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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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This was not the first time they had done things like this, but this was the first time he tried to ki|| her. She saw that murderous look in his eyes and if she hadn’t yelped, Mõ@ɲed, and whimpered, he would have ended her life right there and then.
Damien pulled her back to the floor and hugged her. His anger had subsided and he was now clear-headed but that smile was still hard to come by.

“You can’t leave yet.” He told her.

“I need a wash. I’m sticky.” She replied, trying to hide her anger.

“I’ll do it for you, but before then, I’m not satisfied.” He pinned her down again and roughly took her for the second time.

“Call me a beast,” he compelled her.

She didn’t want to respond but he was tearing her softness down there. There was no way she wouldn’t bleed after this punishment.

“You are… a beast.” She stopped in between words to catch her breath. Not because she was enjoying it but because she was enduring agony.

“Say it again,” he squeezed her peaches, making her cry out in pain.


“Beg me,” he slapped her chest and continued to torture her until he was done with the second round. Still, he didn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon. After he rested, he continued again, ignoring the blood coming out of her opening.


Some hours later, Emilee had already washed herself and was wearing a bathrobe which Damien pulled open.

She was dead tired and was resting with her head on his lap while his hands were fondling her body.

It seems this was his time to start caressing her but too bad, Emilee didn’t seem to feel anything.

“Get Lela out of Prison tomorrow. She can do anything but Jeslyn must not be touched.”

Emilee slowly opened her weak eyes. “You want her?” She asked.

“Why? You want to ki|| her?” Damien raised a brow.

Emilee kept silent but that didn’t sit well with Damien.

“Don’t make me ask you that again.” His voice turned hard.

“Who am I to deprive my Master of what he wants?” She asked in a weak voice. This was not the time for her to show stubbornness. Damien wouldn’t mind torturing her physically despite how important she was to him, and she needs her mental health to carry out some things in the future.

“Keep an eye on Jeslyn. If she goes missing, you’ll be in trouble”

Emilee nodded. But her mind was planning something more dangerous than what she just went through.

“Meanwhile, activate plan B. It has been brought forward.”

“Yes, Master.”

Damien’s eyes darkened when he thought of his plan B. His plan against Maverick had always been meticulous and successful and he wasn’t doubting this plan either because it was Maverick’s greatest weakness.

Attacking Maverick’s weakness again and again without him knowing, had always been an underhanded method Damien had been using to put Maverick in check. However, he still has one fear.

The day Maverick finds out what he had done to him would be the day Country M might burn to the ground.

That was why Damien made it his last resort but now, he can’t bear it anymore. Wh@ťěver wants to happen should happen.

The next day, Pink was driving on the road when she received a call. She answered it and the other party said some words which made her frown.

A moment later, while she was still on call, she spotted three ladies in front, blocking her lane with a red jeep. The girls were wearing the Yu faction’s uniform. The one in the middle held a man-portable rocket launcher in one hand. From afar, Pink saw who it was.

It was none other than Damien’s number one human weapon; Lela, AKA Queen!

Pink slowed down just in time to witness one of Lela’s girls loading the launcher from behind as Lela placed it on her shoulder.

“$h|t!” Pink cursed and hurriedly turned her car in almost one swift and fluid motion. Her display showed how professional she was behind the wheel.

Lela locked her eyes on her target and said; “Goodbye, buddy,” and released the missile at Pink’s speeding car.

“Warning! Warning! Danger approaching, turn left!”

The car’s custom-made warning system immediately alerted Pink and she did as the system suggested. The missile flew past her car and directly hit an unlucky car, causing the car to explode and some parts somersaulted in the air a few times with different parts flying out of the car and slamming against other cars.

The incident happened too fast for other drivers to react. Some of them couldn’t stop their cars in time and ended up causing a huge accident on the road. It was so messy that 100 people losing their lives would be a miracle.

“What a lucky b!tch. I expected you not to die so soon anyway. We have scores to settle.” Lela said while watching as Pink’s car moved further away at an unbelievable speed.

“Queen, won’t Master get angry?” One of her girls asked while looking at the scene of cars slamming against each other, while some tumbled, Some caught fire, Some ran into other lanes, and so on. The scene was so disastrous that whoever survives won’t be able to explain how they managed.

“He gave me the freedom to do $h|t. He has no control over what I do. The only exception is Chaos’ wife…. I wonder why he wants her though. If she’s a rare beauty, then I might ask for her hand as payment…. I hope she’s prettier than Jeslyn.” Her face was downcast and longing filled her expression.

She heard the news that Jeslyn was dead and it really pained her. Reason why the minute she got back to the Country, she went after Pink. If not for Pink interfering in prison, she and Jeslyn would have been in a relationship by now.

“Find out who are those that ki||ed Jeslyn. They have to pay.”

“Yes, Queen.”

With that, the three of them got into their car and drove off.

