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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE LOVE LETTER – Episode 15 & 16

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“You said what?” Stanley question, starring at Kate.

“I said that I mistakenly sent the letter Susie wrote to you to Clifford. It was a love letter confessing her love for you and I got so excited and insisted on sending it for her but then…things got messy and it ended up with the boss” Kate lied.

“Am sorry, I didn’t mean for things to go wrong, I was only trying to help her because she’s shy but then….the worst part of it all is that Clifford thinks her to be in love with him when she obviously loves you” Kate added, making a sad face.

“Why are you telling me this?” A stunned Stanley spoke up after digesting the whole info.

“I don’t want her regretting her choice. It’s you she loves but she keeps going out with Clifford” Kate told him.

She watched him try to hold back her anger and Kate did her best not to laugh.

“Thanks for telling this to me, I really appreciate” He said and after paying the bill, he left the room.

‘I don’t want your appreciation. What I want is for you to butt into their relationship. Susie doesn’t deserve a man like Clifford and I will make sure she ends up with none of you’

Kate thought as she kept sipping her drink in utter joy.


Martha left the bathroom while reading her message.





Another message pop on her screen but she immediately switch it off.

What the hell did he take her for? They had only met when he brought his nephew Ben to school and nothing else.

She had remember talking to him briefly, so how on earth did he even get her number?

“Teacher Martha, the meeting is about to begin” one of the teacher said and immediately, she went into the meeting room.

The little room was filled up with parents who had come for the meeting.

The principal was talking and so, she went to seat at the teacher roll.

“Now, would anyone of you like to make a suggestion on where you would want the children yearly trip to take place?” The principal asked and while the parents talked amongst themselves, someone stood up claiming everyone attention.

“I’d like to make a proposition” Adrian said.

Martha was shocked to see him in the room.

“Why don’t we take the children to visit the zoo. Have been going to the brochure and I never once read a trip to the zoo”

“We’ve been exempting the zoo because we think it’s dangerous and it’s a lot more expensive” the principal said.

“Dangerous? With the wild animals in a cage. Don’t worry, the zoo is a safe place to visit and about the expense, I will be shouldering it all” he said earning other parents respect in a minute.

“Really? You really would shoulder it all?” The principal asked.

“I will as long as all the teachers attend this trip and when I say all the teachers, I mean all of them” Adrian said easily spotting Martha where she sat starring at him.


“Do I really have to come here with you?” Susie asked Clifford as he stopped the car in front of the new hotel.

“Why? Don’t you like it?”

“It’s not that I don’t like it but there are people around and they will surely gossip about us and I don’t want that. I will be working here and….” Her words were left hanging when he suddenly got out of the car, coming to her own side of the car to open the door.

He pulled her down when she hesitated, she was about hiding her face against his chest when he took hold of it.

“I invited you here to keep me company and I don’t care what anyone say. You are my woman and if someone dares to hurt you with his or her word, they will have me to face” he said, looking very serious.

Susie didn’t know why but after hearing his words, she felt safe and secure and a smile tilt her lips as she took hold of his hand.

“Am very happy to know that you care about me but still….can I be introduce to everyone as your Secretary?” She asked and he sighed.

“Fine then” he said looking more cute than ever.

She followed him into the building, standing behind him like a dutiful secretary while he address some of the staff already working there.

“Sorry to intrude sir but there’s an executive that wants to see you in private” one of the staff said.

After insisting that she will be fine on her own, Clifford went to speak with the executive.

She was alone in the garden, enjoying the view when she heard someone footstep.

“That was fast…” Her words trail off when she saw Stanley standing a few feet away from her.

Before she could say another word, he walk towards her and pulled her into his arms.


“Why didn’t you tell me? Why did you never tell me about your feelings?” He asked cutting her off.

She pulled away, starring at him in shock.

“I spoke with Kate this afternoon and she told me everything. She told me about the letter and that it was meant for me but it ended up with Clifford” He said, his gaze full of love.

“Is there somewhere private we can talk” Susie asked and a while later, she was led into one of the empty rooms.

“Tell me what’s going on? Why are you pretending to be in love with Clifford when it’s me you love?” Stanley demanded.

“It’s a little complicated. When I found out the letter got to the wrong person, I tried to tell him but then Nina and Crystal stopped me. They told me Clifford has cancer and that he’s going to die” Susie said confusing Stanley.

“Hang on. Clifford has cancer and he’s dying? ” He asked and she gave a nod.

