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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE MAFIA LORD – Episode 19

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The Mafia Lord
Written by Princess Juliet
Episode 32
Troy Daniels
We arrived at the airport very late and I flagged
down a taxi
“Mr Daniels”. the taxi man called in surprise
“Is anything the matter?”. I asked as i got into
the taxi along with June
“No”. he replied shaking his head
“Then Just drive”. I barked
“Calm down “. June said leaning on my chest,
he was probably wondering why you made use
of a taxi
“Really?”. I asked scoffing , is it a crime to
make use of it?
The driver stopped in front of the mansion and
I paid him before alighting from the car
“Thank you so much sir”. he appreciated
beaming with smile
“For what?”, I asked confusedly
“The money”
“ what happened to the money?
“It is more than enough”. he replied
“It is nothing “. I said and he drove off
obviously still in smiles
I turned back to see June smiling at me
“ what?”. I asked her
“Nothing”. She replied ….
We knocked on the huge gate and one of my
guard opened, he was very surprised to see us …
“Boss . he called opening the gate wide for us ,
you never informed us you would be coming
“That is because I never planned on it”. I
replied holding June hands as we walked in
“How is Andy?”. he asked locking the gates
“Strong”. I replied
“Diego is a bastard”. he cursed
“Sure he is”……
We walked into the the sitting room and I
sighed in relief when we met no one , I was in no
mood for questions this night
I climbed up the stairs heading to the room
with June following behind me..
I collapsed on the bed immediately I got into
the room, I was really tired…
“Troy. June called Joining me on the bed
“Yes”. I responded without looking at her
“How did your guard get to know about
Andy?”. she asked with a low voice
I looked and her laughed . Are you really from
this planet?
“ what do you mean by that?”. she asked
frowning, I only asked a question
“a question that does not need an answer”. I
She stood up from the bed obviously angry
and went Into the bathroom..
“ why does she get angry easily?”. I wondered
She returned to the room still frowning with my
towel wrapped around her
“baby”. I called but she went over to the
wardrobe ignoring me
“Did she Just ignore me?
“June. I called again
“ what is it?”. She asked angrily without
looking at me
“ I am sorry”, I apologised, I never knew you
would take my Joke seriously
“Apology accepted , will you answer my
question now?
“Sure”. I replied, what is the question again?
“How did you guard get to know about
Andy?”.She asked with a scoff
“Do you know how to use the internet?”. I
asked her laughing
“What!!”. She exclaimed, are you kidding me?
“Do I look like a clown?”. I asked still laughing
“I h@ťě you Troy”…..
“Really?”. I asked with a raised eyebrow
“No I love you”. She replied pulling a cloth
from the wardrobe ……
I watched her and smiled .she is so funny , she
is my happiness….
June Kansas

I was up the next morning and as expected
Troy was not in the room
“Does he sleep at all?
I stood up from the bed and went into the
bathroom to freshen up and soon returned to
the room.
I went over to the wardrobe for a change of
clothing before heading downstairs…
“June”.Tricia ran to hug me and laughed as I
rolled her in circles
I really missed her
I placed her gently on the floor before going
over to hug Troy mother
“Morning ma”. I greeted
“how are you June”. She asked caressing my
face, I am glad you are safe
“How does she know about it?”. I wondered,
Maybe Troy told her
I greeted Trent who was reading a book and he
answered flashing me a smile
“Why must he have the same smile as Troy?
“Where is Troy?”. I asked
“he left early this morning with his boys”.he
“Great”. I muttered, I guess I have to go to the
hostel on my own…
I paid the driver and alighted from the taxi as it
stopped in front of the hostel gate .
I walked in and I was surprised to see most
student staring at me
“Why are they staring?”. I wondered.
I decided to call on Mary first before going to
my room
I got to her room and knocked and was
surprised when Miguel opened the door
“Are they together again?
“June. he called smiling, i am glad you are
“What? How did you know?”. I asked walking
“It was shown on the news dummy”. Mary
replied coming out of the bathroom
“News?”. I asked in surprise
“It is also all over the internet”. Miguel chipped
in as he laid on Mary bed .that Diego is a
bastard why would he try to ki|| Troy in a public
“Does mom and Dad knows about it?”. I asked
“Yes .Mom called after the news, she was
really worried . Why didn’t you call her ?”.Mary
“I left my phone in the room”. I replied
“Oh. She exclaimed
“ Did mom sound angry?”. I asked
“No.she replied, she was Just worried
I sighed in relief
“How does it feel to be the girlfriend of the
most richest business man in the country?”.
Mary asked smiling
“Wonderful .I remarked and she smiled “
“I need to call at the hospital to see Sara”. I
informed and turned to leave
“Do you know Steph is dead?”: she asked
“What!!!”. I exclaimed turning to look at her
“her body was found in front of the hostel
gate”. She explained
“What could have happened to her?”. I asked
“I don’t know”. Mary replied with a shrug
Steph “. I muttered meeting Miguel gaze, it was
I walked over to my room ignoring the stares
and murmurings of other student..
“Who is behind Steph death?”. I wondered, is it
I opened the lock and pushed the door opened
The room was still the same way we left it .
I fell on the bed shuddering in fright
“Steph why did you have to die?”. I screamed.
She was Just trying to be a good friend to me..
My door suddenly opened and Troy walked in
“Why didn’t you wait f?…..he stopped when he
saw my tears
“Why are you crying?”. he asked
“Steph is dead”. I said ignoring his questions
“So?. he asked
“What happened to her?”. I asked jolting up
from the bed
“What is wrong with you?”. he asked moving
“Don’t come near me”. I yelled and he stopped
“Did you ki|| her?”. I asked
“I just…..
“Did you ki|| her ?”. I yelled
“What if I do?”. he asked
“Really?”. I asked, why are you so heartless?
he stared at me without saying anything
“Why are you so heartless Troy?”. I yelled
“ is that how you see me?”. he asked softly
“Yes”. I replied
“Fine. he muttered staring at me before he left
the room………
I fell on the bed crying

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