The people of Country M were so frightened by what was going on that even though it was 1:00 PM, the Country looked like midnight. Although the Country is always busy, even at odd hours of the night, on this day, it felt like some ghost swept through.
The only guys that could be spotted outside their houses were bad boys and girls that had already sold their souls to stubbornness and stupidity.

Media houses couldn’t send their reporters out and instead were capturing the happening using drones.

The smell of gunpowder, blood, and sweat traveled some kilometers from the battleground. It wasn’t a battleground some minutes ago. It was a well-established thirty-story building that was razed to the ground by some men in Yu faction’s uniform and Xu faction’s uniform.

It was obvious that the fight was brought to the Xu property by the Yu men.

Dead and wounded men and women of both parties littered the ground.

At another place, a group of ladies. Some wearing Yu faction’s uniform while others were wearing the Lu faction’s uniform, were entangled in a crossfire on the road.

Both parties had cars numbering more than twenty, parked nonchalantly on the roads as they ki||ed each other while hiding behind their cars.

Pink narrowly escaped death some moments ago, so her girls, led by Blue, couldn’t sit and watch Lela make such an audacious move and go scot-free.

The next day, the Xu men took the fight to the Yu property. While the Lu girls went in search of Lela who had pulled herself away from the problem she caused.

Even while all this trouble and disaster were happening, the three Musketeers continued to live their lives like nothing was going on.

At the moment, Maverick was watching the fight on TV, likewise the others.

His lips were curled as he watched the Xu and Yu men ki|| themselves. Although he was also losing some girls, compared to the other two factions, his casualties were nothing.

In this destructive war that lasted for three days, Damien seemed to be the one who lost the most. An inferno would contest with Damien’s raging heart.

Even though he had under him, two bleeding ladies that Emilee brought for him, Damien’s temper was still so high.

“How dare you close your legs!… Bang!” He punched the lady he was s3xing in the face.

One punch turned two, two turned uncountable, until the girl’s face became unrecognizable. He held the girl by the neck in a stronghold and watched with a smile as she struggled for life until she took her last breath.

“Who is there?! Drag her body out! She’s useless!!” He got off the dead girl and sat on a sofa. He picked up a cigar and placed it in his mouth, then waited for someone to come in.

Emilee walked in and headed straight to the bed to get rid of the dead girl.

“Master, I think you should take a break. This is the tenth girl who died under you in three days. If news gets out, you’ll have more trouble to deal with…”

“Shut up!” Damien threw a glass cup at her in a fit of rage. “Who sent me those worthless girls?! Was that not you? Why did you send them instead of offering yourself?!!”

“Master, I’m wounded and I’ll only be…” Emilee stopped talking when she saw the intense glare he was giving her.

“I’ll send Doris over.”

“I want you…. Strip, now!”

Emilee suspected this would happen. Good thing she was prepared. She took a deep breath. “The organization wants to speak with you.”

“f_ck you all!!!!”

Emilee discreetly rolled her eyes and carried the dead girl away. She might be his subject, she might be his calming pill, she might be his torture tool, but she was certainly smarter than him when he was angry.

Damien is smart, very smart. He is the smartest person among the three Musketeers and his schemes are very deep. When he plots to ruin a person, it doesn’t matter if he would only be getting the result in years. He loves to see people live their lives, not knowing they were only moving according to how he wants them to move.

He is so perfect to the extent that even Apha Chaos fell prey to Damien’s schemes time and time again.

Despite how great Damien seems to be, he becomes stupid when he’s angry. Which is why he rarely gets angry.

These days that Maverick had been causing him so much trouble, Damien had become unstable and could no longer make the right decisions. Emilee on the other hand, who knew that Damien was courting death with his decisions wouldn’t tell him so. Reason? Well, who wouldn’t want to be a boss?

“You gave me a week, didn’t you? Why are you still bothering me?!” Damien snapped at the person on the phone.

“Why have you provoked Chaos?”

“Who said I did?! That bastard attacked me without reason. How are you blaming me?!”

“He wouldn’t start a fight if you did nothing to him. I sent you a document. You might find your answers there. End this mess you created because if Chaos ki||s you, the brotherhood won’t avenge you. Your brother seems to be a better candidate. The brotherhood will watch you for four more days. Until then, Goodluck!”

“Beep. Beep. Beep!”

“Reuben, it seems I have kept you alive for too long. You have started to thr_@ten my position and I can’t allow that, never!” Damien’s face turned sinister as he grabbed the phone tightly in his fist.

A while later, Damien could be seen staring at his laptop with a slight frown. How did Chaos get this? He destroyed the evidence.

“Emilee….” He gritted his teeth as he grabbed his phone and called the b!tch. “Get your a** in here!”

A few moments later, Emilee walked in gracefully in a black mini gown and red heels. Her long hair was let down and her face was caked in makeup. She looked gorgeous.

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