty of the boys
just this week over minor mistakes and ……
“Shut up Carl. I yelled , I won’t hesitate to ki||
you if you keep on talking.
I am Yakusa and should be feared by all….
June Kansas
We soon got to the hospital and I rushed in
without waiting for anyone
“Where is Troy?”. I yelled ignoring the curious
stares on me
“Calm down miss”. a nurse said walking
towards me, can you please tell me how you are
related to him?
“I am his wife “. I replied and she stared at
me with disbelieve
“we were supposed to be married today “. I
explained ,can you please tell me where he is?
“Wife? We never knew he …..
“You don’t need to know please just tell me
where my Troy is”. I pleaded crying
“What is going on here?”. A Doctor asked
walking towards us
“Doctor. I called running to meet him, please
where is my Troy?
he looked at me with an arched eyebrow
studying me in the wedding dress
“Are you June?”. he asked
I nodded
“Great. he muttered,you need to come with
me. he kept on mumbling your name“. he
explained as he led me to a room down the hall
he pushed the door to the ward opened and I
rushed into the room
I gasped in shock when I saw Troy laying
helplessly on the bed, he had bandage wrapped
around his head and his chest …
“Troy. I called softly as I sat down beside him

“He doesn’t need disturbance”. the doctor
“What is wrong with him?”. I asked in
“He broke some bones”. he replied but he will
be fine, he is a fighter….
“June”. I heard Troy called softly and I turned
to look at him
“how are you baby?”. I asked tearing up
“Don’t cry “. he managed to say and I nodded
wiping my tears
The door opened and his mum and my parent
walked in
“he does not need……. the doctor tried to say
but Troy nodded towards him and he sighed
before leaving the room
“baby”. his mom called holding his hands, I
am glad you are safe
“Tricia Trent?”. he asked
“They are fine baby”. his mother replied all
we need is for you to get better
He stared at me for a while without saying
anything and then looked away
“Priest?, I need the priest here”
“What do you need a priest for?”. my dad
“Priest”.he repeated
“ I will call him now”. my mom informed and
walked out of the room
I took his hands into mine and stared at him
He still tried to act strong despite his pain.
I touched his shoulders and he groaned in
“I am sorry baby”. I apologised and he
nodded weakly
His eyes were dull,it was very obvious he
needed sleep
“Baby, get some sleep”.I urged him
“I will”. he replied
We stayed holding each other hands and I
saw Troy smiled weakly when my mother
walked in with the priest
“He is here”. She informed
“Start the wedding”. he instructed and we all
looked at him in surprise
“Baby you are still weak”. his mother queried
“The wedding”. he repeated
“But Troy……
“Now”. he insisted and the priest nodded
before moving closer to us
he placed our hands on a bible he was holding
and started …
“Do you agree to take Troy Daniels as your
lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in
health, for richer and for poorer and till death
do you apart?
“Yes I do with all of my hearts”. I replied biting
my lips trying to stopped myself from crying.
He turned to look at Troy
“Do you agree to take June Kansas as your
lawfully wedded wife in sickness and in health,
for richer and for poorer and till death do you
“Yes I do”.he replied weakly
“With the authority bestowed on me I proclaim
you both husband and wife , you may now kiss
the bride
I bent to kiss him softly on his lips and he
smiled weakly
“Congratulations Mr and Mrs Daniels “. The
priest said smiling , i will arrange for your
marriage certificate
“Congratulations baby”. My dad said pulling
me up into a hug while my two mothers
watched us smiling
“Did he just call me baby?
“Here is the ring”. the priest said handing me
the ring box .
I turned to look at Troy and smiled when I saw
him asleep….
He is mine and I am fully his………

Yakusa is really crazy

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