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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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The next few days were peaceful in the mansion until Monday slowly crawled in; the day Valen would be going to school.

The child stood on his feet and watched as Jeslyn ran around to get things ready for his convenience in school.

“Child, don’t make trouble, and don’t fight in school.”

“Hmm” he replied sluggishly.

“Obey your teachers and… mmm…what else?”

“You have told me these things countless times already.” He retorted begrudgingly.

“That’s right. We should get going before you get late. I’ll drop you off.” Jeslyn smiled and kissed his forehead.

Valen snorted and started to walk forward. Seeing the way he was walking gallantly Jeslyn couldn’t help but shake her head. This boy, his legs had long gotten better but he refused to get off the wheelchair because she made mention of him starting school, that was what caused their fight last week.

She knows that the child is angry and doesn’t want to go to school but he has to. Private tutoring would deprive him of many things at this age.

Getting to the front of the school, Jeslyn watched him get down with two guards. However, he refused to take another step forward and just stood in his spot.

“Valen, others are going in, you should go too,” Jeslyn said through the wound-down-tilted window.

“Aren’t others going in with their parents?” He snorted and sneered.

Jeslyn chuckled. “I’ll only get down from this car on the condition that you’ll throw away that mischievous thought in your mind. You must promise not to cause trouble in school or make the principal put a call across to the house.”

Valen gritted his teeth and then responded. “Fine,” however, in his mind, there was another scheme brewing. She said he can’t cause trouble but never said he can’t instigate others to cause trouble.

With his straight face, Jeslyn thought she had won. Unbeknownst to her, she just created a silent disaster for the peaceful school.

She got down after wearing a face cap and mask. Holding Valen’s hand, they walked in the direction of the large bar gate that had heavy security guards with big guns.

Some children were already crying because they didn’t want to go to school, while others had blank or happy looks on their faces. Those who looked pompous couldn’t be separated from the types of students entering the school.

Once at the gate, a teacher would step out and take the student from their parents.

Jeslyn watched as Valen entered the huge school compound without looking back at her. She sighed while waiting there until his silhouette disappeared before she turned back and returned to the car.

“Ma’am, your phone has been ringing.” The chauffeur said.

“Oh, thank you,” Jeslyn replied before taking her phone out of her purse to see who called. It was Lolita.

Calling back, Lolita’s booming voice forced her to shift the phone away from her ear.

“Where did you drop your phone? I’ve been calling for ages.”

“You only called once.” Jeslyn retorted.

“Doesn’t make a difference. Check your email. I bet you haven’t. There must be a message for you too because Ruben and I just got ours a while ago.”


“Hey, don’t end the call. I need to know if you also got an invitation for the audition because Sparkle entertainment already made a foolish announcement about you on the platform. I’m sure Fearless Entertainment won’t want to offend them.”

Jeslyn opened her laptop that was sitting beside her and opened it to see a message notification. Opening it, there it was, an invite from Fearless entertainment. “They sent me an invite.”

“Woohoo! I was thinking if they didn’t, I’ll reject their invitation. It seems they have a strong backing to go against Sparkle entertainment.”

“I think so too. They are a startup company with just five years in the industry, yet, they’ve produced an outstanding artist like Toria amidst suppression. That’s a convincing factor that they aren’t a non-entity.”

“You are right. I’m about to go shopping for new stuff. I don’t want to attend the audition next week looking like an eyesore. See you!” Lolita ended the call.

After the call, Jeslyn thought of what else to do and an idea popped into her mind. It’s been a long time since she last heard from Emma and Ava. She opened her social media platform and saw that her 2000+ fans had dwindled to 500+ and signed.

“This account is dead anyway. It’s time I create another account.” She murmured. However, before she closed the account, she saw the news on her ex manager and one other artist who used to be Christine’s Voice artist at Delly entertainment.

According to the news, Manager Miles and the lady had resigned from Delly entertainment and followed Christine to Country M as her Manager and assistant (voice artist) but unfortunately, the voice artist was not fit to be Christine’s assistant at Sparkle Entertainment, so she was sent away. But due to her dilemma in Country M, she was unfortunate to encounter mobs. However she refused to give them what they wanted, so they ki||ed her and still made away with her belonging.

