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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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*Inside the CEO’s office…*

Brian barged into the office with an assistant who was running after him. With her erratic breath, she explained fearfully, “Ma’am, I– I couldn’t stop him.”
The sophisticated woman slowly looked up from her laptop and waved her hand to dismiss the lady. After she left, Nancy folded one leg on the other as she stared at her angry son, then her eyes moved to the gun he was holding and raised a brow with her lips stretching into a small smirk.

“What brought you here?”

“Why did you ki|| her?!”

“Do I need a reason to get rid of a thorn in my flesh?”

“Mother!!” he screamed, then ruffled his hair out of frustration. “What was her crime?” his voice lowered, almost like a whisper while controlling his tears.

They trailed her this morning, thinking she was on a mission, only for her to stop at her company. Just when they were about to relax, his father got a call that the hospital where Pink was hospitalized was burning. By the time they got there, the hospital could no longer be saved, let alone hold a human.

“She was an eyesore, just like every other eyesore I ki||ed, ” she said carelessly.

“You are too cruel to have a business being in this world,” Brian said and pointed his gun at her.

Nancy’s mind flashed to what her friend told her years ago.

“Nancy, you’re making a mistake by stealing that woman’s child. In the long run, he’d h@ťě you and if a situation comes that he is forced to choose between you both, he’d choose his birth mother, I guarantee you.”

Because of her friend’s warning, Nancy ki||ed the lady, and everyone who knew about the matter. Including the nurses, doctors, and the guards that were there… except for her most trusted.

The arrogant Nancy thought she had hidden the truth well, but here, Brian hasn’t even found out that Alex is his mother, yet he’s already pointing a gun at her.

“Hahahahaha…” She laughed boisterously for a long time before she got up from her seat and walked up to him.

“Can you really ki|| your mother?…” she poked his chest with her finger and continued, “Are. you. that. heartless?”

She spelt the words with every poke she made with her long nails–provoking him to show what he was made of. If he truly $h00ts her, she instantly get rid of him right here and now.

Brian’s grip on the gun tightened. He was scared of himself. If he were to answer that question, it would be, Yes!… But why?

Was he really that heartless that he’d ki|| his own mother for the sake of a friend?! Those thoughts scared him so much that he shifted his gun away from Nancy’s face and started $h00ting at everything else in the office–destroying things while screaming his guts out.

The guards that were stationed outside the door, including the Assistants and everyone else at the workstation in front of the CEO’s office, all barged into the CEO’s office.

Their Jaws were left hanging when they saw the damage Brian had done.

From the expensive antiques, to the floor-to-ceiling window, nothing was spared from receiving a bullet. However, the floor-to-ceiling window was unharmed because of the bulletproof material it was made of.

The guards rushed forward to hold him down but Nancy raised a hand to stop them. They all watched as Brian turned the office into a complete mess, with broken things everywhere on the floor.

Once he had emptied his bullets, he stared sharply at his mother and declared, “We are just getting started, Mom!” After that, he turned and left.

Nobody dared to breathe loudly for fear that they’d be used as scapegoats to quench her rage. Although Nancy was slightly smiling, the workers all knew it was a deadly smile.

“Clean this up, and get back to work,” she ordered.

The workers were stunned. Is she not angry? However, her next words ki||ed them.

“Inform the head of departments to bring in their reports for assessment in one hour.”

The last assessment was done three days ago and the next would be five days from now. How did she expect them to put things together in one hour?!

The Assistants shook their heads in their hearts; if they had known that Brian would be a handful when he entered the office, they wouldn’t have allowed him.

Three days later…

Brian, was seen racing across the city after receiving a call from his father. Getting to the security–flooded villa, he met Pink sitting in a wheelchair, staring at flowers in the garden. Sudden joy filled his heart as a smile spread across his face.

“You are alive!” the words escaped his lips.

Pink turned her head in the young man’s direction and also smiled, “As long as my son still isn’t aware of my existence, I refuse to die.”

“Who is your son? Tell me and I’ll fetch him here for you,” he said while walking slowly towards her. For some reason, Brian felt sad when he thought he wasn’t that son.

“Will he believe my story?” she asked while staring at him in the face.

Brian squatted in front of her and held the armrest of her wheelchair. “You never know until you try,” he said slowly with emotion in his voice. He felt her pain and genuinity.

“If you were in his shoes, would you believe me?” her gaze held his as she asked that.

“I would…” he responded and held her hand. “Deep down, every child wants a selfless mother like you. For your son, you entered your enemies’ den, not thinking that you might die in the process. You fight your battles alone without seeking accolades from anyone. You care about your son’s happiness, which is why, despite knowing him and where he might be, you didn’t take advantage of your rights to disrupt his life. You…”

“What if it’s you?”

Brian froze, then slowly looked up at her, “Huh?”

“What if you are my son?” tears filled her eyes as she returned her son’s baffled stare.

“You are joking… right?” he smiled nervously. A part of him wished it were true but the other didn’t want to believe that he had been living a life of lies for 26 years!
Pink let go of his hands and sighed before she wheeled her chair forward and started telling her side of the story.

