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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“Worthless man,” the sweet voice of a lady drifted into his ears.

Mr. Wales didn’t dare to raise his head from the ground to see who this person was, but from her delicate and sharp voice, he knew she wasn’t one to be messed with.

“You can’t look after your wife, can’t you?” her voice came again with a tinge of anger in it.

“I–” before Mr. Wales could speak another word, he felt a hard object descend on his back.

“Ahh!” he screamed in pain.

His instinct told him he was hit with the butt of a gun and he wasn’t wrong at all.

“You don’t speak unless my Master permits you!” the same guard yelled and then kicked Mr. Wales in the side of his stomach.

Mr. Wales yelped in pain but didn’t dare to scream out loud.

With her heels taken off his fingers, Mr. Wales was able to feel relief for a while.

“You married Alice, yet she got pregnant for my husband. I have every right to believe that you are in on her betrayal, and for that, you’ll have to die”. The voice came again, this time, languid and bored.

Mr. Wales wanted to desperately plead for his life, or better still, tell the unknown lady he wasn’t aware of his wife’s betrayal but the fear of getting his spinal cord broken with the butt of a gun made him stay mute.

He was shaking all over and even peeing on himself from how scared he was.

“I don’t want to waste my time on a useless man like you. That child in your wife’s womb, nurture it well and make sure it’s healthy. I’ll be back 9 months from now. When she gives birth to a boy, hand him to me but if it’s a girl, ki|| her.
My people will be around you 24/7. Even your cook was placed there by me, try to play smart with me and you’ll be sorry.”
With that, she got into her car and they all left.

Mr. Wales was devastated. He hid his knowledge from Alice and changed his behavior towards her. He used to be loving but stopped showing her love or care, at the same time, for Alice not to find out about Bella, he started to pretend he cared until she gave birth.

When he realized it was a girl, he paid the doctors to sedate Alice and allowed Bella to ki|| the child.

However, after ki||ing the child, he and Bella left the hospital but met the gunmen at the parking lot.

Mr. Wales sent Bella away and hurried to report his job to the gunmen but they rather told him that he lied.

“Your wife gave birth to twins. Return to the ward and bring the Male child.” They told him.

Confused, Mr. Wales went back to the hospital and was shocked to find out that a woman who looked exactly like his wife had also given birth and was sleeping in the room closest to his wife’s.

Surprised and alarmed, he couldn’t differentiate who was his wife and who wasn’t among the two look-alikes. The two women were wearing the same hospital gowns, the same hairstyles, and the same peaceful expressions on their faces.

There was never a time Alice told him she had a twin sister, so Mr. Wales had no idea.

Because he wasn’t very smart, Mr. Wales concluded that this woman who gave birth to twins was Alice, his wife! So, Mr. Wales ki||ed the female child and took the male child to the people.

Miraculously, the female child didn’t die. Mr. Wales had no idea because after he sent the Male child to those gunmen, they shot him in his chest, took him far away from the hospital, and dumped him along the road, thinking he was dead.

Fortunately, a passerby was quick to pass through the scene and helped him to the nearest hospital. The bullet grazed his heart but he managed to survive the surgery.

Even though he stayed in the hospital for a few weeks, he didn’t allow Bella to tell Alice what happened to him.

When he returned home, Mr. Wales was flabbergasted to see a female child with his wife. She was named Jeslyn.

He tried to ki|| Jeslyn a few more times but the child had a long life to live, which was why, when Emilee brought the idea of injecting Jeslyn with ATOM, he didn’t think twice but to agree.

Jeslyn gasped in astonishment after hearing Mr. Wale’s confession. She broke into a fit of laughter before tears slipped down her eyes.

“You’re a wicked soul, Mr. Wales!” She got up from her seat and grabbed her purse. She was about to leave when she turned and promised with a villainous smile on her lips.

“I’ll crush your daughters. They’ll beg for death but none, shall I grant a quick death!” she said in an inaudible voice, almost like a whisper.

“Wh– what about what you promised me?!” Mr. Wales asked in a panic.


Even after Jeslyn left the visitor’s room, her sardonic laughter still echoed in Mr. Wales’s mind. He didn’t need her to say the words, but from her reaction to the story, Mr. Wales believed that Jeslyn was coming back for his head.

If only he knew that the one coming for his head tonight wasn’t Jeslyn, but a more scary being.

In the middle of the night, all the inmates were sleeping, however, Mr. Wales’ cell was being opened.

A warder got into the cell and woke Mr. Wales up.

“If you want to live, follow me now!” the male voice said to him. The person had a black face cap covering his face but was wearing a warder’s uniform.

“Wh– who are you?” Mr. Wales panicked.

“Your daughter, Emilee sent me to fetch you. Jeslyn sent some people to ki|| you tonight,” the person said.

Hearing it was his daughter, Mr. Wales didn’t doubt the person anymore. Nobody knew he had a daughter, Emilee. Those that knew are already dead.

