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Friday, October 18, 2024
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At another end of the City, Pink was seen dining with Yellow, after cutting her steak, Yellow asked: “What’s going on, boss?”

“What do you mean?”

“You’ve been acting weird lately. You’ve ki||ed five high-profile people, including Lela, and that wasn’t a mission given by the Master, so what are you up to and why don’t you let us get involved?”

Pink ate the food in her spoon and continued to eat other things on the table without answering. Seeing this, Yellow sighed.

“You know, you can trust me, right?” She asked.

“I trust my girls.”

“Then why are you carrying this burden alone? You are not a lone wolf, you have a powerful family, Us! So why are you endangering your life?” Yellow knew what Pink was doing because she wasn’t trying to cover her tracks at all. It felt like she was intending to catch some people’s attention.

“You see,” Pink thought about it for a while. She wasn’t sure if it was ideal to get Maverick’s force involved in her troubles. Soon, she decided against it. Getting them involved would endanger her daughter’s and grandson’s life and she doesn’t want that. “…Just leave it be, Ashley. I’m treading on danger and the last thing I want is to get you all involved. It will be more appreciated if you look after Jeslyn and Valen.”

Yellow lowered her head. ‘Ashley…’ When was the last time someone called her that? She had forgotten she used to bear that name until now. She took a deep breath and continued to eat in silence. Pink glanced at her and also sighed. The table was suddenly filled with loneliness as both parties got lost in their inner struggles.

After the meal, Pink started to clear the table. It was her duplex villa, a place she never thought she would be staying anytime soon.

Yellow watched her enter the kitchen before she got up and went to the sitting room. The room was devoid of life and color. One wouldn’t be wrong if they called it a cemetery– two black sofas on a gray rug. No TV, the light in the sitting room was dim, nude paint on the wall, and so on. It was just too tasteless for anyone to live in. It was simply too depressing.

“Boss, this house is very depressing. Jeslyn might want to pay you a visit one day and seeing this wouldn’t sit well with her. When are you going to change the interior?”

Hearing that, Pink froze. That’s right, she hadn’t thought of that and now that she was reminded, she’ll have to do something immediately but certainly not in this house. Her enemies already know she lives here. It would be better to buy a new house.

“You are right. I should do something about it sooner…Eh, help me contact the housing company. Choose a decent house, I’ll send the money into your account. Buy the house in Jeslyn’s name and–”

“Now, now, Pink, get your @zz right here and tell me what the f_ck is going on. Don’t you dare tell me otherwise because I’ll f_ck you up if you hide anything from me anymore!”

Pink was shocked and stood rooted in her spot. She blinked a few times as she looked at the angry woman in front of her. It’s been a long time since she saw Yellow this angry and Ashley had never spoken to her in this manner before.

“You, you just broke a rule…”

“I don’t give a f_ck if you’ll punish me later, but you are going to tell me what the problem is, else watch how I get Jeslyn involved!” She folded her arms on her chest with a brow raised, waiting to hear the story that Pink has been buckling up.

Pink sighed and walked to the sidebar, picked out two glass cups, and filled them with strong alcoholic drinks before she headed back and passed one glass to Yellow.

Yellow accepted it and placed it on the glass table in front of her, staring at Pink who was taking sips from hers.

Pink didn’t know how to start telling her story. She’d always been the type that doesn’t involve people in her matters or tell people about her suffering.

“Jeslyn is my daughter.” She looked at Yellow and saw she wasn’t surprised. “You already knew?”

“You were too obvious enough for me to catch up.”

“Since when did you find out?”

“Prison. You protected her like a mother hen would their chick. When she left, you started to pester Rex to get us out. When we came out, you were over-caring and started to show defiance to the Master, probably because you blamed him for marrying your daughter and getting her mixed up in a bigger mess. You had no problem taking out people when Master didn’t order a ki||. These days, you personally take up missions that are related to Jeslyn and her past, so, I forced Jeslyn’s Nanny to spill the beans.”

“How did you get that stubborn woman to tell you anything?”

“We lived together for some months and I observed she loved Jeslyn too much for her own good, so I thr_@tened her with Jeslyn’s safety.”

Pink shook her head helplessly, then asked: “The others, have they found out too?”

“Not sure. I have been with you the longest and I know you a little too much.”

Pink gulped down a mouthful of drink before she started to tell the story: “My child has no idea that most of what happened to her and my family was my fault…”

After Pink explained everything, including the organization, she laid back on the sofa.

“You mean, you were a member of the half-heart organization?”

Pink nodded slowly.

“Then, Jeslyn is a member too?!” This caught Yellow aware. She couldn’t believe that her little bunny was a part of that ‘mentally ill’ set of people.

Pink sighed. “She’s not supposed to be a legitimate member since she was no longer pure but for some reasons, the Doyenne wants her by all means and doesn’t care whether she’s pure or not.”

Yellow stayed silent for a while before saying: “Jeslyn is beautiful. Half-heart organization have an obsession for beauty, I guess that’s why?”

