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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“Do you want to tell me that you haven’t been seeing how Jeslyn is being treated by the higher-ups?

“Sister Toria, you’re the biggest female artist in Fearless Entertainment and have all the rights to have Manager Kate as your manager, but what did the company do? They gave her to the newbie Jeslyn –”

“Wrong,” Toria interrupted. “Manager Kate was sent to take care of Jeslyn by Senior Celestine. Whereas Manager Kate was Senior Celestine’s manager. She was broken when Senior left the industry, so Jeslyn is Celestine’s compensation to Manager Kate. Don’t tell me you don’t know that.”

“That is what you were told. An insider told me otherwise. Jeslyn had a mediocre talent before she made Senior Celestine her Teacher. With the help of Manager Kate, she perfected her singing and now, she’s better than us all. If I was given the same opportunity, I’ll do better than Jeslyn!”

The other friend cut in, looking confused. “Phoebe, is this jealousy or hatred for Jeslyn? Wait, if I may ask, what did she do to warrant this amount of hatred from you? I thought we were after her before because of Sister Toria?”

“Yes, at first, I was humiliated because I was trying to put Jeslyn in her place because of Sister Toria but now, not anymore. Jeslyn offended me and she must pay!” With that said, she left Toria’s apartment.

After Phoebe left, the other friend’s brows furrowed even more as she tried to remember what Jeslyn had done to warrant such hatred and bloodthirst.

“Forget it, you can’t find anything no matter how hard you try,” Toria said and picked up a glass of juice that was on the table while shifting her gaze to the TV.

The other lady tilted her head and said; “I feel like Phoebe has changed.”

After a long time, she didn’t hear a response, so she looked at Toria and saw that her eyes were glued to the volumeless TV.

The lady shifted her gaze to see what was being shown that got her friend stifled.

On the TV was Rex holding Celestine who looked uncomfortable.

“Ah, it’s Young Master Rex,” the lady smiled teasingly. “Are you jealous now? You should–”

“Stop talking,” Toria shushed her and increased the volume.

It was an interview in Country X…

Standing in front of cameras and mics being shoved in their faces, Celestine was lost, trying to pull herself away from the shameless Rex but no matter what she did, she couldn’t.

When the movement from her was starting to annoy Rex, he yanked her to his chest and stole a kiss from her before answering the question that was asked earlier.

“She’s my fiance.” Rex smiled at the camera.

Celestine widened her eyes in horror. How dare this bastard do this after what he did to the oldest Princess! As Celestine remembered the abominable act this fool had done, she felt a migraine on the side of her head. Good for them both, they won’t be allowed to leave now.

*A few days back…*

Celestine was invited to perform for the royals of Country X because it was their king’s birthday. While on stage, she was shocked to see Rex among the royals. Not just that, he was sitting close to the oldest princess and they looked really close!

Although Celestine looked fine as she sang, she was raving mad.

After the performance, Celestine thought that Rex would come to look for her in her hotel room but he didn’t come. Believing it was because of their little fight, she thought of going to see him the next morning, but she got an invitation to have dinner with the royals.

That evening, on getting to the extremely long dining room that was decorated with pure gold and silver, her pupils dilated when she saw the womanizer with the same oldest Princess.

Throughout the ‘boring’ meal, the idiot didn’t look at Celestine once. Instead, he was having a flirtatious conversation with the princess which was sending blood rushing to the princess’ face, or making her smile shyly like a teenager.

If rolling of eyes was enough to make eyeballs fall, Celestine’s eyeballs would have fallen out from how many times she rolled her eyes at the two.

After dinner, they were invited again to a ballroom with hundreds of high–profiled figures.

Even people from the Yu, Xu, and Lu first branch attended. But Maverick and his friends would never be seen in places like this.

Since Rex was occupied with the oldest princess, Celestine decided to mind her business and sit quietly on her own, even though she was angry.

While sitting there and sipping her drink, a few people came to strike up a conversation but she was not in the mood to entertain anyone, so she sent them away.

However, Rex was having the best time of his life on the dance floor. As Celestine watched his hand on that stupid Princess’ waist, the urge to stab that hand flashed through her mind but held herself back.

Later the music became wild and in no time, she started to feel uncomfortable seeing how segzy the dance had become, so she left.

Meanwhile, on stage…

As soon as Celestine left, Rex stopped the dance and bowed to the princess in the bead to excuse himself. Although the princess didn’t hold him back, it was obvious she was sad.

When Celestine got into her hotel room, she went straight to the shower to allow the cold water to wash away her tiredness and if possible, take away her anger too. But unfortunately, water doesn’t run that way.

A while later, Celestine came out, securing a white bathrobe when she saw the arrogant–looking young man lying on her bed with his shoes on.

“What are you doing here?” Her anger slowly started to seep through her facade of calmness.

“To see if my fiance misses me,” he replied.

Celestine snorted and pointed to the door. “Leave,” she commanded.

