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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Feeling the coolness of liquid on her pale shiny skin, Jeslyn jolted up in alarm, making the hat fall off in the process. The waist scarf she tied loosely on her waist also came off.

She stood there staring at the little daredevil who had a straight face and was still spraying her water.

Jeslyn took off the white wireless earbuds off her ears and placed them on the table beside her, close to the juice and the phone she received that morning from Maverick.

“Little devil, I have tolerated you enough.” She said through gritted teeth as anger washed over her.

With her bikini dripping water, she wore her slippers on her finely shaped feet with pretty glass nails that looked like they were done recently.

Seeing that things were about to get messy, Valen smirked and threw the hose to the side, waiting for Jeslyn to take the first step before he dashed towards the other side of the pool.

While Jeslyn chased, Valen ran. The two ran around the big pool and also ran through the large compound with Jeslyn screaming for him to ‘stop right there’.

Valen has a small frame, so he was able to navigate through narrow places while Jeslyn had to take the wide parts, causing her to lose the little devil many times.

“I said stop running!” She screamed in anger but who was Valen to listen to her?

The maids couldn’t help snickering or shaking their heads at the big and small figures zooming past them, while the guards had their backs turned and heads lowered, preventing themselves from seeing their Madam’s body.

Who wants their heads to roll?

“What are you doing!!” An angry feminine voice boomed, stopping Jeslyn in her tracks. Valen didn’t stop like Jeslyn, but slowed down and headed towards the pool.

He knew who owned the voice, so why should he care to start explaining himself? Only that foolish woman has a drum of explanation to give.

Mulan took large steps with her heels clicking to stand in front of Jeslyn. Her eyes spitting fire. “What do you think you are doing?”

While asking, her eyes roamed Jeslyn’s body and she almost spewed blood.

How could a person be this gorgeous? Her face was already something she cannot contend with, but now her body too?!

Mulan had thought she had a great body until today. Looking at the well-proportioned peaches that were properly covered by her bra and her flat tummy with a small belly button, Mulan swallowed.

She glanced down at Jeslyn’s straight long legs and bit her lips.

Jeslyn doesn’t have the hourglass figure like Piper, nor does she have the vertical triangle shape like Mulan.

Jeslyn’s shape is what they call the pear body shape. Small bust, thin waist, wide and round hips, full thighs, and beautiful straight legs.

Jeslyn wasn’t fat nor overly skinny, so her body shape fit right where and how it should be, making her drip with segziness.

Mulan felt her throat going dry. She’s a woman… a straight woman for crying out loud! But her heart was racing while looking at the enchanting body. What would happen if Maverick sees this?

Her face darkened at the thought.

“Are you done ogling at my body? Do you like what you see?” Jeslyn asked with a smile.

She knows how beautiful she is, but you see this body of hers and her face, she treasures it like she treasured her grandfather, so she takes proper care of them.

After all, she’s a singer. A profession that places emphasis on an artist’s body.

Even though that was so, Jeslyn was naturally gifted and nothing she eats would make her fat. However, she never slacks off on her morning routine, except now that she is facing crises.

“What nonsense are you wearing?!” Mulan fumed.

“It is called a bikini. Have you never heard of it, seen, or worn it before?” Jeslyn looked at her with distraught.

She just realized now that her waist scarf was gone and her body was still wet from the water spray.

“Why are you wearing something like this in this house?” Mulan asked with a suppressed voice.

“It’s my husband’s house and I wear wh@ťěver I feel like. Do you have a problem with that… laaady?” Jeslyn stretched the word ‘lady’ intentionally to anger Mulan more and she didn’t fail to achieve that.

Mulan was raging but was trying hard to not let it show. The urge to slap the pretty face in front of her was vanquishing her senses.

“There is a man, guards, male servants, and even a child living in this house! Don’t you know that?!” She barked.

“Oh, so you agree now that Valen is a child? While teaching him such atrocious manners, you forgot he’s a child, didn’t you?”

