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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Madam Caroline snapped back to reality.

“Your father was a monster! A bad man, he ki||ed the love of my life because he was jealous, then told his mother to give me to him in marriage. He deserved what he got! I’m just sad that I couldn’t ki|| him myself!… Hahahahah…!”

Rex was beyond flabbergasted. He just sat there at a loss, not knowing how to react. He just couldn’t believe that his mother h@ťěd him so much because of their father. What about Piper then? Rex ignored his injury that was starting to take effect and asked.

“… And Piper? She isn’t my dad’s daughter. Why do you h@ťě her too?” He was curious and wanted to know everything that happened to this bitter woman.

“Because she’s not my daughter!” She chuckled.

Rex’s blurry eyes widened in shock. “Wh– what do you mean?” he shook his head and wiped the blood that was running to his eye.

“Ha, how can I give birth to Piper when you and your brother were a mistake in the first place?… I got pregnant a few times but got rid of them, so your father was angry and promised to send me away without a penny if I ki||ed his children again. So when I got pregnant with Lu Ren, all my maids were changed, except that slut that birthed Kimberly or wh@ťěver her name is.
“That wench only obeyed your father and wouldn’t do anything I told her. So I had no choice but to keep the baby. When I was pregnant with him, he was such a lovely child…”

Her eyes looked dreamy like she was reminiscing about beautiful moments.

“He didn’t give me trouble, He was calm in my stomach and made me happy. When I gave birth to him, he was also so peaceful and loved to sleep a lot.” She giggled like a mad woman. She put the picture down and made her hands like she was carrying a baby.

“I really thought he would take after me. But as he was growing older, I realized he loved his father more.” Her face changed and she let her hands fall to her side.

“How dare he! How could he love someone I h@ťěd the most in my life?! So I started mistreating him but the child didn’t seem to care about me or my punishment at all. At three, he was already rebellious and couldn’t hide his hatred for me.” She picked up the framed picture again and continued.

“There was a time he caught me staring at a picture of Vance and me kissing, that cursed child grabbed the picture, ran out of the house, and destroyed it! My failed attempt to run after him made me fall down the stairs and that was when I realized I was pregnant with you.” She looked at Rex with hatred.

“You, I wanted to get rid of you but your father left the office to take care of me when he found out. You gave me so much trouble that I sometimes faint from the discomfort of carrying you. Some months after you were born, the first name you called was; ‘Dada!’

“I gave birth to you! I suffered for nine months, yet you recognized your father but didn’t acknowledge me! You were a wicked child even before you were born, so why would I like you at all?!” She laughed maniacally.

“As for Piper, tch! After I left Lu Hao, I knew I’d lost my backing, so I marked Xu Ming and wanted to be his wife but his mother, Matriarch Xu was on my case. That old witch h@ťěd me to the core and stopped Ming from marrying me by giving her friend’s daughter in marriage to him.
I was pissed. To get her back, I seduced her husband, Old Man Xu and we slept together. The next morning, he didn’t want anything to do with me anymore and paid me off to leave the country. How dare he?

“Angered, I lied a week later that I was pregnant. He wanted me to abort the pregnancy but I thr_@tened to use the media against him. For that, he grew weak and accepted to take care of the pregnancy.
“He got me a place which he refused to visit. I knew my secret would be revealed if I didn’t do something, so I found a desperate woman who needed money for her family. I told her what she needed to do, which was to get pregnant on my behalf… Surrogate mother.

“She agreed. After that, I forced Old Man Xu to come to my house, drvgged him, and let him have segz with the woman a few times. After she got pregnant, I took the woman in and took care of her until she gave birth, so I ki||ed her and took her baby.”

Outside the door, Piper who was eavesdropping covered her mother to muffle her cries.

Inside, Madam Caroline continued, “…Who would have known that luck was on my side? Piper turned out to have the same rare blood as you and your brother, so it was easy to manipulate you three.

“I asked Old Man Xu for an exorbitant amount for child care which he didn’t dare to refuse but I wasn’t satisfied. I needed more… A status, so I made it known to his wife that I was carrying her husband’s child. Hahahaha… You needed to see her devastation. While the family was in chaos, I sent people to ki|| his wife and forced him to marry me but who would have known that the stupid old man would suddenly grow a spine after a few years?

“He divorced me but with a large amount for compensation… My life was ruined, thanks to your worthless father! So, did you expect me to not take revenge on him?!”

Rex couldn’t react. He was amazed. After a long time, he finally got hold of himself and asked; “Why are you telling me all this?” Although he wanted to know, this was too much information.

Madam Caroline got up on her feet and smiled derisively. “Your brother and you took away Piper whom I had been using to achieve my aim. Not just that, Jeslyn ruined my reputation and stole my money, then you people sold my property. Now I have nothing left to live for. Years back, you ki||ed my Levi, so you all should join him! ”

She took out a black gun from her bag in a swift movement and pointed it at Rex.

Rex shook his head to clear his vision. His eyes were blurry, coupled with the large amount of blood that had blinded one of his eyes.

“Do you think you’ll go scot-free if you ki|| me?”

