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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Jeslyn returned home to see Maverick waiting in the parking lot with his back turned to her and his phone on his ear. Getting out of the car, she skipped towards him and hugged him from behind.

“Plum, I’m back.”

He ended the call and turned around. “Mn, you did well.” He lowered his height and kissed her on the forehead.

“Oh, you already knew. The guards told you?” Doesn’t that mean that the fun has been ruined? She pouted. Anyway, forget it. My husband will help me win effortlessly. Who cares about shame and righteousness? That woman doesn’t deserve a fair play. She thought.

He shook his head and his eyes shifted to the ring on her finger before he looked back at her face. “No one told me…” he paused and changed the topic before she asks him how he knew. “When will you apply to your chosen agency?”

“I should be sending them an email today, Friday, and be expecting a reply next week Monday. What do you think?” She asked while buttoning up his exposed chest. His body is too attractive and none should be left for other women, including the maids to look at.

He pulled her to his chest by her waist. “Wh@ťěver works for you… I’ll be traveling for a few weeks.”

“To where?” She panicked.

Her reaction didn’t escape Maverick’s comprehension. “You don’t want me to go?”

“No…I mean…that’s not it.” She sighed. “I’m not quite used to living here without you.” She flattened her lips. The war that happened here some time ago traumatized her and she’s scared it might happen again.

Maverick kissed the middle of her head. “Don’t worry, no one will cause trouble on my behalf. The Country is peaceful too. You can go out as you want now.”

“Really?!” Her eyes sparkled– how she missed going shopping and touring places.

Maverick gazed at her dotingly. Whenever he sees Jeslyn, he sees little Rossa. Which is why he never treats her like an adult. She’s his childhood sweetheart. He gently caressed her hair and nodded. “Mn.”

Jeslyn’s cheeks turned scarlet as butterflies danced excitedly in her stomach. This man treats her the best and she loves it. She wrapped her hands around his waist and hugged him tightly. “Sugar plum, promise you won’t break my heart.”

Maverick didn’t know where that was coming from but hugged her back and responded: “I promise.”

“Will you fall into any trap like that of Vera’s again?”


“Will you stay for a whole day without calling Valen and me?”

“No,” Maverick couldn’t say Yes, even though he knew that where he was going might require him to not call anyone. He didn’t want to see his Rossa getting worried.

“When will you be coming back?” She asked.

Maverick stayed silent for a long while before he flattened his lips and slowly caressed her cheeks. “I can’t say when I’ll return.”

“Huh?” Jeslyn frowned. “What do you mean?”

“I’ll be back soon.” He didn’t tell her anything else and only hugged her tightly.

Code 2 and Code 10 who weren’t far from the two turned to look at each other and Code 10 sighed.

“Madam seems to be deeply attached to Master. What happens if the place suddenly stops working with Master locked inside?” Code 10 asked out of pure curiosity.



A sound slap landed on the back of his round head.

Looking at Code 2 to understand why he would slap his head, the latter gave him a death stare.

“Go wash your mind. It’s too filthy.” Code 2 replied with disdain.

“Bro, that hurt.”

“I intended for it to hurt.”

“But honestly, I’m just being realistic. Accepting those people’s invitation after ki||ing Judge scares me. What if they don’t allow Master to return? What if–”

Code 2 turned his head to look at him and asked; “10, do you miss the red room so much?”

Hearing that, Code 10 took a step back. Definitely not! Who wants to be in that red room!?

*Rose City’s Bo family…*

Youan was seen entering the family house of the Bo Manor. However, the minute she stepped into the sitting room, a loud and angry voice stopped her in her spot.

“What are you doing here again?! Didn’t I tell you that I don’t ever want to see you in my Bo family’s home anymore?! Turn back and return to your house this instant!!”

Youan’s smile froze and her lips slowly turned downwards. Madam Bo used to love her the most when she was still a Celebrity but now, she detests her like one would h@ťě their enemy.

Ever since that incident with that stranger at the mall, different media houses published the incident. When things were heating up on the internet, different celebrities– those she knows and those she doesn’t know, came out to testify against her. They called her a bully who should never be a public figure.

Bullying is a controversial topic and no one likes it. So the moment short clips of her bullying people started to surface on the internet, including the old videos that were once taken down, those who were traumatized by bullies in the past all came out to release their frustration on her. Water armies from nowhere blew the matter out of proportion and a petition to boycott her was launched. It affected the Company and the management canceled her. Ever since, no other Agency agreed to sign a contract with her.

