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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE MAFIA HEIR – Episode 33 & 34

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“You don’t mean that ” A stupefied Bianca said, starring down at Mariano whose eyes never left Camila.

“You’ve known me for a long time, Bianca. Do I ever say things I don’t mean?” Mariano directed the question at her.

“B…but you said you won’t ever fall in love? You said so and I believed you…I”

“Enough Bianca! I said so in the past but I ended up falling in love with my wife. So it’s best you stop thinking that something will ever happen between us again”

“I only want my wife and will only want her and also…from now on, I want you to give her the respect she deserves as the boss lady of this castle, do I make myself clear” Mariano asked and she nodded, choking back the tears that thr_@ten to spill before rushing out of the room.

Camila didn’t know why she suddenly felt sorry for her. Bianca would never have been too attach to him if he hadn’t lead her on…she thought and pulled her hand out of his.

“Are you okay? Do you need me to get anything for you?”

“What I need you to do now is to leave me alone” Camila said gruffly.

“I can’t believe that you will stoop low as to lie about being in love with me just to end things with your mistress” she yelled at him.

“So you think am lying?”

“I don’t think it, I know you are lying. Right from the moment we met, you’ve always h@ťěd me and your hatred for me turned worse when you knew about Lucas. Even when you married me, it was because you were angry and wanted to get back at me for disobeying you”

“You’ve shown me how much you h@ťě me and now…out of nowhere, you claim to love me? Do you really think am a fool?” She demanded.

“Right now, I think you are a fool. Cause you can’t tell how serious I am about you” Mariano yelled at her in return.

“For the first time in my life, am finally in love with someone but she thinks am lying” he added angrily and left the room.

Enzo pulled away from Luna to take a deep breath.

He only wanted to get Matteo off her back which is why he kissed her but what he didn’t expect is that he will end up wanting more.

He has always wondered what kissing Luna will taste like and now he knows.

It’s dynamite.

“Enzo” Luna called, starring at him with her cute eyes while her swollen lips kept tempting him.

Not being able to resist, he kissed her again and Luna didn’t hold back, neither did she push him away, instead she pulled him close, kissing him as fiercely as he was kissing her.

“Well, well, well. If it isn’t the duck” Lenora said suddenly and they both pulled away from each other.

“When Matteo told me that you found out the truth and broke up with him, I wonder why since I thought that a loser like you will keep pinning for a cheater since he’s the only one attracted to you but it seems like, Enzo here has taken the place” Lenora mock.

“Lenora its…”

“Let me handle this, Enzo ” Luna said, stopping him from saying a word.

” Handle it by doing…Argh!” Lenora let out a scream when Luna slap her not once but thrice.

“Are you crazy!”

“Slutty Ɓîtçh! Were you that desperate to get a man that you went for a duck’s man?” Luna yelled at her.

“You know. I really admired you and Bianca in the past but after finding out about your sinful ways, I realize that you are nothing but a tramp seeking for attention”

“How dare you!”

“How dare you too! Just because I don’t talk doesn’t mean am a fool. You knew Matteo was with me but you chose to seduce him which is why I left him to you, do wh@ťěver you want and In exchange stay out of my sight” Luna yelled, leaving her standing with her mouth wide open.

Luna was about to leave when she turn to her again.

“And for the record, am not a slut like you. I don’t go around stealing people’s boyfriend. Enzo is my boyfriend, get that into that tiny head of yours” Luna said and taking hold of Enzo outstretch hand, they both left.

“I so much h@ťě her! I h@ťě her so much and I swear to make her pay for this humiliation” Lenora swore to herself.


Cora stood in front of Alexis room wondering if she should go in or not but after hesitating a little more, she decided to go in.

“Am coming in, Alexis ” she said at the door way and went in.

He was asleep.

He layed on the bed without a shirt and she’s sure that he’s naked underneath the bed sheet.

She only wanted to ask him why he behaved that way earlier but she will have to wait until tomorrow.

She was about to leave when she went back to his bed side and pulled the sheets over his bare chest.

Cora found herself wondering why he looks so handsome even in his sleep.

She shook her head to ward off the crazy thoughts going through her mind. She turned away, wanting to leave but he caught hold of her hand and pulled her into the bed.

And he didn’t waste time to pin her on the bed with his body.

“Alexis” it came out as a whisper.

“You really are asking for trouble. Why are you here?” Alexis asked, starring down at her.