“Hehe… ‘encountered mobs and resisted, so she got ki||ed’ or she was deliberately ki||ed to conceal the secret that Christine can’t sing.” Jeslyn snorted. Too bad, her enemies are just ki||ing themselves without her needing to do anything. What a pity. She sighed and continued with her initial purpose.

Opening Emma’s chat, her last seen was a week ago. And there’s no message from her. She checked on Ava. Same thing, Ava was last seen five days ago. Jeslyn flattened her lips, thinking of what reason would make them go offline for so long but decided to overlook it. There’s no news from Rose City that said anything happened to them, so she thought it might be that they were taking a break from social media.

As she was about to delete the account, she saw a message from Chen Wales among other piles of unread messages from fans/h@ťěrs. “Huh, is this not Christine’s father? Is he on Chatme app now? I thought he detested social media?” She scrolled on her screen and saw more than a thousand messages attached only to his name.

“What!!! Does he send one message every two seconds? What’s with this plenty of messages? Who will read them?” As she lamented, she read the first ten or so messages.

‘We didn’t raise you to become like this. You got married to one of the Lu family’s sons and you didn’t bother to tell him about your father. You are unfilial!’

‘The company is not progressing after so long, introduce me to Mr. Maverick.’

‘Your stepmother is dead. She died in a fire that happened in the house. I’m sure the ki||er is you. Do you really have to be so callous?!’

‘If you want to break ties, you should compensate me for providing for you all these years and also ki||ing my wife, your stepmother, else I’ll sue you!’

‘Jeslyn, why aren’t you replying to my messages?’

‘I’m still your father! You have no other father!’

‘Are you aware that the man you married is a ki||er? It’s for your own good. I’m telling you this so that you should return home.’

‘Although I told you to return home, you should only leave after you are pregnant so that you won’t be leaving empty-handed. The money you get from him can then be used to support the company. Once your baby becomes an adult and has the talent of his father, I’ll hand him the company.’

‘Reply to my messages and get your husband to help me, or else, I’ll tell him what you did on your 18th birthday with a stranger. Not only that, the secret nobody told you, I’ll tell him that too.’

‘Believe me, he’ll ki|| you when he finds out you’ve been deceiving him.’

‘Jeslyn, don’t think you can wash yourself off the Chen blood in you. You are part of the family, so you are mandated to help the company!!’

Jeslyn stopped reading and sighed deeply. “This man… what a father indeed.”

She immediately deleted her account and set aside her laptop before placing the back of her head on the headrest, thinking about the past and trying to remember if there was a time her father was ever kind to her.

Searching her memory, she shook her head and sighed again. There was never a single time he was nice to her in both words and actions. Although at that time, she didn’t count it as anything because she believed that was his way of showing he loved her but now, after what he had done and these messages, she came to understand that he never did.

There was no remorse, no apology for what he did to her and he even had the guts to thr_@ten her. Alright then, let’s see how he’s able to keep that company.

Jeslyn picked up her phone and dialed Spid’s number. After it was answered, she resumed: “Hey Spider, I’ll be quick. My husband told me that the Chen company in Rose City belongs to him now. I want to get the company back from the Caretaker, Mr. Chen… Also, send him to life imprisonment…

You should find some good crimes that would nail him to prison forever without parole. Yes, you can accuse him of ki||ing my mother, my grandfather, or even his wife and child, wh@ťěver it might be. Just don’t let him have freedom anymore.

Also, help me find people to take care of him in prison but don’t let him die. I’ll pay him a visit someday. Yes. Thank you.” She smiled evilly as she put her phone down.

“None of you shall survive my wrath!” She enunciated with narrowed eyes.

At Sparkle entertainment, Christine walked into the CEO’s office with Manager Miles behind her as her assistant.
Sitting on the CEO’s seat was Young Master Wu. He raised his head when his door was opened and when he saw who it was, he put down his pen and waited for her to sit in front of him.

“You are here,” he said.

“You said my debut song is ready but you haven’t found me a voice artist, yet you ki||ed my old voice artist.” She frowned a little.

“You don’t have to worry about that. The preparation is almost ready. My assistant has gone to Fearless entertainment to seek to take back your voice artist.”