At first, after her career was ruined, Madam Bo welcomed her with open hands but a few weeks later, she started to change. She knew the reason why. It was because Master Bo was running for office and she was helpful as a celebrity that helped promote the family and sold the Bo family to the public and good people.

Because of her, Master Bo got lots of followers but after she became useless, the family sidelined her. Only her fiance still treated her nicely and for him, she was willing to dive into the family even though nobody likes her anymore.

“Mother,” Youan called.

“Servants! Throw this unfortunate w!tch out of this house!”

As the servants were approaching, Youan panicked and started to scream hysterically: “Ma, please, don’t do this! Ma, hear me out! Madam Bo…!”

The servants threw her out and closed the door. Youan broke down outside the door and started to cry. She regretted that day at the mall. If she could relive the past, she would have stayed in her house on that day and not gone anywhere.

After a long time passed, she got up and headed to her car. Her intention was to go to her fiance’s house and wait for him there. When he returns, she would try to see if she could get pregnant this time. In a situation like this, only pregnancy can help her. If she’s pregnant, the family would be forced to accept her if they still want the Master to continue running for office.

She entered her car and drove to her fiance’s home. On entering the room, she heard some weird voices coming from the bedroom, so she ran in, only to be met with a heart-shattering scene of her fiance and her best friend riding on cloud nine in a feist manner.

“Ahhhh!” She screamed in rage, grabbed wh@ťěver her hand could touch, and flung it to them on the bed.

The two were too shocked when the scream came, so they didn’t react in time and the object Youan threw landed on her fiance’s head.

“Hmmm!” She groaned in pain before he fell on the lady he was on and passed out.

Seeing the blood pumping out of the side of his head, Youan froze.

“Ahhhhhh!” Youan’s friend screamed in horror at the sight of the blood.

Youan regained her senses. However, instead of helping her fiance to the hospital, she turned and ran out in fright, leaving her best friend to handle the matter. She didn’t even wait to know if he died or not.

Getting into her car, she started the engine with shaking hands and zoomed out at full speed.

Meanwhile, in court…

Lawyer An and another lawyer had presented their arguments and were waiting for the judge to pass his judgment.

This was the fifth case he was handling in a year, starting with Chairman Lee’s case. And he had made a vow to himself that after this, if he lost again, he’d quit being a lawyer to take a break for some years.

His ego wouldn’t allow him to keep getting humiliated in court. This particular case wasn’t difficult to handle. It was a case of a cheating husband. The wife who caught her husband cheating and wanted a divorce, came to him when the husband was adamant about divorcing her because he didn’t want to share his property in half.

Before Lawyer An took the case, he made sure there was enough evidence to prove the man guilty. So, he was a thousand percent sure that he would win this case.

Honestly, to Lawyer An, this case was a waste of time for him. It wasn’t challenging at all. Even the lawyers under him wouldn’t care to handle minor cases like this but because he wanted to break wh@ťěver ‘spell’ was making him lose repeatedly after Chairman Lee’s case, he decided to start from square one. Reason he made the vow.

Waiting with rapt attention with his breath hitched in his throat to hear the verdict, the Judge began:

“On September 19, 20XX, Mrs. Rhoda Ren filed an adultery case against her husband, Mr. Louis Ren. The Court finds that there has been service of summons as provided by law, that Mr. Louis Ren and Mrs. Rhoda Ren appeared personally at the hearing, and both parties were not represented by counsel.

The Court also finds that Mrs. Rhoda Ren has been a resident of Rose City for 10 years and prior to the filing of the complaint, she had no criminal records and had been a law abiding citizen and the Court has full jurisdiction to determine this case which both parties must abide by…”

“…The parties were married in Rose City on December 20, 20XX, and no child is present in the marriage, nor is the wife pregnant.
The Court, after listening to both parties and going through the pieces of evidence provided, finds that the cheating allegations leveled on Mr. Louis Ren by his wife, Mrs. Rhoda Ren are not proven to be facts but based on hearsay and suspicions.

The Court hereby decrees that a divorce between Mr. Louis Ren and Mrs. Rhoda Ren is not granted and the marriage relationship existing between the parties is still intact!

