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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE MAFIA LORD – Episode 13

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The Mafia Lord
Written by Princess Juliet
Episode 22&23
No longer a Virgin

Troy POV continues
I woke up feeling very weak and smiled when
I saw June sleeping on the sofa opposite mine
“She must have been very scared”
I looked at the bullet wound , it was neatly
dressed .
“ she really did a great Job”
I picked the bullet from the table beside me
and studied it, it has a letter R inscription on it ,
Which only meant one thing, a Russian was
behind the attack…
“Who could it be?”. I wondered……
I searched my pocket looking for my phone
but could not find it ……
“f-__-k”. I cursed , I must have left it in the car
I picked June phone from the table and
dialled Andy number
“Who is this “. he grunted
“Andy “. I called, it is….
“Troy”. he called , where are you?. We have
all been worried
“I am alright”. I assured him, what of Tricia?
“She is asleep”. he replied
“Good”. I said sighing in relief
“Are you really alright?”. He asked , we saw a
burnt car on out way home yesterday ..
“Come over to the penthouse tomorrow”. I
instructed him
“Which of the penthouses?”. he asked
“Diamond”. I replied
“Ok boss , Good night……….

Yakusa Pov
“Who could be behind the attack?”.I asked
“The spy didn’t say, he was not even sure
what really happened to Troy”. he replied
“how can he be so dumb”. I muttered
“I also learnt Troy has a little daughter..
“What!!”.i can it be possible?
Who is the mother?i have never seen Troy with
a little girl….
“ I guess he is secretly raising her”. Carl
“How old is the child?”. I asked
“3 years”. he replied
“Good”. I muttered smiling
I will use her to make her father bow at my feet

“Get me the child “……..,

. June PoV
I woke up the next morning feeling sore, I
guessed I cried my eyes out
I huffed when I saw Troy smoking…..
“Troy”. I called softly , how are you feeling?
“Better”. he replied
I stood up from the sofa and moved closer
to him
“What really happened yesterday ?”. I asked
him , who tried to ki|| you
“I don’t know”. he replied with a shrug
“ what do you mean?”. I asked him, some
men tried to harm us and you don’t know
anything about it”.
“Calm down June”he said
“How will I?”. I asked him, we almost lost our
lives .
“What are trying to say?”. he asked
“Quit the Mafia”. I replied
He looked at me and scoffed
“Do you think it is easy?”. He asked ,I have
enemies and I have to destroy them before they
destroy me…
“I am scared Troy, I am really scared
“I know”. he replied , just give me time
“Fine”. I muttered
“I love you June”. he said in whispers
“I love you too”. I replied hugged him
“Arrrrgh”. he groaned in pain, my shoulders
“I am sorry”. I apologised
“It is alright”.
I placed my lips on his and kissed him but he
didn’t kiss me back…..
“Troy” I called,
“ I have told you I won’t………
“I am ready”. I said cutting him short and I
almost laughed when i saw the look on his face

I placed my lips on his kissing him and this
time he kissed me back hungrily.
he kissed my whole body and d@mn, I was in
cloud 9
“Trroooooy”. I Mõ@ɲed loudly
He unzipped my gown and pulled it off and I
was stark naked
“Why don’t you wear P@ŋtîēṣ to sleep?”. He
“It makes me uncomfortable..
He took one of my Ɲīpplës into his mouth and
suckled on it while he pinched the other
“Troooooarrrrrwwww, please don’t Stop .i
Mõ@ɲed caressing his chest….
He took off his trousers and his briefs and
laid in between my legs …
“Is t……….he kissed me to stop me from
talking and started using his fingers on me..
“Are you ready?”. he asked
“Yes and he started penetrating inside me
I screamed in pain , it was as if I was being
cut with a knife
“ please stop”.i pleaded trying to push him
“You are hurting me”. he said grunting in
pain and pinned my hands down to the sofa .
“Troooooy”. I screamed In pain as he kept on
th-ru_sting deep inside me .
He kept moving in and out of me grunting in
“Troy please”. I pleaded crying
“I am cumming”. he said vibrating as he
poured some whitish stuff on the floor….
“You are heartless”. I said crying as she
rolled off me …
“Really?”. he asked laughing, I am sorry baby,
I am very very sorry…..
I stared at the bloodstained sofa, I just lost
my virginity….