Jeslyn beckoned to a maid standing not far away and ordered her to get her waist scarf.

She was feeling a little shy standing naked in front of so many guards and servants, so she really needed to cover up, after all, that peaÇ0çƙ was truly too young to see her like this, but then, why would she allow Mulan to think she won?

Jeslyn looked around them, all the guards had their heads down and backs turned. Valen was far away and the rotten kid was lying on the lounge, minding his business.

“You see, no one is staring because they know how to respect their master’s wife. Also, when you said ‘ a man’, that’s my husband, right?”

Jeslyn sighed and stretched her hand to pull up Mulan’s black top that was exposing too much of her B-__-bs.

Mulan took a step back. She was caught off guard because Jeslyn was fast.

Jeslyn chuckled before she turned serious, “Lady, you seem to be forgetting something. I’m that ‘man’s’ W. I. F. E… wife.” She spelled the letters.

“Maverick is my HUSBAND, he has every right to see, touch, feel, and eat me. My body is his to admire. It is his to caress, his and his alone. So tell me again, lady, what’s your headache?”

Jeslyn curled her lips into a mocking smile. She was a lady and understood why Mulan seemed to h@ťě her.

Well, she h@ťěs Mulan too for raising Valen like that, so the feeling is mutual and she won’t let a day pass without pulling tears from Mulan’s eyes.

“You might be his ‘wife’, but nobody knows that. If I were you, I’d hide my face in shame and stop calling him my husband.” Mulan scoffed.

“Hmmm… that’s right…” The maid walked back with the scarf. Jeslyn took the scarf from the maid and started to tie it around her waist while saying, “…The world might not know me to be his wife but the important people in his life do. Even a nanny like you does, so that’s already a good announcement.
Maverick and I don’t need the world to get married or approve our union.” Jeslyn beamed.


“Don’t bother with your incessant talks. If you aren’t tired, I am… by the way, isn’t it too early to come to a house with a newly wedded couple? You should leave. My husband, son, brother-in-law, and I want to have the day all to ourselves and bond over breakfast.
Also… ” Jeslyn smiled shyly. “He was…” She lowered her voice and leaned towards Mulan. “godly in bed. Very hot and he made me scream his name all through.”

Mulan’s face paled and her eyes shut open in disbelief.

“H– he, he, he, y– you…” Mulan stammered on without knowing the proper words to say.

“Hmm…” Jeslyn nodded fervently. “Yes, he ate me and he also confessed I was the most delicious thing he has ever tasted. Hahaha…”

Seeing how flabbergasted Mulan was, Jeslyn felt an overflow of joy coursing through her veins.

“Leave now and when next you are coming, wear something that covers that big chest of yours because I might mistake you for a seductress and you wouldn’t want to see the crazy side of an angry WIFE.”

Jeslyn kept laying emphasis on that word. She was never a petty person, but the urge to ruin Mulan kept tugging on her mind. She h@ťěd this woman. The more she spoke with Mulan, the more she wants to tear her apart and that feeling surprises her too.

“Jeslyn! How dare you!!” Mulan lost it. She couldn’t keep it in anymore. She raised her hand and was about to land a slap on Jeslyn’s pretty face when she heard that voice.

The voice that froze her into a mummy. Her hand was suspended in mid-air as color drained her already pale face.

“You dare not,”

He didn’t scream, raise his voice, or sound anxious. It was a relaxed tone, but it carried a deadly warning.

Jeslyn shivered from the sound of the voice and slowly turned towards the door.

There he was, the owner of that demonic voice, striding towards them in an uncaring manner with his face as cold as ice.

His face would leave people imagining if a smile had ever graced it before.

He glanced passively at the two women. One was almost naked with a yellow scarf tied loosely around her waist and a dark green colored bra, while the other was wearing red pants and a black top. She held a black blazer in one hand while the other hand was raised.

