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Friday, October 18, 2024
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The cars continued to run through the road like everything was well. After a long while, Code 5 started to relax, believing he was only thinking too much.

After about ten minutes, a trailer came out from the side and started running towards Lolita’s car at full speed.

The observant Code 5 saw it in time and immediately communicated with Jeslyn.

“Stop the car and run out, now!” Code 5 commanded through his headset which was connected to Jeslyn’s earbud that was secured under her hair.

The moment Jeslyn heard the warning, she instantly hit the break and unlocked her seat belt. “Get out, now!” she urged Lolita who also did as told and got out of the car.

Once they both did, that was when they saw the big trailer coming their way.

“Run towards the alleyway, hurry!” Code 5 commanded.

Jeslyn grabbed Lolita’s hand and started running towards the alleyway.

Code 5, Code 6, and Code 7 jumped out of their moving cars and started running towards the alleyway.

While running, Code 5 started calling others. “Code 11, emergency at terminal 139, over!”

When Jeslyn got to safety, she saw how the trailer crashed into the car, sending the sound of a loud explosion to reverberate everywhere.

Lolita screamed in fright and hugged Jeslyn when she saw what happened to the car they just ran away from a few seconds ago.

Code 5, Code 6, and Code 7 came out of the alleyway and started $h00ting at the people in the trailer.

After a few rounds of $h00ting, the driver was finally ki||ed and the trailer collided with an empty store along the road.

Code 7 waited to see if the coast was clear before he said; “The road is clear, we should–”

Code 5 shook his head, “No, the red car is still somewhere.”

Just after he finished saying that, the red car came into view, accompanied by two vans. Five men got down from the red car, and then tens of men came down from the vans and started heading towards the alleyway with guns and poles in their hands.

“Jes– Jeslyn, they are coming for us!” Lolita panicked while holding tightly unto Jeslyn who was equally afraid.

Jeslyn pushed Lolita into the alleyway and shouted, “Hide!”

Lolita shook her head eagerly, “N– no, you have to come with me, I can’t do it alone.”

“Ma’am, go with your friend. The alleyway leads to another street–” Code 7 was cut off immediately by Code 5.

“There’s danger waiting for you there,” He said. “Bang!” he fired the first shot at the enemies before he urged, afraid that a stray bullet might hit her. “Ma’am, take cover.”

Jeslyn nodded and held Lolita’s hand. They started running towards the other end of the alleyway, looking for a place to seek cover but nothing was in sight.

The only things they could see along the alleyway; between two tall buildings, were the industrial waste bins.

Stopping in front of one of the bins, Jeslyn looked at Lolita and said, “Lolita, it seems you will have to–”

“No, no, no, I don’t want to get in there, it’s–”

“You still care about beauty right now?” She opened the lid and sighed in relief when she saw that most of what was inside were white sheets of wide paper “Get in, hurry!” Jeslyn nudged Lolita, gently pushing her forward.

“What about you?” She asked.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take one of those bins,” Jeslyn gestured towards the other bins with her jaw.

Seeing there were still more than ten bins lined with huge spaces along the long alleyway, Lolita nodded and got into the bin.

“Jeslyn, we’ll be fine, right?” she asked before Jeslyn could close the lid.

Jeslyn turned to look at the bloody fight going on on Code 5’s side and smiled faintly. “We will stay in the bins. Don’t come out no matter what.”

Lolita held Jeslyn’s hand tightly and said, “Jeslyn, we’ll go back together, promise me.” Jeslyn stayed silent without answering. “Promise me or I’ll come out of here,” she frowned.

“I promise, we’ll go back together.” Jeslyn pulled her hand back and closed the bin. She ran to other bins but they were either too full or extremely dirty.

Just when she thought of managing one of the dirty bins, she spotted some men entering from the other exit of the alleyway. Jeslyn took a few steps back as she observed the men coming with gun. Alarmed, she turned and started running back to Code 5.



“Bang, bang, bang!”

The sounds of gunshots kept ringing louder and louder as she moved closer. Those men behind her were also running over.

“Ma’am,” Code 5 was alarmed when he saw Jeslyn had come back. “What are you–” he stopped talking when he saw the tens of men running towards them.

The men they were fighting in front had multiplied if not tripled, and those behind them were also around the same number as the ones in front.

“Can you handle a gun?” he asked.

“My aim is not perfect,” Jeslyn said.

“Fair enough.” Code 5 pulled out a black gun from his waist and handed it to Jeslyn. “Defend yourself with it. Don’t stray from me, please!”

Jeslyn nodded and stood by his side as Code 5 and the others fought to clear a way for her escape.

Meanwhile, Maverick had just left the office building and was heading to the underground car park when Code 10 came running to him, looking flustered.

“Boss, there– there’s trouble,” he stuttered.

Without stopping, Maverick glanced at him, urging Code 10 to speak.


Maverick paused when he heard that. He turned and yanked Code 10’s collar towards him.

“What happened to my wife,” his deep voice rang with hostility.

Code 10 felt a chill and immediately continued, “She was ambushed, and now–”

“The car keys,” Maverick’s aura flared and only the strong aura of death shrouded him. He didn’t look angry nor did his brow furrow, but with the single vein that was popping out on his forehead and how his hand was shaking as he tried to take the keys from Code 10. It was more than enough to tell those who noticed that Maverick was having difficulty holding back his rage.

After Maverick entered the black car, he started the engine and without further ado, he zoomed out of the garage at an unbelievable speed.