Diego PoV
I sat down on the bed of the hotel room I had
been staying in ever since I came into the
Ever since I laid my eyes on the black haired
beauty, I had a deep desire to own her .
Why do Troy always get the best? I started
the drug business before him but he is more
successful than me
He owns properties both in his country and
mine and now he has the girl I am attracted to …
I sent two of my best men to bring Troy to me
partially alive so he can sign his properties to
me and give me the girl before I ki|| him but they
are yet to be back, what could have happened?
The door suddenly opened and Reid walked
“What happened?”. I asked him
“I think they are dead”. he replied, the car was
badly burnt
“What?!!!”. I exclaimed, they were my best
“ what should we do?”. he asked
“Prepare the Jet we are travelling back to
Russia”. I replied .
It won’t take long for him to know I am behind
the attack and once he do , I am doomed….
I underestimated him , i never knew he was
this tough…….
June PoV

Troy insisted on carrying me upstairs to the
room not minding the pains on his shoulders
He pushed the door to the room opened and
walked in placing me on the bed gently..
he went into the bathroom to freshen up and
soon returned
he went over to the wardrobe and pulled out
his clothes and soon began dressing…
“I need to bath also”. I whined
“I know “.he replied
“Should I help you to the bathroom?he asked
“Why?”.he asked laughing, are you scared that
i might touch you again
“Just go away”. I said glaring at me
“Don’t be long”. he pecked me and left the
“Where should I start from?
I placed a feet gently on the floor and then the
other, I stood up from the bed and limped slowly
into the bathroom
I brushed my teeth, bath and soon returned to
the room
“What will I change into?”. I muttered limping
to the wardrobe
I opened it and pulled out a shirt and brief
I wore it and stared at my reflection in the
“I really looked like a bad boy”
I limped out of the room and headed
downstairs, I met Andy and Troy having a
serious conversation
“When did Andy get here?
“Hi”. I greeted walking closer to them,
“What is wrong with your legs?”. Andy asked
eyeing me,
“Nothing”. I replied . I looked at the sofa and it
was all cleaned up
“Are you sure?”. he asked me, did you get hit
by a bullet
“Yes I got hit by the human bullet”. I mumbled
“What did you say?”: He asked
“Nothing”. I replied and Troy gave me a small
smile ……
We headed back to the mansion and I sat
down at the back seat listening to them as they
talked about a Russian bullet
“What does that mean?”. I wondered
We soon got to the front of the mansion gate
and Troy instructed Andy to stop the car
“Go in first”. he instructed
“Why?”. I asked him, are you going
“Yes”. he replied
“Where?”, I asked
“I need to make a confirmation”. he replied, so
wait for me…..
I alighted from the car and they immediately
drove off
“What is going on?”. I wondered….

I walked into the sitting room and met only
Trent, he was dressed in an all black outfit …
“Hi June”. he greeted
“Hi”. I replied, where are the others?
“Sleeping”. he replied, they stayed up late
worried about you and the boss ….
“What of Tricia?”. I asked
“Sleeping “.He replied flashing me a smile.
His smile was the same as Troy’s . Not only
his smile but everything about him……….
Who really is Trent?
Hmmmh Diego…….
June is no longer madam pure?

Episode 23
Troy PoV continues
We got to the ammo vendor store, it was a little
store located at the outskirt of the town…
“Hi Santiago”.i greeted the man behind the
“Troy”. he called flashing me a smile, what do
you need?guns or bullet
“I am not here to buy anything”. I said placing
the bullet on the counter, I need you to help with
He picked up the bullet and studied it
“Do you know about it?”. I asked him
“It is a bullet used by the Russians Mafias, the
R inscription on it is like a symbol”. he
“Who could be behind this?”. Andy asked me
“I really don’t know”. I replied with a shrug, or
could it be………d@mn! Diego………..
“How can it be? . Andy asked ,
“I really don’t know”. I replied, there is only
way to find out
“How”. he asked
“Find if Diego came over to the state…
I dialled Montes number and he picked up
“Troy”.he called , how are you?
“Fine”. I replied, I need a favour from you
“Anything for you brother
“I need you to help me find out if Diego is out
of the country”.
“Okay, I will do that”.he replied and ended the
Trent POV
I sat down in the sitting room watching Tricia
dance to a music.
“Trent”. She called , come and dance with me
“I can’t dance”. I replied her
“I will teach you”. She said with her tiny voice
and I laughed out loud , she was really so funny
and I was already getting fond of her…..
My phone suddenly beeped, it was a text
message from and an unknown number, I
clicked on it
“Yakusa needs you to bring the girl tonight, if
you fail to do so you will meet your mother
lifeless body at home”.
I immediately deleted the message..
“How did it get to this?”, Yakusa is really a
beast”. I can’t let him use the little girl just like
the way he used me but what of mother? I am
very sure the beast will plant his guards outside
the house should Incase I plan on betraying him
I live in a small house with my mother, I never
knew my father and mom h@ťěd talking about
We were never free because Yakusa had us
under his watch .
he took care of our bills , paid my fees but
Mother still h@ťěd him…..
I asked her several times the really she
despises him but she never gave me clear
I came back from school one day and met
yakusa in our little home..
My mum was on her knees begging him not to
take me away
I stood there gobsmacked wondering what
yakusa wants with me….
he took me away and assured my mom I will
be back if I do as he says…..
he took me over to his mansion and instructed
me to spy on Troy Daniels, he thr_@tened to ki||
my mother if i do anything funny..
I was scared of Troy because I heard he was
ruthless but I heard to do it to keep my mother
I was surprised he accepted me in easily and
treated me the way he treats the others
“What will I do now?”, I wondered,I can’t hand
over Tricia to the beast and I can let my mother
get ki||ed ……..
I need to tell Troy about it, I really need to ………