“Your father and I met when I was sent by the Half–heart to ki|| him. He was level headed, intelligent, and charming that I fell for him without knowing he had a messy break–up with someone called Nancy. After dating for almost a year, some Assassins started visiting me more than usual. At first, I thought they were sent by the Half–heart until I realized they weren’t.

“One day, a lady approached me and introduced herself as Nancy and told me that Hwang Min’s family would be facing extinction if I don’t stay away from him. At first, I thought she was bluffing until Hwang Min disappeared on me to fight the war that was started against his family. I volunteered to help but the Hwang family chased me away when Nancy told them I was the reason that Half–heart started the fight against them.

“Hwang Min couldn’t fight against his family, so I stayed back as he told me to… He said after the war, he’d come back to me and we would elope. I prayed day and night for his success.

“When I saw that things weren’t looking too good on their end, with my influence, I sent them, manpower, money, and also doctors to help out. Except for Hwang Min, no one else knew the help that came out of thin air was from me, because the Hwang family might turn it down.

“When my aid arrived, the tables turned but somehow, Nancy found out it was my doing and she rallied more enemies against the Hwang family.

“Left with no other choice, I went and bowed to your grandmother’s family (The Zhu family in Country M). I endured humiliation for seven days before they gave me a thousand troops with top-notch ammunition, but by the time I arrived, the Hwang family and Half–heart had come to a treaty. Not just that, it was Hwang Min and Nancy’s wedding.

“I was enraged, I wanted to disrupt the wedding, but found out they already did court wedding two days before, meaning they were already married…” she paused to look at her son who had tears in his eyes. Pink smiled bitterly before she continued.

“I left Sin City and returned to Rose City to be with my family but the humiliation I endured in my maternal family was made known to my parents, to mock them. With that, your grandmother got a heart attack and your grandfather was very angry at me. As for my sister, she didn’t blame me that much because she was also in love and knew how stupid one can be.

“To cut the long story short, I realized I was pregnant but before I could rejoice and take time to care for myself, the Half–heart and Nancy came after me, so my life became a race for survival. I fought my family and made my father disown me so they don’t end up in danger.

“In the end, I gave birth and left the child in my sister’s care, then went back so I could right my wrong. Who would have known that Nancy didn’t give up on her chase?… she stole you in the hospital and ordered your twin sister to be ki||ed…”

“Was she ki||ed?”

Pink paused, then shook her head, “Your cousin who was also born on that day was ki||ed in her place by mistake.”

“Who is my twin sister?”


Brian’s eyes almost popped when he heard that. Jeslyn is his sister? Wow! So those unsettling feelings and excitement he had been having over the years because of her was because of the ‘twin telepathy’?

Incredible! Just unbelievable!

“Does my father know this?”

Pink shook her head, “I doubt he does…”

“Now, I do!”

Mr. Hwang’s voice came from behind them. The two were startled and when they looked back, the man was standing there with a domineering air.

“Why didn’t you tell me all these years?” he frowned while walking towards them. He had been there for a long time but none of them noticed.

“I thought you abandoned me when my family was losing the war…that was what that witch told my father and me which caused me to drink a lot and fell into her scheme.”

Pink sighed, “It’s in the past now. I hope from now on, we won’t be separated again.” she glanced at Brian, he hasn’t said whether he agreed or not.

“You are my mother, so naturally, I’ll choose you, but first, what happened to you? Why are you in a wheelchair?”

“I was sleeping when I felt the smell of something burning. When I opened my eyes, I saw smoke seeping into my ward through the door. From my years of experience, I knew that opening the door would be more dangerous than jumping down from the window…”

“You jumped down from an eight-story building?!” Brian screamed in alarm.

“When you are determined to survive, nothing is impossible,” she smiled.

Brian nodded, the eight-story hospital building she was admitted to was burnt to a crisp by that evil woman. Brian’s face changed and he immediately said;

“Hope you aren’t badly injured?” he asked.

“I broke some bones, but I’ll be fine with proper treatment and rest.”

With the way she warded it, Brian knew she was badly injured. He balled his fist as a thought came to settle on his mind.

“I should warn Jeslyn to be careful… though I’m sure Maverick is capable of protecting her.”

“It’s too late to warn her now, she’s already in the city.” Hwang Min narrowed his eyes.

“What?!… When?”


Pink and Brian both screamed.

“She came in last night with some people from High Race cooperation…Heard she has a $h00t today.”

Pink and Brian glanced at each other, it seemed Brian’s recommendation is the cause of this trouble.

“What hotel is she at?” Brian asked.

“For some reason, she chose to stay at Delight Hotels…room 200…the same room as you,” the man said while looking at Pink.

Pink sighed, “she guessed I’m in trouble and she’s here to investigate… stubborn child.” She smiled faintly before her gaze lingered on Brian, “could you help me drop a message for her?”

The mother and son’s minds were too occupied to think of why Mr. Hwang was keeping tags on Jeslyn.

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