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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE END: THE MAFIA HEIR – Episode 51 & 52

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The white car stopped in front of them and it open to reveal two men in black along with Lilo.

Recognizing Lilo, Camila did her best to run away but she was too late since the two men with Lilo pulled her into the car, injecting her with sleeping medicine.

“You did well, sis” Lilo said to Selena before getting into the car.

Selena on the other hand couldn’t help but to feel guilty.

She went back to sand castle thinking about the horrific thing she did to Camila.

“Is something wrong, sweetie?” Stephan ask, suddenly appearing behind her.

“Everything is fine” Selena replied, pulling away from him.

“That’s not true. You aren’t fine at all, something is bothering you, you can tell me” Stephan gentleness was the final stray since she broke down in tears.

“I did something bad, I did something very bad” Selena said, her face filled with tears.


“You are what?” Alexis let out in shock.

“Am Lilo’s sister and I was sent here by the devils to spy on you all” Selena confess startling Mariano and Alexis except for Stephan who she told the whole thing to.

“This is crazy! I can’t even imagine that you…you really are a good pretender” Alexis said while Mariano kept quiet.

“She was a good pretender. She managed to fool us all but ended up getting attach to everyone here. Camila feels guilty for keeping her identity a secret which is why she’s telling us the truth” Stephan stood up for her.

“But the truth won’t change that she fooled us all. Tell us how you ended up being part of the devil clan” Mariano said and Selena spilled the whole thing.

“So you think my grandfather ki||ed your father?” Mariano asked and she nodded.

“You’ve got it wrong, he didn’t do it” Mariano said, remembering the incident clearly.

“You guys aren’t telling us something, right?” Alexis asked watching Stephan guilty face.

“The thing is Cesare thr_@ten to ki|| Lilo if Selena didn’t do something for him” Stephan began starring at Mariano.

“Which is?” Mariano asked quickly, knowing something bad is wrong.

“Camila has been kidnap” Stephan said.

“What the hell are you waiting for? Get everyone ready, we are going to the devil’s abode” Mariano said wanting to leave but Selena stop him.

“You shouldn’t do that boss. I have a plan, one which will get us Camila and Cesare” Selena said quickly.

“Let’s listen to her boss. Cesare is crazy about Camila, he won’t hurt her” Stephan added, trying to calm the poor man.

“Fine, what is this grand plan of yours?” Mariano asked.

“Before I tell you about it, you’ve got to root out another spy ” Selena said.

“Who is this other spy?” Mariano asked gruffly.

“Bianca. She was the one who help Cesare escape”

“What the hell are you doing! Let me go” Bianca yell as she was taken to the torture by two men.

“Mariano” Bianca called when she saw him waiting in the room.

“Tell them to let go of me, tell them am…argh!” Bianca let out a groan when he slap her on the face.

“After Cesare, I thought you to be reliable and trustworthy but you turn out to be betrayer. Make sure she doesn’t leave till I get back” Mariano said and left the torture room.

He found out, he knows the truth but how?

I need to get out of here, I need to leave before I get ki||ed…she thought.

One of the guard held onto her while the other went to take the chain, seeing it as her chance, she attack the guy holding her before rushing to the other guard to give him a kick on the face.

She proceeded to wearing one of their clothe which she use to escape.


“How is Camila?” Cesare ask the guard that came into the room to meet him.

“She’s still asleep sir”

“That’s good. Let my sleeping beauty get enough rest and where is Lilo?” Cesare asked.

“He went out an hour ago”

“Where on earth did he go to? He knows this moment is crucial for us all. Are the bombs ready?” Cesare asked.

“From what I know it is but boss, a lady is here to see you”

“Who is it?”

“It’s me Cesare!” A dirty looking Bianca walk into the room.

“Oh my God! What happen to you?” Cesare asked.

“I don’t know how he did but he found the out the truth. He knows that I help you escape and he would have ki||ed me if I didn’t escape”

“It’s a good thing you escape. You are welcome to stay here, Bianca” Cesare said, putting a hand on her shoulder.

“Really? Thank you Cesare”

“Get a maid to show her to one of our rooms” Cesare ordered and when Bianca left his office with the maid, the guard with him ask.

“Are you sure you want her to stay here? She might probably be sent by Mariano”

“I thought so at first but Mariano won’t stoop to the same tactic. She really has been caught and I h@ťě handling such an hindrance. Get rid of her before morning” Cesare ordered and his guard left to do his bidding.

“Am sorry Bianca but your work for me is done” Cesare said without a care.


“Why the hell did you ask to see me? I thought we agreed to only meet once in a week” Lilo said to Selena the moment he walk into the bar.

“I called you here to tell you about something important” Selena said.

The moment she said that, all the men in the room stood up, gathering around them.

The door open revealing Mariano, Alexis and Stephan.

“$h|t! You trick me” Lilo said as pulled out his gun, pointing it at Mariano.

The men in the room did the same thing to him.

“Take it easy Lilo, no one here wants to harm you. We just need you to help us ” Mariano said.

“Help you? After what you did to our father? I don’t know what you did to my sister but you won’t be able to fool me” Lilo said.

“Mariano didn’t ki|| dad. It was Cesare all along” Selena spoke up quickly, telling him how his grandfather witness their father’s death but could do nothing since he was scared for his life too.

“That’s a lie! I…I don’t believe it. Cesare told me that your grandfather did it ” Lilo said, shock by this revelation.

“My grandfather had nothing to do with it. He is innocent just as you two are innocent. You’ve just been Cesare pawn in his disgusting game but if you join hands with me, I will end that for you” Mariano said.

“If I do that, he’s going to ki|| Selena” Lilo said.

