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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE LOVE LETTER – Episode 21 & 22

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“Put me down, Clifford. I know you are angry but we should talk and…”

“There won’t be any talking at all tonight” he said gruffly as he open a door.

He walk into his room and drop her on the bed before going back to the door to bolt it.

She stared at him as he made way towards her.

“Clifford you need to…” Her words were left unsaid, when he pulled her into his arms, forcing a brutal kiss on her.

Susie was still reeling from the kiss when he began trailing kisses down her neck, while pulling her close to him making her feel his erection.

“Clifford” Susie called again wanting him to stop, since he was hurting her but Clifford was past listening.

He push her back on the bed and tore off his shirt not concerned about the buttons.

He was on top of her, kissing and touching every inch of her body.

“If you were willing to lie to me then you are very much willing to give yourself to me” he whisper into her ear.

“Not like this Clifford. You are hurting me, let me go, please” she choke out and that got him starring at her.

When he saw the tears glistening her eyes, he got off of her quickly.

She sat up and watch him move towards the window sill to stare at the dark sky.

“Get out” he said suddenly.

Susie thought she had heard wrong at first but when he said it again, she quickly dash out of the room.

Running out of the house and far away from him.


Martha slowly walk into the stadium, looking for Adrian.

She was about to call him when a bald man approach her.

“You must be Miss Martha right? Hi, Am Adrian’s coach and he told me to be on standby so I can take you to a seat ” Adrian coach said.

“Where’s Adrian?” Martha asked.

“Down there, he’s amongst those playing” the coach said, pointing towards the men on the field.

Martha followed his coach to where he was seated with some officials.

“Though it’s a friendly match, some important people are here to watch Adrian play and so…I have to stay with them”

“No problem. I can wait, just go do your thing” Martha said and immediately, he went to join some men seated at the front row.

Martha pulled off her coat and found her gaze following Adrian as he run around the field and in no time, he score a goal and another and another, bringing his team to victory.

“That’s why they call him the football king” Martha muttered, impress by his ski||s.

She watch him talking with his coach and the men from earlier but the minute he saw her, he quickly excuse himself.

“When did you arrive?” Adrian asked.

“Half an hour ago”

“I told that baldie to let me know the moment you arrive!” he muttered, grinding his teeth while starring at his coach.

“He didn’t tell you of my arrival because you were busy on the field. No coach would want his player distracted” Martha said to him.

“And besides, if you hadn’t force me into coming here, I wouldn’t have been kept waiting ” she added.

“You left me no choice. You keep rebuffing me and my advances. You know you are the reason why am paying for those kids trip ”

“A trip which you’ve said I must go by force” she said.

“Yup. I will definitely make that our first date together, make sure you dress pretty ” He said smiling.

“Adrian how…”

“No no! I know you are about to say something negative, so let’s save it for some other time and let me sign the document you’ve brought. If you’ve notice, am in a good mood today” he said quickly.

“You sure are but then, I can’t save it for later. Can I ask how old you are?” Martha asked suddenly.

“Twenty nine” Adrian replied.

“And am Thirty four. There’s a four year gap between us and that’s not all, while you are single without any responsibility, I have a daughter to take care of ”

“So wh@ťěver you have in mind for us should stop. I don’t see myself getting involve with anyone ever again” Martha said, starring at him intently.

“You know you are the first person am around to never complain about how sweaty and smelly I am, why?” He asked suddenly.

“I see nothing wrong with that? Everyone sweat and… what’s funny?”

“We think alike Martha and I once said to myself, once I meet a woman who doesn’t see my sweat as a problem, I will make her mine immediately”

“So my dearest Martha. I don’t care about our age difference, all I care about is you and your daughter who I want to be a father to. That’s if you let me” Adrian said, starring at her.


It was a very busy day at the hotel and while everyone went to do their thing.

Susie could be seen running around, collecting tie from her male colleagues.

She was still running around when she almost run into Stanley.

“Good I ran into…”

“Not now Stanley. Can you give me your tie” Susie asked and he pulled it off for her.

She dashed off with it and got to the lobby to see their talian guest still waiting.

