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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Never in a million years would she have thought that Maverick, whom she’s helping to take care of his son for six years, would pass such judgment on her.

She couldn’t believe that she would be this humiliated in front of so many guards and maids, especially this vixen she h@ťěd so much.

She couldn’t believe that the man she had known and wanted for so many years would do this to her.

The time she wasted, the care she gave that rotten child, the suffering she went through learning how to care for kids, the humiliation she got from his sister whom he refused to announce to the world, and the embarrassment she got from his mother. This is how he paid her in return?!

For all her sacrifices, this is Maverick’s decision?

She felt like she was dreaming, so she balled her hand in a tight fist until her manicured nails dug into her palm.

The pain pulled her sense back to reality and her eyes slowly turned watery.

Seeing number 2 striding towards her, Mulan shook her head fiercely and asked in disbelief,

“Ma– Maverick, wh– what are you saying?”

Number 2 walked to her and grabbed hold of her forearm and started to drag her towards her red car, parked a distance away.

Mulan panicked. “W– what are you doing?! Maverick, what are you doing?! Let me go!” She struggled against him but it was futile.

“Maverick, Maverick, you cannot do this to me, please don’t separate me from Valen, please, I’m sorry, Maverick!!” Mulan screamed hysterically while being dragged away.

Seeing how miserable Mulan looked, Jeslyn chuckled. Her reaction made Mulan remember she was still there.

Mulan turned to her with unconcealed rage in her eyes. If looks could ki||, Jeslyn would have fallen dead with her intestines spewed everywhere. “Jeslyn, you’ll pay for this, I’ll make sure you beg for death but will never see it. I’ll ruin you Jeslyn, bet me, I will!!”

“Hahahaha… I can’t wait, nanny Mulan. But make sure to wear something decent while at it. I might just choose to pull your clothes while we are fighting in the future. Hahaha…”

Jeslyn was having a nice laugh while Mulan was hyperventilating in fury.

She turned to look towards where Valen was. Seeing him sitting and looking in her direction, she screamed, “Valen! Child, please save me!”

Valen just sat there and didn’t move. He watched as she was dragged and pushed into her red car. Number 2 got into the driver’s seat and zoomed out of the compound.

Jeslyn waved at the car with a broad smile while yelling, “byeeeeeee… I’ll take proper care of Valen and he won’t miss you for a single minute!”

Maverick, who was about to get into his black car, paused in his steps and turned his head to look at the excited Jeslyn.

He stared at her side profile for a long while before he turned and entered his car.

Valen, who was by the pool, shifted his gaze to rest on Jeslyn. He narrowed his eyes at her.

Jeslyn on the other hand happened to spot Valen looking towards her and she curled her lips into a wicked smile.

She snorted and started to walk in the pool’s direction.

“Little child, what you did earlier was bad and I expect an apology from you.”

Jeslyn uttered when she got close enough for Valen to hear her without having to shout it to him.

Valen rolled his eyes and scoffed.

Jeslyn sighed. “This is not good behavior and as your elder, I order you to apologize to me.” She tried to sound reasonable and also to maintain a stern voice to not appear like she was coaxing him.

Valen got up from the lounge chair and faced Jeslyn while saying:

“Listen, lady, your nagging is irritating. Do well to ignore me and I’ll do the same if you want us to live in peace under the same roof.”

Jeslyn was taken aback for a brief moment before laughing. “Ooohooo, someone wants peace. But no darling, you can’t have peace without being your age and being respectful to–”

“Do you think you deserve respect after what you did?!” He yelled.

“Ah? Oh? You mean… the nanny?” Jeslyn pointed a finger backward.

“She’s not a nanny!”

“Then, is she your mum?”

Valen knitted his brows and refused to answer.

“Tch, I thought as much. She’s not your mum, she’s not your aunt, she’s not your sister, not a helper, not your teacher, but your nanny. Let that stick to your big skull.” Jeslyn tapped her temple in a demonstration.

“I said, she. Is. Not. A. Nanny!” He roared. His little face turned red.

“So, why then did you ignore her plea? Aren’t you a demi devil whom people feared? Even your father gives in to you, so why were you mute about her plight?” Jeslyn asked with a brow raised.

Valen stayed silent for a while with his brows knitted. How could he help her? He might be a little demon, but his father was the real deal.

Valen knows when he should get involved with his father’s business and it was certainly not the right thing to get himself into a mess by going out to rescue that woman.

Besides, his feelings for Mulan aren’t that great to consider her an important person to fight for. Also, she should have known better than to offend her boss.

