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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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On arriving at the ‘hospital’, Christine saw Assistant Miles tied to a chair in a prison cell with lots of torture tools.

“Wh–wh– what are you doing?! Jeslyn told you to take me to the hospital!! Let me go!!!” she cried out loud. The injury on her face got disturbed and much blood started to stream down her face.
Nobody listened to her. Her screams were only good at waking Assistant Miles up from her slumber.


“Miles, miles, what is going on? Please tell them I’m innocent, beg them to let me go and I promise to rescue you, please!”

“Hahahaha… Christine, even at this time, you’re still selfishly thinking about yourself! I said it before, if I’m dying because of you, I won’t go alone. I’ll take you with me.”

“Wh– what are you talking about?” Christine stopped struggling as she was tied to the chair opposite Miles.

“What did you think? That Jeslyn just happened to come by your dressing room and overheard us talking? No!… Hahahahaha…” she laughed uncontrollably.

By now, Christine had gotten an idea of what really happened. “She bribed you?”

“Bribe? Hahaha… If only I was that important.” Assistant Miles’ mind flashed back to how Jeslyn approached her.

After Christine told her to get some people to ki|| Jeslyn, Assistant Miles gave out Jeslyn’s photo to a branch of the Wu faction to kidnap Jeslyn and bring her to them.

After she gave out the mission, the Wu men made a thorough background check on Jeslyn and didn’t find anything relating to Maverick or the Lu brothers, so they went ahead with the mission.

But because Young Master Wu and Old Man Wu must be informed of all the missions that the faction was given, the men told their masters.

Neither Old Man Wu nor Young Master Wu stopped the men. Instead, Young Master Wu told Christine to leave the matter to him and go to Country Y for her concert.

The night before Christine’s concert, In the middle of the night, she heard someone tapping her to get up. She had been overworked the day before, so she was very tired. Who else would bother her at one of the best hotels in the Country aside from Christine? With that in mind, she pulled the cover over her head.

The tapping sound continued and she yelled in irritation, “Go away!”

Then, a voice that drove away her sleep drifted into her ears.

“I can’t be awake while you sleep. Wake up!”

Immediately, Assistant Miles jolted awake to see Jeslyn sitting by her bedside and Alpha Chaos standing behind her.

Assistant Miles had never seen Alpha Chaos in person before. Neither Christine’s description of this man nor the media’s didn’t do justice to how evil he looked.

Yes, Alpha Chaos is undoubtedly handsome but the evil that he was exuding as he stood behind Jeslyn was suffocating!


“Long time, no see, Manager Miles… no, you’re an Assistant now. Did you miss me?”

“Y– you– wh–”

“When did you become a stutterer? Has Christine been mistreating you? Or probably caused you a brain injury that is causing you to stutter? My husband is a brain surgeon. I heard he drilled a hole on someone’s head a few days ago and now the person is perfectly fine… six feet below.”

“No, no, I’m perfectly fine! Thank you!” Assistant Miles immediately declined. There was an air-conditioner in the room but she could still feel heat on her skin.

Jeslyn smiled faintly, almost an unnoticed smile. “That’s good then. Not stuttering can save us some time… You know why I’m here, right?”

“I–” Assistant Miles wanted to lie but when Jeslyn narrowed her eyes at her, she immediately changed her mind. “I do.”

“Good. Tell me all you know without wasting my time.”

Assistant Miles told Jeslyn everything without holding back anything.

“That’s interesting. You can die in peace now,” Just as Jeslyn took a gun from Maverick and was weighing it, Assistant Miles, who didn’t want to die, immediately knelt on her bed and started crying while begging.

“Please, Jeslyn, don’t ki|| me! I beg you. I promise I’ll do anything you want, please don’t ki|| me.”

“You can’t do anything for me though. I have tons of people that are willing to do EVERYTHING for me. Why should I listen to you?”

Assistant Miles slumped on the bed in devastation. She didn’t want to die, but even if she must die, it has to be with Christine.