“Ok,” Rex replied and got up from the bed. But instead of walking towards the door, he came strolling to Celestine.

“What are you doing? I said leave!” She barked at him.

“Honestly speaking, I should be the one barking at you, but I’ll let it slide,” he said but didn’t stop walking towards her.

With every step he took forward, Celestine took the same backward.

“Celestine, are you openly cheating on me?”

“I beg your pardon?”

“That guy you danced with, who was he?” Rex asked with a small smile.

“What I do has nothing to do with you… we broke up,” she responded.

“We?” Rex chuckled. “Did I say I accepted that? You were just throwing a tantrum, nothing else.”

Celestine glared at him but said nothing.

“You even took off my ring. Celestine, why are you being so stubborn? It was just a little fight. Did you have to make it so–”

“Don’t you dare shift the blame. What, you can act sinfully with a Princess but I can’t?” She retorted.

“Hahaha, you started it, Celestine,” his smile brightened, still walking towards her in small steps.

“Oh yeah, then who is Toria, why is she using your name in the Entertainment industry?”

Rex paused and his brows slowly furrowed. Seeing this, Celestine snorted and walked past him but before she could walk further away, she felt a yank on her arm and she lost her balance.

“Ahhhh!” she instinctively screamed as she saw herself falling. But instead of touching the tiled floor like she expected, she fell into his arms and he carried her towards the bed.

“Put me down!” She commanded with a hard tone.

“Ok,” Rex replied and let her fall from his arms, causing her to shriek as she fell on the bed. “Ahh! You– yo–” her voice failed her when she saw him lowering himself to her level.

Seeing this, Celestine rolled out of the bed, causing Rex to sigh as he sat on the bed.

“What, Celeste? You want to play hide and seek?”

“Rex, leave.”

“So he can come in?” Rex raised a brow.

“Come in… who?” Celestine frowned in confusion.

“Oh, have you forgotten about him so soon? Then he must have been terrible in bed. Now I’m not bothered anymore–”

“Shut up, you idiot!” Celestine grabbed a pillow and hurled it at him. “Not everyone is as rotten as you.” She accompanied her action with a disgusted look on her face.

“But you love me even though I’m disgusting, right? Or you love my stamina more?” He smiled while winking.

Celestine picked another pillow and threw it at him to hide her blushing cheeks.

“I said it, you like what I do to your body… look, your face is red… you’re blushing….hahaha…”

Celestine instinctively touched her cheeks but before she could do anything else, Rex stretched himself beyond limit on the bed and pulled at her bathrobe, causing it to loosen. At the same time, he succeeded in pulling Celestine to the bed.

He pinned her down and before Celestine could struggle, he lowered his head and claimed her lips.

Celestine fought against him for a while before finally surrendering. Rex is a monster and it would be better to not agitate him.

A few hours later, the couple was seen having difficulty catching their breaths with their hearts pounding from the activity they just concluded.

Celestine turned her back to him and pulled the duvet to cover her naked body. Seeing this, Rex also turned and laid on his side, then held her in a cuddle.

“You’re still mad?” he asked but Celestine ignored him.

Rex sighed and then turned Celestine to face him. “Did you start a fight because of Toria?”

“What? You can’t tell me who she is? Is her identity confidential? Or are you two having an affair?” she didn’t want to talk earlier because her voice was weird, thanks to the adrenaline rush from earlier. But thinking about Toria,vshe couldn’t keep it in.

Celestine wouldn’t have taken this matter seriously. When she found out about Toria, she wanted to treat it another one of Rex hobby, but then got to know that Toria had been getting privileges that only a wife would.

That annoyed Celestine so much that she started to act foolishly in a bid to make Rex feel what she was feeling. However, Rex didn’t take her tantrum seriously. With that, she broke up with him and went on a date with another man, making sure Rex wouldn’t miss the live show.

Celestine became happy when Rex flew over only to thr_@ten the guy to stay away from his woman. Even though he was mad that she took off his ring, right there, he behaved like a matured young man and took her home but she locked him out.

She believed that he hooked up with the Princess today just to make her crazy and he won.

“No, far from it.” Rex brushed her hair away from her face and kissed her forehead. “I told you countless times already, you’re the only woman I want.”


“Toria is a lady we are indebted to.”

“How so?”

“Years ago, in high school, she saved me after a gang fight….” Rex’s mind drifted into the memory of when he was still a troublesome teenager.

It was one of the fights with Piper.

At that time, Piper had a bully in school who loved her. To prove his love for Piper, the bully started doing things that might make Piper happy.

One of those things he did was to put Rex in check, so he won’t bother Piper anymore.

What the bully meant by putting Rex in check was actually to get rid of him. So one day after school, Rex was on his motorbike, riding home, not knowing that he was walking to his death.

One night, Rex was coming from the club on his favorite motorbike, speeding across the roads in glee because he had escaped from his bodyguard. Just before a ‘T’ junction, something hot and hard hit his chest causing him to fall heavily from his speeding bike.

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