“Will fearless Entertainment allow it?”

“Why won’t they? Just do your own part and I’ll handle the rest.” He got up from his seat and walked around the table to stand beside her. Pulling her up, leaned in to kiss her but Christine ducked.

“Young Master, I’ll take my leave now before other artists walk in. There’ll be too much trouble then.” She said and turned around to leave but Young Master Wu hugged her from the back and pressed his erection on her.

“Feel that? You should make it sleep.” He whispered to her ears.

Christine gasped when she felt the bulge. What kind of a shameless person did her sister Introduce her to?! She gritted her teeth. With no other choice, she made eye contact with Assistant Miles to leave the office.

Assistant Miles did as told but there was worry laced on her face. The Young Master turned Christine around by the shoulder and sat on the chair that Christine was sitting on before.

He unhooked his belt and zipped open his trousers and brought out his rod. “Go on,” he responded, waiting for her to go on her knees.

Christine turned her face away in disgust. She had never done bathroom activities before but she wasn’t a dummy to it. She knew what she was supposed to do right now but couldn’t see herself putting that big thing in her mouth. The thought of it almost made her dry heave.

“I can’t wait here all day!” He snapped at her in irritation. This was the first time after a week of knowing her, that he had asked her to do something for him, yet she was making disgusted faces. Is she saying he is disgusting?

His snap woke her from her small world and she went down on her knees. She slowly lowered her head to his length with tears gathering in her eyes. As she was getting closer to it, she suddenly paused and bolted up.

“I– I can’t do this, I’m sorry.” She turned around and was ready to run out when his words came like a bolt of lightning, Smsshonv her world and dreams into smithereens.

“If you take a step out of this office, not only will your secret be on this evening’s headlines, my Wu family shall give full support to the Xu family to get your sister thrown out of her position as the Yu family’s head. Guess what happens next? All your deeds will be brought to the public’s eyes.”

Christine gritted her teeth in frustration and balled her fists tightly by her sides as powerlessness slowly washed over her. She h@ťěs her sister for making this arrangement, however, she doesn’t want her sister to suffer or be thrown out of her position because she didn’t want to suffer or become her enemies’ targets. Most of all, she still needs her sister’s influence to get to Maverick.

As she thought of that, she started to imagine Young Master Wu to be Maverick and returned to him. Without being forced, she went on her knees and held it, then opened her mouth and covered the length with her mouth.

While such activity that would probably lead to Christine losing her virginity was taking place in the CEO’s office, The CEO’s Assistant could be seen in Fearless entertainment’s audition center.

He was standing by the door as he watched the singers on stage making their debut. After the singer left, wearing a white flowery gown walked onto the stage with her face veiled.

Just as she started her performance and had sung two lines, Assistant Mark barged in and the people he brought along hurriedly went to interrupt the cameras that were recording the audition for the world to see. It was an open audition,

“What are you doing, Mark?” One of the organizers questioned.

“What can your small eyes see that I’m doing?” He retorted with a smirk.

“You can’t publicly steal an artist from us. You are trespassing.”

“Oh? But she isn’t your artist yet, so?”

“Mark, don’t you think this is too much? Why not allow the artist to make her own decision?” Another, a middle-aged man joined in.

“I’m certain she won’t be choosing your company–”

“Who said that?” Jeslyn finally intervened.

“Oh, Young Miss, I think you should come with me and have that discussion with my boss. He’s personally interested in your voice and would love to have a collaboration with you. I’m very sure you’ll find the offer intriguing.” Assistant Mark smiled.

“I’m not–” Jeslyn paused when she remembered what Rex told her some time ago. Sparkle entertainment was looking for a talented voice artist for Christine. ‘Oh lord! What a wonderful gift you have given me. I’ll never doubt your love again!’ she thought. “I’ll come with you, but first, you have to tell me what agency.” She pretended like she had no clue.

“Sparkle Entertainment. Heard of that, right?”

“Indeed. Alright, let’s go but you’ll have to let me carry out a blind audition here instead.”

A blind audition was supposed to be for the judges to not make biased judgments based on a singer’s look but the blind audition that Jeslyn was talking about was to go incognito for the audience watching this show live. She was only going to compete with her voice.

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