“I don’t know if any of this would work” Susie said in Italian.

“It will” the Italian said picking one which match his shirt.

“Thanks a lot, I really appreciate” the Italian said, thanking her over and over again.

When he left, she was using her hand to clean her sweat when someone wipe off the sweat, she turn to see that it’s Stanley.

“That was a great thing you did there” Stanley said.

“I just wanted to help him. He was finding it hard communicating with the receptionist and he needed to wear a tie to his presentation since he said it’s something of a lucky charm to him and so….” She shrug, stretching her hand which had a lot of tie on it.

“And before I forget, here’s your tie sir” she said handing him his tie which he put on immediately.

“I’d better return this to their…”

“Can you help me with this” Stanley said, referring to his tie.

She move towards him to set the tie right and she failed to see the way Stanley was starring at her and some paces away stood Clifford watching them too.

“Good afternoon Mr Knight”

On hearing that, Susie let go of Stanley to see Clifford watching them with h@ťě and anger.

She recoil at the smirk he gave before walking off.

“Judging by that look he gave, nothing has been resolved, right?” Stanley asked.

“He will never forgive me” Susie said watching his retreating figure while thinking about what went on between them the other night.

To be honest, a part of her had been thrilled by Clifford dominance but she knew that they would both regret it which is why she stopped what happen last night.

If he had taken her in anger, he would never have forgiven her and she would never have forgiven herself.

“I need to get this back to their owners” Susie said quickly, leaving Stanley there.


Susie was having lunch with her friends when a superior told her that the boss is looking for her.

She thought it was Stanley but when her superior made it clear that it was the big boss.

Susie heart began to pound fast, wondering why he called for her.

The elevator door slid open and she walk out of it, feeling frighten and curious at the same time.

“You may go in” his secretary said to her when she confirm her appointment.

Susie knock briefly on the door before going in. He was standing with his back turn to her, starring through the outside world through his show window.

“Am giving you an hour to pack up few of your things ” he said, turning to stare at her.

“Are you firing me?” Susie asked quickly.

“Don’t get ahead of yourself. Am not done talking” he said and she gave a nod.

“Like I said, am giving you an hour to pack up your things and meet me at the airport. We are going on a trip together” He added.

“A trip?”

“You heard right, pack up your things and meet me at the airport In an hour time and also bring along your pass port and other documents. It’s very important” he said to her, turning his back on her once again.


“Who do you think you are? Let go of me!” Kate kept screaming as she was roughly pulled into the room by two men.

“Who sent you, ugh! Is it Susie? Is she doing this to get back at me!” Susie yelled at them.

“I sent them” Nina said as she cat walk in.

“Mi…miss Nina” Kate called in fear.

“That’s right, it is Nina and it’s time you pay for meddling in something that doesn’t concern you” Nina said.

“No! No! Don’t ki|| me, I will do anything you want me to do. Just don’t hurt me” Kate begged.

“You will do anything I want you to do, right?” Nina asked as a thought occured to her.

“Yes, I swear. I will do wh@ťěver you ask of me” Kate said quickly.

“Then I have a job for you and you must do it right or I will make you pay with your miserable life!” Nina said as Kate kept shaking her head like a rag doll.


“Welcome, Mr Knight ” the air hostess in charge of his private plane greeted, as she made way for him and an impress Susie to walk in.

The air hostess left to check on the pilot and while Clifford seated himself to get busy with work, Susie kept starring around her.

“Stop looking and take a seat” he said impatiently.

“Am sorry, have never been in a private….”

“Then I suggest you start getting use to it cause you will be travelling in it every day” Clifford said.

Susie nodded.

She sat on the posh seat thinking about what he meant by her using the plane frequently when he asked.

“Where are the document I told you to bring?”

“It’s here. I brought everything, up to my birth certificate since you said it’s important” Susie said,giving him the document.

She watch him put it into his briefcase before asking.

“By the way why do you need those document?”

“Why else? If we are getting married, we will need to have such document in hand ” he said suddenly.

“What did you just say?”

➳ TBC ➳💙🤍🧡

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