Pink shook her head. “It’s deeper than that.” She looked at Yellow, “Those people are doing something big and unholy. My daughter cannot be a part of that conspiracy.”

“Is that why you are ki||ing off the members you can?”

“They need to find me and take me back. That way I can protect my daughter.” Pink said with a heavy tone.

“No, Pink, that’s too dangerous. Why not get the master involved? Your daughter is his most beloved wife.”

“He’s battling with the Dark Age at the moment. He’s been trying to find their location for years, which was one of the reasons he keeps provoking them so they’d call for him. I’m sure he found something again this time.”

“Right, it was he who sent me your address. He said there’s a mission for the girls.”

“I’ll see him tomorrow. By the way, don’t tell Jeslyn you saw me. I told her I traveled… how is she?”

“She seems to be fine, except she’s causing trouble for her enemies.”

“How so?”

Yellow smiled, “Little bunny has been provoking a wave recently. The entertainment industry has been a little too quiet lately and Rex is not liking it.”

“How is Rex involved?”

“As you know, he’s the owner of Fearless Entertainment. He has been creating trouble for Jeslyn rather than making her life easier. Some days ago, he fired one of the higher-ups and she died in a planned accident. Now, those who loved the woman are giving Jeslyn a hard time. With the way things are heading, there’ll be too much drama soon.”

Pink sighed and shook her head. “Rex is a headache, I hope he doesn’t get my daughter ki||ed.”

“Haha… Pink, that bastard Chen guy cannot be her father, right?” Yellow stared hard at her.

Pink clenched the glass cup in her hand and hardened her jaw before swallowing hard. A long and deafening silence filled the room and the atmosphere started to get awkward. Still, Yellow was patient as she waited for an answer.

“No,” she finally answered and downed her glass of alcohol all at once. She didn’t want to remember that man.

“I thought as much.” Yellow relaxed. She saw that Pink was not comfortable talking about Jeslyn’s father, so she didn’t bother going further with her questions.

To lighten the mood, Yellow dived into a completely different matter that solicited laughter from both girls.

Meanwhile, Jeslyn had woken up after the hardcore exercise with her husband that almost knocked her out. Looking at the time on her phone, she realized it was noon. Her lips twitched as she stared long and hard at the man sleeping beside her.

She promised to take Valen out but what is this? That child must have been raving mad by now. Hope he hadn’t turned the house upside down?

As Jeslyn was having an inner thought, Maverick snaked his hand around and waist and pulled her closer to himself. “You should sleep more, you are too tired for anything.” He said.

“Whose fault is it?”

“Mine,” he admitted.

She sighed and placed her head in his bare chest while drawing circles on his toned chest.

“Plum, Valen might be upset again. I promised to go on a date with him but this happened.” She sighed.

“Date?” Maverick frowned. Why did it sound like she was going on a date with another man? On second thought, he asked: “have we gone on a date?”

Jeslyn shook her head with a small smile.

“Why Valen?”

“Ah?… He’s my son, there’s nothing wrong with that, right? Besides, you haven’t gone on a date with him before… you are a bad dad.”

“Mm… I also haven’t gone on a date with you before… you’re a bad wife.”

Jeslyn gasped in amazement. “Mr. Lu, did you just say I’m a bad wife? Me?!”

Maverick hid his smile and tried to maintain a straight face. “Mn… and also…”

“My unromantic husband is telling me I’m a bad wife. Hah, some people in the world is blind now, ha!”

Maverick blinked. “Unromantic?”

“Are you?” She arched her brow in a challenging manner as her lips curled up in a victorious smile.

Maverick turned on his side and pressed her down to the bed.

“H– hey, Mr. Lu, d– don’t do that. You are cheating.” She panicked.

“Am I?” His lips curved into a smirk. “I haven’t done anything, have I?” He said while trailing a finger along her naked body.

“A– ah, wait, hold on, let me, let m– mmmm…”

Maverick was playing with her sensitive parts while staring into her eyes that were losing focus with pleasure and desire as he gently stroked her opening.

“Am I unromantic?”

“N–” her voice disappeared. This man will be the death of her.

“I heard nothing,” he dipped his finger into it.

“Ah… no!” She cried out as he hit her g. Spot without effort. He’s used to her body by now and understood the places he could stimulate to make her go wild and want more even though she was tired.

“Why did you think to say that in the first place?” He whispered before he trailed his tongue around her nip.

Jeslyn shivered and tried to say she was only messing around but her throat had gone dry and she couldn’t form coherent words.

Seeing his wife’s vulnerable state and how she was acting so cute and parting and closing her lips like a goldfish, Maverick couldn’t help but chuckle, then burst into a fit of laughter. His chest vibrates with every laugh.

“Plum! You–” Jeslyn pushed him off when he least expected it and got on top of him. “How could you cheat like that, you meanie!… Slap!” She slapped his chest with a pout.

“Hahaha… I wanted to prove something.” He rested his hands on her waist and closed her to lie on top of him.

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