“I give you my word, I won’t let any harm come to her, I promise to protect her with my life” Stephan was the one who said this.

“Fine, I will help you on one condition” Lilo said.

“Name it”

“You let me ki|| Cesare myself” Lilo said.

“That’s fine” Mariano agree.

“I can help you guys get into the devils Abode but we’ve got to it fast since Cesare plan on taking some explosives to sand castle” Lilo told them.


“Now that am done with my job. I better go see my girl” Cesare said as he got out of his seat.

He had just gotten out of his study when he heard the first gun shot. He thought it was nothing but when he heard more gunshot, he knew something was off.

“Boss, we are being attack. I don’t know how it happen but the savages are ki||ing all our men and they are headed here” The guard said.

“Where the heck is Lilo?”

“I don’t know boss”

“Get the car ready, I will taking the underground path, meet me there” Cesare said, running off to the room where Camila was kept.

He began to lose the rope which bind her and unknown to him Camila was awake but pretending to be asleep.

As soon as he set her free, she gave him a punch on the face, running for the door but he caught her by the hair.

“And where the hell are you going? Do you know how long have wanted to have you by my side and now that I do, you want to leave me? That’s not gonna happen” he said into her ear.

“Just let me go! You know you don’t love me. You are just obsess!”

“That’s a lie! Have been in love with you ever since I saw you a year ago and if I can’t have you, no one will” Cesare said, pulling out a knife just as the door open.

Mariano, Alexis , Stephan and some few men came into the room, pointing their guns at him.

“Put down your f-__-king gun or I will ki|| her” Cesare thr_@ten sticking the knife into Camila’s neck.

“Don’t! Don’t put the gun down. $h00t his brains out” Camila said.

“Put down your gun ” Mariano said and everyone did as he ordered.

“Now, step aside” Cesare said and they did, leaving the entrance free.

He began to use his back to walk out still holding Camila hostage.

“Do you really think you can leave without getting ki||ed?” Mariano asked suddenly.

“As long as I have Camila with me, am gonna leave !” Cesare replied.

“I doubt that” Mariano said as Lilo appear, hitting his gun on the back of Cesare head.

When Cesare came back to conciousness, he was tied to a chair and there was only Lilo in the room.

“You bastard! After everything I did for you” Cesare yelled at him.

“I know. After ki||ing my father, you did your best in helping my sister and I which is why I will let your death be easy and smooth” Lilo replied bringing out a container which has fuel in it.

“What the hell are you doing?” Cesare asked when Lilo pour the content on him.

“I plan to burn you alive” Lilo replied after emptying the content.

“No! Don’t do it! Don’t ki|| me” Cesare pleaded.

“Say hi to my father for me” Lilo said as he lit the match, throwing it on Cesare who began to burn instantly.

“It’s not your face after all” Lilo added and left the burning room.

As soon as he got outside, he put the bombs around the mansion and his car was just out of Thy devil estate when he heard the explosion.

“Good riddance”


Camila stood by the sea side starring at the sea, enjoying the breeze while thinking about everything that happen the past two years.

After the ordeal with the devil clan everything became peaceful again though there are still some people who tends to challenge them but the savages never fail to give them what they deserve.

Today they were all gathered at Mariano’s villa to celebrate Stephan and Selena marriage which took place today.

After going through a lot, they finally tie the knot today.

And there is Enzo and Luna who are both in college but came back all lovey dovey to celebrate the wedding.

Cora and Alexis tied the knot a year ago. It was a shock to everyone since they did it secretly but everyone was happy for them.

Paolo left the clan to begin afresh in another country, giving up on Cora since she already belongs to Alexis.

Lenora became a change person and is currently dating Mariano’s friend who came to Italy for holiday.

Bianca’s death shocked everyone, she didn’t deserve to die but her action got her where she is.

After ki||ing Cesare, Lilo built a bakery where he now runs with his girlfriend though he closed it today to be at his sister wedding.

Everything is going well for everyone except for her.

Lucas is attending one of the best school in Florence and though Mariano has been nothing but the most sweetest husband, she just can’t help but to feel sad.

“Mommy ” she heard Lucas call behind her and when she turn it was to see Lucas bringing forth a bouquet of rose.

“What is this?” Camila ask taking the bouquet from him.

Surprisingly, Lucas knelt on the floor in front of her.

“Daddy told me to ask you this? Will you marry us?” Lucas asked.

“Us?” Camila asked, puzzled.

“It’s actually me. I told him to ask if you will marry me, again” Mariano said, approaching them.

Camila stared at the two of them with so much love.

“I know our first marriage isn’t exactly a marriage since I didn’t let you celebrate it like every lady wants which is why I want us to get married again and this time, it’s going to be a big wedding, one you’ve been dreaming of” Mariano said.

Immediately, Camila walk towards him,hugging him tight.

“Yes, I will marry you again. I love you” Camila said and he wipe away her tears before saying.

“And I love you too. Thanks for giving me little Lucas and for coming back into my life”

“We have Sabrina to thank for that” Camila said.

“You are right. Thanks a lot Sabrina!” Mariano yelled making her laugh.

“I want to join in too” Lucas said and he lift him into his arms.

“I love you two a lot and I will forever protect you” Mariano said kissing Lucas forehead.

“Same here daddy, I love you ” Lucas said kissing his father back.

“And I will forever protect you too” Camila added.

The three held each other knowing that as long as they are together, nothing will ever tear them apart.

The End ✌️✌️✌️

Another story has come to an end💃 thanks my babies for going through this ride with me😁😁😁

It hasn’t been easy but you all stood by me which am very grateful for 🙏🙏🙏

Thanks again for being my fan and I hope that you will keep on reading more of my stories 🤗🤗🤗

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