Just after thinking that, her eyes lit up and she hurriedly said; “I’ll get her to confess all her crimes while you record. With that, there’ll be proof to your fans’ claims that you’re innocent.

“And you think I can’t do that on my own?”

“It would be more believable when it is a conversation between Christine and I. ”

“Ok, do that tomorrow before the concert.”

Assistant Miles was pulled back to reality when she heard the sound of the back gate opening.

Standing by the entrance was Jeslyn. She hasn’t changed from her costume.

She walked into the cell and a guard pulled out a chair for her.

“Jeslyn, you won’t get away with this!!” Christine yelled while pulling the ropes that were binding her to the chair.

“Oh, really? Watch.”

A guard walked towards Christine with an iPad. On the screen was a lady dressed like Christine with the same facial features but the blood on the lady’s face became a barrier for those watching to tell them apart.

The lady was lying on the bed as she was just wheeled into the VIP room. The nurses left her there and went out for wh@ťěver reason.

After the nurses left for just a few moments, ‘Assistant Miles’ hurried into the room and saw ‘Christine’ standing by the window, wanting to commit suicide.

“If you die like this, the world would blame you. Come here, let me show you what to do. Even if we die, we must take Jeslyn along. We are here now because of her.”

Assistant Miles brought out a face mask and wore it. Seconds later, she became ‘Jeslyn’.

‘Jeslyn’ grabbed Christine’s hair and began to smash her forehead on the wall until blood splattered everywhere and she fell on the floor and stopped moving. ‘Jeslyn’ turned and dashed out of the room.

A team of doctors came in later and saw the horrifying scene. They checked on ‘Christine’ and saw she was dead.

Christine laughed out loud when she saw the video. “Aren’t you too smart to incriminate yourself and ki|| innocent souls? Like I thought, you’ll always be dumb! Hahahah…”

“Wrong, I’m incriminating your sister, Emilee.” Jeslyn smiled when she saw the shock on Christine’s face.

“Here is what I did. Before I started my plans, I made sure to keep Emilee and your boyfriend busy. Not because I’m scared of them, but because I want to ki|| three birds with one stone. How?

“Your boyfriend is fighting to keep his company and family from falling. At this point, Emilee is supposed to be helping him but instead, she’s busy making stupid plans to get me in trouble for ‘ki||ing’ you, whereas, Emilee is actually sitting on pins right now.” Jeslyn smiled.

“What do you think Young Master Wu would do to Emilee if all his attempts to save his company fail? He would undoubtedly blame Emilee for everything and… the war between them will be fun to watch. Don’t you think so?”

“You’re lying!” Christine screamed.

“Oh?” Jeslyn raised a brow. “You don’t believe I can get your sister in trouble?” She smiled with her lips sealed and eyes devoid of warmth. “Watch me.”

She shifted her gaze to Assistant Miles and said nonchalantly; “She has exhausted her usefulness. Take care of her.”

Jeslyn was about to get up when Assistant Miles immediately cried out; “Please, don’t hurt me, Jeslyn! I promise I’ll be of use to you! That lady on the video, that lady, I can take her place. Please, don’t ki|| an innocent person, let me take her place. I can be useful to you, please Jeslyn!”

It took a few seconds for Jeslyn to realize that Assistant Miles was referring to the lady on the video she just played. Assistant Miles wants to be the lady who wore ‘Jeslyn’s’ face and ki||ed ‘Christine’?

“Hahahaha…” Jeslyn cackled up. She was amused at Assistant Miles’ determination to live.

“What? You thought I’d sacrifice innocent people just to bring Emilee down? Oh please!” she rolled her eyes.

“The– then, who–”

“The whole thing is a charade, it’s staged. So don’t worry about what I do.” She got up and turned to leave. However, getting to the bar gates, Jeslyn paused and ordered. “Send Assistant Miles to rest in peace… that is if she can find peace in the afterlife.”

“N– no, no, Jeslyn, pleaaaase!! Christine, save me, save me, Christine. Jeslyn, I promise to be better!!…Please….!!!!”

