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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE MAFIA LORD – Episode 18

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The Mafia Lord
Written by Princess Juliet
Episode 31
Feeling loved
June Kansas
I held tightly to Troy as we watched Andy
being carried into an ambulance ..
“ what could have happened if the cops didn’t
show up?
“Crazy bastard”. I heard Troy cursed, he was
staring at Diego lifeless body still on the ground
“He sure deserved it”
“Troy”. I called softly
he turned to look at me
“It will be alright”. I assured him and he smiled

“ will we still…….. i stopped when a pack of
reporters crowded us
“Are you both alright?
“What really transpired between you and
“Why did Diego try to ki|| you?
They kept on asking questions and the cops
tried pushing them away
“Please come this way”. a cop said leading us
to somewhere less noisy
“We are sorry for the inconvenience”. he
apologised flashing us a smile
“It is alright”. Troy assured him
“We never knew Diego was capable of Murder.
he informed
“Really?”. Troy asked scoffing
“ what really transpired between you and
Diego?”. he asked
“Business”. Troy replied
“What kind of business?”. he asked
“Contract deal”. he replied
“ we will love you to come over to the station
to make a statement”. he said flashing a smile
“Sure I will”. Troy said, I will go on my own
“Did you come with your car?”. The cops
asked looking around
“I have called my driver”. Troy replied, he will
be here soon
“He is here already”.Troy informed as Montez
drove in and parked beside us
“ what happened?”. Montes asked stepping
out of the car
“Diego attacked”. Troy said in whispers
“Diego? Where is he?”. Montez asked
“Over there. Troy said looking over at Diego
lifeless body being carried into an ambulance ..
“ what……..
“I will answer all your questions later, I need to
get to the police station…..
Troy Daniels
Montez drove us over to the police station and
he kept on asking questions
“What of Andy?”.
“He will be fine”. I replied
“ what do you mean he will be fine? Where is
“Silva hospital”. I drawled
“Silva? What is he doing there?
“Just drive Montez”. I instructed

We soon got to the police station and June
insisted on following me in.
“Wait in the car”. I instructed her
“I don’t want to”. She replied pouting
“Listen to me Just this once “
“Fine”. She replied frowning…
I walked into the station and was directed to
the chief office
“Mr Daniels”. he called immediately i walked
in, have your seat?
“Thanks. I replied sitting
“ what really happened?” he asked
“He tried to ki|| me”. I replied calmly
“Why?”. he asked
“Can I write my statement?”. I asked ignoring
his questions, if you need to question me you
can do that through my lawyer
“I am sorry Mr Daniels”. he apologised, No
offence please
He pushed a big book in front of me and I
wrote down my statement
“Can I go now?”. I asked
“Sure”. he replied smiling, i apologise for any
inconvenience and I assure you will be
“I don’t need any compensation”. I said with a
smile and walked out of the office …
“The cops here really sucks”
I headed out of the station to my car and met
June leaning on the car
“how did it go?”.she asked me
“Fine. I replied
“Cool” she muttered getting into the car, I
hopped in beside her as Montes drove off
heading to the Silva hospital…..

I sighed in relief when the doctor told us Andy
was stable
“ will he be alright?”. I asked
“Yes “. he replied, the bullet missed his vital
point by an inch . he just need rest
“Can we see him?”. I asked
“ I am afraid only one person can go in”. he
“That is fine by me”
I walked into the ward and huffed when I saw
Andy on the bed with bandage all over him.
“He took a bullet for me”
I moved closer to him and sat beside him
“Andy”. I called softly and smiled as his eyes
flickered open
how are you feeling?
he nodded slowly
“Thanks for saving me
“he gave me a small smile
“ The bastard is dead”. I informed, The
Russian police shot him dead….
he tried to say something but could not
“It is alright”. I assured him , I will stay in
Russia till you are better”
“Go”.he said
I looked at him confusedly . What do you
“Go Tricia “. he managed to say
“You want me to go back because of Tricia”. I
replied, my mom and brother will take care of
“Business”.he said
“Really Andy are you thinking about that now?
Who will take care of you?
“Mon”. he tried to say and I smiled
“Fine , but promise me you will come back
when you are alright?
“he smiled”
I squeezed his hands before walking out of the
“he was still trying to be strong despite his
“how is he?”. June asked running to meet me
“Strong”. I replied and she smiled
“Montes”. I called , make sure you take very
good care of Andy
he nodded. Are you going somewhere?
“ I am going back to the State…
June Kansas
The airport was back to normal when we got
No more reporters , no more cops
“Welcome” another lady said running to meet
us as she led us to the private Jet
Is the pilot on seat?”. Troy asked
“Yes”. She replied smiling
I thought about the lady Diego shot and felt
pity for her
She just died for nothing.
We stepped into the Jet and I sat down
comfortably beside Troy..
“ I am sorry for what happened”. he
“It is nothing”. What would you have done if
the cops hadn’t shown up?
“ki|| the bastard”. He replied
“I thought you were protecting your name”.i
“Yes”. he replied, but I won’t stand there and
let him hurt you .
I flashed him a smile and leaned on his chest
“June”. he called
“Why didn’t you run when I asked you too?
“Because my life will be incomplete with you”.I
“Do you love me that much?”. he asked
“With all my heart?”. I replied
I held him tightly as the Jet take off and he
“ why are you laughing?”. I asked faking a
“Nothing”. he replied
“but you …….he shut me up with a kiss
“ why did you do that?”. I asked
“because I love you “
I smile placing my lips on his and he kissed me
back hungrily as we made love in the Jet on our
way back home……

Love in the air

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