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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE MAFIA HEIR – Episode 45 & 46

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” Ouch! It hurts” Alexis half yelled as Cora dab his head wound with a cotton wool.

“You should have thought of that before picking a fight with your brother” Cora said unfeelingly.

“Did you expect me to stand still and let him say offensive words about you?”

“Yes, I expected you to. You feel nothing for me and so you shouldn’t be bothered by what people say about me” Cora said strongly.

“I won’t do that. I won’t stay back and watch people disrespect you even if it is my brother” Alexis retorted.

“Then you leave me no choice, Alexis. Let’s end our deal” she said and stood up to leave.

She was almost by the door when he took hold of her hand.

“What do you mean by we should end our deal?” Alexis asked.

“Then, do you suggest we keep pretending so you can keep fighting with your brother? If you enjoy that then you should know that I don’t”

“Paolo is right when he said I came between you two. I should never have ask for your help, I should have dealt with Paolo on my own but I didn’t and now…you two are in a fight because of me… Let’s just end this and keep away from each other” she said, trying to free her arm but Alexis, tighten his hold and pulled her into his arms.

“I don’t want to. I don’t want us to stay away from each other” he breathe down her neck.

“I love you too much to do that” he said and she pulled back slightly, to stare at him.

“I know I said we shouldn’t get our hearts involved but I can’t help it. I ended up falling in love with you and there’s no way am going to lose you” he said, holding her closer.

“Say something” he said when she just kept quiet.

“I…it’s just…I wasn’t expecting such a confession from you, I don’t know what to say” Cora said, feeling her heart pounding fast.

“Learn to love me, Cora. Don’t try to think, just feel only. Let your heart do the magic like it did with mine and we might as well begin tonight” he said, lifting her into his arms and back to the bed.

“Let me make love to you” he said, kissing her and slowly, she wrap her arms around his neck, returning the kiss.


Selena got out of the bathroom only to be frighten by the sight of Stephan all curled up on her favourite chair.

“You scared me! What are you doing here?” She yelled, pulling her bathrobe tightly around her.

“To see you. We still have somethings to talk about” Stephan said, rising up.

“Things like what?”


“There can’t be a us, Stephan. I thought I made it clear to you ” Selena reply.

“No! You haven’t made it clear to me enough. Tell me why you keep rejecting me, you are single and I am single. Why can’t we be together?” He asked.

“We aren’t a match”

“We could be, if you give it a try”

“What use is there in giving it a try when I feel nothing for you?”

“Lies! You know, I would have kept on believing you if I didn’t come to you tonight and read your diary” he confess, starring at the book on her desk.

“You had no right to go through it” she said, walking past him to pick the book.

“I have every right. You feel something for me too, Selena. You like me as much as I like you”

“I don’t”

“What I read in your diary said something different. Do you want me to say it out?” He asked and when she said nothing, he began reading out the things she wrote and immediately, she walk towards him and cover his mouth with her hand.

“So what if I like you? What if you make me flutter and make me blush unnecessary? It’s not possible for us to be together” she said.

“It is possible for us. I don’t know what’s holding you back but do know that we can and we will pursue our feelings for each other” he answered, taking hold of her hand to kiss it.

Mesmerized by his gaze, she let him pull her into his arms, kissing her cheek and then her neck.

“I f-__-king really wanna make love to you” he whispered as his tongue flick along her jaw causing her to shiver.

“Then do, make me yours, Stephan” Selena said, smacking her lips on his.

^^ GYM ROOM ^^

“What’s going on?” Luna asked, starring from Lenora to Enzo.

“What do you think is going on?” Lenora replied, having a Ɓîtçhy smile on her face.

“Am gonna leave Enzo to explain to you, I need to rest and Enzo darling, if you wanna get some rest too, you know where to find me” Lenora said.

“f-__-k off” he said softly and her lips curve into a mocking smile before leaving the room.