“Sis– sister, Jeslyn! Please let me out! Forgive me! Please, Jeslyn! I never meant to hurt you! Jeslyn!!!” Fear and anxiety gripped Christine when she saw how the men left behind by Jeslyn were dealing with Assistant Miles.

“Arghh!!” Assistant Miles roared to the ceiling when her fingernail was forcefully pulled out.

Christine shivered and the next thing, hot liquid began to gush out from in between her legs. Christine was peeing herself!

Jeslyn had long walked far from the cell and couldn’t picture what was being done to Assistant Miles but one thing she was clearly aware of is that, Assistant Miles would be tortured so badly that she’d beg to be ki||ed swiftly because the men in charge of punishing her were Code 5’s subordinates.

Code 5, Code 6, Code 7, and Lolita are still unconscious after their surgery. Doctor Matt assured her that Lolita and others would be fine but with Code 5 being the one with the most life–thr_@tening injuries, his situation wasn’t looking too promising.

Out of all of Maverick’s subordinates, aside from Pink, Code 5 is the next person Jeslyn cares for. One of the reasons is that Code 5 is a very handsome man whose aesthetic triggered her protective nature.

The second reason is that Maverick holds Code 5 in high esteem, although he never said nor showed it but as his wife who is gradually understanding everything about her husband, she was about to know that Code 5 means a lot to Maverick.

“You’re still soft towards your sister?”

Jeslyn snapped back to reality when she heard Maverick’s voice. Her lips stretched into a faint smile as she slowly walked into his embrace. “It’s quite painful to ki|| someone you cherish but she has to die.”

Maverick brushed her long hair back and replied; “Your heart is still soft.”

“No, it’s not softer than yours.” She chuckled.

“Oh?” Maverick raised a brow and the few men standing along the dark passage couldn’t help but take a quick glance at Jeslyn.

“Yeah, my evil mother-in-law is still alive after all her atrocities. Why haven’t you ki||ed her if she’s not dear to you?”

Maverick flattened his lips. “She’s not dear to me but to Rex. He still loves her. My dad loved her too. Moreover, she’s still my mother.”

Jeslyn sighed. The word mother is a very heavy word. Not all women deserve to be a mother, likewise, not all mothers deserve the MOM title. But still, we can’t dismiss the fact that we were brought into this world by women who went through so much pain and agony for 9 months, and that alone should be respected.

Jeslyn sighed again. Now she understood why Maverick had been passive regarding his mother even though that witch had tried to ruin his life and Valen’s life multiple times.

“She’s your mother but not mine. She hurt me a few times already and I’m not intending to let that slide,” she stated.

Maverick sighed and held her hand, walking her in the direction of the entrance. “Her sins are unforgivable. I don’t want to punish her either, but you can’t ki|| her.”

“Mn, I’m not intending to ki|| my mother-in-law because I’d be mad if you ki||ed anyone from my family even though they’re evil.” she glanced at his side profile. “Can we make her a pauper?”

“Mn,” he replied.

“Perfect. It’s been about three to four months since we made a bet. I’ve not seen her make a move yet. What is she waiting for?”

“She’s cunning. You should be careful.”

“What do you mean I should be careful? Forget it. You should check her account and see how much is in it. I need some money from my mother-in-law to host a charity event.”

Maverick glanced at her and chuckled. “You have become greedy.”

“Not at all. My mother-in-law is so rich that she doesn’t know what to use her money for. I tell you, she’ll be very excited if she finds out that her beloved daughter-in-law used her money to host a charity event.” Jeslyn smiled sheepishly and asked coquettishly;

“Plum, won’t you help your little wife out? Huuuh? My sweet sugar plum?… Muah… muah… muah…!”

Maverick stopped walking and picked her up. “You’re evil.”

“I know. I’m the wife of a villain, hehe.” She chuckled.

“Aren’t you breaching your agreement by attacking before the agreed date?” He asked with his eyes smiling.

“Hai, my mother-in-law will understand. She’s an elder, so I’m supposed to be given a head start as a junior.”

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