“Why aren’t you saying anything?”

Hearing Jeslyn’s words, Valen raised his head, still, he couldn’t get a proper view of that beautiful and cute face, “it’s none of your business.” He enunciated before walking back to the lounge chair.

Jeslyn’s lips twitched. This child…

She narrowed her eyes at his small statue, thinking of what to do to him when she heard the sound of a car zooming into the compound.

She instinctively turned to look at who had arrived. Jeslyn didn’t think it was Maverick because he just left and it shouldn’t be Rex either because he said he was traveling two days ago.

Looking at the black car that drove straight to the parking lot, she waited for the person to come out.

A while later, someone did. A woman in a black suit.

Just when Jeslyn was about to turn around to ‘bully’ the little demon again, the woman turned towards her. The distance was far, but it was enough to see a vague figure of a person and what they were wearing.

The woman had a head of multicolored hair, with pink outline, just like Pink.

Jeslyn froze and her mind traveled back to the prison and reminisced a little of the memories she created with those two in jail.

“Pink?” She murmured in a trance.

The person looking at her from the other end didn’t look like pink… or, it wasn’t clear what she was seeing because the person had black shades on.

While she was trying to figure out or compare the person to pink, the other door opened and another lady got out.

She was a little taller than the pink-haired lady and she had on the same black suit and black shades, but her hair was blue.

Jeslyn’s excited heart diminished and she sighed. How could she think they’ll be Pink and Yellow?

“d@mn me,” she uttered… a little aloud.

“Certainly,” the answer was filled with malice.

Who else but the little demon would say that?

“You little creature, pray that I don’t sell you off one day.”

“You can try,” he scoffed.

Jeslyn stared speechlessly at the little child who was also daringly staring back at her.

‘What should I do, that would hurt this child? He needs to know that his words are like sharp blades to a person’s heart. Somebody, please tell me!’

While Jeslyn screamed for help in her heart, she approached the child and pulled him up from the lounge chair.

There was only one chair anyway and she was determined to trouble this little vixen. Also, she wouldn’t get another to lie on, since she hasn’t had enough sunbathing.

So, getting Valen off the chair should create a little problem in his heart.

With that thought in mind, Jeslyn smiled and gracefully sat on the lounge chair.

“Woman, if you know what’s good for you, get out of my chair!”

“Meeeooowww… I don’t know what’s good for me, get me out of it.” Jeslyn replied carelessly.

“Ok. If that’s what you want, I’ll give it to you.” The child looked around and called a guard.

On approaching the two, the guard lowered his head, bowing in greeting and also stopping himself from looking at his boss’ segzy wife.

Although, he has been spying on her body since and his little brother has been rebelling against his trousers to be let out.

If Valen would look closely at where the guard’s hand was resting, on the front side of his trousers, he would realize there’s a bulge the guard was trying to hide.

“If you don’t get her out of that chair, I’ll get you in trouble with my dad,” Valen stated as a matter of fact.

The guard furrowed his brow. What does he mean?

Although, this little demon, called Valen, should never be your enemy because you’ll eat a great loss, but then, he has a policy that everyone knows of.

Valen’s room or his belongings MUST never be touched.

He loves his quiet space and h@ťěs noises, especially little ones.

He h@ťěs cute girls and cute animals.

He h@ťěs certain types of food, especially veggies.

Valen h@ťěs for his authority to be challenged, and he certainly wouldn’t keep such a person around or let them stay for long on earth.

Yes, ki||ing. He’d order the person’s death. Although he has only done so a few times to some really annoying people, he hasn’t done any of that to his father’s men.

So hearing that he’d get in trouble when he hasn’t crossed any of Valen’s taboos got the guard lost in thought.

“I have a video of you doing bad things behind my dad’s back. So if you value your life, you should do what I ask you to.”

Upon hearing that, the guard whipped his head up in utter flabbergast…ion.

‘This little brat!’ He screamed in his mind.

Who in country M doesn’t do side jobs as backup plans? Maverick is a ticking time bomb. None knows when he’ll hold them by the forearm and drag them to death, for a crime they committed.

Good examples are Code 4, Pink and Yellow.

Pink is the number one subordinate following Maverick everywhere and knows most of his dealings.

Yellow is one of the subordinates under Pink and also her right-hand woman.

Those two loyal dogs were sent somewhere nobody knows after committing a crime against Maverick. Although the story wasn’t clear.

Some said Pink did an unforgivable thing, some said the master was trying to protect them, and others said they went out on a mission… A lot of rumors keep flying around that even Code two and the others have no idea what the truth is…

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