“I…I was worried. You were angry when you left a while ago, I wanted to know what’s wrong but then you were asleep and I didn’t want to….” Cora words were left hanging when he suddenly kissed her.

He move back to stare at her and she kept blinking like a doll too stun for words.

“You really want to know why I was pissed earlier?” He asked, smiling slightly.

“I also don’t know why but what I do know is that I don’t like you being around any other guy” he added softly.

“But I have male friends, friends who are close and….”

“Cut ties with them” he breathe down her ear making shivers run down her spine.

“They are my friends and I don’t tell you to cut ties with your female friends”

“Just one word from you will get me cutting them off completely” Alexis said.

“I don’t think you know what you are saying, Alexis” Cora said trying to get up but he got her under him using the sheets to cover their body.

“I do know what am saying. I don’t know how you did it but you’ve got me intoxicated. All I see and want is you” Alexis revealed.

“Then we’ve got to find a way to stop it. We are only in a fake relationship and so, we’ve got to stop you from feeling this way. What do I need to do?” Cora asked.

“You only have to…take off your clothes and let me make sweet love to you my tesoro (sweetheart) ” Alexis whispered into her ears naughtily.


“oh my gawd, am cumming! ” Bianca kept screaming as Paolo kept grinding her wet hole.

“$h|t! $h|t! $h|t” Bianca cried out as she finally Com while Paolo did the same too.

They both layed back on the bed, breathing heavily.

“This is the first time you will come to my room just to ask for a f-__-k” Paolo said, lighting a cigar.

“That’s because I need to forget” Bianca replied, taking a cigarette from him so she can light it.

“Forget what?” Paolo asked and Bianca couldn’t help but to tell him what transpired in Camila’s room.

“After years of being his f-__-k mate, he decided to discard me all for that tramp!” Bianca let out in anger.

“You were foolish enough to think that the boss will fall in love with you, you should have had more sense” Paolo mocked.

“I knew it okay! But I thought…I thought I could get him to love me” Bianca said truthfully.

“Now that he has told you himself, you will give up, right?”

“Never! Mariano is mine, I saw him first, I loved him first and I will be the one to have him at the end” Bianca said fiercely.

“Then, I wish you luck. I have a lot on my …”

“I need your help, Paolo” Bianca said suddenly.

“If you are asking me to help you with the boss then it’s best you count me out”

“If you help me, am willing to help you with that maid you are trying to get. Isn’t her name, Cora?” Bianca asked, earning his interest.

“How did you know about Cora?”

“I have my ways. What do you say we work together, I can help you with wh@ťěver you want while you help me too” Bianca suggest.

“Tell me about your plan ” Paolo said as he sat up right.

“In a few days, we will be celebrating Mariano’s birthday and like always, we will have a party thrown for him and…..”


A slap on the cheek woke a sleeping Matteo.

He open his eyes to find himself in an unknown room with four to five men in it.

“Who are you and why are you messing with me?” He yelled at them.

“We are your saviour, Matteo ” Lilo walk out of the a darken room to stand in front of him.

“Aren’t you the leader of The devil’s clan?” Matteo asked.

“It isn’t the devil’s clan but thy devils and also, am not the leader” Lilo said.

“Just like you, I get orders from the boss and you wanna know something funny. My boss is part of your group acting as a spy” Lilo added.

“There’s a spy amongst us?” Matteo cried out.

Lilo nodded.

“Why the hell are you telling me this? Aren’t you scared that when I return, I will tell everything to my boss?” Matteo yelled at him.

“I know you are likely to do that but I doubt you will after seeing this” Lilo said as one of his men brought forth a briefcase which has money filled in it.

Matteo eyes widened with greed as he stared at the money.

“Work with us to destroy Mariano and get to earn all this money, what do you say?” Lilo propositioned him.


Cesare made way to Mariano’s office, he stood at the door way wondering if he should go in when he heard Stephan voice.

“It’s your birthday soon boss, will you be celebrating it in style as you’ve always done?”

“I don’t think so” Mariano replied.

“But why? We’ve always celebrated it in a grand way”

“I know but this time I have something special in mind”

“Which is?” Stephan insist.

“To ask Camila to marry me again and this time, I will make it right for the both of us. A grand church wedding” Mariano said and while Stephan couldn’t stop congratulating him.

Cesare who had heard everything, tighten his fist in anger and left the front door…..


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