Maverick’s cold eyes didn’t linger for another second on the women. With one hand in his pocket, he stood beside Jeslyn with a brow raised.

“Meaning,” he said slowly like he was tired.

“M– Maverick,” Mulan bit her lip hard. Why did she call him that? Wasn’t she supposed to address him as her master?

Mulan shifted her gaze to look into his eyes for the first time in six years. She had always had her head slightly bowed all those years, and now, she wanted to be brave for once.

Raising her head, she summoned courage and stared into those dark eyes that held hers.

Looking into those eyes that felt like they could pierce into her soul, shivers ran down Mulan’s back.

She knew this man was one of the dangers feared in country M, yet she still wanted to be by his side… To be the mother of his heir… To rule the country with him.

She had suffered for so long just for that position, only for him to give it to a stranger…

“W–why?” The word rolled out of her tongue with difficulty as a teardrop slid down her left eye.

“Maverick, why?”

She asked again but he just stood there looking into her iris with no single emotion in his eyes. If anything could be found, it was… void.

“I– I stayed around you for so long. I took care of your child from when he was born to this age… for six years Maverick, six years!” She choked on her tears.

Jeslyn slowly turned to look at the man standing beside her. He wasn’t touching her or doing anything to announce his presence, but his existence can never be ignored.

Looking at him, he didn’t blink nor shift his gaze from Mulan.

Jeslyn wondered if the man she unexpectedly married was still human. His handsome face showed no emotion even when a beautiful lady like Mulan was crying in front of him.

‘Does he not like to talk and display emotions?’ She asked herself. ‘Also, what is she supposed to do as his wife?…’

Jeslyn got lost thinking while staring at her husband’s face that she did not know when he turned to return the stare, only for him to see her dreaming eyes while looking at him.

Her pale cheek slowly started to turn pinkish.

Maverick flattened his lips and the emotion he refused to show Mulan surfaced in his eyes. Although not obvious, there was a tinge of a smile, just a small smile that lasted for a blink of her eye before his gaze reverted to their usual cold countenance.

“Jeslyn!!” Mulan screamed like a mad woman.

How dare this woman seduce Maverick right in front of her? Mulan furiously wiped her face while glaring at Jeslyn like she wanted to eat her whole.

Jeslyn snapped back to her senses and shifted her stare to Mulan with a hiss. “Cease screaming like a nut head, your voice is not segzy.”

“Jeslyn, I’ll–”

“Reason,” Maverick interrupted Mulan.

That was the second time he asked her for the reason Mulan raised her hand to slap his wife and he still hasn’t gotten an answer.

Mulan swallowed. She knew him too well to grasp the meaning behind his question.

“I– I’m sorry,” Mulan stuttered.

What reason could she have other than anger and jealousy? She couldn’t tell Maverick it was because she was angry or jealous, right?

Maverick didn’t say anything else but only turned his head to his men who were trailing behind him.

Number 2 immediately stepped out from the line of guards behind Maverick and started to walk towards Mulan.

Mulan suddenly had a weird feeling crawling towards her heart. Maverick hasn’t said anything other than those two words, but she could already feel the heat on her back.

“The ties between the Lu family and the Wang family are severed, hence, you are not allowed to get close to my son and my family. Disobeying the order will cost you more than you can imagine.”

With that said, Maverick glanced at Jeslyn who had a beam on her face, and walked away, towards his car.

Jeslyn’s lips twitched. She wasn’t expecting to hear that, but all in all, her heart felt warm.

Mulan’s heart dropped. Did he just break all ties with her and her family? Did Maverick just do that to someone like her?!

Never in a million years would she have thought that Maverick, whom she’s helping to take care of his son for six years, would pass such judgment on her.

She couldn’t believe that she would be this humiliated in front of so many guards and maids, especially this vixen she h@ťěd so much.

She couldn’t believe that the man she had known and wanted for so many years would do this to her.

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