With the help of the man who seemed to be an expert in jail breakouts, Mr. Wales escaped from Prison.

To him, he was being taken to his daughter. However, when the car suddenly stopped at an unknown location and he saw the person who brought him out of jail, Mr. Wales nearly fainted.

“Y– y– yo– you?” he stuttered.

“Yes, me. Do you remember me?” the person’s cold voice broke through the thickness of the night, sending a chill down Mr. Wales’ spine.

“Y– y– ye–” he lost the support of his legs and fell to the floor. “Pl– pleas– please, don’t ki|| me!”

“Why shouldn’t I?” the voice asked.

Mr. Wales looked fearfully at the woman who was sitting on the top of a black car. She was wearing all black and was stroking a gun and looking lonely and sad. Her beautiful face looked like it had never graced a smile before.

The face looked exactly like that of his second wife Alice!

Mr. Wales’ fear wasn’t bred from how his wife’s face was looking right now, but why and how she returned from death!… Or, Wasn’t she dead?

Seeing the look on Mr. Wales’ face, the person said; “I’m not who you’re thinking I am, but good that you still remember this face.”

Immediately Mr. Wales heard that his brain jolted. The image of the woman who he ki||ed her newborn daughter at the hospital flashed through his mind.

“Y– y– you are–”

“Don’t cause me to waste my time. I’m Alex, Alice’s twin sister.”

Mr. Wales sat unceremoniously on the floor. He looked lifeless and exhausted. It was all clear now.

The woman who he ki||ed her newborn baby was Alex, and her twin sister who gave birth to twins was Alice! So he thought.

“I heard bits and pieces of what you told my daughter when she visited you this morning, so I’m here to make some clarifications.”

Mr. Wales froze. Dau– daughter? Jeslyn is this woman’s daughter?? How? Jeslyn was the child that his wife, Alice gave birth to, alongside a twin brother… right?

Mr. Wales’ face slowly turned from fear to confusion. His brows slightly furrowed as he tried to understand his own belief that was slowly clouding in mystery.

“Don’t give me that confused face. You accused my twin sister of cheating on you and having someone else’s child. So for that, you allowed Bella to ki|| my sister’s child. You thought you were very clever and deserved applause.

“Unfortunately, you are the most stupid person I’ve ever come across. My sister loved you like her life, which was why she was willing to cater to your whims and greed.

“She used her influence to make you the Wales of the high echelon”. Even when she found out about your betrayal, she didn’t take anything from you and allowed you to live on with your oversized ego.

“However, such a woman was accused of cheating and you had the heart to ki|| her baby which she brought into this world through agony and the thr_@t of losing her life!!

“My sister fainted twice in the labor room just to push out that child! She detested C.S. because you once told her you don’t like scratches on her skin.

“Even the Half-heart tattoo on her back, you almost got her injured while trying to remove the tattoo without even knowing what it signified!!!” Alex roared. Her eyes turned fierce like an angry tiger.

Mr. Wales was long lost in trepidation. From what he was hearing, it was already clear that he would die tonight, but what was scaring him right now was the fact that he might have ki||ed his child.

Like Alex knew his thoughts, she continued after taking a deep breath.

“My sister loved you and for that, was loyal to you. However, when she died, you didn’t even have the decency to give her a nice burial and respect her death before you jumped into remarrying your first wife!” Alex chuckled and continued.

“The newborn child who you and Bella ki||ed, was your own flesh and blood and Jeslyn is my daughter.” Staring at Mr. Wale’s lifeless face, Alex went on.

“How do you feel knowing you ki||ed your own child? I guess it was satisfying.”

An ocean of tears flowed out from Mr. Wales’s eyes. He felt a painful stab in his heart as a heart-wrenching pain of heartbreak tore his heart into shreds.

Mr. Wales roared to the sky. At the same time, lightning flashed through the dark sky and the clap of thunder boomed, shattering the quietness of the night.

Alex raised her gaze to the sky. It was about to rain as the wind was already starting to assault everything on its path.

After a long time, Mr. Wales gazed at Alex. “Y– you aren’t– aren’t lying to me?” he asked in a stutter. His voice was inaudible and sounded hoarse.

Alex stared at his dumb face and smirked. “When you get to see my sister, you can ask her that.” she pointed the gun at him, and without a second wasted, she pulled the trigger and a bullet flew into Mr. Wales’s forehead.

“My daughter doesn’t need the blood of the man she called ‘father’ to stain her pretty hands,” Alex whispered before getting down from the top of the car.

Just as she was about to open her car door, she paused and ordered the few men around her.

“Drag his body back to prison. Leave him outside the gate with a note stuck to his chest.

‘A prisoner tried to escape, but a hunter accidentally shot him. A witness saw it all and sent the lifeless body back’.

“Write that on the note,” Alex instructed.

One of the men looked up at the sky and then said; “It’s about to rain. Won’t the note get washed away?”

“That’s the point”. With that said Alex got into her car and zoomed out of the area.

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