“I know that Lu Ren will come after me but before he leaves the meeting with the Living ancestors of the Lu family, it would be too late. Hahahaha…”

“Too late?” Rex frowned. Soon his eyes shook, “What did you do?!”

“Too bad you can’t find out, farewell, my unfilial son.”


Just a second before she pulled the trigger, Piper barged into the room, causing the door to hit Madam Caroline in the back which prompted her to $h00t the gun but missed her target.

Madam Caroline looked behind her to see who it was. She wasn’t surprised to know

It was Piper with tears in her eyes.

“You are here too, you both can die together!” Just as she was about to $h00t Piper, Rex, who was already feeling dizzy, lurched at her and they started fighting for the gun.

Piper didn’t know what to do. She still couldn’t digest what she just heard. When she saw that Rex was going weaker and weaker, she searched for an object, anything that could be of help.

She saw the lampstand on the bed and immediately rushed to grab it. Without a proper aim, she swung the lampstand, Madam Caroline was quick to see it coming, so she moved out of the way and pushed Rex into it.

Piper hit the back of his head and Rex fell flat on his stomach, unconscious.


Madam Caroline took advantage of Piper’s shock and shot a bullet at her. Piper was too stunned to react in time to dodge, so she was hit in the side of her stomach.

She grunted in pain as she looked at her so-called mother with tears dripping from her eyes. It feels like a nightmare!

“Hahahaha…” Madam Caroline laughed like a maniac for a long time before she pointed the gun at Piper again, wanting to finish her off. “None of you will go Scott-free–”


A bullet flew in from the door and hit the gun out of Madam Caroline’s hand. She turned around in alarm to see Maverick standing there.

“L– Lu Ren?” She was startled. What is he doing here? Isn’t he supposed to be with the Living ancestors?

“Send her to the asylum… She must never get better nor die.” Maverick commanded.

There are other ways to ‘take care’ of people that cannot be ki||ed. Maverick cannot see himself $h00ting the woman that gave birth to him, but there won’t be a problem to send her to where she belongs.

“Yes, boss,” Code 10 said and walked into the messy room.

“As– asylum? I’m not mad, I’m perfectly fine! Lu Ren!”

Maverick ignored her and walked into the room. He lowered his height and carried Piper in his arms. “Can you manage?” he asked her.

“Br– brother,” she raised her bloody hand that was holding her injured stomach to touch his face. As tears blurred her vision, a small sad smile rested on her lips.

She was happy that a woman like Madam Caroline is not her real mother.

“Don’t say anything. I’ll send you to the hospital.” Maverick said and started walking out of the room in large strides.

Piper shook her head, “Brother, I– I can’t make–”

“Stop talking!!” He roared and glared at her.

Piper stopped talking. Her eyes were slowly closing and her heartbeat was going slower and weaker.

After Madam Caroline left the Charity event, Piper excused herself and ran after her. She knew Madam Caroline too well to know that when that woman makes a plan, there’ll be plan A and plan B. She had a bad feeling that something would go wrong, so without telling anyone, she followed her .

Now that it is known that she’s not Maverick’s sister, will he and Rex abandon her? Those were the thoughts in her mind before Piper lost consciousness.

Code 2 hurried behind Maverick with Rex in his arms, the two got into Maverick’s black car. Maverick took the steering wheel himself as he almost flew through the city just to beat time and get to the hospital soonest.

Meanwhile, the sane Madam Caroline was sent to the asylum by Code 10. When he got there, he went straight to the head of the hospital’s office.

The man immediately stood up and bowed when he saw Code 10.

“No need for formalities. My master sent you another person. He said you should make her case worse than the other person’s.”

Just after he said that, unkempt Madam Caroline was pushed into the office with her hands tied to her back and mouth sealed with a tape.

The doctor was stupefied. Isn’t she Alpha Chaos’ mother? How can–

His thoughts were interrupted when Code 10 snapped a finger in his face. “Don’t ask questions or dig your grave, I won’t hesitate to sever your head if you don’t do as my Master instructed.”

“Y– Yes!” The doctor didn’t dare to do what was on his mind. He called others and they took Madam Caroline to a VIP ward where she was injected. The woman was struggling before but after she got injected, a few minutes later, she turned numb.

Code 10’s mind flashed. He remembered that a few years ago, this was how Levi, whom the world thought was dead, was brought here and now…

He looked at the doctor, “How is the other patient?”

“He’s in his ward,” the doctor led Code 10 to another VIP ward.

Inside it was a man with a long beard that covered most of his face and long hair. His eyes were unfocused and he was chained to the bed. The minute he heard the cracking sound of the door, he went wild.

Code 10 felt a chill run down his spine. This was his Master’s stepbrother, Levi. A few years ago, his wife was after Maverick until Rex charmed her.

When Rex broke up with her, she committed suicide but Levi blamed Rex and Maverick for it and planned to seek revenge.

He plotted a fatal accident for Rex but luckily Rex didn’t go on the journey. All the guards who went on that mission died without a bone to bury.

In retaliation, Maverick kidnapped him and set off an accident that ruined Levi’s car. While Madam Caroline thought that her beloved son was dead, she had no idea that he was in the mental asylum, having his brain reset.

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