“Clifford didn’t want anyone knowing but Crystal and Nina were forced to tell me and they think that it’s because of me Clifford gets to spend the rest of his time happily and I want to help. If I can make him happy during the few days he has left then I definitely will ”

“So you will keep pretending to be in love with him when it’s me you love? I can’t accept that!” Stanley said, pulling her into his arms to give her a tight hug but she pulled away.

“You don’t have to accept cause it’s what have decided to do”

“What about me? How do you think I will feel seeing you with Clifford or don’t you love me cause am crazy about you” Stanley revealed.

If he had said this words to her few weeks ago, she would have been so happy but right now…

“Aren’t you going to answer me?” Stanley demanded cutting into her reverie.

“Am sorry but I can’t give you the answer you want. It’s all confusing for me…am sorry” Susie said and walk past him, leaving the room.

Stanley stood still, thinking about the things she said and suddenly, he clench his fist in anger.

Taking out his phone, he dialled a familiar number.

An hour later, Stanley could be seen entering the first Knight hotel.

He made way to a room and after knocking briefly, the door open to reveal Nina.

“Hello, Stan….” Nina’s greeting was cut off when he walk past her and into the suite room.

Judging the look on his face, she could tell that he was angry.

“What’s wrong? Are you still angry about my confession to you?” Nina asked sadly.

When she got his call, she had thought that he was going to give her answer about her confession and she had been waiting for him eagerly.

She didn’t expect him to be that angry about it.

“Why the hell did you lie to Susie? I for one know that there’s nothing wrong with Clifford? So why lie to her that he has cancer!” He yelled at her.


“You knew about the letter. That was why you were looking for Kate that day, you knew it was meant for me but you and your grandma convinced Susie to lie to Clifford. What were you both thinking when you made that decision? It wouldn’t just be hard on Susie but it will be hard on Clifford when he knows the truth!”

“Am sorry. We only did it thinking of Clifford and….”

“And no one else. You didn’t think of Susie and neither did you think of me and yet you claim you love me? You wouldn’t hurt the person you love, right?” He asked as a tear slid down Nina’s cheek.

He began to set off and when Nina tried to stop him, he pulled away from her.

“Am only giving you a day to set things in order. If you don’t, I will tell Clifford everything myself. I won’t let him take the woman I love from me, never!” He screamed at her and stormed out of the room.


” I had this suite prepared for the family. I always make sure there’s an extra suite for the family use. I left the designer in charge of the deco but somehow, I don’t like it. What do you think ?” Clifford asked and when he got no reply, he turned to see Susie deep in thought.

“Back to earth, girl” he teased, pinching her cheek lightly.

“That hurts” she said and immediately, he kissed her cheek, ridding her of the pain.

“What was that for?” A surprised Susie asked holding her cheek while blushing to the roots.

“You said it hurts and besides what are you thinking about? It must be troubling you” he said and she made a sad face while thinking about Stanley but then, she put on a smile and said.

“I was thinking about the upcoming interview. Being a courier means you’ve got to smile a lot and have been practicing. I stand in front of the mirror at night wondering what smile would make the interviewers fall for me? What do you think about this?”

Susie stood away from him and gave him one of her most cutest smile.

When he stood still watching her, she decided to change it.

“What about an angelic smile? People tell me I look angelic when I smile like this?” She said, smiling again.

“Gawd knows that have tried but I can’t take it anymore” He said as he pulled her into his arms.

He lean in and capture her mouth in his.

Susie was stunned by this action of his and her attempt to pull away was easily overpowered by him.

She had no choice but to give in to his cool, demanding kisses.

She close her eyes and wrap her arms around him, enjoying the way he plunge into her cool depths, how he suck and lick her lips before claiming lips again.

Never has she been kissed this way before.

He pulled away to give them time to take in deep breath.

“It’s just like have imagine….mind-blowing” he said, kissing her lightly on cheek.

At that moment his phone rang and while he went to answer, Susie went into the rest room to calm her racing heart.

When she was sure she could face him, she went back to the sitting room and saw him seated, starring blankly at his phone.

Susie could feel that something is wrong.

“I just got a call from Kate, remember her?” Clifford suddenly said and at that moment, her heart began to pound hard.


“She said you’ve been lying to me. Is it true? Is there something you are keeping from me, Susie?” He asked, watching her intently…..

➳ TBC ➳💙🤍🧡

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