Maverick didn’t ask where his wife was nor how the fight was going. However, with the GPS on the dashboard and his exceptional computer ski||s, he was able to navigate through with one hand until he found where his wife was.

At another area on the road, the backup team which Code 5 called earlier was having a fierce battle with another set of people along the road.

Those assaulters didn’t want the backup team to go save Jeslyn.

Code 5 and his men had gunned down tens of enemies, still, the numbers weren’t dwindling.

Jeslyn was also fighting. From what they observed, the enemies weren’t there to ki|| Jeslyn. She seemed they wanted to take her away, so whoever came close to Jeslyn either died or got injured.

“Watch out!” Code 5 cried out. He sped towards Jeslyn and pushed her out of the way. At that moment, a bullet that was shot by one of the enemies hit him in the side of his stomach.

“Bang!” Jeslyn shot the enemy down before she ran back and supported Code 5.

“Code 5,” she called. Anxiety gripped her heart. She saw him get shot just now, so she pushed his black jacket out of the way and saw the blood on his white shirt. He didn’t have one injury. There were two more; One on his left shoulder, and another below his right chest. Yet, he was still fighting! How strong is he?!

“H– how…”

“I’m fine,” he said and stood up.

“No, you ca–”

“Ma’am, your safety is my priority…”




Jeslyn ki||ing two men with three bullets. One missed. She bit her lips as she saw Code 5 struggling to stand straight.

While the battle was ongoing, Lolita who was inside the bin was suffocating due to lack of oxygen. Dying by a bullet was better than getting suffocated to death. She thought.

Because she can’t bear it anymore, so she opened the bin and stood up.

The force she applied to open the bin, caused the lid of the bin to hit the wast bin, prompting it to produce a loud bang!

“Bang… Bang!”

Two bullets were shot in her direction before a loud cry escaped Lolita’s lips.


“Lolita!!!” Jeslyn screamed and lost her mind. She forget the command to not leave Code 5’s side and dashed to Lolita’s direction without thinking of her own safety.

Just as Jeslyn was running over to Lolita, some of the enemies also started pursuing her. Code 5, 6, and 7 panicked, causing them to receive some bullet wounds that broke their reserve.







Three bullets flew into Code 5’s body. One on his back, his calf, and thigh. He fell on one knee. Trying to get up, a painful groan escaped his lips and in no time, he was pinned down by the enemies, same as the other guards too.

Jeslyn who was sprinting towards Lolita had no time to think about the gunshots and groans she was hearing behind her until she stopped by the crying Lolita.

“Lola, are… are you alright?” she asked in fear.

Lolita couldn’t let out words from her mouth. Her gaze was stuck on the people behind Jeslyn. She tried to warn Jeslyn but her lips were quivering in fright. The gunshots on her shoulder was also hurting.

Jeslyn scrutinized Lolita’s body with her gaze until she saw Lolita’s bleeding shoulder.

“Lola, you are–”

“Jeslyn, watch out!!” Lolita screamed and pushed Jeslyn out of the way, even though she couldn’t move her hand just now.


A bullet that was shot from behind Jeslyn flew straight with a whistling sound and lurched into Lolita’s chest.

“Puff!” she spat out fresh blood and her pupils shrank. Lolita tried to smile at the shocked Jeslyn but her lips couldn’t form one of her sweetest smiles.

“Lolaaaaaa!!!” Jeslyn screamed and crawled on her knees to the bin. With all her strength, she pushed the bin and it tumbled over.

She dragged Lolita’s body out of the bin and saw that her short white gown was bathed in blood. Her eyes were closed and her pretty face showed a pained expression.

Meanwhile, behind Jeslyn, the enemies were in shock when one of them ki||ed Jeslyn’s friend.

“What did you do–” the leader yelled and turned back to see who dared to $h00t the bullet. To his utmost shock, it was the second in command in their faction.

“Ir– iron heart. Wh– what are you doing here?” The leader of the team asked the man with tattoos striding over with tens of men from the front exit of the alleyway.

“Why? You don’t want to see me?” Iron heart asked languidly.

“N– no, that’s not it. My mission wasn’t to ki|| her just yet. We were told to bring her alive.” The leader of the team said.

“Mine was to ki|| her,” Iron heart replied.

The leader lost it, “Bullshit! That wasn’t the plan! We were told to bring her alive. Master approved the mission!” The leader paused and thought of something, then his eyes widened. “Wh– what are you trying to do, usurp the Master’s seat?”

“Well, excellent intuition. but, my mission was given by Master… bang!” Iron heart ki||ed the leader.

He looked at everyone else and roared; “The leader of your team is dead! Who wants to join him?”

Nobody stepped forward. Then he smiled. “Do you choose to be under me? Or six feet under the ground?”

At first, the others didn’t react but after a few seconds, they chorused; “Yes, we would obey your command, Ironheart!”

“Good. Plans changed. ki|| every single one of them and take a few pictures of that lady before slicing off her head. Master would love to see her head.”

“Don’t you dare!!!”


“You dare!!”

Code 5, 6, and 7, roared but couldn’t free themselves from captivity. If they weren’t pinned to the ground, they would have ignored the guns pointed at them to save their Master’s wife.

“Oh, you have something to say?” The Ironheart looked towards Code 5 and the others, “Then let me hear your last words.”

“Do you know whose wife you want to ki||?” Code 5 asked with a smirk. Seeing the leader had frowned, he continued, “Alpha Chaos!”

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