Troy PoV
“Why exactly will Diego want me dead?”. I
wondered, I have no business with him….
“Did he really Come over to the state Just to
ki|| me?
“What are you thinking about ?”. Andy asked
“Diego”. I replied
“But he might not…….he stopped when My
Phone rang..
“Montes”. I called immediately I picked it, Is
there any info about him?
“Diego is out of the country”. he replied
“What!!”. I exclaimed
“I don’t really know the country he travelled to
but he is definitely not in Russia?
“Thanks “. I said and ended the call….
If Diego was behind the attack,Why did he do
I alighted from the car and was surprised to
see the newbie alone in the compound..
“What are you doing here alone ?”, I asked him

“ waiting for you”. He replied
“Why?”. I asked with a raised eyebrow
“I need to talk to you”. He replied
“Is anything wrong?”. I asked him
“Yes”. he replied
I studied him and he looked really tensed …
“Come with me”. I said as I led him upstairs to
my room
I pushed the door opened and saw June on the
bed with her eyes closed.
“What is wrong?”. I asked sitting on the bed
“Tricia is in danger”. he replied
“What do you mean?”. I asked in alarm
“I work for yakusa”. he replied
“Really?”. I asked calmly
“ yes, he sent me a message to kidnap Tricia “.
he replied
“Show me the message”.
“I don’t have it again”. he replied
“Why?”. I asked
“ I deleted it”. he replied
“Are you trying to play with me?”. I asked
clenching my fist
“I am d@mn serious”. he replied , he thr_@tened
to ki|| my mother…..
“Really? Then why are you risking your mother
life?”. I asked
“Because I am tired of Yakusa thr_@t, Because
I don’t want to hurt Tricia, Because I don’t want
to be a bad guy”. he replied sobbing, please
save my mother , please don’t let her die…….
I stared at him as he cried and I felt his pain, I
pulled him towards me and hug him……
“It will be alright”. I assured him
“Thanks”. I muttered
“Where is your mother?”, I asked him
“No 3 Terra block”.he replied , we live in the
“I will find her and bring her over here” I
“What is wrong?”.June asked , your noise
woke me up
“It is nothing baby”.i replied, go back to sleep
“Are you going out again?”. She asked
June PoV
I stared at the boy who was still crying and I
felt sad for him
I overheard the discussion between him and
I never knew the grey haired man I saw in the
party could be so ruthless..
“Why can’t he let my Troy be?……….
Troy PoV
“Are you sure this is not a set up?”.Andy asked
on out way to Terra blocks
“No”, I replied
“Why are you so sure?”. he asked
“Because I believe him”. I replied
“that is…….
“Just drive”.i instructed
There was something about the kid, I am kinda
drawn to him………
We soon got to Terra block , it was indeed a
“Why would Yakusa thr_@ten a little boy from
the slums ?”. I wondered
We drove till we sighted the little house we
parked beside it so as not to attract stares .
There were two armed men in front of the little
“Take care of them”. I instructed Andy
He alighted from the car and walked over to
the house. I watched him pretend to talk to the
men as he pulled his gun from the back pocket
gunning them down….
I smiled at his tactics
I got down from the car and walked towards
the house. I stared at the two lifeless body on
the floor and shook my head
“They died serving yakusa to the very end ,
they are indeed loyal dogs!”……
I pushed the door opened and saw a woman
curled up on the floor obviously frightened…
“Hey”.i greeted
“Please don’t ki|| me”. She pleaded without
looking up
“I am not here to ki|| you, I am a friend of Trent

“Trent”. She muttered looking up and I froze
immediately I met her gaze…..
“This cannot be”. I muttered
She stood up from the floor and walked
towards me
“Am I dreaming?”. She asked staring directly
at my face
“What is going on here?”. I heard Andy yelled
“Troy”.the woman called, touching my face”.is
that really you?
I tried to say something but could not, I was
“baby, is that really you?
Mooothheeerr”. I stammered

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