Mrs. Rhoda Ren is hereby fined a sum of $20,000 to be paid to her husband for defamation of character…”

Even after Lawyer An left the court, he wasn’t in his right mind. He was so shattered that he could hear the pieces of his ego and pride falling after him.

As he walked, he could see from the corner of his eyes, people he used to be greater than, laughing and mocking him.

He, the greatest Lawyer in Rose City, suddenly became a laughingstock. Is this karma for what he did to Jeslyn?

Remembering Jeslyn, Lawyers An suddenly stopped walking and looked up at the bright sky. He squinted his eyes due to the dazzling sun.

His mind traveled back to Jeslyn’s void expression when he nailed her to jail. He recalled her words of surrender. She didn’t try to fight, nor did she curse anyone. She accepted her fate with dignity. That was the girl he watched grow up. That was the same Young Miss who used to serve him by herself when he goes to see her grandfather and she would set aside a takeaway for his family.

Why did he forget all that? When she needed him the most, he abandoned her. Instead of being her protector, he became her nemesis.

“Hahahaha… Chairman Lee, karma indeed is a b!tc–”


Hearing the loud beeping of a car’s horn that probably came too late, Lawyer An turned his head to his left and saw the white car from his peripheral vision. He wasn’t able to fully turn before his heart flew out and he felt himself flying in the air.

The whistling sound of the wind prevented him from hearing anything else. His eyes were focused on the sky. He couldn’t squint his eyes anymore.

Time seemed to have stopped for a moment before the law of gravity took control and he was mercilessly thrown on top of another car.

Due to the speed of the car, Lawyer An rolled off and fell like a sack of grain on the road.

As blood ceaselessly gushed out of his orifices, Lawyer An was only able to hear distinct noises coming from pedestrians as his senses presumed before his eyes dimmed and watched in agony as his soul was violently pulled out of his body. A terrifying scream tore through his throat. Before his soul finally departed from him, he thought; ‘What a pitiful way to die,’ before everything went blank.

Meanwhile, the white car didn’t stop after hitting Lawyer An in front of the Court. Youan was so frightened that her mind and hands on the steering were unstable. Her heart was beating so loudly in her chest that she was scared it would jump out.

She could hear the siren of police cars chasing her. She burst into tears as she stepped on the accelerator, breaking the safe speed for the residential road she was taking.

Tears clouded her vision and she could no longer see ahead of her. However, she continued to step on the accelerator with the thought of cutting into the highway in front of her.

She successfully got to the highway. However, instead of looking to see if there was any vehicle before she cuts in, Youan couldn’t wait because the Police vehicles were catching up.

She drove into the road and unfortunately for her, a trailer was coming from her side at full speed.



The accident was so horrible that if Youan had survived, it would have been in the headlines for at least a month.

Jeslyn was browsing through the internet when she accidentally saw the news from Rose City. She clicked on it and after seeing it was the death of two people she detested, she scrolled through.

Did she feel sad? No. Did she think about it for a moment? Absolutely not. It was like she never knew those people.

A moment later, Jeslyn paused and frowned. “I have changed.” She murmured to herself.

How could two people she used to know die so horribly, yet she felt nothing? She placed her palm on her chest. “It’s still beating, so I still have a heart…” She affirmed.

Later she shrugged her shoulders. “Maybe I Don’t feel for them because they aren’t worth my sympathy.” She consoled herself.

Even though she knew she was displaying characteristics of heartlessness, she refused to believe that she was finally succumbing to her villainous side.

Meanwhile, Damien was seen in a garden smoking and drinking with naked girls caressing and doing things to his body, yet his mind was only thinking about what was going on in the outside world.

After Emilee passed out under his choking, he left the island and returned to the organization to seek help with the ATOM in him. However, the organization wouldn’t help him. Although they told him that they don’t have a cure for the virus, Damien refused to believe it.

He heard that Emilee met up with Maverick in his company, but he couldn’t find out what they discussed. ‘What could that be?’ The more he thought, the more confused he became.

Just when his mind was about to focus on a theory he was working on, he felt his little brother in someone’s mouth. He hissed and looked down. It was a young and cute girl.

She reminded him of Vera. Thinking about Vera, His heart bloated with anger and he grabbed the girl by the neck. “I gave you a simple task to ruin that couple but you failed. You are worthless!”


Damien snapped her neck and threw her limp body aside, then placed his leg on her.

The ladies returned to what they were all doing before they were interrupted.

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