“Luna, I can explain” Enzo began as Luna walk into the room to pick up her boxing gloves.

“And why will you do that? Am not your girlfriend, so you don’t have to explain to me” Luna said.

“So, what you are trying to say is that you don’t care if am with someone else?”

“Is there a reason for me to? We aren’t a real thing after all and besides you…”

“Shut up Luna, am quite close to punching you in the face” Enzo said, not meaning it.

“For how long will keep closing your eyes? How long will you ignore my feelings for you, do I have to spell it out for you to realise how much I love you” He said fiercely.

“Enzo I…”

“Have been in love with you ever since I understood what the word love meant. You have no idea how hurt I was when you started dating Matteo and then, when we found out about his infidelity, I was happy since you are free again but no matter what I do, you will only see me as a friend” he said, looking hurt.

Luna kept on starring at him without saying a word. He picked up his bag and headed for the door.

He had just gotten out of the room when Luna hug him from behind.

“I will be lying if I say that I feel the same way you do but what I do know is that I h@ťě it when you are angry with me? I h@ťě seeing you being around other women most especially that witch Lenora, I h@ťě being apart from you for too long and most importantly, I don’t want you to leave” Luna said against his back, failing to see the smile which he quickly mask.

He turn towards her, tilting her chin up so she can look at him.

“Dumb dumb. That’s what people call love” he tease lightly.

“Really?” She asked and he nodded.

“You are really naive for someone who had a boyfriend once”

“Maybe what I felt for Matteo wasn’t real” Luna said, smiling up at him.

“But what you feel for me is real and will forever be” He added lightly, kissing her forehead.

“Shall we kiss and make up then” Luna suggested and he wasted no time in locking lips with hers.

The kiss intensified as Enzo began to back them both into the gym not breaking the kiss.

When they were in, he shut the door on the outside world, leaving them both in a world of bliss and ecstacy.


“Read me another one” Lucas said sweetly.

Letting both his parents stare at each other on top of his head.

Mariano and Camila had been looking forward to their night together when Lucas had shown up, wanting to spend the night with them.

They let him stay with them hoping he will sleep early so they could sneak him back to his room but for the past three hours, he’s been begging them to read him more stories, his eyes as bright like a diamond.

“Don’t you think it’s time for you to sleep?” Mariano asked when Camila turn the page to read him another story.

“I don’t have to sleep early since I don’t go to school” Lucas replied.

“About that. I will have Alexis desk with it, it’s time you start going to school”

“Why Daddy? So you can be alone with Mommy?” Lucas said suddenly, giving his father a suspicious look.

“Is that a bad thing?” Mariano ask in return.

“Yes! Since mommy is mine” Lucas yell and hug Camila.

“Hey, your mommy is mine not yours. When you grow up and get married then you can call that woman yours ” Mariano said pulling him out of Camila arms to tickle him.

Camila kept laughing due to the way the two most precious people in her life were being possessive of her.

“Stop tickling me, daddy. Why don’t we just let mommy decide. Who do you love more?” Lucas said and he and Mariano eagerly wait for a reply.

“How can I choose between…”

“You need to choose someone, mommy” Lucas insist.

“Fine then. If am to choose someone that will be the both of you. I love you both equally and as long as we are together, I will keep loving you” Camila said pulling Lucas into her arms and kissing Mariano on the lips.

“Now let’s turn off the lights and try to get some sleep” Camila said and In no time, the three were cuddled together on the bed, asleep.

“Where could she be?” Lenora said to no in particular.

She got to Bianca room and was about opening the door when she heard Mõ@ɲs coming from inside.

“Yes! Yes! Yes! Give it to me Paolo. Don’t stop, don’t stop” Bianca kept screaming and Paolo grind her hole.

Lenora left the door, heading back to her own room to spend the night alone since she’s the only one in the castle without a lover.

“It’s going to be a long lonely night. Wish I had a lover too” she muttered, heading to her room……


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